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Furever Always (Furever Series)

Page 18

by Meredith Clarke

  Bryce opened his mouth to speak, but Lani shook her head roughly. She glared at him, all her patience gone.

  “I’ve explained myself enough,” she said. “I need to get back to work. The guests are waiting.”

  With that, Lani spun around and faced away from Bryce. She was fuming while she waited for him to leave the bar. He didn’t move for a few seconds. Lani could feel his eyes on the back of her neck, but she refused to turn around.

  “Can I get a beer?” a guest asked from a few feet away.

  Lani sighed and smiled. At that moment, that random guest was her favorite person in the world. She hurried forward to get him his beer. When she handed it to him, he thanked her and disappeared. She glanced behind her to see that Bryce had finally left. She closed her eyes and let the relief wash over her.

  Immediately, another guest came over to order a drink. When Lani finished making that drink, another guest was waiting in the wings. For what felt like hours, Lani poured drink after drink. The night was picking up. More guests were beginning to take refuge in the bar, and Lani loved it. She knew Bryce wouldn’t have a chance to talk to her again until the end of the night.

  “So,” Beth said when they got a short break. “What was that all about?”

  “What?” Lani asked with a frown. She’d been so busy that all thoughts of Bryce had been driven from her mind.

  “Bryce,” Beth explained. “He was pissed. What the hell did you do to him?”

  “Oh that,” Lani rolled her eyes. “Nothing. He was just being a jealous little shit.”

  “Jealous of what?” Beth asked.

  “That guest,” Lani said with a shrug. She tried to sound casual, but Beth could tell she wasn’t being truthful.

  “The one you like?” Beth asked.

  “I don’t…” Lani began, but Beth cut her off with a look.

  “Bryce’s not here, girl,” Beth said. “And you don’t have to lie to me.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing, Beth,” Lani admitted. “It’s a mess. This whole situation is so screwed up.”

  “I warned you,” Beth said with a shake of her head. “I told you to stay away from that boy.”

  “I know,” Lani sighed. “I know you did.”

  “What did Bryce say?” Beth asked.

  Lani looked at her sadly and rolled her eyes again. A guest came over and ordered a drink. Lani made it quickly before she returned to her conversation with Beth.

  “He just went off,” Lani said. “He grabbed my arm, like really hard, and yelled at me. He lost his freaking mind.”

  “He grabbed you?” Beth asked. She raised her eyebrows and whistled softly. “Damn.”

  “Yeah,” Lani nodded. “It was insane. I’ve never seen him act like that before.”

  “Me neither,” Beth said. “When I saw him talking to you, I was sure you were getting tossed.”

  “I was afraid of that myself,” Lani admitted. “But I don’t think he was mad about the rule.”

  “What do you mean?” Beth asked.

  “It’s like I said,” Lani explained. “He was acting really jealous. I don’t think he wanted to fire me… I think he wants to date me.”

  “Well, duh,” Beth said with a laugh. “Are you just now realizing that?”

  “No,” Lani admitted. “I’ve been trying to ignore it all this time, but I guess now I can’t.”

  “Girl, you’re going to have to let him down,” Beth said. “And fast. Otherwise, all of this is just going to get worse.”

  “I know,” Lani said. “But I shouldn’t have to, you know? He’s my boss. He shouldn’t put me in this position.”

  “And you shouldn’t be canoodling with the guests, either,” Beth pointed out.

  “I’m not canoodling him!” Lani exclaimed. She glared at Beth.

  “Whatever you say,” Beth laughed. “But if you aren’t canoodling him, you want to be, and that is bad enough.”

  Lani shook her head and turned her attention back to the guests. She went to work mixing drinks and taking orders. As the minutes flew by, she tried to put Beth’s warning behind her, but she couldn’t. Beth’s words ran around and around in her head until they were all she could think about.

  Deep down, Lani knew Beth was right. What her situation with Cash and Bryce was becoming was too complicated, but she didn’t know how to extract herself from it. Bryce was her boss, and she needed her job. Cash was her guest, and that meant she wasn’t supposed to date him in the first place. Just sexually thinking about Cash was against the rules, but actually sleeping with him… She already crossed that line multiple times.

  While she worked, Lani tried to imagine ending things with Cash, but it broke her heart every time. She thought about seeing him that night and telling him they were over, that they couldn’t continue the way that they were, but she didn’t think she could bring herself to do it. She wanted to be in a relationship with Cash, however, at that point, she wasn’t even sure they had a relationship. Things between them had moved so quickly, but it all seemed to feel so right. Cash told her she meant more to him than just a few hookups, but how true was that? Was he just telling her what he thought she wanted to hear? Or, did he really have feelings for her?

  Lani’s gut told her Cash wasn’t lying. She could feel how much he wanted her when they were together. Just the look in his eyes when they kissed was enough to convince Lani that Cash’s feelings were real. She knew he wasn’t lying to her. She knew he wasn’t playing games with her heart. Cash wanted her in a real, big way. No amount of second guessing could convince Lani otherwise.

  And Lani’s feelings for Cash were just as strong. It happened so fast that Lani almost didn’t realize it, but she’d fallen for Cash. Hard. He was all she thought about. She wanted to see him every second of every day, and there was nothing she could do to change that. Bryce’s feelings for her would complicate things and working for the resort would complicate them even more, but Lani couldn’t bring herself to care.

  No matter what the consequences might be, Lani knew she wanted to be with Cash. In whatever way possible, for however long she could, Lani would be with Cash. Consequences be damned.

  Chapter 18


  Cash had barely taken two steps when he heard Lani’s voice ring out above the crowd. He was so in tune with her that he would have been able to hear her from a mile away. He smiled when he heard her, turning to see where she was, but the smile faded from his lips almost immediately.

  “It’s nothing,” Lani said. She was standing behind the bar talking to Bryce. Cash couldn’t see Bryce’s face, but he could see Lani’s. She was staring at Bryce deeply. She was entirely focused on him. “He has a little crush on me, okay? I’ve been flirting back to get more tips. That’s all. We all do it.”

  Cash’s stomach tightened at her words. He blinked and sunk back into the shadows. He was half concealed in the hallway, but he strained his ears to hear the rest of Lani’s conversation.

  “Really?” Bryce asked. Cash could barely hear his voice. He took a step closer.

  “Yes,” Lani answered. Her eyes focused on Bryce’s. “I promise. He doesn’t mean anything to me. He’s just a random guest who seems to like me a little. I talk to him, pay extra attention to him, that kind of thing. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Nothing?” Bryce asked. Cash could hear the disbelief in his voice. “So, nothing has happened between you two?”

  “Of course, not,” Lani said. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Cash swallowed hard. “I wouldn’t do that. He’s just a guest. He doesn’t mean anything.”

  Cash fell back into the hallway, unable to listen anymore. His heart pounded painfully, and he could feel his face flush with anger. He felt angrier than he’d been in days and it hurt that Lani was the one to cause it. Just when he began to think she could really be the one, he found out it was all just a game to her.

  Cash’s body vibrated with anger and pain as he hid in the hallway. He thought about going
over to his clan members as he’d planned, but he couldn’t make his feet move. His heart was still pounding, and his hands were sweating. The last thing he wanted was for the guys to see him that way. He wanted to be strong for them and in that moment, he’d never felt weaker.

  All the times Cash slept with random women, he never thought about how they might feel about things. He used them. He fucked them and then left them behind, never stopping to make sure they were okay. As Lani’s words echoed in his mind, he wondered if he’d ever broken a heart like how he was now broken. He hated himself for the possibility that he could have caused anyone this much pain.

  For the last couple of days, Cash had been worrying about his future with Lani. He wondered if she would leave the resort with him. He even thought about staying behind just to be with her. Leaving the compound felt like such a small price to pay in exchange for being with Lani. Besides, he’d already thought about leaving the compound a thousand times before. He knew he couldn’t go back there without a mate, not after what happened between him and Reid.

  Cash couldn’t bear the thought of hurting another clan member. What he did to Reid still haunted him every day. Now, his past sexual exploits began to haunt him too. He realized that he and Lani had much more in common than he’d originally thought. She used people just like Cash used to. The only difference was, Cash truly believed Lani was different. He believed she could be the one to change his entire life.

  As Cash stood in the hallway, his anger began to grow. The pain he’d felt when he heard Lani’s words faded to the back of his mind. He didn’t have room for both emotions and, like always, his anger won out.

  With his face set, Cash shoved open the door of the supply closet and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from an open crate. He didn’t bother to check what kind he took. He didn’t care. At that moment, all he wanted to do was put as much distance between himself and Lani as possible.

  With the bottle in his hand, Cash hurried back down the hallway and into the bar. He didn’t stop until he made it all the way into the hotel lobby. His heart was still racing, and he could feel his body itching to turn. If dating an employee was against the rules at Bear Ridge, Cash didn’t want to think what would happen if he changed into a bear in the middle of the resort. He forced himself to remain calm.

  As Cash approached the elevators, he ran into Jackson and Asher. They were each holding hands with the girls Cash saw them with at the bar. The foursome looked happy and light-hearted as they smiled at Cash.

  “Hey!” Jackson said. “Cash, man, where you been? We’ve missed you!”

  “Dude!” Asher said. “You have to meet Tricia. Tricia, this is Cash. He’s the Beta of our clan.

  Tricia opened her mouth to speak, but Cash’s face made her change her mind. She glanced at Asher nervously, sliding slightly behind him. Cash wanted to feel bad for scaring her, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to be alone.

  “Nice to meet you,” he snapped. “This really isn’t a good time. I need to go.”

  Cash made a move to step around them, but Jackson blocked his way. He put his hand on Cash’s shoulder and stopped him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice low. “What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Cash growled. “Get out of my way, Jackson.”

  “Not until you tell me what’s up,” Jackson said. He looked at Cash with stubbornness in his eyes and Cash knew he wasn’t going to let up without a fight.

  Cash didn’t have it in him to explain things to Jackson and Asher. While they stood there with their mates on their arms, Cash’s heart was shattering into a million pieces. He couldn’t explain to them how much he already loved Lani or how hurt he was by what she’d done. He felt more out of control than ever, and he needed to be alone so he could calm down.

  “Back off, Jackson,” Cash growled. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Cash, you won’t hurt me,” Jackson said with confidence. “But tell me what’s going one. Let me help you.”

  Cash looked in Jackson’ eyes and considered telling him the truth. All his pain was perched on the tip of his tongue, ready to fly free. Cash opened his mouth to speak. He could feel tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Jackson’ girlfriend shifted by his side.

  Cash’s eyes flashed to her face, and he remembered why he couldn’t confide in Jackson. Not then. He didn’t want to cause them any ounce of unhappiness. No, Cash thought. He would deal with this alone like he always had. With a shake of his head, Cash shoved Jackson aside and hurried past him. He didn’t look back or slow down until he reached the elevators. As he stepped inside, he felt his heart rate begin to slow. He needed to be alone. No one could help him through this. Not Jackson. Not Asher. Not any of the guys. No one.

  Once he made it to his room, Cash popped open the bottle of whiskey and took a long drink. He let the whiskey slide down his throat and calm his nerves. After two minutes, he already felt better. He stopped sweating, and his body no longer felt the urge to shift. The more he drank, the more his senses dulled. Finally, after the bottle was half gone, he stood up and walked out onto his balcony.

  The cold night air whipped across his face and woke him from his stupor. He wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t entirely sober. Feeling the night air on his skin helped center him. His mind became clear, and he could finally think through everything that happened.

  He replayed his time with Lani in his mind, remembering every single detail. He pictured her face. Her smile. The way her eyes lit up when she saw him. He tried to reconcile those images with Lani’s words, but he couldn’t do it. Nothing Lani said to Bryce made any sense. Every word out of her mouth felt like a knife to Cash’s heart. Just thinking about them made him want to double over in pain.

  Cash took another sip of whiskey. He knew he needed to slow down or he would finish the bottle, but every time he pictured Lani’s face he felt a fresh wave of pain. His heart was no longer racing, but it ached with every beat. His body was trying desperately to reject its human emotions and force him to shift.

  Cash had enough control to fight the urge, but it became harder with each passing second. As he stood on his balcony, finishing the bottle of whiskey, he finally let a single tear roll down his cheek.

  Chapter 19


  The final minutes of Lani’s shift ticked by torturously slow. She checked the clock every few seconds, just waiting for the bar to close. Bryce had already left for the night, so nothing was stopping Lani from openly expressing her impatience. Every time a guest ordered another drink, she sighed loudly and hurried to fill their order. By the time the bar closed, she was itching with excitement.

  “Just go,” Beth said with a laugh.

  “What?” Lani asked as she wiped down a table.

  “You’ve been checking the clock every five seconds,” Beth said. “I know you have plans. Just go. I’ll finish up.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” Lani said with a shake of her head. “It’s too much to finish by yourself.”

  “What do you think I had done before they hired your ass?” Beth scoffed. “I can close this place in my sleep.”

  Lani considered Beth’s words, looking at her with a frown. She hated to leave Beth alone for cleanup duty, but she also couldn’t wait to see Cash. He promised he would meet her in the lobby, so all she had to do was run upstairs and change. If she hurried, their date could start in ten minutes. As Lani thought about it, a smile spread across the face. Beth rolled her eyes and jerked her head to the side.

  “Are you sure?” Lani asked.

  “Get out of here,” Beth said. “But remember, I warned you.”

  Lani grinned and ran out of the bar. She hurried upstairs and threw open the door to her room. When she stepped inside, she saw that her bed had been made. She smiled to herself. She knew Cash must have made it for her before he left earlier that day. It was a small thing, but it convinced Lani that she was making the right decision. Part of her was sti
ll afraid of Bryce’s threats, but she shoved that part aside and hurried into her closet.

  As she changed her clothes, Lani grew more excited. She didn’t know what Cash meant by “a real date,” but she couldn’t wait to find out. She thought about all the parts of the island Cash hadn’t seen yet. He’d been there such a short amount of time that there was no way he’d been able to explore Bear Ridge properly. She imagined showing him the volcanoes and flower fields that she loved so much. She thought about taking him to the underground river that always gave her chills. The island was so beautiful. She knew Cash would love to see the secret places she’d discovered.

  Finally dressed, Lani looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was down, falling over her shoulders. Her makeup was smudged and rushed, but she still looked good. She wore a tight red dress that would draw anyone’s eyes, especially Cash’s. Lani grinned and hurried out of the room. She made sure the door had closed behind her before she jogged to the elevator. Pushing the button, she stood back, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  When Lani finally stepped into the lobby, she was almost too excited to stand it. She couldn’t wait to see Cash. She was already thinking about kissing him again. It would take all her strength not to throw herself at him the second she saw him. She’d been waiting all night for this moment.

  Lani stopped in the center of the lobby and looked around. She glanced at the reception area, but Cash wasn’t standing at the counter. He wasn’t sitting in the comfortable chairs by the sliding glass doors or in the hallway that led to the gym. With a frown, Lani walked outside and glanced around her. Cash wasn’t on any of the benches or standing by the trees. She walked back inside and looked around for him again.

  Lani sighed and sat down in one of the comfortable chairs she’d checked earlier. Cash wasn’t in the lobby yet, but she knew he would be soon. She figured she would just sit and wait for him until he arrived. She thought he might have gone upstairs to change or that maybe he was with the guys from his clan. He didn’t know exactly what time Lani would get off work, so it made sense that he wasn’t there waiting for her.


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