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Chastity Belt

Page 6

by Shoshanna Evers

The thought made her wet.

  Tossing her hair, she laughed as Casey lifted their hands up high between them in a victory pose as they hit their mark—a little x of duct tape on the stage where the light was perfect. What was going to happen? She had been offered two hundred plus tips to perform with Casey, doing some girl-on-girl action for the men. But the details were a little hazy.

  Vincent nodded to Casey, who leaned in and whispered in Georgia’s ear. “I’m going to undress you, okay?”

  Georgia nodded, feeling slightly buzzed from the scotch. Definitely not drunk. Mary Ann had warned her not to get so hammered that she’d regret anything she did at the club. Good advice from a woman who was starting to have almost a maternal influence in her life.

  Casey let go of Georgia’s hand long enough to slowly unbutton Georgia’s sheer, flimsy blouse, letting it fall to the stage floor. A few men cat-called and she felt her face flush. Let ’em watch. It turned her on.

  Georgia stepped toward Casey and kissed her deep on the mouth, loving the taste of her friend’s strawberry lip-gloss. Kissing a girl was so…different from kissing a man. No stubble, for one. Softer lips, for another. And while in Jonathan’s arms she felt entirely submissive and feminine, in Casey’s she enjoyed feeling the other girl’s femininity surround her. Her hair smelled amazing, like citrus shampoo.

  Pulling her bra straps off her shoulders one by one, Georgia waited until the hollering in the audience had calmed before unhooking the bra completely, causing the men to start up all over again as her breasts were bared. Smiling, Casey dipped her head and pulled one of Georgia’s rouged nipples into her mouth, sucking daintily.

  Rouged nipples. That was another trick Mary Ann had taught her—a little red lipstick on the mouth, a smudge on her areolas. The men loved it. Georgia gasped as Casey flicked her tongue around and around her sensitive tip.

  Casey reached behind her and unzipped the back of Georgia’s miniskirt, letting it fall around her ankles, leaving her body bare except for the chastity belt. Casey sank to her knees dramatically and looked out into the audience.

  As if on cue, Vincent handed her the mic.

  “Oh no,” Casey cried into the microphone, playing it up for the men. “My Sweet Georgia, you’re all locked up!”

  Georgia laughed and shrugged, like, what can I do?

  “Mr. Syler,” Casey said, “won’t you please come unlock my friend so we can play?”

  The audience clapped as Jonathan stood. Georgia couldn’t see him past the spotlight, but she imagined him setting his drink down and wiping the condensation from the glass on a napkin before taking off his Armani suit jacket.

  Georgia felt those butterflies in her stomach again as she watched him climb the few steps up to the stage. He was so damn good-looking.

  He took the little metal key out of his pocket and she grinned. She needed to come so badly, especially after what he had done to her this morning, leaving her need unrequited like that and her with no way to fulfill her desire.

  Her pussy felt so bare and exposed when the belt came off and suddenly she was acutely aware that she was stark naked on a stage.

  Jonathan whispered in Casey’s ear and she giggled and nodded. Then he was gone, standing off in the wings, watching.

  “Stand still, Sweet Georgia,” Casey said, “so I can play with your little pussy just like Mr. Syler told me to.”

  Finally. She was so ready to come she thought she might die from it.

  Closing her eyes, Georgia let her head drop back with pleasure as Casey knelt in front of her, carefully parting her labia with her fingers. She was so amped up that any weirdness she might have felt about getting physical with her girlfriend was the farthest thing from her mind.

  Casey was petting her slowly, barely making contact with her nether lips and avoiding her clit completely. Groaning, Georgia said, “More.”

  “Naughty, naughty,” Casey said in a singsong voice. “Don’t you get it yet, Georgia?”

  Georgia’s head snapped up and her eyes flew open as Jonathan came up behind her and held her against his muscular body, her naked flesh pressed against the fine silk of his tie and the soft cotton of his button-down shirt.

  “I’m going to hold you here,” he murmured in her ear, his breath hot on her cheek, “while Casey teases you.”

  “But,” Casey said, running her fingers over Georgia’s inner thighs, “I’m under strict orders not to let you climax.”

  “No!” Georgia cried, struggling to free herself from Jonathan’s strong grasp. “You can’t do this to me, you gotta let me come, I need it.”

  Jonathan held her tight and chuckled. “This will be good for you,” he said. “And good to watch.”

  Vincent roared into the microphone, “Tease and denial, gentlemen, tease and denial! How much can Sweet Georgia take?”

  Until he spoke, Georgia had almost forgotten she was getting paid for her performance. Oh hell, how bad could it be? She could take anything, right?

  Or not. She gasped as Casey’s tongue flicked out and tapped her clit for one delicious moment before retreating into her mouth. After a moment the sensation subsided and out came her tongue again. Tap. Tap. Then nothing.

  “Lift your leg,” Jonathan ordered, and Georgia laid her head back on his chest as she slowly raised one leg, just like she had learned in ballet class as a girl.

  Jonathan grabbed hold of her calf, securing it in the crook of his arm, and she felt off balance, like a dancer in a strange pose—one leg on the floor, the other pointing to the stage lights in the rafters.

  And now her pussy was completely open to Casey’s merciless ministrations.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Casey said, and though Georgia couldn’t see her friend’s face when she turned to the audience, Georgia was sure Casey had just winked at the men. She was holding something up—what was it?

  A feather? Oh no…a feather!

  “Nooooo,” Georgia moaned when Casey touched the pointed quill tip to her clit, tickling her steadily without building up any rhythm. She squirmed desperately, writhing against Jonathan’s chest as the teasing continued. There was no pressure, no satisfaction to be gleaned from the maddening sensations overwhelming her nerve endings.

  “Stop,” she cried, “I’ll die.” She bucked her hips as best she could in her awkward position, alternating between trying to gain further contact with the feather and trying to escape it.

  Casey threw her head back and laughed. “No one ever died from not getting an orgasm, silly girl.” The men laughed appreciatively with her.

  Damn her! Damn Jonathan. This was his doing. He was torturing her on purpose. She was going to say “umbrella” and call this whole thing off—but she was so close to coming, she could feel it. If only Casey would keep that up for one more second—

  “Damn you!” she yelled as Casey abruptly switched motions with a giggle.

  Oh she was right on the edge…just a little pressure right on her clit and she would explode…but all she felt was the lightest touch, not nearly enough to push her over the edge. Her pulse was racing and her nerve endings felt so frayed she wondered briefly if anyone actually had died from not being allowed to come. Because it certainly felt that way right now.

  She was going to come, she was going to come— Georgia gasped as she felt the beginning of a contraction and then all sensation stopped. The chastity belt locked in place around her hips and Georgia wailed in frustration as she dropped to her knees on the stage floor, nearly in tears.

  “You can’t do this to me,” she said. “Please, please.”

  Jonathan looked down at her and smiled thoughtfully. “Are you mine, Sweet Georgia?”

  She looked up at him and nodded. “I’m yours, all yours.” It wasn’t even part of her performance. Fuck it. She was done performing. This was about her and Jonathan. Even Casey didn’t matter right now. Those men in the audience certainly didn’t either.

  “If you’re mine, then you’ll want to please me. Do you want
to please me?”

  Georgia nodded and reached for his zipper, sure that was what he wanted.

  “No,” he said, restraining her hand.

  “Make me come,” she pleaded.

  Jonathan merely shook his head and walked off the stage. She had disappointed him somehow.

  “Fuck you,” she called after him. “Umbrella.” She stood up clumsily, looking around the stage for Vincent. “Umbrella, Vincent. I’m fucking done here. Now get this motherfucking belt off of me.”

  The men booed good-naturedly as Georgia stumbled naked off the stage, with Casey on her heels.

  Vincent didn’t seem too upset that she said the safeword, he just shook her hand and gave her a hundred-dollar bill.

  “What’s this for?” Georgia asked warily. “I said the safeword. I broke the contract.”

  “I like your act, Sweet Georgia. You’re always welcome back here.”

  Oh. “Thanks, Vincent.”

  “I don’t have a key for that thing though,” he said. “You gotta take that up with Jonathan.”

  Hell no. She was going to have to go to the only person she knew who would actually take the belt off her without hesitation. Her ex, the cop.

  * * * * *

  Georgia pushed open the door to the police station and nodded to the lady at the front desk, who waved in surprised recognition. She must have remembered her from the times she had stopped by the station when she and Erik were dating.

  “Is Erik here?” she asked without preamble.

  “Officer Ramirez?” the woman replied. “I’ll let him know you’re here. Have a seat, dear.”

  Georgia ignored her, preferring to stand. She had too much anger built up just to sit there and twiddle her thumbs.

  A door on the side opened and Erik looked at her, raising his eyebrows. “Come around back,” he said, holding the door for her.


  Erik brushed a speck of imaginary lint off his pristine uniform and pulled a chair out for her but Georgia just shook her head.

  “Lemme guess. I need to go get some bolt cutters.”

  “Yup. I need this thing off me, now.”

  Erik’s jaw tightened. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sighing, Georgia leaned up against the edge of the desk and waited. “Finally,” she breathed in relief when he came back moments later holding a pair of heavy-duty red-handled bolt cutters.

  “I’m gonna kill this Syler asshole,” Erik said as she lifted her skirt up. Holding the belt away from her skin as far as he could, he clipped the side, grunting with exertion as it took him a few tries to cut through the thick metal. Georgia was able to release the chastity belt and let it drop to the floor.

  She quickly covered her bare flesh with her skirt.

  And then a lump formed in her throat. What have I done?

  She’d acted way too hastily… After practically begging Jonathan to put the belt on her, she’d betrayed him in a moment of weakness.

  This chastity belt wasn’t for Jonathan—it was for her. Because she fantasized about it, about being under Jonathan’s lock and key.

  And now… She’d messed up big time.

  Freedom didn’t feel nearly as good as she’d imagined it would. Who was she kidding, anyway? She didn’t want to be free. She wanted to be Jonathan’s.

  Erik looked ready to chew nails. “I’ve got his address.”

  “What are you talking about it? I’m not pressing charges, I told you.”

  Erik frowned, the muscle in his jaw twitching. “That rich asshole is gonna pay for doing this to you. You may not be my girl anymore, but I’m gonna punch his teeth in for trying to make you his bitch.”

  Shit. “No, Erik, it’s fine, just let it go.”

  But Erik was already out the door. Georgia ran after him. “Stop, Erik!”

  In the parking lot, Erik walked fast, ignoring her as he jumped into his police car. “Stop following me, Georgia. This isn’t something for a girl to see.”

  Fuck that! It was rush hour—she could actually get to Jonathan’s apartment quicker taking the subway. Georgia ran to the nearest subway station and raced through the turnstile, grateful for her full MetroCard. She ran down the track toward the train, groaning inwardly as she had to wait for the throng of people to exit before she could enter the subway car.

  Picking up her cell phone, she called Jonathan to warn him. No answer. Of course. Why would he want to talk to her now?

  Keeping one hand on the bar above her head and the other on her phone, she texted, My ex is gonna beat you up. Damn it. That sounded like a threat, not the warning she intended it to be.

  Be careful, she texted again. Not much better, but better than nothing.

  Jonathan shook his head in amusement when he got Georgia’s texts. That girl was unglued. And to think he had thought she might be the one for him.

  Hell, who was he kidding? She was the one for him. There was no denying it. No one else turned him on so completely and fulfilled his fetish with such passion as she did. No one else had her devil-may-care attitude and sweet, beautiful eyes that seemed to show directly into her soul. Thoughts of Georgia consumed him.

  There was a knock at the door. More of a pounding, really. Angry pounding. Jonathan peered through the peephole and saw a cop standing there, looking pissed.

  “Can I help you, Officer?” he asked.

  “It’s Ramirez,” the cop said. “I’m not on official business. I’m here about Georgia.”

  “Then you’ll understand why I don’t want to let you in,” Jonathan said.

  “Listen to me, you piece of shit,” the cop barked. “You ever lock up my girlfriend again and I will hunt you down—”

  “Jonathan,” Georgia’s voice came through the door. “Don’t open—”

  What was she doing here? He opened the door, not wanting to leave her out there with that psycho cop, but as soon as he turned the handle, Ramirez pushed his way inside, dragging Georgia by the hand.

  “Let her go,” Jonathan said.

  The cop let her hand go, but now he looked ready to pounce on Jonathan.

  “Come on, guys,” Georgia said. “It’s over. Done.”

  “Did you sic your ex on me just because I wouldn’t let you come?” Jonathan asked incredulously.

  She dropped her head into her hands and sighed. “Maybe. I’m sorry. I didn’t think he’d actually hunt you down.”

  Ramirez looked from her to Jonathan and shook his head in disgust. “Georgia, you deserve better than this guy.”

  “This is the guy I want,” she said, gesturing to Jonathan. “I know it sounds crazy, Erik, but I never should have come to you to cut off the chastity belt.”

  Jonathan felt under her skirt. No belt. “You had another man take off the belt I put on you?” he asked softly. Never mind the fact that he had paid a fortune for that chastity belt and had fantasized for ages about the moment he would find the right woman to wear it. She had betrayed him by destroying the belt.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I was upset. I was crazy frustrated and not thinking clearly, you know? But I don’t need that chastity belt anymore—because I’ll do whatever you say, Jonathan. I mean it. I’m yours…at least, I want to be yours.”

  The cop snorted. “Good luck with that.” He turned and started to walk out, but he stopped at the door and glared at Jonathan. “Listen, Syler. I know where you live. I know where you play. And if I ever hear that you hurt her or even breathed on her funny, I will take you down. Comprende, amigo?”

  Jonathan nodded as Ramirez left, slamming the door. He could respect that. Hell, if Georgia ever left him and he found out that her new man had upset her, he’d want to kill them too.

  And he didn’t want Georgia ever to leave him. She was unlike any woman he had ever known. But how could they fix things now that she had gone behind his back like that? To her ex-boyfriend.

  Georgia sank to her knees in front of him and looked up at him, tears ru
nning down her face, her blonde hair disheveled. “I’m sorry,” she said again. “Can you forgive me?”

  She was so beautiful like that, it took every ounce of willpower he had not to pick her up off the carpet and kiss away her tears.

  “I suppose I pushed you too hard,” he conceded. “You weren’t ready for that last performance.”

  “I’m ready now,” she said. “Do whatever you want to me. I’m yours. If you tell me never to masturbate again without your permission I’ll do it for you, in a heartbeat.”

  Touching her cheek, he carefully wiped away the mascara smudged under her eyes. “That is an incredible gift,” he said. “But how do I know that you won’t just throw a tantrum and run back to your ex again?”

  Even as he said it he could see the answer in her eyes. She wanted to make him happy—and seeing that made him desire her even more.

  “I-I’m—” she stammered, losing her words as he finally gave in to temptation and lifted her off the floor.

  “Forget it,” he whispered. “I don’t need apologies. Let’s just move forward. I want to be with you, to see how this all pans out.”

  Her smile lit up her face and Jonathan laughed, hugging her tightly.

  “Jonathan?” she said. “I…um, never actually came, you know. When I went to see Erik he took the belt off but he didn’t touch me. And I didn’t touch myself.”

  “Really…” he murmured, sliding his hand down her ass and then up under her skirt. Her pussy was bare and slick with need.

  “What would you say if I told you I was going to play with you for hours as punishment for what you did?” he asked, running his fingers over her swollen nub. “What would you do if I told you I would keep you on the edge and not let you come?”

  Her breath caught and she made a choked sound as if she was holding back a cry of frustration but she nodded. “I understand. I’ll take whatever you give me—I’m yours, Jonathan.”

  “Good girl, Sweet Georgia,” he whispered, rubbing her clit faster now. “But I’ll give you what you need.”

  Thank god. She moaned as he lifted her up and tossed her onto the leather couch, shoving her skirt up her thighs as he knelt before her. Locking her ankles behind his neck, Georgia cried out as he ate her pussy hungrily, sucking her clit into his mouth and tonguing it with relish.


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