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First Kill (Heaven Sent Book 1)

Page 27

by Mary Abshire

  The hot spray fell over her like a gentle waterfall. She put more pressure on her good foot while she held a hand to the wall and let the drops soak into her hair and skin. When her long wet hair blocked her view, she pushed it back and twisted around so her backside took the brunt of the shower. The soothing caress on her head relaxed her. If there were a heaven, she’d found it.

  Heaven. The word had a whole new meaning to her, as did the words angel and demon. The proof had come right in front of her eyes and it had nearly shocked her out of her mind. She’d seen the dark figure appear from Harold. She’d watched Andrew turn the shadow to ash. Her eyes hadn’t been clouded. Her mind had been stable. Well, it had been shaken, but all her marbles were still in her brain. She could not refute what she’d witnessed. Demons existed in humans and Andrew could destroy them, which meant he’d told her the truth. He was an angel. He’d died in 1989, just as he’d said and as mentioned in the newspaper article she’d read online. Since he was real, then everything he’d told her about heaven had to be real too. And that frightened her.

  She silently chuckled to avoid the wave of sadness that wanted to drown her. She’d committed so many wrongs in her life there was no way she’d ever get to ride the escalator to the sky. Maybe she wouldn’t miss much anyway since they didn’t have television or good-tasting food and drinks.

  The leg she’d been putting more pressure on began to tire. She’d hurried to wash her hair and clean her body. She lathered three times and scrubbed herself hard. A demon had touched her. She wanted to hurl and punch a hole in a wall, but not at the same time. That would be difficult. She’d gouge a demon’s eyes out and cut off his hands before one could ever touch her like that again.

  Having finished cleansing her body enough times, she stepped gingerly from the tub. Her swollen ankle needed to be elevated with an ice pack to relieve the inflammation. After drying her body, she towel dried her hair. Her locks were going to look wild in the morning, but she no longer cared. She dabbed deodorant under her arms, brushed her teeth, and then dressed. The entire normal process didn’t take long, but in her weakened condition it took double the effort and time.

  She left the bathroom and found Andrew sitting at the table in the spot where she’d been earlier. He’d donned a white t-shirt. His gaze was directed at the photographs she’d left out. Hair dripping on her shirt, she limped to the side of the bed near the nightstand.

  “Is this you and Libby?” he asked.

  She propped the pillows against the headboard. “Yep.”

  “You look so different with lighter colored hair. Younger.”

  “Change can be good.” Her dark locks took some time to adjust to, but she liked her new look.

  She tugged the covers back before she sat. The weight off her feet gave her instant relief. She brought her legs up and onto the mattress. Taking one of the extra fluffy pillows, she moved it near her injured ankle. Andrew hurried toward her. He placed his hand under her calf and lifted it while they worked together to wedge the pillow under her foot.

  “Thank you,” she said as he lowered her leg.

  “I have some ice to put on it,” he said before he left her side.

  He stopped in front of the dresser. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she heard ice rattling together, then a thudding sound. When he turned around, he held a hand towel and a clear bag full of ice.

  “Where did you find the bag to use?” She asked as he sat near her feet. Red blisters on both the big and pinky toes made them look hideous. She’d have to get some ointment and bandages to put on them in the future.

  “The hotel cooler had a bag inside it.”

  “Oh yeah. Good thinking.”

  He gently lifted her leg, slid the towel on the pillow, and then lowered her foot. “I made a smaller bag using one of the plastic covers from a cup. You can use it for your eye.” He carefully placed the ice on her ankle.

  “Clever. Thank you.”

  She had to give Andrew credit. He’d never lied to her. He’d helped her get her belongings back from the drug addicts. He’d helped pick out a reliable car. He had good manners. His flirtatious nature was part of any man’s nature. She couldn’t fault him for thinking with his penis ninety percent of the time when most men did. All things considered, he was a decent guy. And yeah, he gave her plenty to fantasize about with his finely sculpted body.

  “Do you want anything to drink?” he asked. “Water?”

  “Yeah, water is fine.”

  The bed shook when he got up. He strode to the dresser. Seconds later, he returned with a bottle in one hand and the remote in the other.

  “In case you want to watch something.” He set the remote on the nightstand.

  She looked at his bare forearm as she took the water from him. The light nearby allowed her to see it much clearer. His arm appeared as clean as the first time she’d seen it. She continued to question how a tattoo could show up and disappear. She’d seen it. She’d touched it. The ink had been part of his skin, not some temporary fixture. Nothing on Earth could allow writing to appear and vanish on flesh. Nothing on Earth.

  “They haven’t sent you a new name yet,” she said as he sat on the bed across from hers.

  “Maybe they’re giving me a break.”

  He stared at her as if he were waiting for her to launch a thousand questions at him. She had plenty to ask, but she wasn’t in the mood. But one had come to mind.

  “You said you can see people’s auras and innocent people have a soft glow. What color is mine?”

  His chest expanded as he took in air. “It’s colored.”

  She took a sip of water before she set the bottle on the nightstand. The news hadn’t surprised her, but it made the guilt she carried weigh more, like an oversized rhino or a T-Rex. An elephant reference seemed too small.

  “So I guess that makes me a bad person. You might want to start looking for someone else to help you,” she said.

  “You’re not a bad person. I never thought that for a second.”

  “I’m not going to heaven.”

  He stared at her. “If you died tomorrow, you wouldn’t.”

  “I’d go to hell.”

  “No, you wouldn’t go there either.”

  “So where would I go?”

  “You’d stay here or go to purgatory. I don’t know where that’s at, to be honest. Maybe the two are the same thing. I’ve only heard gossip about it. It’s not like we can communicate with anyone except people in heaven.”

  She rubbed her temple. “It all sounds so crazy.”

  “But it’s true. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “Because you’re an angel or because you don’t think it’s right?”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you because I’ve always believed you deserved the truth. You helped me out when I had nothing. You could’ve left me stranded butt naked on the road. You didn’t have to buy me clothes or food. You didn’t have to help me. But you did.”

  She drew her brows together. The answer wasn’t exactly what she’d thought she’d hear. He confused her, or maybe her brain had processed all it could for the night.

  “I want to help you, Em,” he said as he sat at her side on the bed.

  “Help me with what? Hiding from my parents and the law? I can do that on my own.” She had a new identification and credentials. Money waited for her in online and overseas accounts. More funds would come after Troy sold her diamonds. She could go anywhere and be safe, except Chicago.

  “I can help you get to heaven.” His concerned eyes held her attention.

  The small refrigerator next to the dresser suddenly shut off. The room became so silent she thought she could hear Andrew breathing. Funny how she never noticed how loud the fridge was before.

  “How?” It was the first and only word that popped into her head. She wasn’t certain she wanted to go, but why not find out the price for admission.

  “Help me do my job and I’ll campaign for you to go to heaven.”

nbsp; “Campaign?”

  “By helping me, you’re doing good. You’re helping me rid the Earth of demons.”

  “I’m not Wonder Woman.”

  His lips curled on both sides. “Your actions will define you and I can use that to motivate them.” He pointed up.

  “You said they sent you back because of your sexual escapades—”

  “I wouldn’t call it that,” he said before she could finish.

  She tilted her head and glared at him.

  “I had sex with a lot of women. Big deal,” he said with a big shrug and slightly higher voice than normal.

  “My point exactly. What will they think of me, someone who’s been an accomplice to criminal activity and dumped her best friend’s dead body in a ditch?”

  “I can’t guarantee anything other than I will fight for as long as it takes and do whatever I have to do to get you into heaven if you help me.”

  The strength of his words gave her hope. Maybe she could turn her life around if she helped him. But as he’d said, he couldn’t promise her a ticket to the palace. Did she really want to go? He’d made it sound stuffy, boring, and demanding. Sure, she could travel and see the world. If her friends weren’t there, who would she have to talk to and do things with? She was ninety-nine percent sure Troy was not going to be allowed past the pearly gates. He was either going to roam in purgatory or ride the train south. But did she want to be a roamer forever? What if she was on a waiting list for the fire pits?

  She closed her eyes briefly as the ache in her head returned. “I don’t know.”

  “I could use your help getting to places. You have a good mind for details and planning. I think we’d make a kick-ass team.”

  Had her brain not hurt, she would’ve chuckled.

  “And you wouldn’t have to kill anyone,” he added. “I’d do it. I’m the only one who can.”

  “Yeah, we wouldn’t want to tarnish my record any more than it is,” she snickered as she rubbed her forehead.

  He rose from the bed. “At least consider it. Not now, but maybe in the morning.”


  She scooted lower on the bed. Andrew moved the pillow under her foot and made sure the ice didn’t spill out of the bag. Once she’d settled into a comfortable position, she tugged the covers over her body.

  “Do you want ice for your eye?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  He was gone maybe two minutes before he returned with a three-inch bag of ice. She set it on her eye and kept her head tilted enough so the bag wouldn’t fall. As for being helpful, he was the second man in her life to treat her with such care and concern, Troy being the first. Ethan had never nursed her when she’d had an injury. Yet, she’d stuck with him for a few years. Why did she? The sex was good, but it didn’t blow her mind. Did she stay with him for attention? Was it to have a male companion? Both were lousy reasons to be with someone. Maybe driving to Texas to see Ethan wasn’t such a good idea after all. If he’d had genuine feelings for her, he should’ve done whatever it took to support and help her.

  “Thank you,” she said. “It’s nice to know someone cares. I can tell you do.”

  He pulled the blankets more to ensure she was covered. “Get some sleep.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before he turned off the light.

  The bed across from her squeaked. She inhaled a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She didn’t want to think about angels, demons, heaven, hell, or anything in between. All she wanted to do was sleep. And she did.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Andrew rolled onto his side, facing Emily on the bed across from him. Head lifted, he turned the pillow underneath him over to the cooler side. The soft glow from the TV reflected on her. She slept on her back, dead to the world. She hadn’t moved since he’d tucked her in. Andrew had checked on her twice and had removed the bags from her eye and ankle so the melted ice wouldn’t spill on her. To him, she looked like an angel, a beautiful young woman in need of protection and love. He’d gladly give her both if she’d let him.

  The memory of kissing her forehead remained fresh in his mind. He could still smell the sea scent of her shampoo. It was soft and soothing, not overpowering with some fruit or flower fragrance. Since she was in a deep slumber, he was half tempted to get a whiff of more of her perfume. Knowing his dumb luck, she’d wake up and panic. He wouldn’t risk scaring or losing her.

  He lowered his head onto the pillow and continued watching her. Worry kept him awake. He’d managed to get a few hours of sleep, but he’d tossed and turned most of the early morning hours. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and her future. She’d definitely had trouble in her past to lead her to make bad choices. But she was strong and had survived. She still could. All she had to do was get on the right path. She could start by working with him.

  She amazed him with her incredible brains, strength, and a spunky personality. And her toned, shapely body was one he could admire all night and day. Her willingness to help him made him appreciate her more. He adored her and prayed she wouldn’t leave him. But, she’d been through a lot from losing her best friend, finding him, to coming close to being raped. That kind of trauma could send anyone to a mental facility. Adding to all that, she’d come to terms with him being an angel and demons existed. The fact she hadn’t checked in at the physic ward yet astonished him and further proved she was strong in mind and spirit. If she chose to work with him, they would be a force to be reckoned with. They’d rock harder than Motley Crue. But after everything she’d endured, maybe she was too frightened to stay with him. Maybe she’d seen enough and wanted to walk away. Her questions had led him to believe she wasn’t gung ho about his idea. He didn’t know what else he could say to convince her to work with him.

  Sighing, he closed his eyes. If his mind would shut down, he could sleep. He’d turned the TV on earlier, hoping it would distract his thoughts. The volume was low so it wouldn’t wake her, but he could still hear it. Unfortunately, his brain refused to stop contemplating about Emily.

  The woman had skills and bravado. She could throw a mean punch and fire a gun without flinching. He admired her wildness and cunning. She had many talents that could help him complete his tasks. And yes, he’d enjoy being close to her. He’d struggle to keep his hands to himself. Without a doubt, he’d spend more time in the shower or taking multiple ones. But he’d do anything to stay with her. He’d do anything to help her get to heaven.

  For a change, he was willing to commit to a woman. How crazy was that? The notion boggled his mind. He’d always enjoyed the newness of sex with different women. He liked the challenges each one presented. Every female was unique and had their own style and way of doing things. Of course, each had distinctive beauty that he could get his hands and mouth on. He loved the variety. Even when he’d been alive before, he’d dated plenty and had many lovers. The most time he’d spent with one was three months. Since he’d arrived and met Emily, he wanted nothing more than to fulfill the terms of his sentence and be with her. Everything about her intrigued him. She made his heartbeat stronger and his blood rush through his veins, especially to his groin. He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop it. Maybe he had gone bonkers.

  The most difficult part of his plan was yet to come and he couldn’t ignore it. He couldn’t promise her a place in heaven. Even if she agreed to help him and they succeeded in destroying the next five demons, he’d have to convince the council to allow her entrance. The job would be gruesome, exhausting, and probably make him wish he’d never been born. But he’d fight for her, bleed for her, and even clean the council member’s toilets if it brought her to heaven. Whatever it would take, he would do it.

  And if he managed to pull off everything, not only would it be an incredible accomplishment, he’d get to spend time with her in the kingdom in the sky. It truly would be heaven. Unless she didn’t make it up until she was ninety-one years old. Things might be a little different, but he would still be overjoyed to share his
blissful home with her.

  Frustrated with not being able to sleep, he rolled over onto his other side. A trace amount of light filtered through the curtains. Birds chirped loudly outside. He wished they would shut up. Their vocal excitement indicated the sun was rising. With that came the new day and he’d have to get out of bed soon. Emily would wake up. If she turned down his deal, he’d have to find a way to go on without her.

  He considered what to do if Emily decided to walk away from him. Saying goodbye would be painful, but he’d suffer through. He’d have to. On a bright note, she was a generous woman. She’d likely leave him with some cash and the bag of clothes. He could take buses to get to places and walk too. Fast food chains offered cheap food, so he could save money by going to them. If he hitchhiked, maybe he’d get lucky and find a nice person or couple to help him some. He could complete the terms of his sentence on his own. It would take longer, but he could do it. He’d have to.

  He tried to doze off, but his efforts were in vain. After lying long enough without catching a wink of more sleep, he decided to get up. More light spilled into the room from the covered window. The hour was early, too early. He stood in front of the TV with nothing but his boxers on him. Since Emily had been snoozing so well, he’d removed his shirt. He would’ve preferred going to bed naked, but he didn’t want to irritate her, especially after she’d given him hell at the motel the day before. He wasn’t taking any more chances with her. At least, that was his goal.

  Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Near the door, he spotted a piece of paper. Last time he’d been up, he hadn’t seen it on the floor. He strode to check out the document. After snatching it from the ground, he took it into the bathroom and flipped on the light. The paper showed the room paid for, no balance due, and check out was at ten. Since they had a few hours left, he decided to grab some food and coffee for Emily. He’d have it ready and waiting for her when she woke up. Maybe it would brighten her mood.

  He left the bathroom and set the receipt on the dresser. Sleeping Beauty hadn’t moved. He grabbed his jeans and shirt from the floor and headed back to the bathroom.


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