Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1) Page 2

by Ashley Hunter

  “I will definitely do that. Goodnight, Miss Adelaide Frasier. It was a pleasure.”

  “I told you to just call me Adie.” She reminded him. He nodded and watched as she glided to her apartment complex.

  His eyes were glued to her perfect silhouette, which shone under the overhead streetlights. She was built perfectly. In all aspects, he knew if he ever got a piece of her, he would never get enough of her. That’s why, he didn’t deserve to have her.

  Adelaide made her way up the elevator and into her open-floor apartment. Paintings from all around the world hung on her walls. She was an avid traveler and art connoisseur, this curiosity and experience abroad inspired a lot of her own paintings, which were stacked in a corner.

  She worked from her apartment and only invited the closest of her friends to this place of solace. Her work place consisted of a small desk and a MacBook next to a tall easel and a personal piece she was in the middle of painting. She stared at it and although she was excited to get back to painting, her mind was on other things.

  James Weston was her cup of tea. He was a tall, handsome man with eyes that held intensity and attention as she spoke. His eyes were honey, almost orange, and if the light hit him just right, they seemed to spark. His hands were smooth yet strong, which gave her the impression that he was gentle but could handle roughness.

  His attitude was very reserved, professional and cold, seemingly sad in some respects, but it had to be a defense mechanism because before the dinner, she hadn’t even seen him flaunt that dazzling, pearly white smile of his.

  Adie sat on her couch, daydreaming about dancing with him and going to the beach. She slipped her heels off and imagined his chest and abs glistening in the summer sun. Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

  Who could it be at this time of night? Maybe it was James Weston, who had somehow in a grand romantic gesture found her number in the phonebook and called her because he needed to see her again. She answered it and to her dismay, it was her best friend, Zulia.

  “Adie how was it?” She asked with her lips wrapped around a wine glass.

  “I actually didn’t hate it, but I probably won’t be doing it again.” She told her friend honestly. Zulia was the one who paraded up and down Manhattan in a bikini top and mini skirt. That was a true story.

  “Why not? If you like something, doesn’t that mean you should try to do it as much as possible?” That was Zulia’s policy with nearly anything: alcohol, partying, and men, practically anything that gave her a buzz. That was why she loved Adie.

  Adelaide gave her the buzz of a nonjudgmental friend who wasn’t out to get her because she was pretty and able to take anyone’s boyfriend, husband, or father. No one was off-limits to Zulia.

  “Not if you had the night I did. I don’t think I can handle that kind of tease once a month.” Adie confessed, dropping her head on her couch and closing her eyes. He had made her remember how exhilarating it felt to flirt with a man, but also how horrible it felt to be sexually frustrated.

  “What am I hearing right now? Did you find someone Adelaide?” Zulia shrieked in excitement.

  “I kind of thought I did, but he didn’t seem too interested in me. Just more interested in my paintings and business.”

  “Ew, he has an art fetish. I hate those kind of guys. It’s like they can just sniff out an artist when they see them.”

  “No, no. He owns the hotels that bought my paintings like a year ago.”

  “Wait… Holy shit, are you telling me you met James Weston?” Zulia shouted in elation.

  “Yes and might I add, he is worth the excitement. He’s so handsome Zulia, but like beyond anyone you’ve ever gotten to see in person. He looks like a model and knowing he’s one of New York’s most successful men under 30 only makes him hotter.”

  “He never bids on anyone, Adie. He has been to that auction every year and not one person has been able to get him to throw out a dollar.” She dished. Adie wasn’t buying it. Zulia must’ve been exaggerating.

  “I doubt that. He seemed very experienced in dating random strangers.”

  “My friend Karolyn has been to every bachelorette auction he has attended. She literally stalks him and after getting her boob job, she swore he would notice her, but no. Instead, he’s into you!” Zulia shrieked in excitement. She was vicious and Adie knew she would gossip about it tonight to all of her other friends.

  “Please, don’t blabbermouth about it Zulia. It was just a date for charity.”

  “Are you serious? I hate you.” Zulia frowned and deleted the tweet she was about to send. She still planned to chatter about it eventually.

  “I’m going to bed. I’m so tired.” Adie lied. She actually just wanted to release some of her tension with a handy vibrator and visions of James Weston.

  “Sure, even though I think you’re just going to go masturbate but that’s none of my business.”

  “Oh my gosh Zuli, I think we’re soul mates not best friends.” They both laughed in unison before hanging up on each other.

  James Weston had finally arrived back home. He had dropped off Adie half an hour ago and nothing had made his heart stop racing. He’d never met a woman like her in his life. She was a package and he wanted nothing but to learn more about her and be with her.

  His inner mating urges were growing restless as he submerged himself in thoughts of her smile, her laugh, the way she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, and looked at him with her wide, deer-like hazel eyes. He felt a shiver in his spine that he hadn’t experienced before and he knew it was because of her.

  He walked into his bedroom. He felt like he was in a trance until suddenly, his reality hit him like a ton of bricks. He had never been able to stay with a woman because of his nature and unlucky life chances. What in the world made him think that it would be different this time?

  James Weston belonged to a special Greek family whose lineage was accurately documented to the 13th century. Every male was given a special power that reminded him where he originally came from.

  James Weston was a dragon shifter.

  When he was born, he was told that he was the first of the family to break the curse of being a dragon shifter. However, that wasn’t true.

  Instead, he lacked the hormone balance, which allowed dragon shifters like him to find a mate among only fellow shifters of his kind. This was something that only the few chosen shifters in the world knew about.

  James had never been able to find a girl who fulfilled him on the deepest level and the only time he ever thought he did, the girl ran away with another man. From that moment, he realized the difference between dragons and humans: dragons had mates and nothing broke that bond. Humans seemed to break that bond all the time.

  That was why he guarded himself by remaining busy, uninterested and reserved. It was the only way to survive with the curse inside him. There was no way he could relinquish his heart and follow his feelings for a woman he just met.

  No matter how perfect she seemed on the surface.

  Chapter 3

  “Your meeting with the council and the director of foreign affairs is at 3. There were a few phone calls from last night. I forwarded all the important ones to your voicemail and I have an email about a proposal to buy land in Dubai from the Al Ansari family.

  Should I respond with the normal deposition or should I let you handle that?” Rachel, James’ loyal assistant of five years briefed him of the current issues that Weston Corp. faced.

  He took the cup of coffee from her hand and sipped it as he passed his workers and walked into his office. Rachel kept up with him and waited for an answer any second. She didn’t get one.

  “Um… Sir? Did you hear me?” She asked as she noticed his stare. He sat in his chair and stared out of his glass panels into the lobby of the building. He was the owner of the top 3 floors in one of New York’s tallest business skyscrapers on Wall Street.

  “I’m sorry, Rachel. What?” He was distracted to say the least.

p; He had barely been able to sleep the night before. He had been burning under his soft, luxurious sheets because he was enraged by the power Adie had over him.

  In a single night, a mere stranger had caused his whole persona, which he held so precisely, to crumble. She tapped into the deepest part of him, unleashing a side that he kept hidden from the world.

  He knew he had an impulsive nature and that scared him. He might do something he would otherwise oppose if he were thinking straight.

  “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, are you okay?”

  “I do mind you asking, Rachel. You know what your job is and it’s not to become someone who is involved in my personal life.” He snapped. She nodded understandingly. This was how James Weston was and she wasn’t surprised.

  “Would you like me to leave?”

  “E-mail me the debriefings of today and cancel any meetings I have until I return.” He instructed her. She practically gasped. This was out of character for James, however, he had never asked to cancel a meeting so that he could leave work early.

  “And when will you return?” She asked.

  “Again, it is not your job to become someone who is involved in my personal life.” He repeated to her before pushing himself out of his leather, rolling chair and out of the office.

  “Yes sir.” Rachel mumbled under her breath. He left the office without another word. He had no time to call his driver and wait for him to arrive. He ran along the sidewalk and hailed a taxi, he could imagine the witty and sarcastic remark Adie would have if she saw him doing so. He smiled to himself as he slid into the public transport cab.

  “Take me Downtown.” James told the cab driver.

  He couldn’t focus on anything but Adie as badly as he knew he didn’t deserve her. His impulses were taking over and he was only seeing through eyes filled with the fire of a burning intensity to see his fantasy from last night.

  He spent the whole half an hour cab ride to rehearse the lines he would say to Adie. He hadn’t been in pursuit of a woman ever since he was 22, which was also the last time he was in a relationship.

  “Is this the complex?” The cab driver slurred in a thick New York accent. He was from an urban area and James hadn’t been that close to someone like him since he went to help youth at a business fundraiser. He smiled as he handed the man money. It was as if Adie was changing him already.

  “Thank you, sir.” He opened his door and slid out of the car. His insides turned to mush as he stared up at her building. He didn’t even know which apartment number was hers. He entered the first floor lobby and looked around.

  “Can I help you?” The front desk concierge asked while observing James’ body language. He was obviously uncomfortable and nervous.

  “I dropped off a woman here last night. Miss Adelaide Frasier.” He told the man. In response, the concierge looked him over once with wide eyes.

  “You go, Adie.” He mumbled before picking up the phone and dialing Adie’s apartment number. They stared at each other awkwardly as he waited for Adie to answer the phone.

  “I’m sorry, she doesn’t seem to be answering.” The concierge said to James’ disappointment. He placed his hand on his head and thought.

  “Why don’t I just go up there then? If you give me the number, I’m sure I’ll find the apartment on my own.” He attempted to persuade the man with his tantalizing gray eyes.

  “I can’t permit that sir. The policy states that residents must approve all visitors by phone or written consent prior to the visit.” The concierge explained to James.

  “I’m sure if you just turned the other way as I slipped into the elevator, no one would even know I was here.” James began pulling out his wallet. He was more than prepared to pay this man to keep quiet.

  “The cameras would know and if anything happened, I would be completely at fault.” He continued. He was a noble front deskman and James would admire that if he weren’t trying to get to the woman of his dreams.

  “Nothing is going to happen. Trust me.” He was a step away from begging something he wasn’t opposed to if this man wasn’t going to let him have his way.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I can’t trust someone I don’t know and it’s against the policy that we promise all our residents.” He apologized sincerely. James was frustrated. His temper began to peak.

  As a dragon, his anger escaped in the form of fire and flight and in his human form, he had a bad temper. He was fuming on the inside and it was hard for him to hold in his anger. His eyes began to lighten in a burning rage.

  “Do I have any mail today, Sebastian?”

  “Adelaide!” Both men shouted in unison. She was startled to see James since she was wearing nothing but an oversized white t-shirt and paint was on both her forehead and clothing.

  “James… What are doing here?” She asked approaching him from the staircase she had descended. James couldn’t help but smile.

  She was gorgeous even with a messy bun, and a distressed look on her face. The anger he had just felt began to simmer down.

  “I had to see you again. I haven’t had a night like that in a long time and I know it was because of you.” He confessed. It was as if her prayers had just been answered. She wanted to see him just as badly.

  “I feel the same way too.” She said, looking into his eyes, which had just awakened from a gray to a burning honey. She was startled but couldn’t vocalize it. She was mesmerized by his strikingly handsome face and tantalizing words.

  “Let’s go out. Right now.” He said, grabbing her hand and excitedly trying to lead her out of the lobby. She pulled herself back, opposing him.

  “I look ridiculous right now. At least let me get dressed first.”

  “I couldn’t possibly wait that long.” He whined, taking a step towards her. He towered over her by at least 4 inches. His broad jaw tightened as he inhaled her scent.

  It was something he hadn’t forgotten from last night. Her scent wasn’t perfume but her natural odor, which as a dragon, he smelled instantly. On the inside, he was begging for her, and he tried to conceal that as much as he possibly could.

  “Well, if you want you can come on up. I’ll just get dressed. I promise I wont take too long.” She smiled and took steps up the stairs, waiting for him to follow her to the resident elevator.

  “Your lobby man was giving me the hardest time.” He complained. Adie laughed.

  “I’m sure it was the other way around. Since he’s gay, I think after seeing you, he was having the hardest, hard-on of a lifetime.” Adie joked. James widened his eyes and practically roared in laughter. Adie was initially startled by his boisterous laugh but she was proud that she could get it out of him. He hadn’t laughed like that in ages.

  They exited the elevator and she led him to the last door on the top floor. She opened her double doors and entered her open-floor suite.

  “You don’t live as modestly as you seem to let on Miss Frasier.” James told her as he looked around her place. He found it to be very classy and filled with expensive furnishings although it was tinier than what he was used to. She gawked.

  “Says the man who owns two house with a mortgage sum of 30 million dollars.” She retorted. She picked up the remote and went to turn on the TV. He placed his hand over hers and looked at her.

  “Are you stalking me now?” He asked with a cocky grin. She squinted.

  “I found that on Google, so I think me and millions of other women are stalking you.” His grin smeared right off his face.

  “You have a lot of comebacks.” He noticed before sitting on her long L-shaped couch.

  “It’s a talent.” She curtsied in her t-shirt. He smiled and watched as she reached a door, which he assumed was the bathroom.

  “Hey so, if you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing today before I showed up? You weren’t answering your phone.”

  “I went down stairs to get my mail. Before that, I was finishing a painting and had another one to be delivered. I was listening to
really loud music so I didn’t hear the phone ring or anything. I’m sorry about that.” She shouted through the closed door. James nodded at her satisfying answer.

  “Is this the painting?” He asked, eyeing a painted canvas on the easel. He stood up from the couch and inched towards it.

  “Wait, no! No, it’s not ready. Please don’t look at it!” She shouted, running out of the bathroom in nothing but a bra and an unzipped pair of jeans hanging off her full hips. Her hair was big, bouncy and curly falling over her shoulders as she rushed to her work area.

  James couldn’t help but stare at her chest as she bent over the painting. Once he noticed he was staring, he cleared his throat and tried to remember what he was originally doing.

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to see what you were working on.” He stuttered and steadied his breathing, although the fire inside him burned hotter than ever. She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath and he watched her stomach and tempting waist distort in size before filling up again.

  “It’s okay, I just get kind of self-conscious about my work. It’s really personal to me.” She explained before pulling the canvas off the easel and hiding it behind a stack of other works. James nodded.

  “I completely understand. I am extremely sorry. I would love to make it up to you in some way.” He fidgeted with his hands uncomfortably. She giggled.

  “There’s no need for that. It was an honest mistake.” She escaped into the bathroom again to finish putting on her clothes. James walked to the front door. He took this time to let out a breath. He had so much built up in him.

  He couldn’t help but think this was more than the first date jitters. He had never actually been this nervous around women anyway. Adelaide made him feel this way. There was something about her that made his inner mating instincts stand on high alert.

  “Pull yourself together. You’re not going to blow this for me.” James spoke to himself low. A disgruntled response from deep within him caused his heart to heat drastically. His inner beast was fighting him back. Clearly unpleased at James for blaming him for his feelings toward Adelaide.


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