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Romance: Auctioned To The Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance Standalone (Wild Shifters Book 1)

Page 13

by Ashley Hunter

  Their movements became less focused, clumsier now that they were both on a one way road to a singular climax. Her hands yanked into his dark hair, the moisture of the rain making her snag on his tangled hair almost too hard. He let out a sharp hiss at that, but said nothing.

  Malik’s hands had found the hem of her pants quick, and when he pulled them down, his nails had accidentally raked against the sensitive flesh of her rear and thighs.

  Elle let out a groan at that but felt the pain ebb away into a sting that could only be satisfied the more he touched her.

  She lifted her knee to help him pull her pants off, and ended up accidentally kicking him in the ribs.

  “Sorry!” She began, but he gave her a smirk instead and for the first moment since they began, she thought she saw the old Malik in how he loomed over her.

  A giggle erupted from her lips when his fingers pressed against a tickle spot by her hips, her body jerking at the contact.

  “You’re ticklish?” He asked.

  “Don’t you dare,” Elle hissed, already throwing her hands to catch his before he dared do anything that would break the mood. Malik laughed throatily, swooping down to press another hot kiss against her mouth.

  Elle moaned when his hands proceeded to run up and down her sides, paying close attention to her breasts before he made his way further down.

  His fingers trailed teasingly close where she needed it most, and Elle’s hips bucks the closer he inched near her folds, grazing but never touching them.

  He was teasing her, for sure, and it sparked a competitive fire in Elle’s blood that made her drag her own palms down his skin before meeting the clothed erection straining through his expensive suit trousers.

  Malik let out a yelp when she grasped him and when he looked back up at her, she was smirking back at him.

  “Oh, so that’s how you want to do it.”

  He said with a wicked smile, and with a decisive tug, Malik pulled his fingers around her drenched sex and pressed two fingers knuckle-deep inside of Elle.

  Elle let out a gasp at the intrusion, feeling her body shudder with each thrust he pushed against her. She had almost forgotten about his erection in her hand until she gave him an involuntary squeeze.

  He moaned above her and the sound snapped her back to attention. Her hands found the buttons of his trousers, quickly unbuckling the belt and pulling down the zipper before she hooked her thumbs at his hips.

  “Elle, are you—” Malik began, his words stopping short when she pulled the fabric of his pants and underwear down with one yank.

  His fingers paused their thrusting and when their gazes met, Elle could only smile at him before her fingers grasped around his length.

  He was thick, long, and hot and the skin felt silky smooth at her touch. Gentle but hurriedly, Elle wasted no time to pump him, remembering how she had gained her experience with Alex and how he had loved it when she went fast.

  Instead, Malik reached a hand down and closed his fingers around her wrist, eyes clenched shut tight.

  “E-easy,” He wheezed. “Not so fast.”

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She asked, feeling reproachful now that they took a moment to reflect.

  Malik gave her a one-sided smile.

  “I’m fine,” he said, “just… go a little slower.”

  When he released her, Elle resumed her caress over his skin, sliding her palm and fingers up and down his length with more deliberate strokes.

  “Like that,” he said, eyes still shut but loosening into a pleasured expression.

  His face was so vulnerable, Elle could only stare in awe.

  “Like this.” He said and suddenly, his fingers were pumping into her.

  The sensations made her grip on him stutter to a stop before she picked up to her rhythmic pace. Carefully, she tightened her hold around him, and in response, Malik pumped his fingers into her a little harder.

  Elle could feel Malik thrust his hips against her hand just as she wiggled and grinded her hips against his, their gasps and moans growing together the more they moved.

  Just as Elle could feel the beginning of her orgasm approach, Malik suddenly stopped, and Elle let out a swift groan of protest.

  “Not like this,” Malik sighed out.

  “I want to be inside you when you come.”

  His words only made her body feel further high-strung, made her muscles coil in anticipation for the pleasure that was to come.

  Even as she felt that way, she felt a rush of heat burn against her cheeks, made her feel so strangely shy beneath his heated gaze.

  “How could you say things like that…?” She muttered.

  “That’s embarrassing.”

  Malik didn’t seem to be expecting this and when he glanced down at her, she felt like she was being revered all over again.

  Finally, a small smile passed over his lips and it was the first time she ever saw him smile at her like that.

  “You’re something else, Miss Roberts.”

  “S-shut up, Malik.”

  She muttered, but her embarrassment melted away when she felt his thumb land over her clit and rub leisure circles against it.

  “My name,” he murmured, “is Zayn. I’d like for you to call me that.”

  “Ah-ha—ah—aahh…” Elle moaned, lips parted to let out her moans of wanton pleasure.

  Malik pressed a little harder against her and Elle’s hips gave a rather sharp buck at that, her fingers falling from around his member to grasp to his shoulder.

  “Say it, Elle.”

  It only occurred to her then that he meant for her to say his name.

  “Z-Zayn,” she breathed out, her breath hiccupping in her chest as he gave her another rub.

  She could feel it… the start of her orgasm just creeping up.

  “Say it again…”

  “Zayn,” she moaned, bucking against him again to make the friction harder.

  She wanted to take that plunge right now. Of course, Malik would pull away, and when she blinked through half-lidded eyes, he was smiling down at her widely.

  Before she could yell at him to keep moving, she suddenly felt him shift his hips, aligning himself against her assuredly.

  Elle’s eyes widened when she realized he was just against her entrance.

  “Ready?” He breathed.

  “Zayn!” His name exploded from her lips just as he sheathed himself deep within her.

  The sensation of being filled by him made Elle arch her back and let out a cry she had never heard from herself ever before.

  Alex had been thick, but he wasn’t particularly long. Whereas Malik, on the other hand, had pushed himself so deeply inside her, Elle could feel him in her throat.

  His girth, while dense, was not unpleasant, yet it took a few moments of heavy breathing and clenching hard to each other for Elle to become accustomed to his fullness.

  Carefully, Malik pumped against her, keeping his strokes short against her so that she could get used to how deep he penetrated her.

  Each graze of his tip brushed against her womb, making Elle feel like all the blood in her body would pulse against her head before rushing back down and then back to her head all over again.

  “Elle,” Malik breathed against her throat, his hands bruising tight against her hips and against her arched back.


  Elle took in his words and had to physically pry one of her hands from his scalp, where she had been gripping to for her life.

  He pumped against her once more, pressing soothing kisses to her throat before meeting her parted lips deliciously.

  His mouth worked over hers, bringing her back to him and allowing her to reciprocate his kisses with growing passion.

  Before long, he was fluidly pulling back before sliding into her again, memorizing with his hands how her body would convulse and arc with every thrust like a wave.

  “Oh,” Elle moaned after he pulled away, dragging one of his fingers to tease her clit.

  “Oh, Zayn…”

  His movements, while slow, were steadily driving her mad and if he didn’t increase his pace soon, Elle would probably explode with frustration.

  “P-please,” she begged. He slowed down and Elle nearly shouted.

  “What is it?” He asked her softly.

  Elle reached back up around his jaw, cradling his face with her hands as she brought him up to her mouth, “Faster, faster.”

  Malik groaned into her tongue, dragging one of his hands down from her hip to grip to her thigh. He pulled the limb further up, adjusting their position so he could meet her demands.

  He gave one particularly strong thrust and Elle was letting out an amazing scream, her eyes popping open to behold trickles of rain and gales of wind ripping around their small car right now.

  She wasn’t sure if the car was shaking hard because of the wind or because of how powerfully Malik was pounding into her.

  Her entire body was on fire, her limbs quivering with every hot flash of pleasure, and suddenly Malik’s thumb was flicking harder against her sex, driving her into her orgasm with the force of an explosion.

  Until, finally, Elle felt her walls clamp down against Malik’s length, and she was riding out the most powerful climax she had ever felt in her life.

  She distinctly heard someone calling Malik’s name over and over, and it wasn’t until she felt her mind settle down from the white-hot pleasure that she realized it was her own voice pleading with Malik to keep going.

  Suddenly, Malik pushed harder and harder against her, and Elle felt her body spasm with each thrust until he was shuddering powerful, his body wracking as he let out a low groan that grew into a shout.

  Without warning, he pulled away from her and Elle felt the absence of him from her body immediately. She almost asked what was wrong until she felt something hot slap and spread over her belly and chest.

  Elle lay there gasping, fighting to catch her breath even as she tried to glance down and find out what had happened.

  Eventually, she straightened up against him, felt Malik droop his forehead against her shoulder and his sweat soaked hair clung to her skin.

  When she glanced down, she saw long lines of white come over her belly.

  “You…pulled it out?” She asked.

  “Didn’t… bring a condom.” He replied, just as out of breath as she was.

  “Idiot,” she scolded, but was smiling when he glanced at her.

  “I’m on the pill.”

  Malik returned her smile with one of his own, “One can never be too careful.”

  “Well, now,” she paused to swallow back some air. “I’m all sticky.”

  “Don’t complain,” Malik retorted.

  Elle rolled her eyes before lifting her hands up toward his face. He met her kiss half-way, their lips making echoes of the slaps that had occurred between their bodies just moments prior.

  “That was… amazing.” He muttered against her lips.

  “Hmm…” Elle hummed, relishing the warmth between them despite the slight discomfort of the lack of air.

  It was almost stifling, but she was pulsing and throbbing with so much ecstasy, it was hard to care. Eventually, caring had to come after their bodies recovered.

  When Malik pulled away, Elle was forced to think of what they had just done, and what it meant for them in the future.

  “Malik…” She spoke and she was pushing herself up to sit against the seat. She winced when she felt the damp between her legs shift weirdly as she moved.

  Malik was already pulling out a packet of towlettes from the passenger door, offering it to her without a word. He seemed to be realizing what they had done as well.

  Elle kept silent until she had cleaned herself up from the remains of Malik’s come, tossing the soiled tissues into a compartment he had pointed out to her quietly.

  It was getting dark and the wind continued to thrash hard against the car. She wasn’t worried though, this was the sort of vehicle that could handle a little storm. What did worry her was Malik’s abrupt silence.

  “Can we talk for a second?” She asked after a moment.

  “Depends on what you want to say,” he replied.

  Elle frowned, the endorphins rushing through her system made her feel light and flighty, but she knew that if they didn’t deal with this now… it would only get worse.

  Huh… not running and hiding now are we, little owl?

  “Did you mean what you said?” She asked cautiously, as if she wasn’t sure she wanted to do this.

  “…Out there?”

  Then he turned and looked at her, really looked at her and despite having watched each other come apart in throes of passion, Elle felt more exposed under his stare than she had before.

  “That I liked you?”

  The words made her feel that same embarrassment from before, and she nearly looked away shyly. Elle stamped down the urge instead, meeting his gaze head on.

  She nodded, but couldn’t help but fidget and grip to the edge of her leather seat.

  Malik moved then, breaching the space between them to cradle her cheeks in his hands. He hardly touched her, but there was intent in his hold and passion hidden within the darkness of his eyes.

  “Of all the times I had lied to you…” he trailed off, jaw clenching for a moment.

  “And I am sorry for that… for lying to you, tricking you. I have this idiotic tendency to act before I think. But if I can be honest with you, Elle, it’s that when I told you I liked you I wasn’t lying. I honestly liked you the moment you waltzed in and talked back to me, even though you had no idea who I was, you stood your ground. So, yes, Elle. I meant it.”

  A small smile leaked passed her lips and she saw him smile back, that same charming smile he had given her when they had been connected and writhing together.

  It had just happened between them, but Elle felt her body react at his touch. A shiver began deep within her to spread everywhere else and she took a shuddering breath when his smile wavered slightly to reveal a similar expression.

  “Where do we go from here?” Elle muttered quietly.

  Malik paused, just inches from kissing her before he pulled away.

  The anticipation in her body slowed to a cold stop when Malik sighed slowly and peeled his skin away from her.

  “You want my honesty, right, Elle?”

  Elle nodded despite feeling a strange sense of foreboding deep in her stomach.

  He looked away, dark eyes shadowed by the curls of his hair, “I have too many secrets… too many things that you should stay away from. And while I want nothing more than to take a step in your direction… I don’t know.”

  When he looked at her, Elle felt as though someone had placed a thick wall between the two of them.

  “I just don’t know.”

  Chapter 12

  By the time morning came, they came to discover that the car had very little gas at all. If they were lucky it would be enough to take them a few miles closer to the next town. The problem was that they didn’t know how much farther the next town could be.

  The tension between the two hadn’t really improved, and since they had collided, it had now become more awkward than before. There was too much unsaid, too much that they didn’t know. They had taken a hasty step into unknown territory and were now paying the price.

  Elle couldn’t help but kick herself mentally the entire time she sat back in the car and waited for Malik to say something. Her nerve and courage that came the night before was all snuffed out, leaving her to sit back in her damp clothes and hope this all ended quickly.

  She felt insanely torn in so many places. The main reason was because she couldn’t ignore the fact that she had slept with her boss. The next thing that would plague her was the fact that her body wasn’t too keen on forgetting exactly how she had slept with her boss, and memories of their bodies rubbing together in hard thrusts left her aching and sore with the remnants of desire.

r part would then squabble with the other factors, insisting that what could happen to her now that she had broached this forbidden boundary she was doomed to face the consequences.

  What consequences? Elle didn’t really know.

  All she knew was that she had probably broken nearly all the Rules in one fell swoop.

  Except that one.

  With a groan, Elle recounted that one particular rule, the one that she must attend to the Sheikh’s every needs. Well technically she did sort of do that, even if it meant she also attended to her needs as well. She just hoped that one little rule would be enough to keep her safe from being hunted down by Arab families.

  That was another thing. What if their actions caused some kind of terrible situation between the two countries?

  When Elle had done her own research, she had basically discovered that Sheikh Zayn Abd al Malik was practically a prince from his country. Did she just have mind shattering, world spinning sex with a Prince?

  He probably had diplomatic immunity, but she sure as hell didn’t!

  What would this mean for her?

  A knock on the glass of her window nearly spooked Elle from her seat and just then she realized that she had been busy gnawing at her thumbnail anxiously.

  Glancing up, she saw Malik, standing outside and offering her a water bottle that he must have gotten from the trunk.

  Swallowing thickly, she recognized the little truce offering and opened her door. Malik stepped back for her to stand up, and there was a silence between them that was almost as deafening as the sound of insects and forest life in the woods around them.

  “Here.” Malik sighed.

  Elle took the water bottle wordlessly. They shifted awkwardly for a moment until Elle couldn’t take it any longer.

  “Look, I need to know…” She began and when he looked at her, she nearly faltered.

  “I want to make sure that what we did… that wasn’t a mistake… was it?”

  He crossed his arms, shifting his weight against his heels.

  “Do you regret it?”

  Elle opened her mouth to speak, but the air caught in her throat. There was too much. Far too much she didn’t know.


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