Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1) Page 8

by Ashley Hunter

  She grabbed the side of his face and grabbed his lips with hers. She pressed into him, never wanting to let go. He placed his hands on the small of her back and worked his way up to the zipper along her spine.

  “How long until the party starts?” She asked as he pulled the zipper down. He allowed his finger to slip the sleeve of one arm and then the other.

  “I don’t know and I don’t really care.”

  “But what if someone comes up?” She worried.

  “The only person I need to come right now is you.” He smirked and spun her around by her waist. He pushed her across the desk and pulled her dress off.

  She was completely nude underneath.

  “You just knew everything would be okay?” He asked, grabbing a handful of her ass in his hands.

  “No, but I did hope so.” She said before yelping at his spank. He knelt down and placed his head between her legs. He was ready to show his gratitude.

  He ran his tongue over her and used his fingers to spread her lips. He blew gently and watched her clit quiver. He flicked it and listened to her moan in response to its sensitivity.

  She bent her knees and commanded his tongue. She began to thrust her hips back and forth plunging his tongue into her hole and up to her clit. He kept up with her and grabbed her thighs for better support. She rode him faster until finally she was about to reach her peak. He broke free.

  “James!” She shouted at the moment he had stolen from her. She turned in irritation and stared at him with a face of disgust.

  “As much as I love to taste you, I want to feel you come on me.” He told her and lifted her onto the desk. She laid back and arched her back anticipating the stroke. Once he rid himself of his pants and briefs, he pushed his shaft up against her lips and tapped her clit.

  “Baby, I need you.” She whined. He continued to tease her and waited for her to grab his penis and shove it inside of her. His favorite part was teasing her and watching her take control.

  He gripped her thighs and pumped in her. Feeling her walls tighten and widen as she slid up and down his manhood. She was going wild. She had missed him so much.

  Adie lifted herself up on her elbows and gestured for him to stop. She pointed for him to sit in his chair. He smirked as he realized what she had in mind.

  She strutted over to him. In bare-naked sexiness and bent over him, rubbing her breasts on either side of his meat.

  “Is this a new trick?” He asked as he watched her lick the head. She nodded and proceeded to work. Until she felt he was hard enough.

  “I call this reverse pony.” She announced and stood up. She turned and gave him the best view before squatting down onto him. She gasped as she took him all in and moaned as he hit her g-spot.

  She rotated her hips and swirled around, going up and down while grinding her self against him. He loved this new move. He was moments away from coming.

  “Baby, I’m going to come.” Adelaide announced as she bounced proudly on him. He gripped her hips tightly and pushed her further down.

  “Shit, me too.” He said in between harsh breaths. She panted and moaned so loudly it caused James to groan and aroused him even more. He waited for the moment to hear her scream in pure ecstasy, but they finished simultaneously. Their moans and groans elevated to shouts and growls of delight.

  They continued to grind against each other for the final moments of their climax. He trailed kisses down her spine and held her close to him. He remained inside although his penis softened.

  The physical connection mimicked their emotional one. They were bonded and intertwined. The place where she began and he ended blurred. They were merging into one.

  “James…” Adelaide whispered. His eyes were closed and his cheek was pressed up against her back studying her heartbeat and breathing.

  “Yes, my love?” He responded.

  “I’d like to put my clothes on. Your guests might be here any minute and I wouldn’t want anyone to see your fiancée like this.”

  “When were you ever scared of a little public display of affection?” He asked, allowing her to stand up off of him and turn to face him. She shook her head.

  “Never because I will always think that phrase is a mouthful.” She teased, referencing one of their earlier inside jokes. He shot his gleaming smile at her and she fell right under his spell. He grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap once more. She sat and he cradled her.

  “Can we just stay like this for a bit longer?” He asked. He wasn’t ready to let her go just yet.

  He kept his arms wrapped around her and his body kept her warm in the otherwise freezing office. She traced the lines on his face and made delicate note of all his features. She vowed to spend every day of her life learning about every little thing in his mind. She would never be away from him again.

  In his arms, she knew three things for certain: she was warm, she was safe and she was irrevocably in love with James Weston, a dragon shifter.


  A Note From Ashley Hunter

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  Scroll down for a bonus preview of The Vampire’s Captive.

  Thank you for your time!


  Chapter One

  One, two, three, four...

  Jenny had never been much of a runner, but after a little while, she found she was falling into the rhythm of it and counting her steps—anything to keep from thinking of what was behind her. She was gasping for air, though, and she knew Alec was still back there, was still chasing her. Maybe this was even part of the plan, part of the humiliation he always heaped on her: allow her to try to escape, exhaust her, and then come in and take whatever he wanted anyway.

  It wasn't going to be a good night; she'd suspected that from the start, but as soon as things had really gone downhill and she'd tried to get out of the situation...well. That was when things had really become dire, and now she felt like she was running for her life in the middle of the woods.

  The thing was, she wanted to think that she was in love with Alec, but she did know that based on her curves, there was no way she deserved someone as attractive as him. She knew that, but it kept hurting every time he told her something like that.

  It was when she slipped on the patch of mud that things really went bad. She was halfway down into the ditch before she even knew she was falling, and things just hurt when she tried to move afterwards. He's going to catch me, she thought, panicking a bit inside. There was no way she could run, with her ankle feeling like it did, but she didn't have any other option. She didn't even think she could manage to stand.

  And she was so tired as well. She just wanted to curl up in the leaves down at the bottom of the ravine, just hide in the forest and stay there for a long, long time. She tried one more time to get to her feet, imagining she could even hear the steps of her boyfriend—exboyfriend?—behind her, but there was really nothing she could do.

  She felt helpless, and she knew it was her own fault. She had known this wasn't the best decision, being with him, but she had just...wanted so much. That was the thing, though: she always wanted too much.

  His footsteps were coming closer, and this time, she knew it wasn't just her imagination. Alec was actually getting there, closer and closer. She curled into a miserable ball there in the bottom of the ravine, knowing that her actions were not going to keep her safe. She'd had a premonition about this, and she knew, by this age, to trust her premonitions.

  She started hyperventilating, hearing him rustling through the leaves above her. It was like being a deer caught in the headlights—but instead of being paralyzed by her fear; she was paralyzed by the fact that she likely had sprained her ankle or wor
se. She wanted to cry, but she was so exhausted by that point that she didn't even seem to have the energy.

  Anyway, she was so used to being humiliated by the man that it wasn't as though she really had tears left for this situation. She was sick of men always acting like they owned the world and she should be so lucky to have them look twice at her...but she couldn't ever seem to break that cycle.

  He was coming down the ravine now; even in the dim light, she could see his outline. She wondered if maybe he might miss her, just keep walking past her, but she knew that she wasn't that lucky. Anyway, her slide down must be pretty easily visible. The part just above her had been totally cleared of leaves, after all. He'd have to be blind to miss her.

  Sure enough, he spotted her before he was halfway down the ravine.

  “You naughty girl,” he said, once he got within earshot of her.

  “We both know you're just a little slut, begging for me to fill you up. I give you what you need, and look what you do: go running off through the night, as though anyone else would ever take you. You're so lucky to have me, and you know that.”

  She let out a small sob, feeling herself start to shake. Once, she would've protested his words, but knowing objectively that this was a horrible relationship and staying in it anyway...that had to make her a slut, didn't it?

  He tsked at the state she was in, but she wondered if he didn't actually love it—she'd ruined her clothes and knew she had to be a mess, probably with mud streaked on her face and through her hair. She was a total wreck, and he always loved it when she made a fool out of herself.

  He stood menacingly over her and nudged her hard in the ribs with the toe of his boot. “On your knees. Now.”

  She didn't want to obey the command, but she knew it would be worse for herself if she didn't. Then again, she was so drained both physically and mentally that she wasn't sure she could get on her knees even if she wanted to, and the thought of touching him at all made her cringe. It wasn't like she could fight him, though.

  She was motionless for so long that he lost patience, reaching down and grabbing her hair to haul her up. She wished irrationally that she could just cut all her hair off, just so he could never use it to manipulate her again. But that would just give him more ammunition to humiliate her: she'd be ugly and curvy.

  “You little bitch,” he hissed.

  “If you did what you were told, you wouldn't be in this situation now.” He held her up by her hair and began undoing his belt with the other hand. “I'll need to discipline you better, I suppose.”

  As with the running, there was always a point where her mind just sort of stopped trying to assess the situation and she kind of blanked out—the exhaustion was definitely helping her now, too. So she almost missed seeing the man come up behind her boyfriend.

  The newcomer was a tall man, and even in the dim light, she could see how chiseled his features were. He had to be pretty strong, too: he slammed a fist down on her boyfriend's wrist, causing him to lose his grip on her hair, and then pulled him bodily away.

  “Get the hell away from us!” her boyfriend yelled, coming back with fists raised, ready for a fight.

  “If you come one step closer, I'll break your neck,” the newcomer warned, and she had to shiver at how dangerously sexy his voice was.

  But the last thing she wanted was another self-possessed man in her life. And how obvious it was: who else would be so arrogant as to interrupt a couple in the woods in the middle of the night and threaten one of them with murder without even knowing the full situation? Not that she didn't appreciate his help, but she definitely didn't trust the man.

  When her boyfriend took a couple steps forward, the stranger knocked him out with a single punch—so at least he hadn't followed through on the full extent of his threat. Then, the stranger turned to her. She felt a rush of panic, but there was still nothing she could do.

  “You're hurt,” he said flatly. He cocked his head to the side and considered her. “You're also filthy.”

  “No shit,” she muttered, anger rising quickly. As though she needed someone else to point out all her flaws.

  This guy could just go back to doing whatever the heck it was he'd been doing in the woods in the middle of the night. He had to be a serial killer or something…

  The man bent down, though, and smoothed the hair back from her eyes, a gesture that seemed odd coming from him. His face instantly hardened again, but he bent down and scooped her up into his arms.

  She wanted to scream, tell him to put her down and leave her alone, but she couldn't find the energy to do more than whimper pathetically.

  “Hush,” he said imperiously. “It's not like you can just stay here, not with that guy.”

  She wanted to protest, but the exhaustion was rapidly taking over and she could feel herself start edging towards darkness. She let her head fall against his muscular chest.

  “Where are we going?” she managed to slur out, but if he gave an answer, she didn't manage to stay awake long enough to hear it.

  Chapter Two

  She woke up in a panic, totally unsure of where she was. The room was dimly lit and seemed like something out of the distant past—heavy green draperies around the bed, arched windows, a stone floor covered with plush, velvet rugs, and dark-colored wood making up all the furniture she could see, including a heavy armoire in the corner.

  And in front of the armoire…

  It was the stranger from the night before, she recalled, although her memories towards the end of the night were a bit fuzzy around the edges due to her exhaustion. He was standing there contemplating her, almost as though he'd known she would awaken now.

  “Where am I?” she asked, still scared even though she knew the stranger had saved her the night before. He wouldn't have saved her just to harm her, would he?

  The stranger arched one elegant eyebrow. “In my home, of course. As I said, I couldn't just leave you there with that monster.”

  She blinked at the vehemence in his tone and tried to quell the swell of desire she felt at hearing his voice again. After all, it wasn't like she could trust this man to be any different than any of the other men she'd ever met—and as attractive and arrogant as this man appeared to be, he had to be ten times worse than anyone she'd met before.

  She could feel her pulse begin to quicken.

  He cocked his head to the side, as though he could hear the blood rushing through her veins or see the paleness of her skin—but the latter was impossible in this deep lighting, and the former... “You don't need to be afraid,” he rumbled.

  “I have some sense of honor.”

  She eyed him doubtfully. “But...why did you save me to begin with?”

  She frowned, reconsidering. “No—why were you out there to begin with? It was the middle of the night, and we were in the middle of the woods.”

  His face hardened imperceptibly before returning to neutral. “What's your name?”

  When she paused, he rolled his eyes skywards. “It's not a difficult question to answer, is it?”

  “Jenny,” she finally said softly, still not unsure she should even admit that much.

  “Why don't you tell me what you were doing in the middle of the woods last night, Jenny,” he said, and it wasn't even a question.

  Jenny felt compelled to answer, despite the fact that he had failed to answer either of her questions.

  “My boyfriend...” She felt silly, but she couldn't help the quaver in her voice. She knew she was better than this; it didn't matter what her boyfriend had done or wanted to do, she just…

  The stranger scowled and looked as though he were one second from folding his arms across his chest but thought he was too proper for that.

  “Surely you're smart enough not to commit yourself to someone like that.”

  Jenny didn't really know what to say in response. One part of her wanted to be offended: in her heart she knew that he didn't deserve to judge her like that—no one deserved to judge her like that,
and he didn't even know the entirety of the situation. How could he even say something like that?

  But then again…

  She still didn't really know how to react to him. As he came closer to the bed—slowly, like he knew she must be terrified of him—she could see him better and better, and he was incredibly attractive. And the thing was, that at least told her that there was no way he would ever stoop to do to her what Alec had done.

  It wasn't that Alec hadn't been attractive, but this stranger (she still didn't know his name!) could sleep with the most attractive woman in the world and still outshine her. He was the epitome of masculinity, the kind of man that women only dreamt of sleeping with. Except…

  “What were you doing in the woods?” she asked again, hating how her voice wavered.

  But there couldn't have been any reason he was out there in the woods at that hour, and...she just had a bad feeling about the situation. And she knew to trust her instincts; the last time she had ignored them, she'd ended up running away from Alec in the woods, which was as sure a sign as any that she needed to quit ignoring the things she knew to be true. She knew her premonitions always came true, and she knew not to trust this man. There was something just…off...about him.

  The stranger shook his head, looking somewhere between amused and frustrated.

  He studied her a moment longer and then said, “My name is Patrick. I presume you're hungry?”

  Without waiting for an answer, he strode over to the bedroom door and peered out into the hallway. She heard him say something quietly to someone and then he came back inside.

  “Of course, the servants are at your beck and call as well for the duration of your stay here—Lucille will wait outside the door, so you'll always find her there, and once you're strong enough to leave the room, she'll shadow you around the grounds.”


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