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Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel

Page 12

by Pozel, Derek

  Ethan’s lips tightened and he clenched his fists. “Garrett, it’s not too late. You can have a normal life. You’re not a bad guy. You’ve only done some bad things.”

  “Mine are a little worse than doing some bad things,” Garrett raised a single eyebrow.

  “The AIA can keep the Assembly in check and the other Afflicted out there,” Ethan said. “You’re not the only one who can do it. But if you keep going, you better remember I am going to stand by you. I don’t care how hard you push me away.”

  Ethan reached and placed a hand on Garrett’s shoulder. “I’m not turning my back on you.”

  “I know,” Garrett said.

  “What’s with this love business? When did this happen?” Garrett asked.

  “I guess, I always did,” Ethan stuttered his response and his cheeks flushed to crimson.

  Garrett’s face lit up when he saw the gleam in Ethan’s brown eyes. “If it wasn’t for me nothing would’ve happened.” Garrett stifled a laugh.

  “It would’ve happened,” Ethan said, “Sooner or later.”

  “When? Were you waiting for the planets to align,” Garrett said, “and the moon was in a total eclipse before you made your move? You needed a little push from your best friend. But I am happy for you two. You guys are great together. As much as I like to tease her, she’s an awesome girl.”

  Ethan held his head high. A toothy grin sprawled across his face. “She is someone special.”

  “You break her heart and I’ll hunt you down,” Garrett said. “You know I could do it.”

  Ethan chuckled. “I’d be a tough fight for you,”

  “I think my work speaks for itself,” Garrett said. “Don’t push me.”

  “What if she breaks mine?” Ethan stood to check the window once again. All there was outside was a wall of snow. “God, where is she.”

  “She won’t, she’s crazy about you too,” Garrett said. Then he felt a familiar sensation and his stomach dropped.

  Ethan glanced away from the window and missed the brilliant white light when it flew past their second story window.

  Garrett shot up from the couch and ran to the other window. “What the hell was that?”

  “Did you see it?” Ethan spun around and pressed his face against the glass. Garrett did the same at the other window, gritting his teeth.

  “I did,” Garrett said.

  “Was that a bright snowplow light or something else?” Ethan fumbled with the lock on the window for a second before he managed to pull it up.

  Ethan stuck his head out into the maelstrom. “There’s flashing lights down the street. I can barely see it through the snow.”

  “It is an Afflicted, not a snowplow. They might be coming for me,” Garrett stepped away, clenched his jaw and rolled his shoulders. Then he heard a boom in the distance. He rushed over to Ethan and grabbed him by the belt to drag him back inside and stole his spot at the window.

  “What is it?” Ethan said and the color drained from his face. “Please, let Denise be ok.”

  Garrett slammed the window shut. “Get me your thermal undershirt and your black hooded sweatshirt now. See if you can find those ski goggles,” Garrett ran past Ethan to his bedroom.

  Ethan began to move and stopped in his tracks. “Where are you going?”

  “I need socks and my other clothes,” Garrett called out, ducking into his bedroom.

  The two friends dashed to their bedrooms, grabbing what Garrett needed to defend their home if their suspicions were true. Something was at their doorstep. Garrett would have to find out if it was friend, foe or the snow.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Snowflakes fell from the heavens in a kamikaze dive to the ground below, to join their fallen brothers. The litter and grime lay buried under the fluffy white fury, giving the city streets a pure sense of serenity. The usual sounds of the city fell quiet while the heavy gray cloud illuminated the light from the snow down below.

  A shadowy figure lurked down the alley covered head to toe. “Hey, Garrett, where are you going in such a hurry?” The figure asked in the pale light.

  Garrett’s heart sank when he heard the voice. “Oh, Denise, you scared me. I, um, have to run to the store.”

  “Did you hear that loud noise?” Denise said. “It sounded like an explosion.”

  Garrett glanced away. “Nope, I didn’t hear anything. But I got to go, sorry Denise.”

  “In this weather,” Denise said. “There is always something off about you.” Denise narrowed her eyes. “You’re up to something.”

  “Get inside Denise. Ethan is worried about you,” Garrett’s voice grew stern. “I’ll be back soon,” Garrett placed a hand on her shoulder when he passed.

  Denise frowned. “Ok, see ya later.”

  Garrett sprinted down the alley and pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head. He dashed into the street and stopped. His nostrils stung from the cold while he breathed the icy air. He closed his eyes and listened for a sound, to tell him where he needed to be on this night.

  Another boom echoed off the buildings and his eyes flung open. “Guess, I’m going that way,” he said and sprinted down the street towards the danger. His boots slipped with every step. His afflicted sense nipped at his head every few seconds and told him an Afflicted was near.

  Garrett narrowed his eyes down the street and caught the hint of a white light through the wall of falling snow. He dashed to the row of parked cars for cover. His hands fumbled with the zipper on the sweatshirt and he found his fingers numb and nervous. It took him three cars before he gave up and pulled the sweatshirt off over his head. He tossed it underneath a car and made a mental note where it ended up.

  He shivered when the cold air bathed him. He pulled his mask from his back pocket and slid it over his head, ready to face the world.

  Garrett’s boots crunched against the white snow when he crept along the cars. The intersection where the light came from was only a few yards away. He stopped in his tracks and heard muffled voices in the distance. He was too far to make out what they were saying, the tone gave away what was transpiring in his neighborhood.

  He paused alongside a red pick-up truck and sat against the over sized wheel. “Now what do I do,” he said under his breath.

  Garrett’s eyes drifted to a second floor window across the street. He stared at a little girl with her face pressed against the glass. He waved to her and she waved back with a toothless smile. She breathed on the cold glass and drew a smiley face. A goofy grin spread across Garrett’s face.

  His afflicted sense rang through his body and another explosion brought Garrett back to reality. His grin faded and his face turned pale. He looked down the street and then back to the little girl. He saw her little hands pressed against the glass. Eyes wide open in what could only be terror. Garrett motioned with both of his hands to back away. When he saw her dart away from the window, he sighed and glanced upward to the clouds above.

  “Someone has to protect them from the Afflicted,” Garrett said with a shiver. “I guess it is me after all.”

  Garrett crawled closer to where the explosion came from. Right before his eyes a figure crashed into the unplowed snow of the intersection.

  “Whoa,” Garrett said while he checked his mask, his gloves and his nerves to make sure everything was in place. He took a deep breath and counted to five. On five, he heaved himself off the ground and shielded his eyes to get a better look at the figure who just crash landed.

  A woman in a long black coat flew backwards through the air, trailed by ribbons of white light, which came from her back like wings. The ribbons spread out when she landed next to the person on the ground. Garrett could feel his heart beat in his throat when he recognized the Afflicted. It was Valkyrie, a hero of the Assembly.

  Garrett inched closer and watched Valkyrie crouching near what he assumed was her fallen ally. His eyes opened wide when golden lances of light materialized in both of her hands. His eyes followed the lances when she hu
rled them down the street, he could not see if they made contact or who she aimed at.

  He clapped his hands together. “Okay, it’s not or never,” Garrett said and slipped when he took his first step forward. He caught himself on the truck next to him. He pushed himself up and rushed into the intersection. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a reddish light appear. He slid to a stop with his arms extended out from his body. Garrett did not know what hit him, it did not matter either. It disappeared when it came into contact with him, like it always did.

  “How many are there?” Garrett asked and saw a fireball rage towards him and he paid it little attention.

  “Two of them. One breathes fire,” Valkyrie said. “I’m not sure what the other one does.”

  Garrett raised an eyebrow. “I kind of figured out one of them breathes fire already. Keep them busy. I’ll get your friend out of here.” His face flushed with color underneath his mask when he caught a glimpse of Valkyrie behind him.

  Valkyrie stood from her perch next to the fallen superhero, her hands into balled into tight fists.

  “I know who you are,” She said.

  “Don’t hesitate, go,” Garrett said.

  “Fine,” Valkyrie said through her teeth. She jumped into the air with her wings fully extended. She flew toward their attackers with her golden lances in hand.

  “Wow,” Garrett said with his eyes glued to her, watching her maneuver through the air.

  Garrett closed his mouth and exhaled through his nose. He could not waste the opportunity Valkyrie had provided him. He spun on his heels and grabbed the man by the collar of his coat. With a hard tug, he began to drag the man back to the sidewalk across the street. Garrett never took his eyes off Valkyrie while he pulled her partner through the snow.

  “You ok buddy?” Garrett asked, but did not get an answer. “Guess not.”

  He slid the unconscious man behind a black sedan. Garrett swore when he caught sight of the valley of red snow the hero carved out with his body.

  “This is not good,” Garrett sucked in his cheeks.

  Valkyrie landed with a thud next to Garrett, golden light radiating from her right hand. “Why are you here? What do you want with us?”

  Garrett’s eyes drifted to the ground, his face flushed. “For once, I’m here to help. We can settle this later if you want,” Garrett cleared his throat. “You need my help if you want your friend to live.”

  Valkyrie’s hand lost its golden hue and she bit her plump lower lip. “Fine, keep an eye out for them. Cannon can you hear me?” She began to pat Cannon down.

  “I’ve seen what you’ve done to Shadow Guard and Granite,” her voice cracked when she said Granite’s name.

  Garrett’s shoulders slumped. “What’s done is done, let’s focus on getting your friend out of here.”

  “What about those two,” Valkyrie said.

  “I’ll take care of them,” Garrett said.

  She reached into Cannon’s coat and pulled her white gloved hand away to reveal it coated with bright red blood. “Cannon, I need to get you out of here.”

  Garrett peeked over the trunk. “I can keep them off of you. He’s bleeding pretty bad.”

  “I can see that,” Valkyrie shot Garrett a sideways glance. “Shouldn’t you be hunting us down like animals?” Her voice matched the cold around them.

  Garrett lowered his eyes. “I guess today is your lucky day.”

  Valkyrie narrowed her gray eyes and did not say a word.

  Garrett stole a glance at Valkyrie and his heart thumped with new ferocity. She was beautiful under the mask, which only covered her eyes and the top part of her nose. He saw her full red lips curved downward in concern for her friend. A strand of loose curled auburn hair managed to escape from her tight ponytail. It hung across the side of her face. Her eyes are what pulled him in like a sirens song. They were the lightest shade of blue he had ever seen; they appeared gray in the dim light.

  “I won’t let you escape after what you did to Granite,” she held both hands on the wound on Cannon’s chest to stem the flow of blood.

  “Either I help you, or your friend dies,” Garrett stared into her eyes. “Your choice.”

  She tilted her head in Garrett’s direction. “His name is Cannon.”

  Valkyrie held a bloodstained finger to her ear. “We need back up. Cannon is down. I repeat, Cannon is down and we are under attack.”

  “He needs to get to a hospital now or he’s going to bleed out on the street,” Garrett drummed his fingers on his knees. He sat back against the car and glanced over to the two heroes, his sense blared from the Afflicted around him.

  Garrett heard the same whoosh again. “Get down,” he said and dove forward to shield her and Cannon. The sedan rocked and showered them with broken glass from the cars windows.

  Valkyrie hissed and pushed Garrett away. “Why is no one answering me?”

  “Ok, what’s the plan superhero?” Garrett shifted his attention back to Cannon and could feel his power call out to him. He resisted the urge to reach out and place a hand on Cannon’s body and take the power within the hero.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Valkyrie said. “I see you eyeing him like a piece of meat. I don’t know how you take an Afflicted’s powers. But I won’t let you take his.”

  Garrett rolled his eyes and shrank back against the car. “Fine, but it would make this much easier,” he said. He closed his eyes and rested his head back against the car.

  The car jerked forward once again with a loud bang and Garrett smacked the back of his head against the car.

  “Damn it,” Garrett rubbed the back of his head. “What does the other guy do again? Because I don’t think this car is going to last much longer.”

  “The one with the bandages around his arms and face I have no idea,” Valkyrie said. “I have never seen him before. The little one is Dragonbreath.”

  Garrett ducked when a fireball flew over their heads and crashed into the building behind them, sending a shower of embers around them.

  “Why does everyone pick such obvious names? I am going to end this now. It’s cold, it’s snowing like crazy and your friend is bleeding out on the sidewalk on Broadway.”

  “Well, no one at HQ is answering. I don’t know what’s going on,” Valkyrie’s eyes darted back to Cannon. “I don’t know why either.”

  “We better do something because there are too many people around here,” Garrett said. “I’m not going to let anything happen to them. I’ve seen what happens when these fights drag out.”

  “I don’t understand you,” Valkyrie peered into Garrett’s eyes.

  Garrett stared right back. “Someone has to protect them from the Afflicted. That includes you too. No one is safe as long as the Afflicted are running around. Look around you, this is a good example of what the Afflicted do.” Garrett sniffed his runny nose. “You put these people in danger.” Garrett stood from behind the car and brushed off the glass and snow from his shirt. He watched the two men move closer to where they were hunkered down.

  “Finally, one of you has the guts to stand up and take it,” the man with the bandages over his hands said in a deep voice. “I’ll make it quick for you.”

  Garrett chuckled and let it linger for a moment. “Doubtful.”

  “Torrent, I told you we had nothing to worry about,” Dragonbreath said, “Save the delicious Valkyrie for me. I can have fun with her.” Dragonbreath licked his pale lips.

  Garrett lowered his hand to help Valkyrie to her feet. “Let’s go.”

  She slapped it away with a scowl spread across her face. “I’m fine.”

  “All right, have it your way,” Garrett jerked his head from shoulder to shoulder and felt it crack. “No more distractions from beautiful superheroes.”

  Garrett rolled his hands and flexed his fingers. “This should be interesting,” His voice dropped and his lips curved into a grin. He strutted around the car, his arms swayed when he walked.

  Garrett glanced o
ver his shoulder and caught a glimpse of her auburn hair move behind the car. “Go! Before I change my mind about who to hunt.”

  Garrett heard Dragonbreath speak to the other Afflicted when he stepped closer.

  Torrent shrugged his massive shoulders. “I don’t know who this guy is. But he’s dead now.”

  Garrett stopped in his tracks and waved Torrent on. “Let’s see what you got big man.”

  The large man brought his huge right fist backward and punched at Garrett from across the street. Garrett saw the snow blow out of the way in a direct path to him. He didn’t even bother to dodge the attack, he stood there with a devilish smile on his face. Nothing touched him except the falling snow.

  “You missed,” Garrett strode forward again and brushed off the snow from Torrent’s attack. “Try again.”

  “Warning shot,” Torrent said in a low growl.

  Garrett felt a presence land next to him. “I told you to go,” Garrett said. He never took his eyes off the man in front of him.

  “You need help,” Valkyrie said.

  Garrett frowned. “I don’t, Cannon does.”

  “Let me guess, you like to work alone?” Valkyrie said.

  “Very funny,” Garrett said.

  Sirens blared in Garrett’s head when he saw the man bring his hands back for another strike. The large man’s fists pumped forward in a blur. The snow, which separated the two groups of Afflicted, blew asunder when multiple waves of energy flew forward. Garrett pivoted on his right foot and hurled his body in front of Valkyrie. For a moment, their eyes locked in the flurry of snow while it cascaded around them.

  Large bangs and crashes filled the air. A sharp pain exploded in Garrett’s left shoulder, causing his knees to buckle. He turned his head to see a piece of jagged glass embedded in his shoulder.

  “Damn it stings,” Garrett dropped to his right knee and clutched his shoulder. “Stay away from me or your powers won’t work.”

  Valkyrie spun past Garrett and counter attacked with her golden lances. “I understand.”


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