Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1) Page 7

by Ashley Hunter

  “I ran down to the Korean shop because every holiday season, they have the most amazing desserts. You wont even believe what I brought you.” She gushed as she pulled breads and delicacies from Korea out of her bag and onto a plate on his desk.

  He took a bite of the first pastry and moaned in approval.

  “This is delicious.” He uttered before taking another bite. Adie smiled but then suddenly noticed he was eating all of it.

  “Hey, save some for me.” She cried. He popped the last bit into his mouth before hearing what she had said.

  “Oh I’m sorry, do you still want some?” He asked with a grin as he continued to chew. She squinted her eyes at him and snarled.

  “You’re disgusting.” She told him, figuring he would put the remains of the chewed food into her mouth.

  “We could reenact a bird scenario. I chewed it up for you, just let me pour it down your throat.” He grabbed her arms. She squirmed around and shrieked. He pulled her into his lap playfully and swallowed the pastry before kissing her.

  “Can you taste it?” He asked breaking the kiss. She pushed his shoulder and laughed.

  “I have no idea why I like you.” She lied and picked up a small dough roll. She placed one end in her mouth and held it out for him. He took a bite of the other end and let their lips touch as they bit down and took it into their mouth.

  “You have amazing taste in food and I’m an amazing chef.” He said, giving her the reason why she liked him. She licked her lips and looked into his eyes.

  “Oh yeah, that’s why!” She joked along with him.

  James spent a late night sending out invitations and preparing a guest list for the Christmas party. It was a more peaceful process than the years before. Penny was a professional and understood her role in such a huge company.

  “So that should be everything.” She concluded as they wrapped up the final details of the party. He nodded at her and sent her on her way. He had a few proposals to look over and although his insides roared to be near Adie he had to finish his work.

  The silence of the office comforted him well until he received an alarming desktop alert. It was an email blast sent through the server and to every contact email on his list.

  He immediately double-clicked to read it. The subject line caught his attention:

  James Weston’s Assistant of five years has a lot to say about the way he runs his business, or should we say how he runs the women away from it?

  James furrowed his eyebrows and followed the link that sent him straight to a gossip website. A picture of Rachel filled the screen and he scrolled down to read the rest of the slanderous article:

  “James Weston is a sexist pig.” Rachel recounts from her years of serving him. She even admits the juicy details of why he fired her:

  “He found a girlfriend, whose art isn’t spectacular, but he’s thrown money into her pockets so that he can scale his hotels with her drawings. Little does he know she’s nothing but a gold-digger, hoping to climb the social ladder on the back of him.”

  His last girlfriend had actually left him for another man and Rachel says in the years that she’s known him she can’t wait to see this new one leave him in the same way.

  “He certainly has a type and I can’t wait until she does the same to him.”

  James was irate. He didn’t care about what she said about him but her carelessness to using Adie’s name when she was absolutely nothing like Rachel described was unbelievable and unacceptable.

  His heart raced at drastically quick pace. He checked the original message and read the personal message Rachel had attached to it.

  Join him at his mediocre Christmas party so you can see his new toy before she gets tired of her owner.

  His blood boiled over and his skin began to crawl, itching to let loose of the reptilian form beneath. He pushed himself away from the desk and turned around. Rachel had become the biggest parasite in his entire life. Her jealous nature was disgusting and it made him angry beyond repair.

  He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. His fury was ready to be unleashed. His teeth began to take full form. They grew bigger and longer, causing his mouth to change custom and morph to accompany them.

  His fingers extended and his nails hardened. They blackened and lengthened until the curved under. He felt himself growing taller and his body taking form. His wings ripped out of his back and fell to the floor. He took steps toward the window and opened it. He needed to escape.

  He needed to fly.

  With a light push he flapped his long, elaborate wings and pressed off the windowsill and into the skyline. He circled the building in the blink of an eye once and peered into the window he had just left.

  Adelaide stood with her hands gripping the windowsill and her mouth agape. A tear streamed down her face and she was speechless. For once, she was officially speechless.

  James panicked soaring higher into the sky and landing onto the roof of the building. He quickly shifted back to human form and ran back into the building and down the emergency staircase. He made it to the ground floor before she could leave.

  “Adelaide.” He said through fits of panting. She shook her head unable to comprehend any of the events she had witnessed.

  She walked into the office knowing he was staying a bit late. The doorman knew her and let her go right up without alerting him. She never would’ve imagined what she had walked in to see.

  He took a step towards her and reached his hand to touch her arm but she backed away quickly.

  “Don’t touch me.” She ordered him.

  She tiptoed around him and took steps out of the building. She ran down the block and hailed a cab. Her head was spinning with visions of what she saw. She couldn’t believe James turned into a creature she didn’t even recognize.

  How could he have never told her?

  Little did Adie know, he’d been trying to find a way to all this time and this reaction was the exact thing he had been dreading.

  James ran out of the door and couldn’t bother waiting for a cab to stop for him. He jogged the mile and a half to her apartment complex and hoped she was there to listen to him. He sat on her steps and waited for her.

  “Get out of here.” She said through clenched teeth before pushing her way past him. He stood up and opened his arms to block her way into the building. He tried to look in her eyes but she avoided eye contact. She began shuffling her feet back and forth, dodging his movements.

  “I want to go inside. Leave me alone!” She shrieked. Random passerby’s glanced over and watched James’ next move. He dropped his arms down at his sides and tried one more time to look into her eyes.

  “I love you.” He reminded her before turning around and heading back to his home. All he could do was remind her of the love he had for her. All he could do was hope that would be enough.

  Chapter 8

  Adelaide hadn’t left her home in three days. The greatest shock she had ever experienced in her life was still on her mind. She sipped her third glass of whiskey for the day and it was only noon.

  She replayed the moment James transformed into something so far from what she’d ever thought was possible. He said he had surprises up his sleeve but she never could’ve guessed it was something that surreal.

  As hurt and betrayed as she felt, she couldn’t tear her heart from him. The only thing she knew for certain more than anything else was that he loved her. There was no way he lied about that. Up until the moment she begged for him to go away he reminded her he loved her and that was noble.

  “I must be going crazy.” She mumbled to herself and fell back on the couch. She had cried out all of her tears and she still hadn’t come to a clear decision: she didn’t know how to fathom what she’d seen.

  Suddenly, it dawned on her. The only way to know what she had seen was to ask the source.

  Tonight was James Weston’s Christmas party. She surely had to still be invited even though their relationship was a bit shaky at the moment. S
he picked up her phone and began dialing his number but couldn’t get herself to press ‘call’. She still wasn’t sure what the right decision in these circumstances would be. She stared out of the window and gulped down the rest of her glass.

  She knew she didn’t want to sit here sulking in her sadness any longer. She erased the number she was beginning to dial and dialed a new one: Kim.

  “Are you up for a party tonight?” She asked her friend, in a second she said yes.

  “Stop by. I need to go dress shopping.” She hung up and went to the bathroom to shower. She needed some answers. That was all. Her anger and sadness had gone on for too long. It was time to face the facts and draw some conclusions.

  James’ hand shook uncontrollably as he gripped his cup of coffee. Penny was worried about his well-being but after the nasty email his last assistant sent out, she didn’t want to get in the crosshairs of the Weston fire.

  He was a mess. He hadn’t combed and tussled his hair in the effortlessly sexy way Adie used to like and he would’ve arrived to work in a robe and some pajamas if that was a decision he was inclined to make at the time.

  It was as if Rachel’s prediction was right after all. Adie had left him too. He had betrayed her trust and with every opportunity they had he let it slip away. He feared losing her because of it, but that outcome was clearly inevitable. He always found a way to hurt the people he loved.

  It was late afternoon and most of the employees had left. The Christmas party was in a few hours so James let them go early to get dressed. He wasn’t going to leave however. He couldn’t. There was no motivation in his bones.

  If he was being honest with himself he’d completely cancel the party, but he didn’t want to hurt anyone else. He had already hurt the woman he loved and that was becoming hard to live with each day. He struggled with wanting to call her.

  If only she’d let him explain. It may not change everything but he wanted her to understand: the heartbeat in his chest stayed in tune with hers.

  He was devoted to every part of her. From the moment he saw her, the fire inside him hadn’t ceased to burn. The day she told him to leave her alone, the fire burned out. Now a cold, empty, hollow space filled his chest. His inner beast lay dormant inside him as if hibernating for the winter.

  “Sir, are you going home to get ready for the party?” She asked sheepishly. She hoped that he wouldn’t yell or think she was prying. It was a natural curiosity that caused her to ask.

  “No, I’m actually not feeling too well, but by all means, if you have to get ready you can leave. I’ll be fine. You’ve done a fantastic job.” He praised her. She smiled and bowed at him. She slid out of his office and closed the door.

  The kind heart of Adie resonated through most of his actions lately. He decided that if he couldn’t have her around, he would uphold her values and be a better person because of her.

  The only time he liked himself was when he was trying to be someone she might fall in love with.

  He watched as Penny walked into the elevator with a smile plastered across her face. She waved and the doors closed. He smirked at the thought of happiness. A distant emotion since Adelaide had gone.

  He stood up and placed his hand on the tiny snowflakes that dangled from the ceiling on a string. It had finally started to snow in New York and it was just the kind of iciness that matched his soul.

  “It’s exquisite.” He complimented his own designs. It was quiet and the sound of his own voice bouncing off the walls comforted him.

  “Talking to yourself? Now I’m sure that’s a whole other level of crazy.” Adie’s voice rang into the building. He didn’t bother to even look around.

  He imagined responses from Adelaide all the time. It sounded so real sometimes it could practically be a hallucination.

  “I deserve the silent treatment. I get it.” The voice said again. James furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t think of that and that wasn’t something he could imagine Adie saying. He turned around to see his curvy dream girl standing in front of the elevator. She placed one hand on her full hip and the other pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Adelaide.” He huffed in shock. What could she have come here for? He couldn’t stop his heart from racing. It was the first time he felt it since the night she stormed off.

  “James.” She smiled quickly before setting her lips back into a harsh line. He swallowed hard. He had no idea if this would be a pleasant talk or some final breakup. He anticipated both and knew either way, he’d respect her decision.

  “How are you?” He asked cautiously. She looked at the snowflake designs across the building and surveyed the area for people.

  “I’m confused and early.” She seemed to still be able to joke, “Is there anyone around?” She asked in seriousness. James nodded yes but couldn’t bee too sure.

  “Lets go in my office.” He offered his hand but she didn’t take it. She cleared her throat and set her eyes straight ahead, waiting for him to move toward the office door. “Fair enough.” He accepted and walked into his office.

  He immediately wished he had been able to hold up his appearance because he knew he looked like shit and he hoped that wouldn’t ruin the chance he may have with her.

  “So, I don’t really know where to start or how to say what I think is going on.” She stuttered.

  She placed her hands on the side of her face and ran her fingers through her hair. Her eyes bulged out as she recalled the events of the night. “I don’t know if that’s something you do or maybe the Korean pastries made you wacky.”

  “Adelaide, I love you. I know I’ve said that before, but I’ll say it again because I do and I always will.”

  “I don’t mean to be rude… Thank you for loving me, but I’d really like answers.” She told him.

  Her eyes welled up with tears and as much as she told herself not to cry, it seemed almost unstoppable. He knelt in front of her and grabbed her hands.

  “What I’m about to tell you I haven’t told to anyone. Ever.” He began, warning her of the severity and the risk he put himself. She nodded and waited patiently for him to proceed.

  He swallowed the lump that sat in his throat and looked up at her. The gloss of her hazel eyes as she forced herself not too cry was enough to make him hate himself for how much he hurt her. He knew she deserved the truth and now was the time.

  “My family has descended from an ancient village in Greece where humans are cursed with a power to shift. Their forms can be reshaped and they take on the body of a dragon.”

  She closed her eyes shut and inhaled deeply. She held the tears in and tried her best not to cry. He had confirmed her sighting. He was a dragon; there was no doubt about it now.

  “You’re a dragon?”

  “I’m a shifter. I remain in human form for most of my life. I can shift voluntarily and only very special circumstances cause me to shift unexpectedly or against my human forms will.

  When you walked in I was so angry about an email I had read from Rachel and I couldn’t stop myself from changing.” He explained to her. She listened intently to every word and took them into account.

  “How could her email make you so upset? You’re none of the things she said.”

  “It wasn’t about what she said about me. I could care less. It was the vile, absurd words she used to describe you. She had no business speaking about you and as a woman with an ounce of the qualities you have I felt disrespected and offended.

  She was portraying a person you would never be and that was what irritated me. That was the point where my anger took over and I lost my control.” He shook her hands, reliving the moment in his head.

  If he weren’t holding onto her soft hands that calmed him down, he’d probably go wild again.

  At that moment, she began to sob. Tears streamed down her face faster than ever and James shot up quickly.

  “I’m sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. You’re so pure and so special and from the moment I met
you, I knew I’d hate myself if I hurt you. I can’t forgive myself for this and I understand why you wouldn’t be able to either.” He took a step back from her and held onto the edge of the table.

  His eyes began to dilate and he felt he was losing his balance. He prepared himself for this outcome but he didn’t know how hard he’d take it until it happened.

  Adie placed her hand on his back and sniffled.

  “James… I love you too.” She said for the first time. He blinked unsure if he was creating a fantasy in his head to cope with the loss of her or if she had really said those words.

  “I love every bit of you. From the way your eyes change color to the way you carefully calculate the words you say to make sure I’m not offended. Everything you’ve done is for me. You’ve accepted my views on life and love for living on the pulse of society.

  I dragged you out of your comfort zone so much and I can’t thank you enough for staying by my side. I knew I loved you from the night we shared at my apartment and I see a future with you.” She confessed. He turned and stared into her eyes. She was apologetic and sincere.

  James held her cheek in his hand and thumbed it. He watched as she slowly parted her lips and anticipated a kiss.

  He pulled open a drawer and picked up the jewelry box that sat on top waiting for the perfect mate to claim it. He placed a knee down and looked up at her. She covered her mouth unable to believe what was about to happen next.

  “Adelaide Frasier, from the moment I set eyes on you, my body lit up. My blood usually runs cold but with you, I haven’t stopped boiling. You are my destined mate and I am certain that the jitters in my stomach are telling me you are the soul I am bonded to. Whatever your decision, I will always be yours. I just want to know if you’ll be mine. Will you marry me?” He asked.

  His heart pounded in his ears and his hand shook. He had no expectations of a yes or a no.

  “James Weston… I will marry you.” She shrieked and cried a ton of tears. He slid the ring tightly onto her finger and couldn’t help but shed a tear as well. The happiest day of his life had finally happened.


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