Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1) Page 6

by Ashley Hunter

  Rachel quickly opened the messages to see exchanges between a representative of Adelaide Frasier’s gallery and Gregory Uribe, the Chief Marketing Officer from the Weston Corporation.

  She read the emails and noticed they were a bit personal and maybe too friendly for her liking. She quickly wrote down the name Adelaide Frasier and made it her mission to figure out what business they had with the Weston Corporation.

  James leaned against the stair rails of the subway station on 74th street. It was a quarter to ten and he was awaiting Adie’s arrival eagerly. Each woman who passed had given him a wink or a glance, some indication of flirtation but James was too involved in his own head to even notice.

  Adelaide had become a strong presence to him in such a short amount of time and he began to wonder how he could tell her about his secret. It never felt like she wanted anything from him and she was great at getting him to open up. Maybe, she would be okay with who he was and they’d be able to live and grow stronger.

  But he knew that was wishful thinking. She wouldn’t see it as clear-cut as he did. It would be impossible for her to learn all of it and not feel betrayed.

  “Hey handsome.” Adie called out behind him. He whipped around to see her cheerful and glowing with a canvas in her hand. He smiled down at her and kissed her lightly. She looked into his eyes and smiled as well.

  “Thank you for breakfast. I never could’ve guessed you were such a master chef.”

  “I have many surprises up my sleeve.” He told her sparingly. He hoped she could hold this mysterious act to the highest esteem and when he did choose to tell her she didn’t feel as if she’d already known everything about him.

  “I can tell. Is one of these surprises taking the subway? I know I’ve brought you downtown a few times but that doesn’t mean you have to start slumming it like the rest of us.”

  “I’m not slumming it. It’s just clear that you don’t have much interest in the places and things I have to offer so I’m slowly adapting into the life you’ve been living.” James told her. She began to frown. This upset her.

  “No, no. I mean it’s true I’m not into the flashy stuff but that doesn’t mean you should change your habits to accommodate mine. We need to find a balance.”

  “What do you mean by a balance?”

  “I take you to my places and you take me to yours. You need to show me your world and drag me out of mine sometimes.” Adie explained to him.

  He nodded and remembered this relationship would only build if he opened up to her, a battle that he continued to have with himself and his heart. She was too sacred and pure for him to just leave now but he had never even contemplated telling a human about this part of him before. It was obscene.

  “So, you’ve decided to ruin the day I had planned for us today?”

  “No, my intentions aren’t to ruin it but to revamp it. Give it a new twist.” She winked. Adie waved her hand drastically hailing a cab and waited for one to stop in front of her.

  “You know the address of your office better than I do.” Adie said, slipping into the back seat she wrestled for a moment with her covered painting but got in successfully. He raised his eyebrows.

  “Excuse me, are we going to Wall Street?” He asked Adie with the door open in his hands. She crossed her legs and nodded.

  “Well yes, if that is where you work.” She smiled, “I have an art piece that I’d love to display, but I need some feedback first.”

  “Uh… Alright.” He agreed hesitantly. She was stepping into territory he’d never taken a girlfriend to, but she was a professionally established artist and could possibly get away with turning the visit into a business deal.

  “So, how did you sleep last night?” Adie asked making polite conversation. He shook his head.

  “It was practically impossible. It took strength beyond my control to not wake you up and chat about something. I love when you’re awake but the beauty and peaceful nature of you sleeping just might be the only thing I love more.”

  “You’re the only person who can make me speechless.”

  “And even with that I seem to fail.” He lifted her chin with his hand and examined her lips, so pink and full. He placed his onto hers and inhaled deeply. Her scent and her kiss drove him wild.

  “Welcome to Weston Corporations, the most prestigious and powerful, multi-marketed company in all of New York. The only companies close enough to compete with us are in Shanghai and Russia. So, yes we’re a big deal.” He broadcasted.

  Adie took everything in silently. She watched the workers bussing around with a phone in their hand and papers in the other. Some stood gossiping by the water tower and others were seen stressing at their computers. One thing she found odd however was that there was no one managing the receptionist desk.

  “That doesn’t sound conceited at all.” She responded sarcastically before smirking at him. He chuckled in response.

  “Not conceited at all. Just accomplished.” He said and waited for her to say what was on her mind. She pointed to the receptionist desk and cocked her head to the side.

  “Is there supposed to be someone here?” She asked. He nodded and surveyed the room quickly for Rachel. But she was nowhere in sight.

  “Rachel, my assistant.”

  “Oh yeah, is everything okay with her?”

  “I don’t think so.” He huffed and walked over to Gregory’s desk. His face automatically beamed when he noticed Adie was behind James.

  “James, how are you my man? Adelaide it is a pleasure to see you again.” Gregory greeted the both of them and placed his call on hold to tend to their question. He could tell by the look on James’ face something was up.

  “Where’s Rachel?” James asked. He knew what he said this morning would’ve had an affect on her but she loved her job and he never would’ve thought she’d actually take a day off. Gregory placed his hand behind his head and thought.

  “She started storming out of here like twenty minutes ago. I stopped her and she told me you said she could have a day off. I couldn’t imagine she’d lie to me about that.” Gregory told him honestly.

  James held his head in his hand. She was becoming far too invested in the wrong aspect of her job. She was his assistant but firstly, she was to be available for the company at all times and she knew that. Adie widened her eyes.

  She could tell this was a stressful situation for the lot of them and she began to feel uncomfortable. She regretted bringing him to his place to work. She didn’t realize it would be so strenuous and thus, such a bad idea.

  “I can go if you want to call her back in or if you think you need to stay here.”

  “James, I assure you we’re all under control here. Rachel didn’t do much but follow your ass around anyway.” He guaranteed James that there was no need to worry. She wasn’t a valued asset.

  “Well, we came with something we’d actually like your opinions on so if everyone could meet us in the conference room in ten minutes that would be great.” James announced and led Adie to the elevator. They were headed to the second level of his building where they held meetings.

  “So, I can assume that this Rachel girl and you haven’t been able to come to an agreement of anything.”

  “No, not since I left the first morning to pick you up for a date. I’m not sure why she’s taking this so hard.”

  “Does she know we’re dating?” Adie asked. He shook his head and placed his arm around her neck.

  “No, I don’t tell people here about things like that. All they know is you are the wonderful, genius painter Adelaide Frasier.” He said before licking his lips and leaning to feel her lips onto his. She placed her hand on his chest and held him back.

  “Do you not think they should know about me? Or I mean, us?” She asked. She didn’t want to be anyone’s secret and if he didn’t want to tell people at work about her how could she imagine he would tell his family or a random girl on the street.

  “No it’s not like that at all. I’ve never
been an outspoken person like you. I don’t talk much about my life to these people.” He told her as the elevator doors opened.

  She looked at him and took a step out of the elevator. She arrived in the lobby in front of the closed conference room. She pulled the door open and placed her painting onto the long table. She stretched out her arms finally feeling the blood rush back into them.

  “Adelaide? Do you understand?”

  “I get it. It’s just not who you are.” She told him. She understood but it wasn’t something she was happy with. She wanted a man who was proud to show her off and parade around telling everyone he knew that she was the one who made his heart soar and the reason why he kept a newfound smile on his face.

  He took her arms into his hands and wrapped them around his waist. He pushed her hair behind her ears and leaned in to kiss her. She returned it unenthusiastically. She of course loved his touch but she was still thinking about the way he operated around others.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked concerned. His inner beast began to run his blood cold, alerting him that he’d made a mistake. She wasn’t happy and he could sense it.

  “I just feel like if we’re going to be something and if we both feel as strong as we do. There’s no need to hide each other.” She spoke softly. He placed his hand underneath her chin and made her look up at him. He needed to make sure she understood that he would do anything to make her happy.

  “I’ll tell them. For you, I’ll tell them anything you want me to.”

  “Anything?” She tested him. She sat back onto the table and placed her hands behind her.

  “Will you tell them how loud you made me scream last night? Or how great it felt when you were inside me?” She smirked and slightly spread her legs open. There were enough suggestions made for him to know what she wanted.

  “I think it’d be easier to show them rather than tell them.” He placed her delicate cheeks into his hands and pulled her into his kiss. She inhaled deeply and gripped his suit lapels. His chest was pushed onto hers and his body sent itself into heath flashes. Déjà vu of last night filled his mind.

  His fingers eased their way under her dress and immediately felt her lips. He gasped.

  “Do you like my fashion choice today?” She whispered, breaking the kiss. He growled in response. A deep animalistic noise coming from the deepest part within him.

  He pushed his lips back onto hers and wasted to no time making small expert circles over her clitoris. Adie moaned into his mouth and grinded against his hand, she was enjoying it just as much as she did last night. He passed his fingers between her lips and teased her hole. Just a little longer and she’d orgasm.

  Then, James broke the kiss to lift his fingers to his mouth. He licked off the wetness and closed his eyes. He was immediately reminded of how sweet and amazing she tasted last night. He turned her around causing her to lean, chest down, over the table. He enjoyed the view and spanked her ass.

  “Set up your painting, everyone will be in any minute now.” He told her, pulling her dress back down and helping her off the table.

  “You are so professional.” She said before biting her lip. She loved how much they challenged each other. She couldn’t imagine when it would get boring.

  A minute later, the employees of Weston Corporations filed into the conference room taking a seat at the rolling chairs around the table. Adie smiled sheepishly at each person as they waited for her painting to be unveiled. She pulled the sheet off of it once everyone was sat and settled.

  It was an abstract piece. It took a moment for them to decipher its intentions. Nevertheless, the colors were warm and inviting enough to place smiles on most of their faces. Adelaide took deep breaths to calm her nerves as she waited for the dreaded feedback of people she had never met.

  “What exactly is it?” One voice spoke. It was a woman with a look of misunderstanding. She seemed perplexed by the piece.

  “It’s love.” Adie put simply before looking up at James Weston. In that moment, everything stopped for him. His heart stopped pounding and all the blood in his body rushed to his feet. “I’m almost positive that the strong feeling I had when painting this was some kind of love. No matter how swift it was.”

  James smiled at her but before he could form a response, his cell phone buzzed in his chest pocket. It caused all the employees to turn their heads to James and watch intently as he continued staring at Adie, not noticing the phone that was alerting him.

  “James… Your phone.” She said since his attention was on her. He snapped out of it and reached into his chest pocket to see who was ruining such a precious moment between Adie and him.

  It was Rachel.

  “Rachel?” He answered more concerned than he wished he were. Adie watched as he opened the conference room door and stepped out. She took a moment to compose herself before looking back at the rest of the people in the room.

  “So, do you guys like it?” She asked bluntly. They all laughed at her boldness and found her sheepish demeanor to be cute.

  “Where are you?” He asked in a low whisper over the phone. He didn’t want to make the other employees think the conversation was hostile, although Rachel’s actions made it increasingly hard for him to remain calm.

  “You’re not worried about me. You’ve already got someone else to be worried about. I hope she’ll take over your day-to-day brooding bullshit. Now that I think about it, she’s an artist she might be the same way.” Rachel said viciously.

  James was flabbergasted. He was beyond disrespected and could no longer put up with her attitude.

  “How dare you find out about her? Don’t bother ever coming back. If my brooding bullshit was too much for you maybe you should rethink your profession because as far as bosses go, I was the best you’d ever have.” He snapped before hanging up the phone.

  His blood was boiling and his skin was crawling to morph. He placed his phone in his pocket and fidgeted his fingers. He began to pace but he still wasn’t calming down. Any moment and he’d shift.

  “Adelaide.” He called out to her before pulling the conference room door open. She widened her eyes at him as he rushed over to her. His body language was anxious and filled with hunger. She prepared herself for what was to come.

  He wrapped his sizzling hot arms around her and pushed their lips together. She threw her arms over his shoulders and ran her fingers wildly through his hair.

  He darted his tongue into her mouth and they swirled passionately against each other. She broke the kiss to take a deep breath and look at his eyes. They were sparking sending flicks of a burning honey through his iris.

  “That was unexpected.”

  “So were you, but I’m happy you happened.” He said before wiping a corner of saliva off her mouth. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of her mouth.

  “Me too.” Adie admitted panting. He made their noses touch and closed his eyes.

  One of the employees in the room shuffled their feet and coughed. Adie and James snapped out of their world and adjusted themselves back to reality.

  “Sorry, we must’ve gotten-“

  “No need to apologize.” James interrupted her, he held her hand and looked at the faces that stared back at them in surprise but delight, “This is my girlfriend Adelaide.”

  “I would appreciate that just because I’m his girlfriend, the feedback about my painting is still honest.” Adie reminded them. They laughed again. This was the second time she had cause the room of business types to roar in contentment. She was truly a gem.

  Chapter 7

  The month of December was nearing a close. There was a week until Christmas and the annual Weston Christmas party was rearing its head onto the agenda. However, with Rachel gone, it was harder to plan the event.

  “You asked me to use the guest list from last year but I can’t find it in the stuff the last assistant left.” Penny expressed. She was the newest hire and she was doing the best with what she had. James smiled at her and shrugged.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have us draw up a new guest list later today.” He assured her and sent her off with a calm resolve. Things in the office had been very calm the past two weeks, ever since Rachel left and Adelaide became a recurring face in the office.

  Their relationship had only become better and better. They brought out the best in each other and flourished through each other’s encouragement.

  James was convinced that Adelaide was his destined mate and he wouldn’t wait any longer to officially make her his mate once and for all.

  He would tell her after the Christmas party that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her because he believed that she was the one that gave it true meaning. He slid the small drawer of his desk open and examined the small jewelry box inside. He picked it up and thumbed in open.

  A 24-karat diamond ring sat in the pristine pouch of the ring box. It was the ring he would propose to Adie with. He planned to tell her he was a dragon-shifter before proposing and he hoped that she would still want to be with him after it.

  “Mr. Weston, Adelaide is on her way up.” Penny spoke into the intercom of her desk phone. It echoed into James’ office and he pressed the button to respond:

  “Great. Send her straight to my office.” He pushed the drawer closed and adjusted his tie. It was just another thing he’d have to keep from her. It was so hard to tell her every intimate detail of his childhood, his daily feelings, and family without revealing the most crucial detail of why he was the way that he was: his dragon side.

  “Knock, knock.” Adie said pushing the door open. He looked up from his desk and stared at her. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her trench coat was tied tightly around her waist. She held two hot chocolates in a holder in one hand and a bag of pastries in the other.

  “What do you have for me today?” He asked trying to sniff out the contents of the bag. She tapped his nose and placed the drinks onto his desk.


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