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Amber Uncovered (Amber Preserved Book 1)

Page 7

by Tom Larcombe

  Do I ever, she thought.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Well Charles is a master at presenting what he thinks society wants. I think it's even started invading his personal life so he's forgotten who he really is. Or at least doesn't show his real self, even with me, and I'm one of his closest friends.”

  “That isn't reassuring, how am I supposed to know if he's just playing a part then?”

  “Because, I told you, I know him. I know what he's really like. Even in the part he plays for society he would never harm you, not really.”

  “Well, I'll meet him and talk with him, but I won't promise anything.”

  “That's fine, like I said maybe he can help with action, or with ideas. We won't know unless you two talk.”

  “Okay, so how do we do this?”

  “Did you have plans for today? I came back originally because the rain had almost stopped.”

  “Yeah, I'm going to go watch a couple of movies. That'll keep me out of sight and they keep it warm enough in there that maybe I'll be able to finish drying out.”

  “Then I'll ask Charles to come by after I close at six. You stop by then also. The closed sign will be up, but just knock and I'll let you in, okay?”

  “That's late enough that some of the people from my old building might be out. Can you just leave the door unlocked so I can just dart in? Or maybe I can get here a little earlier, before you lock the doors, would that work?”

  “Sure, I'll lock the door at six though, so make sure you're here before then.”

  “I'll be here,” Amber said.

  * * *

  The movie theater was only a few blocks away from the bookstore. From the outside it looked beat up and old, like most of the buildings in this section of town. Inside, someone had done their best to maintain the gilt and trappings so they looked close to how they had when the theater originally opened.

  Amber was in line five minutes before they opened and had her ticket as soon as they did. She went inside and inhaled deeply. The scent of fresh popcorn filled the lobby, the noise of it popping echoing off the windows. She used some of her cash to get a large combo since they would refill it when she finished it off.

  Not exactly the best food, but it'll fill me up until I can see Tim tonight, she thought.

  She had her afternoon all planned out. There were four screens here and she was willing to watch two of the movies playing. She knew the staff didn't much care if someone sneaked into a second movie. The theaters were never full except on Friday and Saturday nights. During the matinees, she could just openly walk into a second show and no-one would care.

  So she'd watch the action adventure movie first. The second movie was a romantic comedy that started right after her first movie was over and that wouldn't get out until after five o'clock. So once it was over she could go straight back to the bookstore.

  And I'll be warm and have a full stomach by then too, she thought.

  The action-adventure movie kept her wide awake, but after she'd finished her food, she fell asleep during the romantic comedy, waking up when the lights came up at the end of the movie.

  Amber rubbed the sleep from her eyes and tried to get back on track.

  I need to go back to Greg's bookstore now, she thought. Talk to this Charles guy, see if he's on the up and up.

  She made her way out of the theater and onto the street where she headed for the bookstore. She wasn't all the way awake yet, so she was taken totally off-guard when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  Amber spun, ready to hit or run, only to relax when she saw Alicia standing behind her.

  “Hey, hold up girl,” Alicia said. “I'm just trying to get your attention.”

  “Shit Alicia, you scared the crap out of me. But it's good to see you.”

  “What, like you didn't see me yesterday?”

  Amber paused, realizing that it really only had been a day since Eric had caught sight of her. It felt like a lot longer.

  “Yeah, okay, I guess I did.”

  “That makes me think that what I heard was true. They said you weren't around the building at all today, that you were taking off.”

  “Who said that?”

  “Everybody. Eric was asking about you this afternoon and no-one had seen you all day. That's when people started talking.”

  “Shit! I'd hoped it would take at least a couple of days before he was asking.”

  “He said he was gonna make you a Walker. You running because of that?”

  “Obviously not too well since you just found me.”

  “I ain't gonna tell anybody I saw you. I just know you, so I figured you'd be at the bookstore or the theater and I was right, wasn't I?”

  “Yeah Alicia, you were. But don't tell anyone, okay? Let them think I'm long gone.”

  “Why ain't you?”

  “Because I didn't have any time to plan this out. I got something coming up here, I might be able to get out of here with it, but I have to talk to this guy and see if he's on the level or if he's one of those freaks.”

  “Watch out for those freaks,” Alicia said. “Doesn't matter what kind. The drug freaks, the sex freaks, the Jesus freaks, doesn't matter what kind of freak they are. They all got something they think you ought to be doing that they don't wanna do themselves.”

  “I know Alicia, I know. That's why I have to meet this guy. I'm gonna have a friend with me so I can try to see if the guy's a freak of some sort or not. I trust the friend that set this up and he trusts this other guy, so I'm hoping...”

  She trailed off, unable to put her hopes in words. They just weren't concrete enough for that.

  “Well, you just watch out Amber. Eric told everyone to keep an eye out for you and let him know if they see you. That's what I wanted to tell you.”

  “I'll be off the street in another three or four minutes and inside again. Hopefully no-one sees me before that. Thanks for the warning Alicia, I appreciate it.”

  “No problem girl, remember me if you get out of here. You ever get a chance, try to pull me out too, okay? Won't be that long until Eric wants me as a Walker. Once that happens, it's all over but the screaming.”

  “If I can Alicia, but keep your eyes open and maybe you can get out on your own. I never even thought of looking for a way out, didn't think I'd need it. See how wrong I was?”

  Alicia leaned in and gave Amber a hug.

  “See you later girl. Get yourself out, you hear me?” Alicia said.

  “Later Alicia,” Amber replied.

  Alicia turned and walked down the street, away from the building, so Amber wasn't worried that she might be going to tell Eric.

  Alicia wouldn't do that, I know she wouldn't, Amber thought.

  She turned and this time walked hurriedly towards the bookstore, keeping her eyes open for anyone she recognized.

  * * *

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Charles and Kathryn arrived at Second Chance Books just past five o'clock, like they'd promised. Charles immediately cornered Greg behind the register.

  “Greg, are you sure she's a wizard?”

  “Charles, you know the spell I have on those cases. No-one that isn't a wizard or imbued with a strong magical talent would be able to see the actual books in there. Anyone else would just see something they thought was interesting, an illusion generated by their own mind.”

  “So she is a wizard. If this is the girl I think it is, I thought I saw some Earth Magic on her before, just this morning in fact. Plus I have it from a reliable authority that she's something called a Dilectis Caeli.”

  He pronounced the title slowly and carefully, ensuring that he got it right.

  “Dilectis Caeli, Dilectis Caeli, why does that sound familiar?” Greg said. “I know it's Latin, something about loved by air?”

  “That sounds about right, it was explained to me that the air near them will use their own magic to protect them if they're an Air Wizard or another's power if the gift was bestowed up
on them.”

  “That's it, Dilectis Caeli, I remember now. It's actually translated as Beloved of Air, if I remember right. And it's what you were saying, plus much more. The air will do what it can do protect and comfort them, using the energy of the Dilectis Caeli or whoever bestowed the gift upon them. I seem to recall it's mostly a natural thing since for a wizard to bestow that gift they have to permanently part with their Air Magic.”

  “My source did say it was normally bestowed by someone on their deathbed,” Charles said.

  “Sounds about right.”

  The bell over the door jingled and Greg turned towards the door.

  “Charles, if you and Kathryn would wait in the back room? I've got customers.”

  Charles led Kathryn out back.

  “Have you ever seen his collection?” Charles asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Come over to this case,” he said, walking towards the glass fronted case on the far wall.

  Inside of it were the books on magic. It was filled with Primers from a variety of different ages, intermediate books on magic by individual element, books on combining elements for those fortunate enough to have skill and power in more than one, and on the bottom shelf rested Greg's pride and joy. A pair of books on the mastery of magic.

  These last two were hand written by wizards that were more than two centuries old and had been acknowledged masters of their respective elements. Each book dealt with two of the elements. The only thing missing was a mastery treatise on Spirit Magic, but since many considered it to be a form of mind control, and it could be for the unscrupulous user, most advanced Spirit Magic knowledge was handed down from teacher to student and not put in written form.

  Kathryn stared at the books.

  “Are these the same ones we studied from when we were younger?” she asked.

  “At least in one case the exact same one I studied from. One of the intermediate Earth Magic books used to be mine. I gave it to Greg when I didn't need it any more. I'd already seen his collection by then and thought he might appreciate it. As you can see, he did.”

  “I can't believe he's got all of these right here where anyone could find them,” Kathryn said. “Wouldn't the Council have a fit if they knew about this?”

  “No, because not anyone could find them. He's got a spell on them so anyone that isn't a wizard, or magical in some form, won't see the books for what they are. They'll just see what they expect instead.”

  “Oh, I knew he was a wizard or Talented or something, since you spoke about magic to him. But I didn't realize he was a good one.”

  “Gregory is an exceptionally strong Spirit Wizard. He also has a strong talent with Fire Magic. But after some of the things he did when he was younger, he said wanted a much more peaceful lifestyle. So now he owns a bookshop. It makes him happy, and he deserves that after what he's been through.”

  “I know better than to ask, but was it bad?” Kathryn said.

  “Well, you know a lot of my background. He was involved in some of those things, and a few others of his own.”

  “Oh,” Kathryn said, letting the subject drop.

  Charles stayed looking at the books for a few more moments. When the store bell jingled and Greg spoke.

  “Good to see you Amber. I'm glad you decided to come.”

  He moved towards the door that led into the store. Kathryn was right behind him when he opened the door and stepped out.

  * * *

  Greg looked at Charles then turned to Amber.

  “Amber, this is the man I was talking about, Charles. He brought his friend Kathryn also, maybe to make you more at ease by having a female here.”

  Amber was staring at Charles, her eyes wide. Charles caught her gaze and smiled, but that was too much for her.

  “It's him? Why did it have to be him?” she said.

  A wind rose inside of the store, blowing papers and books all over the place. Everyone but Amber protected their faces from the flying objects, but she turned and sprinted for the door. Once she was outside the wind abruptly stopped, strewing the things it had been carrying all over the place.

  Greg looked shell-shocked, staring at her fleeing back. Charles looked from Greg to Amber's back.

  “We've got to go after her,” Kathryn said.

  “Why?” Charles said, “she hasn't asked for help. She just saw me and ran. And you saw the rest of it yourself.”

  “She thinks that she's wronged you somehow and that because of it, you wouldn't be willing to help her.”

  “Wronged me?”

  “Didn't you see how she looked at you? There was guilt written all over her face. She's done something that she thinks has wronged you and is worried that you'll find out about it.”

  Charles heaved a sigh of exasperation, then trotted towards the door.

  “She turned left when she went out, yes?” he asked.

  “Yes, she went left,” Greg said.

  Charles went through the door and turned left. He started running down the sidewalk towards where he saw Amber sprinting away from the store, only to run smack dab into someone, spilling both of them to the sidewalk.

  “Don't you be chasing her,” the newcomer said.

  Charles looked at her and understood why he might have missed her. It was another young girl, this one even younger than Amber. She was short enough that Charles had probably looked right over her and not seen her when he started running.

  “What? Why not? She needs help, but she took one look at me and started running. I've never even seen her before this morning, so I want to both help her and find out why I scared her like that.”

  “So, the big man she's scared of is chasing after her and supposed to help her? What you thinking? Wait, I don't think you be thinking.”

  Charles shook his head and took another look at the young girl. She looked like she might be a scrappy eleven or twelve years old. Her voice and choice of words reeked of the streets.

  “So, you know Amber?” he asked.

  “Yeah, she be my friend. One of the only people I know that's nice to me.”

  He gave up any idea of chasing Amber down right now. She was already out of sight, but maybe her friend might have some idea of where she'd be going.

  “So, who are you?” Charles asked.

  The girl shook her head.

  “Nuh-uh, ain't telling you nothing.”

  “What is it with you people. Someone tries to help and you clam up? Why do I even bother?”

  “Because you care,” Kathryn said, coming out the door. “Who's this?”

  The young girl looked from Charles to Kathryn, then back.

  “So you ain't one of those sex freaks, or drug freaks, I can tell a druggie right off. You two Jesus freaks or something?”

  “What?” Charles asked, confused.

  “The only people that want to help folks like Amber and me are the freaks. They don't want to actually help us though, they just call it that. The drug freaks want us to peddle for them and use their stuff. The sex freaks? Well, I'm sure I don't have to explain that to you, pedos and shit like that.”

  The young child shook her head and when Charles caught sight of her eyes all he could think of was that no-one, especially a child, should have eyes like that. Eyes that looked like they saw the worst of humanity and expected to keep seeing it day after day.

  “The Jesus freaks can be the worse though. They think they doing right by you, but then they don't ever check the kids after they place them with families. Those freaks feel great because they think they done good, but I've seen some of those kids come right back because it was better on the streets than in them homes.”

  “No, we aren't Jesus freaks,” Kathryn said. “We've got a reason that we think Amber needs help. There's some nasty things that could happen to her soon if she doesn't get help.”

  “How you know about that? You working with Eric?” the young girl asked.

  “No, who's Eric?” Charles asked.

�He be the guy trying to make Amber into a Walker. That's why she running.”

  “Walker?” Kathryn asked.

  The child sighed. Charles would've sworn it sounded like the sigh of an adult having to explain things to a child.

  “Walker. You know, street walker? Hooker? Prostitute?”

  “Amber? She can't be more than fourteen and barely looks that old,” Charles said.

  “Age don't matter, she got her tits now. She tried to hide them from him, but slipped up. Eric say that once a girl got her tits, the guys will look and want, so it's time for them to be a Walker once their tits comes in.”

  She glanced down at her own chest.

  “Mine ain't yet, but they will soon. Then he'll try to make me a Walker too.”

  “And you're looking forward to it?” Kathryn asked incredulously.

  “You crazy?” the child said. “Ain't looking forward to it, just don't know how to get out of it. Amber was hoping this guy was her ticket out, but one look at him and she running.”

  “How did you know that?” Charles asked.

  “I was watching through the window. She say she meeting with you, but had a friend to watch her. I figured a second friend would be a good idea. What was all that stuff flying around when she started running anyhow? She flip a stack of books or something?”

  There's no way I'm going to try to explain magic to this one, Charles thought, although it looks like she can keep a secret. I still haven't even gotten her name.

  Greg finally stepped out of the shop after tidying up most of the mess.

  “Alicia, what are you doing?” Greg said. “Charles was trying to catch Amber to help her.”

  “Didn't look like she wanted any help from that man. So I made sure he couldn't chase her.”

  Greg's face fell into his hands.

  “Alicia, between Eric and something else, Amber is in a load of danger. She needs help, she came here to talk to him but ran when she saw him. You know anything about that?”

  Alicia shook her head.


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