Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel
Page 23
I'm sure he got a good look at her tits earlier in the day. I know he definitely got a good feel of them when they were in the water together. Only now they were on display for him where he could look with no problem. They were absolutely perfect as far as I was concerned, and from the way he was staring right before his hands moved out and grasped both of them, squeezed them together, he agreed with my assessment of my wife's tits.
And damn was it so fucking hot watching another man groping my wife. Feeling her up in a way that only I'd done in the past couple of years. Those tits were supposed to be my playground, and here there was another guy staking his own claim on my territory. On my wife.
For sure it was it with my blessing even if he didn't know that, but it was still so fucking hot precisely because it was so taboo. So forbidden.
He whispered something to Lindsay and she looked away. It was too far for me to really tell, but I had a good idea that she was blushing as she looked away from him. That was definitely the way that she looked when somebody just complimented her.
And then he was wrapping his arms around her, running his hands up and down her naked flesh as he leaned down and their mouths came together. I could see their mouths open to one another and I imagined his tongue exploring my wife's mouth.
Talk about fucking hot!
I decided to get a little braver. This show was incredible. So incredible that I needed to see it a little more up close and personal. And so while he was preoccupied with making out with my wife I started creeping forward slowly, so slowly, on trying to find another hiding spot.
I crept forward, forward, and I saw the perfect hiding spot. The only problem was that the perfect hiding spot was right on top of a boat. A boat whose owner I'm sure wouldn't appreciate me leaning down and trying to catch a glimpse of my wife making out with some guy we'd just met that day.
Only this fantasy, this scenario, was already making me do stupid things like allowing my wife to go out in the first place and put herself in a situation where she'd be making out with some random guy we just met that day, and compared to that hopping onto somebody's boat and staying there for a minute so I could spy on my wife doing what came naturally while she was enjoying the pleasures this guy had to offer somehow didn't seem as bad.
Besides, it wasn't like I was trying to steal the boat or anything. I was just borrowing one part of it so I could do a little spying on my wife. Sure when I put it that way in my head it seemed a little wrong, but whatever. I was already too far gone to care.
Things really starting to get hot and heavy over on his boat. I could see their tongues dancing with one another as they held one another close. As he held my wife against his muscular body and her incredible tits pressed against his body.
I took a chance. Lindsay turned him so he was facing away from me. I wasn't sure if she could see me out here or if she was just going on instinct. Whatever it was, it gave me the perfect opportunity to do a quick run and jump into the boat next to Dan's. I winced as my feet slammed down on the deck and the boat started rocking, but when I peered over the edge they were so preoccupied with one another that they didn't notice.
I was in the clear. For now.
And damn was it so worth it to get closer. Close enough that I could clearly see everything that was happening. I could hear everything that was happening. The show was being delivered up close and personal, and in high fucking definition!
While I was sneaking into the boat immediately adjacent to them his hand had been doing a little bit of sneaking as well. It was down her backside which was open exposing part of her delicious back and I could clearly see the outline of his hand in the back of her dress. Pressed up against her ass and kneading it. Feeling her up. Pulling her against him. And she was sighing and moaning with every squeeze from his hand.
I was so fucking hard, but I kept myself from pulling out my cock. Not yet. Not until I was absolutely sure there was no one around to watch me. Sure they were getting hot and heavy on the boat, but I was in a little bit of a different situation. There was a difference between a couple having a little fun on a boat and a guy who was sitting and watching them from another boat stroking his cock while he was at it.
Even if I was spying on my wife, something told me the local authorities wouldn't take too kindly to spying in any form.
He pulled back from Lindsay and damn was she a sight. Her hair was tousled from making out with him. He must've moved his hand up there or something when I was busy doing the ninja thing. Her dress was pulled down below her tits which were sticking out proudly and heaving under the arousal she must be feeling. It was a sight I was going to remember for the rest of my life. It was one of the hottest moments I'd ever experienced in my entire fucking life!
I wondered why he was stopping. I know I wouldn't have been able to stop if I had a girl as hot as Lindsay throwing herself at me like this. I would've had her down on the deck fucking her brains out already. This guy had some self-control!
"Do you want to take this down below?"
Lindsay bit her lip and looked down. She glanced over to the side, off into of the darkness surrounding them. Of course she had no way of knowing where I was, but she knew I was out here somewhere. And no doubt she was thinking of the deal. She could have her fun if she kept things out in the open where I could see.
I held my breath. I wondered how she was going to handle this. She looked up at him and then leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. It was a simple kiss. A quick peck on the lips, and yet my cock was throbbing as my wife's lips brushed against another man's.
"Are you sure you want to go down below? It's so much more fun up here where anyone could see us!"
He arched an eyebrow. "Really? You're into that?"
"It turns me on so much thinking about being watched!" she said.
"Does it now?"
Of course what he didn't know, what he couldn't know, was that last line was more for my benefit than anything else. Sure she was turned on by being watched, but what she wasn't telling him was there were a very specific set of circumstances where she was turned on by being watched. Specifically she was turned on knowing I was out here watching everything that was going on.
Only he seemed intrigued by this admission.
"That really gets you going?" he asked.
"You have no fucking idea! I'm so wet just thinking about it!"
He wrapped his arms around her and then leaned down to give her a quick kiss. Then he chuckled as he pulled away from that kiss. "Well then boy do I have a surprise for you!"
He looked over her shoulder. "John? You out there?"
I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and my heart very nearly stopped as John stepped up from where he'd been hiding behind the wheel. He'd obviously been watching everything that was happening. Apparently things hadn't gone well with that girl they invited up on the boat once they got back to shore.
Panic was rising inside me. I hadn't anticipated someone hiding on their boat when I made my quick run to hide on this boat. Had he seen me? Of course he hadn't seen me. If he'd seen me he would've said something. Wouldn't he? Of course saying something meant he'd be giving away his own location.
Only he didn't. He didn't even look over to where I was hiding. It would seem he'd been so intent on watching Lindsay and his friend getting it on that he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. I breathed a sigh of relief that was short-lived.
Because he was coming around, coming towards Lindsay who had a similarly panic stricken look on her own face. This wasn't part of the plan. She just said she was turned on by being watched, but she was turned on by me watching her. Not by this guy and his buddy pulling a fast one on her and letting one of them spy on her.
I tensed myself, ready for a fight if it came to that. If they took things to a place that made Lindsay uncomfortable. Only how was I going to know if she was uncomfortable?
The only thing to do was sit, wait, and see what happened as John advanced on my h
alf naked wife with a huge grin splitting his face as he looked her up and down. As he leered at her and her gorgeous body.
17: Double the Fun
I was tensed and ready to spring into action as Lindsay looked back and forth between the two men closing in on her. And from the way they were moving it was very clear they definitely had more than watching on their minds. John was looking her up and down as though he wanted her more than anything in the world.
Both of them were looking my wife up and down like that, now that I mention it. And in this brief moment when I wasn't sure how things were going to go, when I wasn't sure whether she wanted this or not, I have to admit that seeing those two men moving in on her like that was so fucking incredible. So fucking hot!
Only this was more than we bargained for. This was definitely more than we'd talked about when I agreed to have her go out and have a little bit of fun with Dan. And yet at the same time I couldn't help but see visions of my wife being spit roasted by a guy on either end. It was almost enough to make me blow my load in my pants as I thought about it. As I watched her between the two of them. As I watched Dan come up behind her and wrap his arms around her as John approached.
John's hands moved up to cup her tits and her eyes closed. Once again she let out a contented sigh. She might've looked worried there for a moment, but with his hands on her like that she definitely looked like she was fucking turned on. She leaned back as Dan started kissing along her neck in much the same way he had just minutes ago.
John didn't waste any time now that he had the apparent green light from my wife. He moved forward and he was pressing against her. His hands moved down and he was cupping her ass, and then he was lifting. Lindsay's eyes widened in surprise as Dan pulled her head to the side and continued kissing, continued running his hands up and down her body, helped to support her as John lifted her up and started grinding her against his cock.
She was hanging in the air between the two of them as John leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. As his tongue snaked out and moved into her mouth. As they started making out. The only sounds were the gentle swish of her dress pressing against John's shorts as he started grinding against her. The sound of her tongue dueling with John as they made out. As Dan's hands roamed up and down her body even as he helped provide balance and support.
"Fuck she's hot," Dan said.
John pulled away from making out with her and smiled. "I told you she'd be down!"
"Holy shit she is!" Dan said.
"I'm right here you know," she said.
"I know you are babe," John said. One of his hands moved up to cup her tit and then he was expertly massaging her. Her eyes closed once more and it seemed like she was letting the pleasure wash over her body as he expertly manipulated her.
"Yeah, but something tells me you like this," Dan said.
"Oh fuck," Lindsay sighed as they continued focusing their attention on her body.
"Move her over to the bench," John said.
And then they were moving over to the spot where Lindsay and I sat earlier in the day at the front of the boat. The bow, or the stern, or whatever the hell it's called. I really wasn't great at nautical terminology. I knew one was front and one was back but I sure as hell wouldn't be able to tell you which was which without whipping out my smart phone and that sure as hell was the last thing I was going to do since the light would no doubt give away my hiding spot.
Once Lindsay was down on the bench, padded thankfully, Dan went to work. He was pulling her dress down. Down over her slim stomach. Past her hips that flared out so deliciously over her gorgeous and tight petite ass. And he apparently hooked her underwear into his fingers at the same time because her thong was coming down right along with the rest of her dress.
I stared with the intense concentration of a dog that had a particularly delicious snack dangling right in front of its nose. Only in this case the delicious snack was my wife as she was being manhandled by these two strange men as I watched. As I did absolutely nothing to stop it. As I silently willed them on.
Lindsay lifted her ass to give Dan an assist and then her dress was down and he tossed it to the floor. The deck. Whatever. We've already been over my expert command of nautical language.
No sooner Dan tossed Lindsay's dress aside than he was moving back up. Only now he was kissing his way up along her thigh. Up to her pussy which had been a sight reserved just for me but now it was on display for both of them to see.
My breath caught as he leaned down and pressed his lips against her pussy. Her reaction was immediate. Her hips thrust up, her tits arched in the air along with her stomach, and she very nearly lost all contact with the bench she was lying back on.
A delighted gasp escaped her lips and it carried out across the water where it was lost to the ocean and in the noise of the parties and dance music rolling out across the water from various bars along the beach.
But I could hear it. I could hear it and it was like an erotic symphony to my ears.
I couldn't believe she was reacting like that. I'd gone down on her before, but she'd never quite reacted in that way. Maybe it was something about the novelty of the situation. Something about the sheer naughtiness of knowing she was stepping out on her husband. Of knowing that there were two men who were worshiping her body instead of the usual one. And of course there was the novelty of being with another guy aside from me. I imagine that if I was with some hot girl, especially if I was with two hot girls, I'd be just as excited. I'd be just as ridiculously turned on.
Whatever it was that was causing her to react like that I liked it. Her moans were growing louder and louder as his head continued doing whatever it was he was doing down between her legs. Apparently he was skilled. Damn skilled. It seemed like her moans were reaching a crescendo that sounded as intense as any orgasm she'd ever had when she was with me.
Fuck was that hot!
Over and over she thrust her hips up to meet his head. Over and over it seemed like her chest was heaving. Like her entire body was heaving under his ministrations.
I'd been so preoccupied with watching him buried between my wife's legs that I hadn't been paying attention to what John was doing up by her head. When I turned in his direction I blinked in surprise. He pulled his cock out and was angling it towards her lips, but he was coming at her from an angle where it would be difficult for her to tell that the cock was even there until she turned towards him.
I didn't have to wait long for her to turn in the right direction though. No, she was writhing back and forth under the skillful ministrations of Dan down between her legs, and so she turned with her eyes squeezed shut then opened them to John's cock bouncing right in front of her.
I saw her blink in surprise, I saw her mouth opened in a gasp, but apparently John took that as an indication that she was ready and willing. No sooner had her mouth opened than he was pressing the head of his cock against her mouth. Pressing it past her lips. And as I watched with fascination he started pressing his massive cock into my new bride's mouth.
She was taking another cock into her mouth for the first time since I'd put that wedding ring on her finger, and it wasn't me who was pressing my cock in between her lips! Her first blowjob as a married woman was to another man. Holy shit was that intense. I almost couldn't believe that it was happening, and yet I didn't have to believe it, because of the evidence was right in front of me. Was right before my eyes. And holy fuck was it incredibly hot watching that evidence playing out before me!
In a moment half of his cock was buried in her mouth and she was squeezing her eyes shut and moaning. I could only imagine the feeling that her moans must be giving to the whole cocksucking experience John was getting.
From the way he was throwing his head back, from the way he was gasping just as loudly as she had been, he was definitely getting something out of her cocksucking. He seemed just as turned on as she was with Dan buried between her legs working on her pussy.
I continued watchin
g in fascination as inch after inch of his shaft disappeared inside my gorgeous wife's mouth. And then he was buried to the hilt. His pubic hair was pressed up against her nose. She was sitting there with his cock completely buried, and I stared, marveling at it. I couldn't believe she was able to take the whole thing. Always her gag reflex had kicked in when she was with me, but that definitely didn't seem to be a problem for her now. Not with this guy. Maybe it was because of how turned on she was.
Whatever it was, it was fucking hot!
For a moment the only sounds that filled the quiet of the night was the slurping of Dan down between my wife's legs. The sound of John's cock moving in and out of her mouth over and over. Lindsay's gasps and moans escaped from around his cock. The guys were throwing their heads back and gasping.
Things were starting to get a hell of a lot more intense.
I had to admire Dan's stamina staying down between her legs for so very long. Her gasping was starting to pick up, and I watched in fascination as her eyes squeezed shut with her mouth still around another man's cock and then she was thrusting her hips up once more in a frantic effort to get more of Dan's face between her legs.
Then she was screaming, and that screaming seemed to be doing something for John. He threw his head back one final time and groaned as he thrust his cock forward. I had no doubt that he was blowing his load in the back of my new wife's throat. And it looked like she was swallowing despite having the incredible distraction of Dan down between her legs.
Once more they were frozen in that three-way embrace for a moment that stretched into eternity, and then they all came down from that moment at the same time. John pulled his cock out of my wife's mouth and collapsed against the bench. He sat there with his arms splayed out leaning back and gasping for breath as his cock softened. Meanwhile Lindsay had a trickle of his come trickling out of the corner of her mouth, but that was the only evidence that she'd just taken another man's load deep inside her throat. I stared in fascination at that trickle, but then movement at her other end drew my attention.