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I Broke Into His Office (Love at First Crime Book 4)

Page 31

by Jessica Frances

  I grab his leather jacket, pulling myself completely against him as he shifts his body weight down over mine.

  “Does this hurt?” he asks, lifting up and resting his forearms on either side of me, grinding his crotch against mine.

  “Yes,” I groan, whimpering when he actually begins to pull away. “It hurts because you’re not inside me,” I rush to explain, sighing happily when he leans back over me.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “Yes, but you are keeping the jacket on,” I demand, overdue for this fantasy to become real.

  “You’re rather bossy today,” he growls, shifting off me to stand by my side and strip off his pants, showing me that he has again gone commando.

  I don’t know how his junk can possibly survive in this weather, and since I have an invested interested in protecting that part of his anatomy, I’m going to have to add buying more briefs to the top of my to-do list.

  “You going to keep talking, or are you going to fuck me?” I ask, loving the feral glow that shines in his eyes.

  “You are going to feel me inside you for days,” he promises.

  Instead of the hard fuck I expected, he is gentle, mindful of my injuries. And every kiss over every bruise makes my heart beat faster.

  By the time he enters me, I am teetering on the edge of something huge, and every thrust pushes me closer to the point of no return.

  I grab his leather jacket, loving the feel of it in my hands and knowing I will never be able to look at it again without remembering him inside me.

  When he finally pushes me off that ledge, it feels life-changing.

  Falling asleep in his arms cements everything for me. We are good together. Harvey and I work, and I’m going to fight to keep this. And that is what I am putting in permanent marker at the top of my to-do list.

  I will do anything to keep Harvey in my life and to make sure I make him happy every single day.


  One Year Later…

  “I’m going to be home late,” Harvey says into the phone, his tone torn between apologetic and frustrated.

  “Oh, really?” I mutter, biting my lip to stop myself smiling.

  “I’m so sorry. I know you wanted an early night so we’ll have enough sleep before our stupidly early flight, but I swear I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  “It’s okay,” I promise, not sure if my disappointed tone is a stroke of genius or meanness.

  “No, it’s not. I’m going to kill Sasha when I get back. She knows we leave tomorrow, and bullshit she couldn’t get anyone else. I could hear Declan in the background of her call!” he growls, his breath huffing a little like he’s running.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I have to go back to the office. Apparently, the alarm wasn’t set properly.”

  “Sounds exciting,” I drawl, biting my lip when I think I’m putting this on a little thick.

  “I swear, I’ve worked here for nearly four years and not once has Sasha forgotten to set the alarm. Yet the night before we leave to go to New Zealand? Sure, let’s forget it then.”

  “She’s got a lot on her mind,” I remind him.

  “I don’t give a shit if she’s five months pregnant. I don’t care if she’s calling it some miracle baby. She screwed up, so if she can’t come back to fix it, then Declan fucking should.”

  “Just take a deep breath. Your detour isn’t going to ruin anything,” I say soothingly, glancing down at the crowbar in my hand.

  I have no idea where my last one went. It either stayed in this office where it was damaged enough in the fire to get thrown out, or Harvey got rid of it a year ago.

  “It’s still fucking annoying. I’m just pulling up to the office now. I’ll be home as quickly as I can.”

  I smile at thinking about our home. Staying at my apartment was obviously out, because it was shit. Harvey’s apartment, though, is great. It’s warm and close enough to public transportation, so it only takes an added half an hour each way to get to the restaurant to check to see how things are progressing. However, the restaurant will soon be open, as well as the upstairs apartment where Harvey and I will be moving into.

  In the year since we met, we spend most nights together. Our only times apart have come from Harvey’s work. We made a home out of his apartment, and surprisingly, there have been almost no hiccups. We just seem to work together.

  When I hear the door out in the main lobby open, I drop some files off the edge of his desk, smirking at the noise it makes when it hits the floor.

  “Shit, I need to call you back,” he says through the phone before hanging up.

  “Who’s there?” Harvey calls from down the hallway.

  I glance down at myself. The office is dark, but it’s still light enough from between the cracks of the closed blinds to see I’m naked. This is either going to go over incredibly good or spectacularly bad. I don’t think there is an in-between.

  I stand by his desk, my nerves starting to eat away at me as I watch Harvey’s shadow approach the office.

  “Whoever is in there, I’m coming in, and I’m armed, so don’t make any sudden movements,” Harvey calls out.

  I’m grateful to know that’s a bluff. Harvey does own a gun, but he doesn’t take it into work as part of his uniform. He does take it with him on the odd mission, but never just on a normal day in the office, which is what today was for him.

  I lift the crowbar in my hands, feeling the cold metal against my thigh, and wonder if this is a really stupid idea.

  Harvey mentioned a fantasy about having me in his office, and it’s a year on the dot to the day I broke into his office to steal documents on what he found on my dad. Now a year on, I got Sasha to help organize this scenario.

  I was embarrassed to ask at first, but she said she appreciated the fact that she wasn’t going to be in the office, which is more consideration than Ava gives her.

  My plan goes to shit as the door flies open, Harvey standing in the doorway, looking ready to murder me, and I drop the crowbar, where it lands painfully on my foot.

  “Ah, fuck!” I snap, bending over and kicking the metal bar away before grabbing my toes that ache from the impact.

  “Nix?” Harvey gasps. This part didn’t go as planned, but at least he is surprised.

  I got that right.

  I stand up straight, the pain already fading, as I watch Harvey’s mouth hang ajar, the heat in his gaze only growing hotter as his eyes travel over my naked body.

  “Oh, you caught me,” I unconvincingly mutter, giving a little pout.

  “Caught you?” he murmurs dumbly. “Caught you what?”

  “Breaking into your office.” I smile at him, hoping I look somewhat seductive when I lean back and sit on his desk.

  “What is this, Nix?” he asks, finally stepping close to me and reaching out to run his hand down my chest.

  My body reacts to his touch, my dick growing harder by the second.

  “A while ago, you said you fantasized about me in your office, about making the same memories here as we did in mine.”

  Harvey’s breathing deepens as he steps fully against me now, his body towering over mine as he moves his hands to my shoulders, touching the scar from the bullet wound. “This is for me? You’re really here?”

  “Sure am. So, where do you want me?” I ask.

  He steps back again to gaze over me, his eyes falling on the bottle of lube and condoms I brought with me. “Fuck, I’m a lucky son of a bitch.”

  I smile at the awe in his voice. However, I think I’m the lucky one here. Well, I’m about to get very lucky.

  “Let’s both get lucky,” I tell him before my breath catches when he leans forward and kisses me.

  I have never been huge into kissing before Harvey. Sure, I liked it, and sometimes it felt nice, but Harvey has a way of swiping the world away with just a swish of his tongue. I can lose myself in his lips, and sometimes we spend hours doing nothing but this. So, it�
��s no surprise that when he finally leans back, we are both breathing heavily.

  I’m too dazed to notice him sliding me across his desk, swinging my legs off the other side before he moves his chair between my legs and plonks himself down.

  He runs his hands over my thighs, catching on the small hairs over my legs. The friction sends sparks over my body.

  He gazes hungrily over my body splayed out for him, and when he glides his hands high enough to nudge the edge of my balls, my hips jolt as pre-come leaks out of me.

  I’m so fucking horny that I fear I’m going to last an embarrassingly short time.

  Who knew office sex was so fucking hot?

  Well, okay, I did already know that. But right now, with the way Harvey is taking control, with me at his mercy, I’m lost to him.

  “I’m hungry,” he says, giving me no other warning before he swallows my dick down his hot, wet mouth.

  “Fuck!” I shout, leaning back on my elbows as Harvey sucks me down like a starving man.

  I can’t take my eyes off him, or stop my hips from wanting to take over and fuck his mouth. However, he holds me down with one arm, fondling my balls with his other hand, before he pulls off me.

  I whimper at the loss of him.

  He reaches forward and grabs the lube before pulling me closer to him so I’m almost falling off the edge.

  “You are so fucking hot, Nix. I can’t decide what I want to do to you. Finish you off in my mouth, pound into your ass, or tie you up and bring you to the brink of coming over and over until you can’t even remember your own name.”

  “Yes! All of it!” I beg.

  He snorts as he drizzles lube down my crack, and I jolt at the cool sensation. Then, when his mouth moves back over my dick, I don’t do much else but let myself feel everything he’s doing to me.

  I feel his wet tongue tracing the vein along my dick before he wraps his hand tightly around the base of my cock. Then he sucks on the head of my dick, moaning as he does this, and then tonguing my slit. He is clearly trying to drive me out of my fucking mind.

  “Harvey, please …” I beg, gasping when his other hand moves over my ass hanging off his desk. He fingers my crease before inserting a finger straight into my ass.

  “Fuck!” I gasp, my hips piston off his desk as I uncontrollably fuck his mouth, while he finger-fucks my ass, shoving another finger in before he finds my prostate.

  “Shit!” I cry, now a withering, blathering mess on his desk. “I’m going to come, I’m going to come!” I gasp, feeling so close I’m almost ready to burst.

  Cruelly, he moves away, and I almost sob.

  “No, no!” I cry, shaking my head before my ears register the zipping noise as Harvey undoes his pants.

  I shakily lift back up to my elbows, wincing as my throbbing cock slides against me. Then my eyes are struck by Harvey, who stands before me, still fully clothed, but with his pants opened and his briefs lowered enough for his dick to stick out. His own pre-come makes my lips feel parched.

  “Ready?” he asks, wrapping himself up with a condom and lubing it up.

  I can’t even make a sound. I just desperately nod as he leans over me, lining his cock up with my hole before he shoves himself inside me.

  “Yes!” I gasp, closing my eyes.

  Harvey stills inside me, wrapping his hand around my cock where he begins slow strokes to drive me wild.

  “More,” I cry, desperate for him to move inside me, and he doesn’t disappoint, driving into me like a man on the brink of madness.

  All too soon, I’m coming all over myself, my cries hoarse.

  He leans forward, pulling my face toward him, then kissing me with the same force as his fucking.

  By the time he is coming, I’m completely spent, but too greedy to not steal away his moans. I shove my tongue into his mouth to get more of them.

  I’m completely gratified as I flop back onto his desk while he pulls out of me. I’m positive I could pass out here, naked, on Harvey’s desk, with my come all over me, and not give a shit.

  Something wet and soft caresses my waist, and I open one eye to peer down, watching as Harvey licks my abs clean.

  “You didn’t even undress,” I accuse, loving watching him eat me all up.

  “There was something hot about being fully clothed while you lay spread out naked for me,” he admits, his voice croaky.

  I lift myself up to see what has him sounding emotional. I just had the best sex of my life, but was this what Harvey wanted?

  Oh shit, what if he regrets what just happened?

  “Was this okay? I didn’t … I didn’t cross a line coming in here, did I?”

  “Are you kidding me?” he gasps out, looking up at me so I see the truth in his words. “This was fucking hot, a fantasy come true.” He laughs as he pulls me forward and sits me in his lap as he collapses back into his chair. “I’m never going to sit in this chair again without getting hard.”

  It’s my turn to laugh now, grateful this ended up being a good idea.

  I rub my cheek against his clothed chest and must admit he is right. It feels hot knowing I’m completely bare to him, while he has me laid out and can do whatever he wants.

  “So, is this my Christmas present?” he asks, stroking my back, sometimes moving through my hair, which he knows I love.

  “No,” I admit, thinking over my recent adoption of a rescue dog. “That is still a surprise.”

  Harvey loves dogs, and whether he’s ready or not, we are about to become fathers to one cute, bossy pup. He’s with Teagan and Joey for now, waiting for our return. After we get back, we are moving into the apartment above the restaurant, so it seemed like the perfect time to adopt.

  “So, this was just a random decision to rock my world?”

  “Well … mostly.”

  “Just mostly?”

  “The girls were saying that they have these traditions with the guys. Like Ava always steals Zander’s car, and Sasha and Declan do their boxing thing. Teagan admitted to me she and Joey like to have car—”

  “Don’t say it!” he gasps, but I can already tell from his pained expression that he knows what I was about to say.

  “Right, well, anyway, I thought about us and what tradition we could have, and my first thought was office sex. I mean, that was fucking hot when we fucked in my office, and you mentioned wanting to do it in yours. And then the date came up. Today is exactly a year since I broke into your office.” I shrug, looking over my shoulder to the forgotten crowbar still on the floor, resting over a few of the files I threw to the ground.

  “So, today is like our anniversary?” he asks, a smirk on his lips.

  “Yeah,” I reply on a smile. “A year ago today, I broke into your office, and you threw me to the floor and saved my life.”

  “Well, I’m glad we skipped the life ending stuff this time.”

  “Speak for yourself. I’m fairly certain I died a couple times already. I definitely saw something celestial when you had your mouth on my dick.”

  “Charming, Nix.” Harvey laughs then rests his head on top of mine. “You’re saying this is going to be a yearly occurrence, then?”

  “If you want it to be.”

  “How about we make it a weekly thing and see how it goes?”

  I laugh, imagining that won’t go over so well with the others.

  “Maybe we should change the guest room into an office at our place so we don’t get arrested.”

  “Probably a good idea. And that way, we won’t be on camera.”

  “What?” I gasp, jerking up from him as I begin to feel faint.

  “Kidding, Nix, kidding!” Harvey bursts out laughing, tugging me back against him. “The look on your face, though.”

  “Asshole,” I halfheartedly say, relaxing back against him.

  “You nervous about tomorrow?”

  “A little,” I admit. I have never flown outside America before, and it isn’t like New Zealand is close. Regardless, I can’t miss Mom’
s wedding. I came up with enough excuses to avoid visiting her up until now—a fear of flying I never knew I had creeping over me—but I can’t miss her wedding.

  If possible, Marty seems like an even better man than I ever knew. Mom laughs all the time, she has a huge smile on her face in every photo she sends me, and she looks ten years younger.

  She deserves every bit of happiness she is experiencing, and I want to share that with her on her special day. Still, I love winters at home. Christmas is going to feel strange wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

  I am excited to see Mom, but I think she is more excited to see Harvey than me. She’s already got him calling her Mom, and she basically adopted him as her own.

  It’s strange to think about how far we have come. A year ago, I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship. Now I’m in love with a tall, dark, and handsome man who means the world to me.

  The restaurant will officially open in four weeks. I’m nervous and excited about that.

  Conner has been working with Scarlett and me diligently, much to Harvey’s annoyance, and I think the opening is going to be a huge success.

  “You’ll be fine; you have me,” Harvey promises. He means it as a way to lighten the mood, but I also know it’s the complete truth.

  “You ready for round two yet?” I ask, loving the shudder I feel run over him.

  “Fuck yes.”

  I laugh when he tightens his arms around me, crashing his lips down over me and changing my laugh to a moan.

  I already know we won’t be getting any sleep tonight, but that’s okay. We have a fucking long-ass flight to catch up on sleep.

  I push away from his chest, breaking our kiss and untangling myself from him.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, following me up and leaning over me so I’m pushed back against his desk.

  “I want you to strip for me.” I give him a coy smile when I see he likes this idea.

  As he slowly removes each article of clothing, tempting my patience when all I want to do is rip his clothes off and have my way with him, I spare one last thought to how lucky I am to have broken into Harvey’s office one year ago.

  That moment kick-started everything, and no matter what came from it, I will always be grateful that I got the chance to have him in my life.


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