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Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)

Page 20

by Large, Andria

  They checked their bags then made their way through Philadelphia International Airport to their gate. First stop was the security check. Quinn was only carrying on his lap top. Margot had her purse and one other small bag. They both checked in a suitcase and garment bag that carried their dress clothes. Quinn was glad she wasn’t one of those women who needed to bring their whole closet when they went on a trip. He had an ex-girlfriend once who brought four bags on a three day trip to New York. Four. Bags. That’s insane! Shortly after they got home from New York, Quinn had dumped her. He didn’t do high-maintenance women.

  Margot went through the metal detector first. She cleared it and went to the end of conveyor belt to grab her stuff. Quinn walked through next without a problem. He was just grabbing his lap top bag when a TSA member approached him.

  “ Sir, we need you to step aside for a random pat down,” said the man who looked like freaking Stone Cold Steve Austin.

  Quinn stared at him. At least they were about the same height. Stone Cold had probably about fifty more pounds of muscle over Quinn. Quinn wasn’t a small guy by any means. He was a bit of a fitness and health nut and liked to keep his body in shape.

  “ Seriously? Do I look like a terrorist to you?” Quinn snapped before he could think better of it.

  Stone Cold’s eyes narrowed threateningly. “ Sir, come with me please,” he said firmly.

  “ Man, I’m not going anywhere. I have a plane to catch and I don’t need this shit,” Quinn grumbled, slipping his shoes back on.

  Margot came over and touched his arm. “ Quinn, just do as the man says,” she pleaded. Her hazel eyes darting cautiously between him and Stone Cold.

  “ Sir, if you don’t follow me, I will make sure you miss your flight,” Stone Cold threatened.

  Quinn gritted his teeth and glared at the man for a minute. “ Fine,” Quinn ground out. The only reason he gave in so easily was because Margot was with him. If he had been by himself he would have argued more.

  “ Ma’am, please grab your bags and follow us,” Stone Cold said to Margot then took Quinn’s elbow in his beefy grasp.

  Quinn glared down at the hand holding his elbow. “ You better get your damn hand off me,” he growled.

  Quinn could not believe this was happening. He was blaming Peter for this. Stone Cold tugged Quinn forward, obviously not giving a shit about Quinn’s threat. Beefy-beeferson led him and Margot through a coded door and down a short hallway. He then opened a door on the right and led them inside. The room was small with bright overhead lights. There was a metal table pushed up against the back wall. There was also a plastic folding chair against the wall next to the table.

  “ Ma’am, have a seat please,” said the Beefster.

  Margot did as she was told. Just as she sat, another male agent entered the room and shut the door behind him.

  “ Sir, please place your bag on the table, empty your pockets and step back,” the newby said. This guy was older and had an air of superiority about him. He must be a supervisor or something.

  Quinn did as he was told. When he was finished he stepped back and let them search his things. He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked a hip while he waited. He glanced at Margot who was looking anxiously between him and the agents. This pissed Quinn off even more. Neither of them should have to be subjected to this. After the agents finished tearing his shit apart, they moved to stand in front of him.

  “ Sir, we’re going to ask you to remove your clothing,” the new guy said.

  Quinn heard Margot gasp while his jaw dropped. “ What?! You’re fucking kidding me, right?! I thought you were just doing a pat down!” he choked in disbelief.

  “ We have reason to believe you’re hiding something on your person,” Stone Cold said seriously.

  “ Excuse me?” Quinn blinked in utter shock.

  “ Sir, you might want to just comply if you want to make your flight,” the older man added.

  Quinn laughed bitterly and shook his head. “ Un-fucking-believable,” he muttered. He took off his coat and dropped it to the floor. Then he yanked his red and black striped polo shirt over his head.

  Margot’s eyes widened as Quinn angrily yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. One of the agents picked up his coat and shirt and started feeling through them. Margot stared at Quinn’s broad back. She could see his muscles rippling under his lightly bronzed skin. He had a tattoo on his back in between his shoulder blades at the base of his neck. It looked like a Chinese symbol of some sort. She would have to ask him about it later.

  Next, Quinn removed his shoes and socks then shed his jeans. Which left him standing in black boxer-briefs. The agents went through each article of clothing, feeling around to see if there was anything in them that shouldn’t be. Margot’s eyes wandered down Quinn’s broad back, over his tight rear end, thickly muscled thighs and nicely shaped calves. Margot’s heart thumped in her chest. She had never in her life seen such a fine specimen in person. Her body thrummed with awareness. She wondered what all that hard ropey muscle would feel like under her hands or against her own body.

  “ Underwear too, Sir,” said the older man that had come in later.

  “ Seriously? You want me to get completely naked in front of my coworker?” Quinn muttered dryly.

  Quinn might have sounded calm and collected but Margot knew better. She saw the way his shoulders were bunched and the way his fists kept opening and closing. She might not know much about his life outside of work but she knew from the set of his body was that he was absolutely livid.

  “ I’m sure she can avert her eyes,” said the younger agent as he glanced at her.

  Quinn peeked over his shoulder at her. Margot will never forget the humiliated look in his eyes. His jaw was clenched tight and his normally lush mouth was a thin angry line. Margot stood, her eyes locked on his, and turned the chair to face the wall before sitting back down in it. She stared at the wall. She was tempted to take a peek when she heard Quinn remove his underwear, but she didn’t dare. She had silently given her word that she would not look.

  “ Lift your scrotum. Alright. Now turn, bend over and spread your buttocks.” Margot heard the older man say.

  Margot had to stifle a groan. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head. How degrading. Poor Quinn. What a horrible way to start a trip. No doubt Peter would be getting an earful about this.

  “ Are you fucking satisfied now?” Quinn growled.

  “ Yes, you may get dressed and go to your gate.”

  “ Thanks a-fucking-lot,” Quinn snarled.

  Margot listened to Quinn’s hasty movements to put his clothes and gray pea coat back on. Margot started when he suddenly appeared at the table to grab his things. Wallet and phone got shoved into his back pockets. Then he grabbed his lap top bag and slung it over his shoulder.

  “ Lets go, Margot,” he said quietly.

  Margot got up and followed Quinn to the door. The younger agent led them back out to the security check where he let them go. Quinn pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. After he shoved it back in then reached over and grabbed her hand.

  “ We have ten minutes go get to the gate,” he muttered, pulling her along.

  Thankfully she wore flats today, otherwise it would have been very difficult to keep up with his long strides. They made it to the gate with a minute to spare. Once onboard, they found their seats and got settled in. Quinn put Margot’s carryon in the overhead compartment before sitting down next to her. Margot took the middle seat while Quinn had the isle.

  Margot glanced over at Quinn, who had not looked at her since they left that room. She hated that he had to go through that. She hated that he had to go through that in front of her. If it was just him, he probably would not have been so humiliated. There would have been no one to witness it. Quinn was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest and his head back against the headrest with his eyes closed.

  “ Quinn...,” Margot started

  “ Don’t. Just don’t, Margot,” he rasped without moving, effectively cutting her off.

  Margot sighed and kept her mouth shut. They had a seven hour flight and she didn’t want to upset him any more then he already was. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then fine, she would just let it go. This trip was not starting out well at all. She hoped that the rest went better.




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