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Furever Always (Furever Series)

Page 41

by Meredith Clarke

  He groaned, and she could tell he didn’t want to come yet. She didn’t want him to. She had never known a feeling like that before, hatred and desire. Wild and free. He kept fucking her hard and she watched him come apart with delight. She loved knowing that she still had that effect on him, the she made him scream and call her name, that she made him talk dirty. He bounced her on his cock. With every bounce, she begged him to come inside her, to fuck her harder, to not stop. Never stop.

  Aria was ten different kinds of confused. She hated Reid, but somewhere deep down inside of her, she still loved him. She wanted to be flooded with his essence, but she didn't want him to stop making love to her. She could hear the change in his breathing, feel his movements become jerky and uncoordinated, feel him get impossibly harder and longer. He thrust into her deep and then on a long, low growl, he held her close and filled her to the brim.

  They collapsed down on the lounge chair, Aria in Reid’s arms, and he wiped the sweat from her forehead with a gentle hand. She turned and looked at him, deep in his glittering eyes, and she whispered,

  “I still hate you, you know.”

  Reid lay his head down on the back of lounge and answered, “I know,” before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 14


  Reid woke up, the light of the moon creeping in through the slats of the cabana, and for a moment, he couldn’t for the life of him remember where he was. And then he looked over, and saw Aria lying next to him. She was so beautiful, so ethereal, and everything about her was somehow new. She wasn’t the same little girl he’d known and loved in high school. Aria was a bright and vibrant woman, and all he wanted to do for the rest of his life was touch her. And worship her. And love her.

  Reid woke up and couldn’t stop looking at his beautiful Aria… Now, while she was asleep, he gazed openly at her. Amazed that she could maybe be his again. He ran his finger down the bridge and over the tip of her cute little nose, then down over her soft, plump lips, still swollen from their lovemaking. He brushed over her rounded chin, down her neck and further down to her chest. Reid watched her breathing, the rise and fall of her bosom, and the delicate changes of her beautiful body. He lay his head over her heart and listened to it beat, swallowing a lump that formed in his throat.

  He felt her take a deep breath, and then suddenly, she woke up. Her fingers combed through his hair, relaxing him, soothing him. She pulled him closer to her, and he could hear her heartbeat quicken. Reid looked up at her; she was so beautiful. He rose up on his elbows, and kissed her forehead. Her hair smelled of lavender, soft and delicate. Next, he kissed her nose, then her lips. One kiss wasn't enough, so he kissed her again. Her lips parted with a sigh as he sunk into her. Slowly he kissed his way down between her breasts, pushing away the towel that he had thrown over them while they were sleeping. He chuckled, remembering the urgency of he’d felt to make love to her earlier. He wasn't in a hurry now. Now he wanted to spend all day and all night, showing her he still loved her.

  Reid kissed his way down her stomach. Taking his time, he dragged his tongue across her skin and swirled it around her navel. He blew on her skin, cooling the dampness he had left behind. She shivered so sweetly for him. The towel was long gone, leaving her gloriously naked under his gaze. Her golden tresses spread all about, her firm breasts, the soft curves of her belly, reminded him of Botticelli's Venus. She was a work of art, to be cherished and adored.

  He kissed her belly again, loving the way she gasped and sighed when he would give her an errant nip. Kissing his way down to her mound, he rubbed his face over her, loving the feel of her soft hair against his skin. Inhaling deeply, his bear chuffed, taking immense pleasure in their combined scents.

  Tenderly he widened her thighs. Starting at the inside of her right thigh, he gently kissed and nibbled his way to the crease. Being careful not to touch her core, Reid began the torturous routine on her left thigh. She was a mass of quivering flesh, biting her lip and moaning for him to put his mouth where she needed it. When he got to the V of her thighs, he rubbed his hand up and down her torso, warming her body. Gliding up and over her breasts, ignoring all the places Aria wanted him to touch.

  "Please Reid," she begged. Shaking and clawing at him.

  His face centered at her core, and Reid's eyes glittered with wildness as he flattened his tongue and licked her from back to front. With one slow, long, hard drag of his tongue, he shattered Aria's senses. Her head fell back, thudding softly against the blanket. Reid waited for her to hold his gaze again before her continued his assault on her sanity. He licked her again, growling this time at her sweet taste. His goddess. Her mouth opened with a silent scream, her hands firmly gripping his hair, urging him to push her over the edge.

  Not yet, he thought. They both needed to wait. They needed to be patient, because as she looked at him again, he wanted the image of him between her legs to be burned in her memory. Reid dragged his tongue hard against her flesh, flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves, then sucking her tantalizingly into his mouth. Aria screamed sharply, as she writhed, her hips twisting and jerking, her nipples hard and distended as she orgasmed. Reid gently kissed the inside of her thighs, content in his ability to please her.

  Before he could cover her body with his, she scooted over on the lounge chair so he could lay down beside her. She leaned over him, her hair falling forward, and kissed him. Tenderly explored his mouth. Aria kissed down his chin, his neck, down the center of his chest to lick and nibble his belly button, mimicking what he had done to her just minutes before. She kissed her way back up his torso to suck and swipe her tongue over his hard nipples. Reid moaned with pleasure and pulled her on top of him.

  Sitting up, as his hard length pressed between her molten center and against his muscled belly, Aria slid and rocked her hips. Reid hissed; if she kept this up he was going to spill. He wanted to be deep inside her when he came. Aria dug her sharp nails into his pecs as she gained momentum, sliding back and forth over him. Reid couldn't take it anymore, he needed to feel her heat surround him, needed to feel her clenching muscles grab and pull at him like a tight fist.

  He quickly positioned himself, seating himself deep inside her on her last downward glide. Aria hissed, going still to adjust to his invasion, her nails sinking deeper into his flesh. He was going to bleed, but it was oh, so worth it. She started moving, slowly, testing how deep she could take him. She became emboldened in her pleasure, sitting back, Reid watched as she rocked and swiveled her hips smoothly, guided by his tight grip on her hips.

  He kept his eyes on her as she leaned back, riding him, her nipples pointing skyward, her beautiful hair sweeping and swishing across her shoulders, and drifting across her perfect breasts. He was close, close to reaching his zenith. He wanted her with him when he peaked. Licking his thumb, Reid reached between Aria's legs and rubbed her clit. Holding on tight to his forearm, she rode him, her downward dips becoming more and more shallow.

  He could feel it. Feel her flesh shaking and quivering, hear her shuddering breaths, and knew that she was about to climax. Reid held her still as he lost control. The signs of her culmination brought on his own, and he plunged into her, stiffening and moaning as he emptied himself. They both screamed in unison as they came together, before Aria collapsed down on to his chest, her beautiful body causing a delicious heaviness that he wanted to feel for the rest of his life.

  Exhausted from hours of making love, they both drifted back into a deep, all-consuming sleep. Except Reid’s sleep was anything but dreamless. As soon as he closed his eyes, he was frenzied by nightmares, the kind of nightmares he hadn’t suffered since he’d first been turned into a bear shifter. Everything about the dream was disturbingly lucid, which made the events that transpired within it that much more upsetting.

  It is sunset, and he was with Aria on the beach. She looked beautiful in a pale blue dress, with her blonde hair in a braid, like when they were young, but her eyes reflect all of the maturity she’s ea
rned over their years apart. She smiled at him, and his heart melts. He knows she is everything he ever wanted, and there is no one else in the world that can fill that empty place in his heart.

  She is his mate. He knows it. The bear knows it. And for the first time in years, they are both content.

  He reaches out and touches her cheek, relishing the feel of her soft skin under his fingers. She is as perfect as he remembered, as he always dreamed. He is suddenly confident, brave, and powerful.

  “I’m not late, am I?”

  She smiles. “You can’t be late for forever.”

  That’s all the encouragement he needs.

  “Come back to Colorado with me. Come live with me there, and be mine forever. For real. We can make it work this time, Aria. I know it. You’re my world. You’re my heart.”

  She cries and takes his hand in hers. “Yes, Reid. A thousand times yes. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  He pulls her into his arms and goes to kiss her deeply, wanting to kiss her for the rest of his life.

  But then…

  The polar bear is there. He’s standing behind her, grinning. Cocky. Looking as if he’s waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal her away. And all at once, Reid is losing his mind. His anger is getting the best of him, and the bear is taking control. He shifts, quickly, faster than he does in real life. So fast, in fact, that he doesn’t have time to move away from Aria.

  His claws spring out, too close. Too close. He hears the sound of ripping flesh. His bear’s eyes focus in on Aria, and watch helplessly as the delicate skin on her chest splits in half. Blood everywhere. Aria is screaming. The polar bear is springing to her defense, tearing Reid to shreds. He deserves it. He takes it. He doesn’t fight back. He just whimpers as he watches the love his life take her last breaths on the beach, barely out of his reach

  Reid woke up, soaked in a cold, all-consuming sweat. He rolled over and looked at Aria, and all of the blood in his body stopped flowing. Every instinct inside of him was driven to protect her, to love her, to make sure no one ever harmed a hair on her perfect head. But what the hell was he supposed to when he was the one who could cause her harm? It was exactly the reason why he’d cut himself out of her life to begin with. There was no accounting for the whims of the bear, and what if he couldn’t control himself around her? If he hurt her for real, there was no way he’d be able to live with himself. It would literally kill him.

  He looked over at Aria one last time, and that was it. He knew what he had to do.

  I can’t put her through this. I can’t risk her life, just because I love her. I have to leave her, to save her, he thought as he carefully crawled to his feet, and dug around in the dark for his scattered clothing. He inched his way to the curtain, careful not to make any noise, and this time, he didn’t look back. Reid shut the curtain as quietly as he could, and once he’d tip-toed clear of the cabana, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him for his bungalow.

  Reid darted into his room, hoping the guys weren’t awake to see him. Then he started throwing all of his stuff back into his bag without stopping to fold or organize anything, despite his military training screaming at him to do better. Once his bag was “packed,” he got on his phone and booked the first flight available back to Colorado. He felt like shit about leaving the guys without saying anything, but he knew they’d just try to stop him, and he didn’t want them to do that.

  With his bag on his back, Reid made his way back to the main hotel building to have them call him a car. But when he got there, he ran smack into Daisy, who was sitting in the lobby, looking slightly tipsy, and chatting with Ursula. Both women smiled when they saw Reid, and then their faces dropped when they saw his bag.

  “Is everything okay, Reid? Is there something I can do for you?”

  Reid shook his head. “No, thank you. Well, yes, actually. Can you call me one of the boats? I need to go to the airport. There has been… an emergency.”

  No need to go into details. Emergency is true enough. It’s urgent that I get away from Aria before I kill her.

  Ursula and Daisy looked at each other as if they didn’t quite believe him, but Ursula nodded kindly.

  “Of course, Reid. Whatever you need.”

  Ursula got up and headed for the reception desk, leaving Reid and Daisy alone. Daisy gave Reid a deeply suspicious look, that was only slightly tempered by her intoxication.

  “You… what’s going on with you?”

  Reid couldn’t help but laugh at her. She looked happy, and buzzed, but worried about him. “I’m fine, Daisy. Really. Don’t worry about me.”

  “But I’m gonna anyway. You look like hell warmed over. Tell me what happened, mister man.”

  Reid reached over and squeezed Daisy’s hand. “Just some unexpected developments, and I need to go back to Colorado. You stay here and have a great time. Meet a handsome man. Have fun. And call me when you get settled in town. Promise?”

  Daisy was just about to object again when Ursula came back, a forced smile on her face.

  “Reid, your ferry has arrived and is waiting at the dock. There will be a car at the other side to take you to the airport. But are you positive there is nothing I can do to convince you to stay? Did something happen that we can help you sort out?”

  Reid felt a lump rise in his throat. He never cried, and he wasn’t about to start now. Suck it, man. Get out of here with some of your dignity intact.

  “No, everything is fine. Your resort is wonderful. Thank you for an amazing day. But there is no getting around this. I have to leave.”

  Ursula nodded resolutely, and Daisy gave him a last, tight hug, before he walked out to the waiting ferry. As the boat pulled away from the dock, he turned his back on Bear Ridge. And on Aria. He knew she would never forgive him for this. Not again.

  But it’s for the best, he said to himself.

  Now all he had to do was convince himself too…

  Chapter 15


  Aria woke from a wonderful dream with the tropical sun on her face. Her subconscious had spent the entire night filling in the empty years she’d missed with Reid, creating memories of them finished school together, getting married, and having babies. The dreams had been wonderful, and she woke up full of a happiness she hadn’t felt in years. With a contented smile, she rolled over in the lounge chair to snuggle up to Reid, but she almost rolled off the chair when she discovered he wasn’t there.

  Aria sat up, and looked around the cabana, more than a little surprised to see that Reid was gone. Even his clothes were missing, no longer mixed together with hers on the sandy floor. She got out of the chair and shook out her dress and underwear, then slipped back into everything, before picking her sandals up and poking her head outside.

  The beach was empty, not a soul in either direction. Aria had no idea what time it was, but if no one was on the beach, it was probably too early for breakfast. Still, there was a chance Reid had gone for food, so Aria shrugged her shoulders and started up the beach back to her fancy bungalow. But the whole walk, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. She tried to dismiss it as nerves about having Reid back in her life, but it was more than that. And deep down, she knew it.

  Aria got back to her bungalow, and found a basket full of beautiful toiletries and candles and other things to jazz up the room. For a second, she thought perhaps that Reid had left them there for her. But then she opened the note.


  Hope you’re enjoying your stay, and your room! If you need anything, please let me know. It’s wonderful having you here!

  Love & Sunshine,


  Aria smiled, touched at the gesture. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that the gift wasn’t from Reid. Since she didn’t know what bungalow Reid was in, however, she decided to take a nice long bath with some of the toiletries that Ursula had given her, and wash away the madness of the night before. Once the hot water in the tub was load
ed with lavender-scented bubbles, she sunk down into the water and tried to focus on relaxing. Just for a minute.

  But all she could think about was Reid.

  The way he touched her, the way he felt inside of her, the way he still kissed her, with a passion that reminded her both of their history, and gave her hope for the future. But the fact that he was gone again, without so much as a word… It unsettled in her in a way she hadn’t felt since the first-time Reid disappeared on her.

  Aria sank deeper into the bath, and tried to convince herself that everything was fine. Reid had just gone for a run, or to take a shower, or sleep in his own bed. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.

  If she just kept saying it, it would be true, right?

  Eventually, she realized that she’d been in the bath so long, her fingers and toes were turning pruney. Aria got out of the tub with a sigh, then dried off and wandered back in the bedroom. She slipped into the plush bathroom that had been provided by the resort, then collapsed down on the bed, suddenly more tired than she’d ever been in her life. She flipped on the television to provide mindless background noise before falling asleep again. Suddenly, she was dreaming, without even realizing she was asleep. Ursula’s voice was filling the room as another Bear Ridge commercial played on a TV in her subconscious.

  “Welcome to Bear Ridge Resort! Where you are guaranteed to meet the love of your life, who may or may not be a man that already devastated you and ruined your life once. Are you willing to let him do it again?”


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