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Mason Caveman Instinct -- Gypsy Curse Book 4

Page 15

by Hazel Gower

  Even though I loved my soon to be mother-in-law, I was sure she wouldn’t approve of what I was doing now. I pushed her from my thoughts. She and everyone else had left a couple of hours ago. My day had sucked and I was depressed. I’d started reading a romance book hoping that may pick me up my mood but, the book had gotten steamy when it became a ménage. I’d gotten curious at some of the things the characters where doing, like double penetration, bondage, and anal play. I wasn’t a prude and I’d been on the streets and seen some pretty outrageous things, but I hadn’t stayed to look and I had never thought of anal sex. My mind had never strayed there.

  Mason’s penis was the only one I had really seen. Sure, I’d had bad experiences in the foster homes and I’d gotten a glimpse or two on the street catching perverted acts, but I had never really looked. I was curious to see if Mason’s dick was normal. I was sure it was big, but as I had nothing to compare it to, I wanted to look. Leaving the lounge room, I was happy Mason was out training so he didn’t see what I was doing. That would’ve been embarrassing. I went to our room, sat in the middle of our bed with the laptop inches from my face. Staring at my screen, I typed in what I wanted. I was going to see other penises to compare to Mason’s. Chewing on my bottom lip, I thought about myself down there. Was I normal? I’d better check that out, too.

  Half an hour later I was soaking wet and squirming on the bed as I stared at the screen. I watched a bunch of men shoving their dicks in the porn actress. I’d typed in, ‘lots of dick and cock porn with pussy’ and gotten vids of women having gangbangs and their pussies filled with three cocks or two in the pussy and two in her anus. At least now I knew that Mason had a well above average penis and it explained why I felt so full when he made love to me. There was no way I could deal with any more than just his. It was nice to know I was normal, maybe a little smaller than what I was seeing, but still, from what I could see, normal.

  I should turn off the group porn, but I was fascinated at how all the men twisted and played Tetris to all fit. Lifting the laptop off me, I took off my undies and lifted my skirt up. I placed my fingers over my pussy. I had a little landing strip of hair. Bailey, Jade, and Divinity had dragged me to get waxed and I had cried like a baby when she did it. Spreading my legs, I tried to lift them how the woman had them, but I wasn’t that flexible.

  “What the hell are you watching?” Mason screeched.

  I shut the laptop quickly, jumped off the bed, and stood clutching the computer, lost for words.

  Oh crap! I was just caught looking at porn. Oh my God, how embarrassing.

  “Um, er, nothing.” I looked anywhere but his face. He stalked to me and I gripped the laptop to my chest and darted my gaze around looking for a place to hide. I backed up and hit the wall.

  Mason smirked as he caged me in and took the laptop opening it and pressing enter. The gangbang was still on the screen and they were going at her hard. He watched it for five or so minutes before his dark brown penetrating stare caught mine. “Mmm, does my woman like watching porn? Is your pussy wet.” A surprised yelp left my lips as he delved two fingers into me. “Fuck. You’re soaking, bear.”

  Biting my bottom lip, I shook my head. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  His lips twitched and his smirk got bigger. “Oh yeah? What has you looking at a woman being fucked by a bunch of men?”

  “Um, well, you see . . . I was reading this book, and, um . . . well, your penis is the only one I’ve ever really seen, or, you know, looked at and done stuff with. I, I wanted to compare. I wanted to know if you really are as big as I think. I put in, well, you can see that what I put in wasn’t worded right.”

  He was shaking his head and help up his hand. “Stop, no more. Woman, never tell a man you want to compare his dick—”

  “But I didn’t mean it bad! You’re so big and this just proves you’re really big. More than average—”

  His finger on my lips stopped me. “No more, bear.” His lips slammed down on mine and I groaned when I heard the tear of my dress.

  Damn, I liked that one.

  “Mason.” I huffed, as I tore my lips from his. “This dress was a favorite.”

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” he spat out before his mouth captured mine again.

  Mason’s fingers ran down my body resting to cup my breasts and tweak my nipples through the lace of my bra. Shots of delight pulsed through me as his hands explored. He found the hook and undid my bra letting out a sigh as my breasts sprang free. I smiled and helped him slide it off me. His hands went back to caressing my breasts and I basked in his touch, already highly aroused from watching the dirty porn. My own fingers explored, tracing the ridges in his back before coming around to trail over every crevice and bump. I loved the feel of his body.

  I sighed in pure bliss as he flexed and my fingers smoothed over his abs. Mason’s body was a toned work of art. He wasn’t too muscular that his muscles budged obscenely, he looked in proportion. Mason took care himself. He was older than me, but not by a huge age gap, just enough to make him mature, I felt.

  The kiss deepened, Mason ravaged my mouth and I tried to match him, tangling tongues with his and moving my lips to his rhythm. Rubbing my body against his, I tore at his clothes, eager to take them off. His growl of pure need stopped our kiss and he eased back and pulled his clothes off until he was gloriously naked. Now nude, I circled my arms around him and ran my fingers up and down his back as I inched a leg up his thigh and moved against him, our skin kissing in tingling need for each other. He settled into my neck, his lips brushed over my sensitive skin before he sucked hard. I’d have ownership marks. His tongue slid out and licked the shell of my ear before he nibbled on the tip. Holy shit, sparks fluttered down straight to my core.

  Mason made his way further down my body. His warm breath feathered over me leaving a trail of goosebumps. He kissed all the down until he was on his knees and then back up again hovering over my breasts. He blew on them and my nipples hardened. Taking a breath in, my body started shaking in anticipation of what he would do next. I groaned when he sucked a pebbled nipple in before repeating with the other. Raising my hands up I gripped his hair, holding him against me as my need for him burned higher.

  His fingers roamed, heightening my desire, before they came down and he glided two fingers into my core. Gasping at the new pressure, I clutched at him and climbed on him, leaning my back against the wall and holding on to him tight. The tip of his cock nudged his hand out of the way and moved his fingers from my pussy to brush over my clit. His head came up from my breasts and his gaze caught my own as he entered me and my whole-body shuddered with a mini orgasm.

  His movements were slow at first as he tested our balance. “This is so fucking hot. You are so fucking hot.” His mouth came down on mine as he sank in deep.

  My body was on fire. I was already highly sensitive, like a coil sprung tight, ready to let the pressure go and unravel. Mason set a slow pace that drove me nuts, but with our position against the wall, which was very sexy and heightening my arousal beyond anything I’d felt before, I knew I had to let him be in control as he was the one holding our weight. I closed my eyes as his tongue tangled with mine and he thrust his cock in and out of me at an agonizingly slow pace.

  Opening my eyes as I felt the cliff right there ready for me to fall off, I locked my gaze on his and moaned. “Please faster?”

  His answering smirk and the light that came into his eyes told me he was going to have me beg. “What, bear? Faster what?”

  “Move faster.”

  He shook his head. “Nuh-uh. Tell me, bear. What am I doing to you?”

  “Making love,” I groaned.

  “Yes, but Alexa, tell me what you want me to do?”

  Growling, I yelled, “Fuck me, Mason. Fuck faster, harder, deeper.”

  “Hell yes,” he snarled. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  He inched us over to the dressing table and I gripped the mirror with one hand and Mason steadied u
s, using the huge wooden piece of future. His movements became faster and I started to push back. I was so close to coming as tingles of pleasure flowed through me.

  Staring at Mason, I watched with heightening desire as his muscles strained and tensed with each retreat and enter. Unable to resist touching his perfect body, I used one hand to smooth over his chest and around his back. I basked in the immense ecstasy as it built higher and higher as he pistoned in and out, over and over.

  I was so eager for my release, my hand was gripping the mirror so tight I could feel nails breaking and poor Mason had the fingers of my other hand digging into his shoulders. Staring at him as I panted, I could see the strain on Mason’s face as he held most of our weight and fought not to come before me. I had learned Mason wanted me happy first, in everything we do.

  Gazing into to his dark lust filled eyes I mewled as he went deep and as he pulled out I yelled, “I love you, Mason. Fuck, I love you so much.” I fell apart as he propelled me off the cliff and into heaven as pure bliss flowed through every cell in my body.

  Mason growled like he was some beast. “You’re so God damn beautiful. Watching you come just then was the hottest thing I’ve even seen. Watch me, bear. Watch what you do to me.”

  He pumped into me with a final deep push before giving a loud grunt as he let himself go. His grip slackened for moment and I slipped. He moaned and with shaky legs carried me to the bed and eased me off him. I fell, my body jelly as I basked in my raptured state. Mason got on the bed beside me and moved up to the pillows. He pulled me half on him.

  “I love you, too, Alexa.” He nuzzled me and I snuggled against him.

  My heart soared and my sucky day got a whole lot better.

  FOR THE LAST FOUR MORNINGS, damn all day long, I had vomited anytime I moved or Mason ate, or I smelled food. I felt like shit. I could barely drink and the first trial was that afternoon. I should’ve been up getting myself ready. My therapist was down stairs with Mason’s mum, but I felt too sick to move. I had been feeling off for well over a week now, but I had brushed it off and thought it could have something to do with the trials coming up. But after four days of being unable to keep anything down, I was done thinking I could get over being scared and anxious.

  “You’re not fucking going.” Mason growled from beside me as he rubbed my back while I vomited into the bucket. “Uncle Carl will be here in a moment, because I think you need to go to the hospital.”

  I groaned. It was the best he was going to get. I had been protesting going to the hospital or doctors since this started, but today I couldn’t even talk. I hated the hospital, I spent so much time there when we first met and didn’t want to go back. I wasn’t a fan of anyone but Mason or his family touching me. My therapist said it was to do with my trust issues from foster care and the street and it was something I agreed with her on.

  “Mason, I’m here. Move aside so I can get a look at her.” Carl, Mason’s uncle who was a doctor, came into the room and to my side. I barely gave him notice as the weight shifted on the bed. “When was the last time she kept down fluids?”

  “Mmm,” I groaned and tried to raise my head but the movement had me dry heaving again.

  “About two days. Yesterday, I started making her sip water, in hopes she’d keep it down, but it’s not working.” Mason told his uncle.

  “Mason, you’re right about one thing. The only place she will be going today is the private hospital where I can give her fluids and get some tests.”

  “Nooo,” I moaned.

  “Bear, you’ve been sick for days. You can barely move. You need to go to hospital.” I hated the pained sound to his voice and it was why I gave in, but I knew I had no choice anyway.

  “Fine,” I mumbled.

  ALEXA WAS STARTING TO GET a little color back in her skin. She’d been deathly white when we’d bought her into the hospital. With it being a private hospital, the room was much nicer than the one she’d had at the public. And due to our name and Uncle Carl being with us, Alexa got her own personal nurse. She’d only left the room to get meds and have a quick talk with the other nurses.

  Blood had been taken, and she now had fluids going in. They had been very careful what they give her, as the doctors my uncle had introduced hadn’t wanted to risk giving her anything that could worsen her condition. She was so dehydrated that the head of the doctors had trouble finding a vein. They ended up getting the head of blood transfusion over and she’d found one.

  They’d given her Maxolon to stop her vomiting, but until the bloodwork came back they wouldn’t give her anything else. Now she wasn’t vomiting, Alexa was sleeping. I couldn’t stop pacing the room and I knew if Alexa had been awake she’d have been telling me to stop. I looked at the clock for what felt like the millionth time. Alexa had been in the hospital now for six hours and twenty-four minutes. The tests had been taken as soon as they had found a vein, five hours and forty-two minutes ago.

  My hands were clammy and my heart felt like it had sunk to the bottom of my feet. I felt sick with worry. I was terrified for Alexa. I hated that she was so sick and that we didn’t know why. I should have taken her to the hospital when she fainted the other day, but Alexa hated the hospital so much and I never wanted her to be unhappy. I should have just sucked it up. Never again. I promised that I would never let her being upset with me get in the way of her wellbeing.

  “It’s shouldn’t be much longer Mr. Silverman. Your fiancée’s bloodwork was sent away on priority. It will be back anytime now. Since the fluids and the Maxolon, she has picked up.”

  “Sure. Not worried.” I nodded, but I could tell when she continued to calm me she didn’t believe me.

  “Truthfully,” she lowered her voice down to an almost whisper. “The only reason I’m in here is because of your family and your uncle holds a lot of weight around here, so everyone wants to please him. I think your fiancée is going to be fine with how she’s responding to fluids and just Maxolon. I know they’re being cautious with her history.” She cleared her throat and looked at Alexa in the bed and this time she did whisper. “I shouldn’t say anything, but could she be pregnant?”

  Blinking at her question, I stopped pacing and took a step closer to the bed where Alexa slept and studied her. Her skin wasn’t white as she looked when I’d brought her in, which did calm me a little. The sheets and a blanket covered her body, but I didn’t need to see her to remember it. An image came to me as I thought over what the nurse had asked. Alexa hadn’t ever turned me away when I’d wanted sex or even just a little oral play. I remembered her having her period a week or so before her birthday because it had been the first night since sleeping in the same bed she hadn’t wanted to snuggle. I’d had to grab her and place her over me and hold her to me before she got all embarrassed and told me why she thought she couldn’t snuggle, but since then I couldn’t remember her having one. We’d started having sex straight after her birthday and we pleasured each other at least once every other day, sometimes twice a day, but she’d never turned me away. In fact, she responded, always wanted more. It was a time when she really let go and even swore. I counted back to when we first fucked and stumbled closer to her staring in wonder. Holy shit, Alexa could be pregnant.

  Darting my gaze at the nurse she nodded. “I thought that might be what this is, and I think your uncle thinks it, too, but I have a feeling because you’re family, he wants to be thorough.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, my head swimming in images of Alexa round with my child. She was beautiful now, but in the image in my head, she glowed with beauty. I wanted it. I went to the chair beside the bed and sat in it, finally taking what felt like my first real breath in days.

  It wasn’t long after when my uncle came in. I sat the chair back so I could look at him and still be close to Alexa. I could tell by the smile on his face that the nurse had been right. Uncle Carl came up beside me and patted my back. “No need to worry. Alexa, considering what she’s been through, is in good health and should be
back to her old self in seven or eight months. Do you want me to wake her up and tell her or would you like the honor?”

  Shaking my head, I grinned like a loon at my uncle. I’d knocked up my woman. Alexa was going to be so happy. She wanted a family straight away and we hadn’t been using protection. “I want to tell her. She wants this and will be ecstatic.”

  He smiled and squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll prescribe some Maxolon for her and I’ll write on the script the best antenatal vitamins. I’ll give you a couple of OBGYN numbers, too, but I’ll highlight Dr. Kara Bay. She’s who we used.”

  “Female,” I snapped. There was no fucking way any other man was looking at my woman down there.

  Uncle Carl smirked at me. “I’m a Silverman just like you. I know how we feel about other men near our woman.” He cleared his throat and his smile vanished. “I know your mum organized why she wasn’t at the trial today and I made sure the doctor I got in wrote up a letter to excuse her, but . . . ” he sighed.

  Alexa was pregnant. There was no fucking way she’d be testifying now. I wasn’t risking her being under that much stress when she was carrying my kid. “She’ll not testify now. Hell no,” I swore as I glared at my uncle daring him to disagree with me.

  “Mmm, how am I supposed to sleep with you making so much noise?” Alexa’s husky voice had me turning back to her. “You being bossy?” She gave me a sleepy smile.

  Leaning towards her, I grabbed her hand and brought it up to kiss her knuckles. “I’m not being bossy when I’m the boss.”

  “Ha,” her voice was becoming clearer and she looked a lot brighter. “You’re so funny. So,” she darted her gaze up to Carl. “What’s going on with me? When can I get out of here?”


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