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Page 12

by Crystal V. Rhodes

Nedra nodded. Silence settled between them, but it was interrupted by a voice from the doorway.

  “He loves you.”

  Nedra’s eyes flew to the speaker. Sharon’s gray eyes bore into her’s. There was no need to pretend. All three women knew what Sharon was talking about. Carla hurried over to her.

  “What are you doing up? The doctor said you need rest.”

  Eyes still trained on Nedra, Sharon shook Carla’s hand from her shoulder and moved with some effort across the kitchen. She slid into Carla’s vacated seat.

  Nedra held her friend’s eyes. “I never encouraged him.”

  “I know that, but that doesn’t matter to him. That’s the attraction.”

  Carla joined them at the table. “Richard’s not in love with Nedra. He’s obsessed with her. He has been for the longest.”

  Two pairs of eyes shifted to Carla, whose agitation increased with each word she spoke. “Even before he met you, Sharon, he used to come to me, begging me to talk to Nedra for him. I didn’t want to get involved. She made it clear that she didn’t want him, but my dear brother doesn’t take rejection well. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women!” She grabbed Sharon’s hands and squeezed them. “I begged you not to get involved with him. I told you he meant you no good! All of this could have been avoided if this had been out in the open years ago.”

  Nedra added quietly, “I didn’t want to hurt you, Sharon, so I thought if I ignored his feelings for me they would just go away.”

  “I chose the same tactic,” Carla admitted. “We’ve each made mistakes. You love him too much, Sharon, more than he deserves, and now you’re pregnant.” Carla dropped her face into her hand and a sob tore through her body. “Oh my God! I hoped that nothing like this would happen.”

  Across the table silent tears slid down Sharon’s face. Nedra wept as well. Pain filled Carla’s every word.

  “My brother is sick, Sharon. There has always been something wrong with him. It was never anything I could put my finger on, and my parents are in denial. He’s the light of their lives, but he needs professional help. If I had insisted that he get some earlier, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I’m so sorry.”

  Reaching across the table, Sharon hugged her friend. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m grown. I’ve got to take responsibility for my own life.”

  “And he has to take responsibility for his.” Swiping at her eyes, Carla drew away to look at her. “Press charges against him.”

  Sharon recoiled. “It would kill your parents.”

  “They’d survive. You’ve got a child to think about.”

  “No. No, I don’t.”

  “What!” Nedra and Carla reacted simultaneously.

  “They took a test in the hospital. I’m not pregnant. The home pregnancy test I took was wrong.”

  Carla looked surprised. “But you said your period stopped!”

  “The doctor said it might be stress. It’s definitely not a pregnancy.” Turning to Nedra, she attempted a smile, but failed. “I guess it’s like you always say, God knows best.”

  Nedra nodded as her hand covered Sharon’s. “That’s right. He does.”


  Outside the two-story stucco house, nestled near a grove of flowering trees, a red BMW was parked. Fortified by a head full of dope, Richard was feeling no pain. It had taken him the entire night and much of the morning to convince himself that there was a way out of his dilemma. He knew Sharon well enough to know that she wouldn’t press charges against him. All he had to do was talk to her, tell her he loved her, and put a little overtime into some good lovemaking.

  He’d gone to her apartment and found her car parked in its stall, but after letting himself inside, he’d been surprised not to find her there. The place was still in shambles. There was blood here and there. The thought that he might have hurt her badly crossed his mind, but was dismissed. He hadn’t hit her that hard.

  He figured she was at Carla’s house, hiding from him. She was so predictable. She always went there after they had a fight. Of course this was the first time he had hit her where bruises were visible, so he’d have to hear it from his sister before he got Sharon out of there.

  He was surprised to see Nedra’s car parked in Carla’s driveway. He thought she was still shacked up on the Peninsula with that lover of hers. He couldn’t believe his luck.

  Lynn’s directive had shaken him. He had put her off by telling her he’d think about it. She’d given him twenty-four hours to make up his mind, or make full payment on his debt.

  He’d snorted coke for hours trying to figure some way out of this. He had borrowed so much money from Sharon, she was practically bankrupt. His mother would give him some money, but his Dad had put his foot down the last time he called and asked for a loan. He had reminded Richard that he made a good living, and he suggested that he learn how to budget his money. Richard had hung up on the old man. He vowed to cut out his tongue before he asked him for anything else. But, it seemed as though he might have to go back on his word. At least that was how it looked before he came up with the perfect solution to his little problem.

  He didn’t want to kill Nedra. He loved her. If she could have a little accident that would put her out of commission for a while and he would take credit for her mishap. That should satisfy Lynn, or at least be some payment on his debt. He would get the remainder of the money from his mother. He knew that she would get it for him somehow. That should do it. Nedra would still be alive, and he could show her how attentive and caring he could be while she was recuperating. After that, they could be together.

  It was the perfect solution. Sharon was old news anyway. Who wanted to be saddled with a whining woman and a kid?

  Nedra might not be as pure as he thought she was, but that might not prove to be too bad. She was sexually experienced and wouldn’t have to be taught.

  With determination in each drug-laden step, Richard approached Nedra’s car. Demonstrating a skill that would have amazed those who knew him, he drained fluid from her brakes. Shortly after, he was back in his car and driving out of the Berkley Hills.


  Nedra was despondent. After having a good cry, she and her friends had sat at the kitchen table discussing topics that they had avoided for years. Tears were shed, tempers flared, and resentments surfaced, but the result was a step toward healing, and the strengthening of a friendship. It was a catharsis for all three women, but it left them emotionally drained.

  Nedra needed her own healing. She needed strong arms around her to restore her equilibrium and reassure her that everything would be okay. In the privacy of her bedroom at Carla’s house she called Sin. He listened to her pain and said, “Come to me.”

  Borrowing Carla’s car, which blocked her own, she followed the directions he gave her to his home. She found him standing at the front door, waiting. Silently, she slipped into his arms.

  Nedra talked. Sin listened, lending his support.

  He gave her a tour of his beautiful home and then fixed dinner, which turned out to be a culinary delight. He added candlelight, a linen table cloth and napkins to enhance the baked Cornish hens, wild rice and squash.

  Stuffed, Nedra folded her hands under her chin and leaned across the table, offering him a sensual smile. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you, Mr. Reasoner. You live like a king, cook like a chef, and dress like you stepped off the cover of a magazine. Is there anything you can’t do?”

  Sin smiled and struck the same pose. “I can’t preach a sermon.”

  Nedra laughed. “Who knows, you might want to try it someday. I bet you’d be good at it.”

  Sin grinned, happy that she was here with him, and that he could make her laugh. She had been so depressed when she came to him that he’d do anything to make her smile.

  What she related to him about Sharon and Richard angered him, especially the part about Richard’s obsession with her. He gave her no hint as to how he felt about Richard Ryan, but if the man made an
attempt to approach Nedra again, Sin vowed that it would be his last one.

  He took her hand in his. “I’ve got good news for you. You’re out of danger. I’ve made some inquiries, and I’ve been told that the contract on you is no longer a factor.”

  Nedra’s face was a mask of confusion. “Wait a minute. One second you’re telling me my life is in danger, the next one you’re saying there’s no hit out on me. Do you know how that sounds?”

  “Like the script from a bad movie.”

  “To put it mildly, and what’s this about making inquiries? Do you have some underground network that lets you know about all of the people on hit lists?”

  Standing, Nedra walked to the window, putting distance between them. Once again, that inkling of doubt about him that had surfaced before began to prick at her subconscious. She whirled on him.

  “Be straight with me, Sinclair. What is all this about? I’m almost sure that you didn’t just happen to be in Lake Tahoe the same time as me. And that little trip to the Peninsula and you telling me you want me to stay there because you heard my life was in danger. You’ve been protecting me, haven’t you? And now, all of a sudden everything is just fine. It’s a big mistake. You have to admit all of this sounds kind of strange. What am I supposed to believe? How can you play games with my life like this?”

  Her words hit him like a battering ram. Sin moved swiftly, closing the distance between them. His heartbeat vibrated against hers as he crushed her body to his.

  “How could you believe I would do something like that?” His voice cracked with emotion. “You’re the most important thing in this world to me. Your life means more to me than my own.”

  His lips covered hers hungrily. Nedra’s body ignited. He broke the kiss to whisper hotly against her mouth, “I love you, Nedra. Don’t ever believe anything else. Stay with me tonight.”

  Nedra stiffened. “Sinclair, I....”

  “I know. I know. We don’t have to make love. Just let me hold you. You need that.”

  Yes, she did.

  “And I need you.”

  How could she argue with that?


  Nedra looked at Sin sleeping peacefully beside her. Lord, he was a beautiful man! He wasn’t just physically attractive. It was more than that. Although he tried to conceal it, his heart and his soul were beautiful as well. He had tried to protect her. He had been willing to put his life on the line for her. The details she wasn’t quite sure of, but she was humbled by the depths of such devotion.

  She had tried to live a good life. She served the Almighty, tried to help others and to treat others as she wanted to be treated. She had never expected a reward on earth, but surely this man must be it. Never before had she felt such an unquenchable yearning for one person as she felt for him, and she knew that those feelings were returned. But was it right? Was marriage between them even a possibility?

  She had already declared her love for him, but this need for him, this insatiable desire when she was with him was so new, so different, so overwhelming. Their relationship was still in its infancy, still fragile in its present state. Where would it lead? Only time would tell. Until then, was she strong enough to deny herself the luxury of making love with him again? She could only hope.

  She caressed his face, encircled the gold stud in his ear, smoothed his moustache; let her fingers trail lovingly down his cheek to rest on his dimpled chin. He stirred in his sleep. She snuggled closer to him. What a test of strength self denial had been. As he promised, they had not made love, but God forgive her, she wanted to, badly.

  They had gone to bed around midnight. She was dressed in one of his oversized t-shirts. He wore a pair of pajama bottoms, although he told her that he preferred sleeping in the nude.

  Before falling asleep, they lay curled in each other’s arms. She felt such contentment that she couldn’t help but smile.

  He kissed her ear lobe. “What are you smiling about?”

  “I was just thinking how happy I am. What a range of emotions I’ve experienced in one very long day, and all on Sunday, my favorite day of the week.”

  It was Sin’s turn to smile. Her words meant more to him than she would ever know. “Are you really happy?”

  She nodded, whimpering in delight as his hands glided lazily down her body.

  “Then so am I, because that’s all I want for you, for both of us, a lifetime of happiness.”

  Even with those words, Nedra wondered if such an outcome was possible for them. Or, would this love break both their hearts?

  It was then that she had looked into his eyes and declared, “I love you, Sinclair. I don’t know where it comes from. I don’t know where it’s going to lead, but I do love you. I’m putting my trust in you and my heart in your hands.”


  Monday morning they shared breakfast and toyed with the idea of ignoring all of their responsibilities to be with each other. However, reason prevailed. The weekend was over. It was time to face a new day, but this one was different. Neither one of them would have to face this day alone.

  Nedra had called Carla the night before to inform her that she would not be returning to her home. This morning she called for an update on Sharon.

  “She’s better,” Carla told her, sounding more encouraged than she had yesterday. “And what are your plans for the day? Are you coming back here? Going to work? By the way, where are you, at home?”

  Letting the latter go unanswered, Nedra told her that she would be going by the church to pick up any work that she needed to do. “Then, if you’ll drive my car to your office, I’ll drop by and we can exchange. After that, I’ll take my work to your house and keep Sharon company.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Nedra was reluctant to bring up his name, but it was best to know what they were up against. “Have you heard from Richard?”

  Carla’s upbeat mood changed. “Not yet, the rat should be too ashamed to crawl up from the sewer. But, he’ll surface. I’m surprised he hasn’t come by to sweet-talk Sharon out of sending his butt to jail.”

  “Did she agree to press charges?” Nedra was hopeful.

  “She’s weakening. But you need to work on her when you come over here.”

  Nedra heard a voice in the background.

  “Jacob’s getting ready to leave. I’ve got to go. See you around ten?”

  Nedra agreed and hung up. She had a million things to do today.

  Humming a familiar love song, she stood before the mirror in Sin’s bedroom and began brushing her hair. Moments later, he rushed through the bedroom door, dressed for his day at the office. As usual, he looked good. She followed his reflection through the mirror as he moved around the room. Patting his pockets for his keys and wallet, all the while muttering to himself. He was action in motion until he noticed her watching him. He stilled.

  Nedra gave him a questioning smile. “What?”

  “You.” Coming up behind her, he planted a kiss in her hair. “I like the idea of your being here with me in the morning, getting ready for your day.”

  He took the brush from her hand and began raking it slowly, through her tresses. Nedra closed her eyes and leaned back against him. The scent of his cologne teased her senses.

  “How’s Sharon?”

  “She’s fine. Richard hasn’t shown up yet.”

  “And he better not show up around you.”

  His harsh tone caused her to turn to him. “Don’t worry. I’m not afraid of Richard. When confronted with anyone who stands up to him, he’s a coward. Believe me, Richard is harmless.”

  Sin placed the brush on the dresser and looked at her, not bothering to hide the skepticism on his face. “Nedra, there are a lot of things that life has taught me, and one of them is that any dog with teeth will bite.”


  Shut in his office, Sin tried to concentrate on the papers in front of him. It proved to be an impossible task. Nedra loved him. She had looked him in the eyes and said the
words. I love you. He had wanted to pinch himself to see if he was awake or dreaming.

  He didn’t believe in miracles. He had asked for one when his mother was hooked on dope, and she died. He had asked for one when he was moved from house to house, but he found no home, no family. He stopped believing in miracles long ago. But to have Nedra’s love, this was as close as he could possibly come to one.

  Earlier that morning he had made several more calls that confirmed her safety. That chapter was behind them. A new one was beginning.

  He had everything a man could want, a career, prestige, money, and now, above all else, Nedra. He loved her beyond reason. He had to stop himself from shouting with joy whenever he was with her. She stayed on his mind, constantly. He could hardly concentrate on anything else. Having her in his home, in his arms last night had been perfect. His whole world was different, and changes had to be made.

  The sound of his name on the intercom shook him from his musings. It was his secretary.

  “Mr. Reasoner, I know you asked me not to disturb you, but Mrs. Trellis is on line one and she sounds very upset. Do you want to speak to her?” Her voice lowered to a compassionate whisper. “It might be about her brother.”

  Sin sighed. His mind had been so filled with Nedra, he had forgotten about Eddie’s death. He took the call.

  “Hello, Lynn. I’m sorry to hear about Eddie. How are you doing?” He could almost feel her sadness through the telephone.

  She sniffled. “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, Sin. He was the only family I had. I loved him so much.”

  Sin’s heart went out to her. He knew how she felt. He’d been there.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  She faltered before continuing. “I’m so alone. I need someone to be with me while I make his funeral arrangements.”

  There was a pause, as if she was waiting for a reply. He offered none.


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