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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  Anne looked at Talia, of course that was her name, and frowned. “No. If he’s going to be at this place then I think I want him with me.”

  It was a sentiment I could get behind. I felt exactly the same way. If my wife was going on a tour of a club where the whole purpose of the place was to get men’s wives in the sack with men who weren’t their husband then I wanted to be sure I was right there keeping an eye on things and making sure she didn’t become one of the offerings on the sexual menu. Not that I thought she’d really do something like that, getting a little tipsy with Brad at parties notwithstanding.

  Though again I felt a touch of disappointment at the thought that she wouldn’t do something like that. At the thought that I might not ever get to see her with another man. Again I wondered what was wrong with me, but I had more pressing worries. Like the fact that we were heading for the elevator and any moment now we’d be whisked up to the sexual wonderland I’d been exposed to earlier.

  I wasn’t sure how Anne would react to that. Sure we’d had some adventures of our own, but never something to the point of fucking other people. It turned me on, but it was something I hadn’t brought up with her. It felt like things were moving far too fast. It felt like things were getting out of control. And yet all I could do was follow her and hope for the best even as I wasn’t sure if “the best” meant she didn’t end the night sleeping with another man or she did.

  Anne turned around and gave me an impatient look.

  “So are you going to come along with us or are you staying down here with Talia?” she asked.

  I looked at Talia and she favored me with a hopeful smile. As if that was ever going to happen. She might look good, but I certainly wasn’t going to risk my relationship for someone like her. Especially when I’d already had the chance to get with someone who was so much hotter than this Talia girl and passed up that opportunity.

  Then again at this place it seemed there wasn’t a single person who wasn’t insanely hot. I suppose it was a compliment that they asked me to join their club in the first place. Anne would fit right in as well, for that matter.

  I wasn’t sure if I should be worried about that or turned on. From the way my cock threatened to burst free from my pants it was pretty obvious what the little head thought of that.

  I grinned at Talia and shrugged. “Guess that means I’m going up to tour the club with the missuz.”

  “I’m sure she’ll enjoy finding out all about what’s going on up there,” Talia said in a less than friendly voice.

  “I’m sure I will,” Anne said, her eyes flashing. If these two women were cats their tails would be lashing. Best to get away before I found myself in the middle of a cat fight.

  “Maybe we should get going darling,” I said, putting my arm around Anne and guiding her back towards the elevator. Felix looked between the two women, a thin knowing smile on his face, but otherwise he kept his opinion to himself.

  We stepped onto the elevator and the doors closed. I wondered what would happen when they opened onto the infamous club and everything that went on there. I wondered what Anne would think of that. I wondered where the night might lead, and whether or not it would end with my wife in the arms of another man.

  I shivered thinking of it, and noticed Felix looking at me with that knowing smile.

  11: Tour

  The doors opened and we stepped out into the middle of a scene that was straight out of something from a porno. Sort of. I mean there weren’t people out there fucking or anything, but people were hanging all over each other and it was pretty obvious what went on at this club.

  Right in front of us there were two muscular men on either side of an equally gorgeous woman. As we stepped off the elevator one of the men leaned forward to kiss the woman’s neck as another man moved his hands down between her legs and up her dress. The way his hands moved up and down under the dress made it pretty damn obvious what was going on.

  “What sort of club is this?” Anne asked.

  “Perhaps I should show you to the second level to start?” Felix asked. “That might be the best way for you to understand everything that happens here at my establishment.”

  “This definitely isn’t the dancing I thought went on at this place,” Anne breathed.

  “Yeah, your friends were doing a lot more than dancing when they were out here,” I said.

  Anne fixed me with a sharp look. “So does that mean you were doing a lot more than dancing when you were here earlier?”

  I shrugged and a bit of heat came to my voice. I was growing tired of explaining myself over and over after I’d done the right thing. The last thing I wanted was for her to keep carping at me about it.

  “I already told you that Kathryn kissed me and I told her I wasn’t interested,” I said. “Either you can believe that I wanted to be faithful to you or not, but you’d better decide now because I’m getting tired of apologizing for something I didn’t do.”

  Felix looked between the two of us and that thin smile had grown wider. He reached out and put a hand on the small of Anne’s back. A familiar gesture that wasn’t lost on me. My eyes bored on the spot where his hand made contact with her back with laser focus. My cock suddenly felt very uncomfortable and I had to reach down and reposition it. There was something about his smile and the familiar way he touched my wife that made it seem as though he was taking more than a professional interest in my wife.

  “I can assure you your husband was quite faithful to you earlier this evening. Much to the consternation of Mrs. Thomas, I might add,” he said.

  “Yeah, well she seemed to be working out her sorrows in the arms of another man with no issue,” I said.

  Felix spread his hands which had the added effect of pulling his hand away from Anne’s back. She sighed at the loss of contact and I wondered if maybe there was more going on with her than she was willing to let on.

  “What can I say?” Felix said. “At this club there is always someone who is willing to provide some consolation. Especially for a woman as captivating as Mrs. Thomas.”

  Felix turned to Anne again. “I can assure you that your husband is the first man at the club who’s had the distinction of turning that woman down. It was quite interesting to see her reaction.”

  Anne looked at me and for the first time since she’d seen that lip stick on my collar she actually favored me with a small smile. It wasn’t much, but it was something. I figured that meant she was starting to believe me just a little, though it didn’t seem I was out of the woods yet.

  I’m sure in her mind this was all still my fault on some level because I was the one who came to the club in the first place.

  “I believe you said something about a tour of the upper level of your club?” Anne said.

  “But of course,” Felix said. Once more his hand was at the small of her back as he led us over towards the stairs, and once more I found myself staring at the spot where his hand made contact with her. I walked a little behind them which afforded me a wonderful view both of my wife and Felix as he ran his hand up and down in a small subtle motion while we moved to a set of wide double stairs that ran up to the second level where there was an observation deck of sorts looking down on the rooms below.

  I shivered watching that contact. I could get used to watching a hell of a lot more than that brief contact, for that matter.

  Walking behind them also afforded me an opportunity to see how other people reacted to my wife moving through the room. It was odd. All the other women in the room were beautiful. I’m talking model good looks. All the other women in the massive room were in either sexy lingerie that hinted while still covering or dresses that no doubt hid sexy lingerie underneath.

  Men who looked like something off the cover of a romance novel moved through the room with their shirts off showing well muscled physiques. Men who were obviously the husbands sat reclining on lounges watching their wives having fun with those shirtless men whose ranks I’d very nearly joined earlier that e
vening in the arms of Kathryn Thomas.

  Only all those activities came to a halt as Anne moved past them. Everyone turned to stare, women, husbands, and muscled men alike. Several women fixed her with burning glares that said they didn’t like the idea of her brining her particular brand of competition to the room. The muscular men in the room whose sole purpose was seducing other men’s wives stared at her with barely concealed lust that made it obvious they wished she was the wife they were getting with. The husbands stared with jealousy that seemed in no small part to be caused by those men suddenly turning their attentions away from their wives.

  It was a crazy and fucked up procession of stares as we moved through the room, but at the same time it was something I was more than used to. Men staring at my wife was nothing new. It was something that had always intrigued me, though I guess I hadn’t realized exactly why it intrigued me until this night when I saw it in the light of this new obsession with my wife with another man that had taken hold of me.

  When we reached the stairs I let out a small sigh of relief that earned me a sharp look from Anne, but I wasn’t about to explain the fucked up roller coaster of emotions I was going through. No, much better to keep quiet about that and not risk our relationship any more than I already had.

  We moved up the stairs in silence. People moved up and down around us. Eager husbands who were no doubt in a hurry to get to a perch where they could watch their wives getting it on with some gentleman they’d run into down below. Husbands moving down with a flushed look on their faces, and one guy even had a stain on the front of his pants that made it pretty obvious what he’d been doing up top.

  Interesting that these guys could get off just from watching their women. I wondered if the guy with the stain on his pants had jerked himself off or if he’d been so overcome by lust in the moment that he couldn’t help but blow a load in his pants without any outside help.

  Anne also stared at him for a moment and then turned to look at me with an unreadable expression. I would have paid a good amount of money to know what was going through her head in that moment, but of course I wasn’t about to ask her. Not with Felix right there. Not when that might give away too much.

  I had the feeling that I didn’t want to give up too much in front of this man. Sure he’d been nice enough to me, but I couldn’t help but feel that he was a man with an ulterior motive.

  “This is the second level,” Felix said as we stepped onto the balcony level. Now that I was up here I could get a better look at it. Most of it had been hidden from view down below. A bar ran the length of the balcony on this side with several bartenders moving back and forth with drinks that they carried out to men sitting near the edge looking down into the dim rooms below.

  Felix led us over to a familiar face. I realized I was looking at none other than Mr. Thomas who was leaning over the edge staring down. Now that I got a good look at the setup on the balcony level I realized they were set up so that the railing was on an incline which made it easier for men to lean over and look down without worrying about discomfort or falling into the room below.

  I stared down and my breath caught as I realized what I was looking down at. It was obviously the form of Kathryn Thomas, and it appeared that she had found what she was looking for in the arms of several men, because the guy she was on top of right now riding for everything she was worth definitely wasn’t the guy who went in there earlier when I was leaving the room.

  “That woman is having sex,” Anne breathed out, her eyes wide.

  “Indeed she is,” Felix said. “That is the whole purpose of this club.”

  Kathryn looked up and she smiled when her eyes locked with me and she realized I’d come back. Then her eyes moved to Anne and if anything her smile grew even wider. Almost as though she’d expected to see Anne up here at some point this evening.

  Kathryn threw her head back and made one hell of a production out of her lovemaking. It was an intoxicating sight watching her taut fit body bouncing up and down on the muscular man’s cock. I couldn’t help but imagine what it might have felt like if I was the one enjoying that forbidden pleasure. She looked like she was one hell of a good lay.

  I glanced over at Anne more for a reminder of why I hadn’t gotten with Kathryn than anything else, but when I looked at her I was fascinated by what I saw there. Her mouth was open and she licked her lips. I wondered what she was thinking. Was she looking down there and thinking about the chance that I could’ve been the guy down there fucking the former cheerleader turned trophy wife? Was she getting just as aroused at the thought of me with another woman as I got at the thought of her getting with another man?

  Or was there maybe something else to this? What if she was looking down there and licking her lips because she was imagining what it would be like to be bouncing up and down on the muscular stud down there? I didn’t recognize him so I figured there was a good chance he wasn’t from the firm, but at the same time that didn’t really matter. What mattered was he was hot, young, and he’d gotten my wife’s attention. Maybe there was something about seeing a man fucking in person versus fantasizing about it that finally pushed my normally reserved wife over the edge.

  Whatever it was, I fucking loved watching her getting obviously turned on. I could see her breasts straining as her nipples pressed out and it took every ounce of my control to not reach out and caress her breasts right now.

  I knew that sort of thing wouldn’t be frowned on at this club, but she might not be too happy about me manhandling her publicly like that.

  “You say you have friends who have been to my club?” Felix asked.

  “Yeah, something like that,” Anne said. It was obvious she was still distracted by the writhing bodies down below. For that matter Kathryn had picked up the moaning as she continued bouncing up and down on the stud of the moment. I wondered if she was doing that specifically for us. If she was then it was working on both of us!

  “I assure you if they did come to this club then they did much more than simple dancing. What happens here goes so far beyond that. This club is a safe space where anyone can experiment within the boundaries of their marriage,” Felix said.

  “But isn’t that cheating?” Anne asked.

  “Is it cheating if they have the permission of their partner? Take Mrs. Thomas down there, for example. I can assure you that neither she nor her husband think that what she’s doing rises to the level of cheating,” Felix said.

  “But how can you be sure about that?” Anne asked.

  “Well I know because everyone who comes to this club has to be absolutely clear that they are okay with the rules of the club. For another I know because I can ask Mr. Thomas directly,” Felix said. He turned around and tapped a suit on the shoulder and I realized we were standing right in front of one of the most powerful men in the firm. Then again I suppose that only made sense considering his wife was down there getting the fucking of a lifetime if the noises she was making were any indication.

  “Mr. Thomas, would you tell Anne here what you think of your wife’s performance down there?”

  Mr. Thomas turned around and I expected him to be furious when he realized who was standing right behind him, though I guess if he was sitting right there then he should’ve been able to hear every bit of our conversation. Instead of frowning at the guy who’d rejected his wife earlier, however, he simply smiled at both me and Anne. Of course his eyes also ran up an down Anne’s body which caused me to shiver. Even after all the guys down below giving her the eye I still got a thrill from watching someone check out my wife.

  “I love it!” he said. “It’s one of the things that’s made our relationship strong. She gets to have her fun and I get to watch the most beautiful woman in the world starring in a show just for me.”

  Anne stared down at Mr. Thomas as though she was having trouble processing what he was saying. I suppose for someone who’d never had those sorts of thoughts it would be pretty wild to wrap your head around. Hell, I’d only
been dealing with this fantasy for a few days and I was still having trouble wrapping my head around it.

  “So you enjoy watching your wife having sex with other men?” she asked.

  “Of course. We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t enjoy it,” Mr. Thomas said.

  Anne rounded on me. She looked into my eyes and I knew she was about to ask a question that I didn’t have an easy answer to. It was like being in the middle of a car wreck that you knew was going to happen, that you knew there was no way of preventing, and yet at the same time you wanted to go back in time to prevent it. Her mouth moved in slow motion as she asked the question I’d dreaded since this fantasy first hit me at the party a few nights ago.

  “And you? Does this turn you on honey? Is that why you came here? Because you want to fuck other men’s wives?”

  Damn it. Not quite the question I thought she’d ask, but still awkward. And there was really only one way to answer that which seemed believable to me. I almost felt a physical weight lifting from my shoulders as I realized I was finally coming clean. I was finally going to tell her.

  “No. I came here because I want to watch you fuck other men.”

  12: Processing

  Anne looked stunned. It was the only word I could think of to describe the mixture of anger, arousal, and betrayal that flashed across her face in the moment after I told her how I really felt.

  I immediately regretted the decision. As soon as the words passed my lips I knew it was a mistake to tell her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she went to shoulder past me but I grabbed her arm. She looked down at my hand and then up to my eyes and there was fire there.

  Oh yeah, she was pissed off. More so than I think I’d ever seen her before. Not a good time to be standing next to her, but at the same time I wasn’t about to let her go. Not right after a bombshell like that had been dropped.

  “Anne, do you think maybe we should talk about this?” I asked.


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