Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1) Page 3

by Ashley Hunter

  “Not tonight. You will behave and act normal. Just like you have been for years. Don’t blow this with her.”

  “I’m ready now.” She stepped out in a loose blouse, paired with blue skinny jeans, and heels. She was dressed like a proper New York woman. She startled him back into reality. He looked her up and down with a grin on his face the whole time.

  “You are most definitely a showstopper.” He said, hoping he could calm down.

  “You’re not that bad to look at yourself.” She said, patting his face and winking at him before sashaying to the elevator. It was those little gestures that riled up his inner beast.

  “So, where do you think we can go that’ll be casual enough for your outfit, but classy enough for my suit and tie?” He asked slowing his breath with casual conversation as they headed into the elevator.

  “Well, if you just did this…” she started to unbutton his suit jacket, not once breaking eye contact with him. He felt his heart race as he imagined kissing her ravishingly, “and slipped it off.” She slowly pulled the sleeves of the jacket off his arms and her fingers lightly grazed the thin shirt that separated his bare biceps from her.

  His shirt was surprisingly not buttoned to the top like the conservative businessman he was. She let out a breath as she got a slight glance at his chiseled chest.

  She glided her delicate fingers over the shirt’s opening and loosened a button. He had short tufts of hair between his pectorals. She thought that was very attractive.

  “Uh, are you guys getting out on this floor?” A woman politely asked as the elevator doors opened. Adie and James looked at the woman and were immediately flushed in embarrassment. They had gotten carried away.

  “We’re so sorry.” They apologized in unison. Adie picked up his jacket, which had fallen on the floor at some point and James pressed a button that held the elevator doors open.

  “You guys are a very cute couple. Don’t be sorry.”

  Adie blushed and looked up at James, but he didn’t correct the woman. He instead looked down at Adie and shrugged.

  “Thank you.” They chorused.


  “So, a young, handsome billionaire like you doesn’t even have a girl he’s just fucking every other weekend?”

  “I’m not really that kind of guy, believe it or not.”

  “You’re more of a… Right hand, lotion bottle, and sock kind of guy?” Adie asked as she placed a French fry into her mouth. James mouth flung open; he couldn’t believe she just asked him that. “I’m sorry… Is that a secret? Or am I not supposed to know guys do that?”

  “I just don’t think, in all of my 26 years, a woman has ever asked me that.” He admitted. She giggled and shrugged.

  “So I’ll take that as a yes.” She smiled at him and blushed as the thought of him fondling himself appeared in her mind.

  “Are you thinking about it?” He asked, noticing the shift of expression in her face. She shook her head. She wasn’t going to be the one who released the “self-pleasure” conversation. He rolled up his sleeves and leaned closer to her. His forearm wrapped in veiny trails.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking about, Curls.”

  “Curls?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Yes, Curls, because I’m thinking about how much hair you have for me to pull.”

  “If you’re trying to dirty talk… Just know I like spanking more than hair pulling.” She winked, making him blush now. She was quick. He didn’t even fluster her. She bit another fry and smiled at herself. She was holding her own against him.

  “I think we need to get back to your place.” He said, raising his hand for a waiter to come over. He was going to get his burger boxed up to go and a check. She seemed to suddenly frown and he immediately wanted to take back his eagerness.

  “I think you need to get to know me better before you try to get into my apartment again. Just because I asked if you had a girl you fucked every other weekend doesn’t mean I want to be that girl.”

  “Oh no, I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I apologize if that crossed a line with you, Adelaide. I am sincerely sorry.” He pleaded. She could tell in his eyes, which had shifted to a gray once more, that he was being genuine and feared losing her so soon.

  “I just want to be very upfront with my intentions and I think you should do the same.”

  “You’re beyond beautiful and of course, I would love to have you, but I see your beauty is deeper than the surface and your humor is unprecedented. No one has made me laugh as many times as you have in less than 2 days. Intentionally, I don’t want to hurt you and I really like being around you.”

  “Those are really kind words.” Adie smiled. She wasn’t expecting something so endearing from a man that she had met the night before.

  “It’s the truth.” He assured her. She stretched her arm across the table and reached for his hand.

  “When you said you’d love to have me? What exactly did you mean?” She asked, licking her lips and puckering them out for him.

  “I’m much better at showing than telling.”

  “I’ll have to take you up on that. Let’s go.” She smiled. She placed a hundred-dollar bill on the table and stood up.

  “Adie, what are you doing?”

  “I never get a check; I just leave when I’m done.” She shared.

  “But I can’t imagine we’ve eaten enough for a hundred. You should keep that money, I’ll pay.” He suggested.

  “You’ll pay with the expectation that I’ll give you something in return. You paid for the dinner last night, and this time, it’s my turn. That way, we’ll be even and our bodies will be the only ones making decisions.” She told him and held out her hand. He smiled.

  This woman’s mind was sharp. She was wise and articulate, and the way she wanted to dash the diner before calling over the waiter, subsequently leaving so much money that he would have a big tip was spontaneous and rebellious yet generous and something he’d never done before.

  “You are going to be so much fun.” He told her in her ear. She blushed and took the lead.

  “Where do you want to find out how fun I am?”

  “We’re much closer to your place than mine.” He told her as they walked out of the diner holding hands. The sun was peaking behind white clouds and the busy sidewalks seemed a bit less crowded. It wasn’t rush hour anymore when people were either headed to work or leaving work, which were the only hours James was walking.

  “James… You’re no fun.” She pouted. He examined her face and raised his eyebrows. He was confused. “Our bodies are right here, why would we have to go home to have fun?” She elaborated further, placing her hand on his cheek and standing still among the shifting bodies of people walking by.

  “Are you talking about publicly displaying affection?” He asked quietly and looked around to make sure no one was staring.

  “That term is quite a mouthful.” Adie pointed out before inching closer. She licked her full lips, making them glossy and twinkly as the sun hit them directly.

  “Adelaide… I’m not sure if I’m really comfortable with-” She interrupted him with a kiss. She strained onto her tiptoes and craned her neck upwards. He quickly leaned forward to make it more comfortable for her. His warm lips clung on to hers as if it was a matter of life or death.

  She lightly rubbed her hand over his cheek and pulled him closer. He rested his hands on the small of her back and pushed her into him as well. They closed their eyes and stuck to each other. The noises and stares from people were far from their minds.

  “Wow.” Adie moaned into his mouth as they stopped to breathe for air. He took one of his hands and lifted her chin back up. He pushed his lips into hers and bobbed his head to the side.

  She followed his lead completely in tune with his movements as they pulled away again she lightly bit his lip making him go wild.

  “I want you so bad.” He admitted and inhaled deeply.

  “I want nothing more
than you right now… But, I’m busy today. I have deliveries to make, I have to stop by the gallery and I need to finish that painting.” She realized that her date would have to end, even though Adie enjoyed the nice and spur-of-the-moment outcomes of the day. The real world and real responsibilities were waiting for her.

  “I can accompany you. I don’t have to be anywhere in particular today.” James suggested. Once he said it, he knew it was a lie. He did have particular things to get to today and Rachel was probably losing her mind. But, he couldn’t pull away from her. He felt connected to Adie now, as crazy as that sounds.

  “That’s very sweet, but if you kiss me like that again, I’m sure I won’t be able to get any work done. Aren’t you a busy man? You should have even more responsibilities than me.” She quipped. He nodded and remembered how he left Rachel in the office to stall for him.

  “That’s true… Wow, I don’t think any woman has actually ever pushed me away. It’s sexy.” He pulled her in by her hips. She quickly placed a hand on his chest, creating space between them.

  “Don’t you kiss me again. Go to work.” She slid her hand down his stomach until she reached his hand. Their fingers intertwined and they squeezed each other.

  “I will call you tonight after I’m done with work. Please answer it this time.” He teased. She lit up at the dry sense of humor she’d passed on to him.

  “I’ll try. I can’t make any promises though.”

  They took steps in opposite directions. Her gallery was uptown and he was going to Wall Street. They gazed into each other’s eyes; silently screaming and wishing they didn’t have to let each other go.

  Adie was the first to let go. She turned and felt the burning of his eyes in her backside. She grinned sheepishly as she walked through the crowd. She had just found a handsome, sexy man who wanted nothing but her. She was living a dream.

  James had just met the woman who could destroy the persona he’d built to guard himself from mistaking the wrong woman as his mate and thus, breaking his own heart. He was living a nightmare.

  “Good afternoon Adie, I was beginning to think you forgot about me. Caught up in your painting again?” Kim asked.

  Kim was the planner of Adie’s life. She was the most organized and thorough person Adie had ever known. They met in University freshman year. Kim was a communications major at NYU and Adie was undecided with a focus in the arts.

  When Adie sold her first piece at an underground arts district, she began getting a clientele who were asking for more and more work. Kim was there to organize everything so, Adie decided to employ her as a paid assistant. The opportunity to work with one of your best friends doesn’t come all the time so when that opportunity came to them, they grabbed it with all their might.

  “I got really distracted today, Kim.” She took a seat on Kim’s desk.

  There was a corner rid of trinkets, staplers and papers and that’s where Adie always sat. She placed her hands in her lap and kicked her feet. She had nothing but childish giddiness in her heart. Kim furrowed her eyebrows and smiled curiously at her friend.

  “Well are you going to tell me or are you just going to keep acting like a five-year-old?”

  “So, you remember how Zulia forced me to go to that bachelorette auction.”

  “Yes.” Kim pouted, sympathizing with all of the whining Adie did before going that night. Kim had porcelain skin and contrasting jet-black hair. She was as gorgeous as Lucy Liu but had the character traits of Mulan: Honorable, strong and smart as hell.

  “I met a guy there and I thought it was just a charity date because even though I was super into it he was kind of all business. Then, today he stopped by my place unannounced and just took me out.”

  “He picks up girls at charity auctions? That’s a little awkward.”

  “Trust me, at first, I thought he was a professional at picking up women and going on a date with them and probably sleeping with them the same night but he’s different. Zulia says she has a friend whose been trying to get at him for a while but he was never interested.” Adie included that to prove to Kim that he was different.

  All of Zulia’s friends were gorgeous and able to win the hearts of men. If James was interested in them there had to be something different about him.

  “Who is this guy?” Kim asked curiously.

  “If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t repeat it. I don’t know how official we are yet and I don’t want to seem obsessed if the whole city knows about it before he tells anyone.”

  “I promise. I’ve been sworn to secrecy so much with you that I just don’t repeat anything you tell me anymore.” She teased. Adie laughed before taking a deep breath and telling her:

  “James Weston.”

  “You’re bluffing.” Kim’s jaw dropped it was as if she had just heard I had sex with the President.

  “I swear.” Adie challenged her disbelief. The girls stared at each other and the gallery was silent. Unexpectedly the front door swung open and it was a man in a navy blue suit. He didn’t look like the art connoisseur type.

  “Welcome to The One and only Adelaide Frasier art gallery.” Kim announced professionally.

  “Hello, I am from Weston Corporations. We have done business with you before.” The man began.

  “Yes, would you like to see any of the new fantastic and original pieces we’ve just added?” Kim was always good at advertising Adelaide’s work. Another reason she loved her.

  “I was actually sent with a delivery of a bouquet of flowers from Mr. Weston.”

  “Okay, I believe you now.” Kim said making them both roar in laughter.

  “Thank you very much. These look beautiful.” Adie told the debonair deliveryman before taking the flowers from him. They were vivid, cherry-red roses with stems as tall and strong as James Weston himself.

  “It was his pleasure and as a company we would also like to follow up on any new designs you publish. I’m sure I can talk to you about this Miss… Kim Song, is it?” He managed to remember from the last business transaction they had about a year ago. Kim’s eyes enlarged at the sound of her name from his lips.

  “Oh yes, I can actually set up a subscriptions account for the Corporation as a whole. Is there an email address I can send it all to?”

  The man pulled out a business card and pointed at the email on the bottom.

  “Sign us up with that email as soon as you possibly can. We are all very excited to see the designs you can come up with. You are one of our most loyal, esteemed and cherished partners.”

  “Thank you.” Adie was very touched, but something didn’t sit with her. Would she have been given all of this treatment for this year-old business transaction if she hadn’t met James Weston and swept him off his feet?

  “Thank you very much for your kind hospitality, Mr. Gregory Uribe.” Kim said reading the name off of the business card she handed him.

  “Please just call me Greg, I think I’ll be seeing more of you ladies in the future, or at least I hope so.”

  Kim blushed so hard she let her hair fall over her face to mask it. She was a shy girl when it came to guys.

  “We’ll most definitely call you Greg, as long as you call Kim sometime.” Adie flirted for her friend. Kim hit Adie disapprovingly and practically bruised her thigh. Adie held in her pain because telling by the look on Greg’s face, he wasn’t offended by what she said.

  “My personal cell phone line is actually on that business card written in pen on the back.” He shot a gleaming smile at Kim. His eyes danced over her. “You ladies have a great day.”

  They watched as he swaggered out of the gallery. His butt impressively poked through the suit he wore. He was handsome as well. The men who work at Weston Corporations must have to have modeling as a prerequisite before they’re hired.

  “He’s gorgeous. I still can’t believe you said that but I’m so happy it worked.”

  “I’m a master when it comes to gorgeous men.” Adie said confidently before flicking
her hair off her shoulder.

  “Please, teach me your ways.” Kim begged with her hands in prayer position. They laughed ragingly before settling down.

  “You want to grab a coffee?” Adie asked hopping off of her assistant’s front desk.

  “I need a martini after seeing a man like that.” Kim declared and fanned herself. Adie laughed.

  “Okay, we’ll get a drink and try to make up for all the time I’ve lost.”

  “The deliveries you were supposed to make today have already called me. They’re not happy.”

  “I guess we’ll have to go deliver them ourselves.” Adie shrugged.

  “That’s what your incidental fund is for.”

  “I’m glad you suggested that fund in the first place. Who could’ve guessed that an account of money for every time I fuck up would come in handy that often?”

  “I could’ve guessed that. You fuck up a lot, Adie you’re just so carefree you never even stress over it.”

  “Yup, and I have never been happier with my life.”

  Chapter 4

  James spent the rest of the workday recovering for the time he spent with Adie. He thought he would regret leaving work for a woman afterwards but he never did. Although, Rachel obviously did.

  “There are some pages you need to sign to finalize the statements you want issued in Forbes.” Rachel said promptly and left the office just as quick.

  She was stern, cold, and reserved. Everything he had wanted her to be since the day he hired her but now that she was, he could tell it was because something was wrong.

  “Rachel, can I see you back in my office?” He asked on the main line. He hung up the phone and waited for her to turn around.

  Seconds later, she crept the glass office door open.

  “Yes Mr. Weston.”

  “Close the door.” He instructed her, she did as she was told and gripped her clipboard tightly to her chest. “What’s going on?” he asked making an effort to solve her attitude problem.


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