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Random Acts Of Crazy

Page 24

by Kent, Julia

  Puzzled, he looked down, the act of curling his chin under making his stomach muscles curl in, exposing a perfect six-pack. “Oh. The scar. I forgot. I had heart surgery when I was a kid.”

  I stroked the scar slowly. It wasn’t as big as I’d imagine a heart surgery scar should be. “How old?”

  “Three months.” The wind whooshed out of me.

  “Is that why your parents are so – ”

  “Darla,” he said darkly, “I don’t want to talk about my parents right now.” And then he shut me up with a kiss that I could feel all the way down my body, over my hips, and straight to my clit, the feeling enhanced by his arms around me, almost brutal in their claim. Trevor’s body warmed my back, his erection pressing against the cleft of my ass as Joe took my mouth, his hands in my hair, tongue parting my lips and running along my teeth, my own mouth rough and demanding in response.

  Heat along my back disappeared as Trevor pulled away, leaving me to roam through the territory of Joe’s body, my hands playing with his back, a wonder of smooth skin, dimples and honed muscle. The tick of a machine turning on made me flinch, and Joe separated from me, looking for the source of the sound. Trevor had turned on the fan in the room, the air instantly circulating and a low hum drowning out whatever sounds we were about to make as we journeyed together to something completely forbidden.

  My shirt came off handily under Joe’s care, my arms lifting as he guided me, any holding back in either of us instantly purged, as if we had to ponder and worry and consider and fret and then – the decision was made and all was gone, a tipping point that led to the immediate release of all doubt. Trevor seemed to have gotten there much earlier, now stripping to the state he’d been when we met, and soon the two men had me right there with them, nude and chilled and hot – all at once. Joe’s palms made a heated trail down my legs as he hooked his thumbs in my panties and slid down, my feet lifting up and out and leaving all three of us wholly naked.

  I was theirs to do with what they pleased. Relinquishing power and control was a relief. Turning my mind off and letting my body guide me gave me new access to a way of being that flowed, like my own juices, making me wet and warm for their patient tutoring in how to forge a sensual encounter shared by more than two. We weren’t seeking fuckbuddies, and this was no typical one-night-stand, using another person to try something novel and get the hell out an hour later.

  No one was being exploited, and while the word love didn’t quite apply, respect did. Same with tender and intimate and explorative.

  They were the conquistadors and I was Here there be dragons, breathing fire into their naked souls as their hands wandered mine. The problem – and I do mean the only problem – was that we had no fucking idea what we were doing or how to make love to two people at the same time. Not a one of us. That was obvious; the men seemed as bewildered, turned on, and ready as I was, but we had no road map for this trip.

  What we had was time, arousal, a room and all the motivation in the world. Trevor eased me gently onto the bed, my ass sliding on the bedspread as he moved my body to the middle of the bed, my mouth eager for someone’s touch, for their lips or cocks or hands, anything to commence what I had been waiting forever to start. Trevor’s mouth found mine and stubble brushed against my knee, fingers urging my knees apart as Joe began a slow crawl up my thighs, my legs moving apart, mind torn in two by the twin sensations of Trevor’s mouth and Joe’s touch.

  What had been temptation was now reality, my throat pounding as blood rushed down, filling my clit and engorging my womanhood, making me crave them both. As my hands wandered over Trevor’s back, fingernails scratching lightly against the skin along his shoulders, Joe’s fingers parted my folds and I gasped as his tongue tasted me, oh, so briefly, before he stopped and murmured, “So amazing.”

  Then his mouth was on me, tongue dancing against my swollen nub, teasing my flesh and making my hips arch up to meet his tongue. Trevor broke off the kiss and slid one hand down to my breasts, the other cupping my cheek as our eyes met. Passion flickered, along with a darkness that promised whatever came next would leave me breathless and exposed, push me to the edge and leave me wanting more.

  Brushing his lips against my nipple, Trevor made it pebble, then closed his wet mouth over the pink flesh, shooting a spark through me that combined with Joe’s tongue, dancing on my clit, making my body tremble and begin the slow climb to explosion. Joe pulled back and sat up on his knees, watching me and Trevor with half-lidded eyes. He enjoyed this, but was no pure voyeur, reaching down to slide one finger in my aching hole as he spread my labia wide and enveloped me with his mouth, finding my clitoral hood. My hands didn’t know what to do, tremoring from their tempered play on my body. One sank into Joe’s hair while the other reached down to find Trevor’s cock.

  It was ready for me, tall and rigid, thrumming with a message that said, You did this. I loved having that kind of power, and right now, I did this to two men, both lavishing their attentions on me, and it felt as good as I’d always imagined it would.

  With a little nip that made a groan rise out of me, the sound escaping like a gasp, Trevor’s teeth clamped down on my breast for the briefest of seconds, the spark shooting clear to Joe’s tongue, bringing me higher and closer to climax. Joe froze, then relaxed, his tongue spreading wide as he sought to find the perfect circle to tweak and lave to bring me all the way.

  “Stroke me,” Trevor rasped, his words sending an instant pulse into every nerve ending in me, the command pronounced and clear, my mind shattering into a million pieces of desire as I reached for his hardness, which twitched under my hand. The shaft’s skin was so soft, yet taut, and he bit down on my breast each time the underside of my fist pushed against his mushroom tip.

  Joe’s tongue invaded me, two fingers now fucking me, his hot mouth working in rhythm, my breath hitched and coming out in ragged cries. My hand moved in a steady beat with Joe’s tongue, bringing Trevor along for the ride until his hand enveloped mine, the pressure on my thumb hard, and he whispered, “Enough.”

  Trevor tapped Joe on the shoulder, and the two exchanged a look and a short whispered series of words, Joe nodding. As he returned his attention to me his eyes raked over my body from eyebrows to toes, the look bold and predatory, my eyes closing and my body taking in a long, deep sigh I didn’t seem to start. It was as if all of this was coming from a place inside that knew exactly what to do.

  “You are so fucking hot,” he said, crawling over my body, dragging his chest against mine, his breath filled with the essence of me. A quick kiss gave me no choice, and soon my mouth was full of my own taste, the act so rash and jarring I melted into it, the sheer acceptance and innocence of it making me shudder.

  Or, perhaps, that was Trevor’s hand now teasing my clit as Joe slid up and I turned on my side, urging him to come closer, pulling his erection toward my mouth. He stood by the side of the bed and leaned forward, my mouth closing over the tip, loving the sweet, musky taste of him, the oils on his skin sprinkled with a fresh, citrusy, salty taste. His groan as my mouth caressed his throbbing self was like a thank you note only I could read, and then my own gratitude rose up as Trevor, from behind, parted my legs and kept his hand in constant motion, the pads of his index and middle fingers taking juices from my wet pussy and moving up to wet my clit.

  The fullness of his erection pressed against my ass as he nestled up against me from behind, and then I felt the faintest of shocking sensations, his pinkie finger sliding up, slick, across my taint, barely brushing against –

  Really? There?

  A curtain of anxiety pulled swiftly across the entire room, as if separating me emotionally from Joe and Trevor with one sudden snap of a wrist. Being with two men at the same time meant there, didn’t it? My mouth opened and shut tight in shock, just like my puckered hole, which seized with disbelief. What would it feel like? Would it h
urt? Judging by that tiny wisp of a stroke across the sensitive skin, it could be glorious, but I felt hot and wet and overwhelmed for the first time, and it was Joe who sensed it first, lifting his leg and settled down next to me, stroking my hair and circling one nipple with a lazy, languid circle.

  “What’s wrong? You tensed up.”

  “That was me,” Trevor explained from behind me, propping up on one elbow, his chin resting on my shoulder as if we were washing my car and taking a break – and not in the middle of the hottest sex ever. “I went for the…you know…”

  “Without asking?” Joe’s voice was indignant on my behalf.

  “It’s fine,” I answered. No, it wasn’t. My own fear was the problem; the touch had been playful and affectionate, arousing and searching. Nothing wrong with that, and I willed myself to relax.

  “There’s no way we’re going there, Darla,” Trevor said soothingly. “Not our first time.”

  This is the one and only time. No one said it, but I assumed we were all thinking it. At least, I sure was. But then Joe took my mind off everything by making his way back to my V and saying, “We need to relax you,” the last word muffled as his tongue found me, two fingers slipped in my soaked self, and Trevor did something from behind that felt wet, right against my tailbone.

  Poor guy. He had cum early, hadn’t he? Uh…no. Unusually erotic movements on his part against the cleft of my ass, like he was riding me bareback, made my pussy lips tingle, just as Joe’s tongue found that perfect sweet spot – you know the one, that is like a portal to another world, where nerve endings explode on command and you face-fuck a guy because you can? And because he lets you?

  Even better – it turns out he likes it?

  That was the dimension Joe and Trevor sent me to. Dr. Who needed to send every woman on the planet a Tardis that took them straight there.

  Joe’s fingers and Trevor’s tight cock slid over my tailbone, pulling back, in perfect harmony, Joe’s tongue elevating me, my hips thrusting as Trevor’s strong arms encased me, hands clamped over swollen breasts, our three bodies writhing in concert. I came in a giant burst of light and bone, my screams so loud I feared I’d wake the dead, hands twisting the bedsheets, pulling them off the corners as Joe and Trevor strummed me to ecstasy, a random act of tongue and cock that had me singing high notes I didn’t know I could hit.

  God, they were both so sexy, focused entirely on me, with Trevor pulling back to preserve himself for what I knew he wanted – to be in me. Joe moved his tongue with me even as I bucked from the sheer intensity and force of climax after climax, my orgasm draining me and recharging every cell at the same time, until finally I nudged him off my clit.

  “Too much! Please, please, stop,” I begged. Ever the gentleman, he complied immediately, coming up to rest next to me. I reached over and kissed Joe’s chest, letting my lips part and touching the tip of my tongue to one nipple, giving my attention to his throbbing tip with my hand, his erection hard and pointed north. Instead of grasping it, I reached around to his hips with one hand and hauled him closer, rubbing my belly against the head of him.

  “No, no,” he hissed. “You do that and I’ll be in you in two seconds.”

  “And the problem with that is…?” Trevor said from behind me. Joe cocked an eyebrow as if to say, You’re OK with that? and Trevor nodded.

  I decided for them, pulling up and sitting on my knees. My body was on full display for them, and theirs for my eyes, too. A feast of gorgeous, strapping flesh, it made me eager to take them both, wanting everything. Could we…?

  Could I?

  Only way to know was to try. You would think I’d be completely limp and loose, exhausted from coming so hard, but a new wave of need arose in me, this one piqued by curiosity about the tantalizingly forbidden. If we had enough lube, could we?

  Could I?

  That decision, to take them both at the same time in such an intimate way, was 100 percent mine. Trevor had shut down that idea earlier and I knew he was being compassionate, trying not to make me feel pressured or hurried, but all it did was plant a seed. I wasn’t exactly known for being compliant, now, was I? Tell me I shouldn’t have something and all I want is it.

  Like this.

  Practical Joe climbed off the bed and grabbed a brown paper bag sitting on the dresser next to the television. The view, with the mirror reflecting back, was spectacular, his chest carved from marble, tight pockets of abs leading down to hip bones that jutted out, his ass flexing as he walked back holding a box of condoms.

  And a jar of lube.

  “Boy scout,” I laughed. Then I paused, thinking this through, enjoying the camaraderie of taking all of this step by step. Besides, I’d already come. They were the ones being tortured, on the brink, needing more.

  “Be prepared,” they said simultaneously.

  “When did you buy that?” I asked slowly. Sheepish looks covered their faces, so I answered for them. “On the way here from my house, right?”

  They nodded.

  “You knew I’d come back.”

  “We hoped,” Trevor whispered in my ear, coming in for a kiss that curled my toes, his mouth relaxed and casual, his throbbing member pressing against my arm anything but. He stretched out on the bed and hauled me on top of him, my thighs pressed against thickly-muscled hips, his erection pressing against my mons. Joe handed him a condom and I grabbed it, pulling it out of the wrapper and unrolling it, half inch by half inch, over him as he moved his hips up, straining for it, knowing what came next.

  I arched my ass over his cock and felt it nudge my folds, then let the tip rest right at the entrance of my core, sliding down over his pole with excruciating precision, slow and slippery and agonizingly deliberate.

  Stretching up like a cat, my back relaxed and my abs clamped down on him, my wetness making a slick tunnel to bring him home. Joe watched with hungry eyes, hand on his own member, stroking himself as he watched me impale myself on Trevor.

  And then I said what I had been thinking these past few minutes, my mind blown with the headiness of it all. “Can we try?”

  Those simple words, that full-throated offer, made the air crackle, the room suspended in midair, timeless. Joe practically sprinted to the bed, lube in hand, and didn’t need to give an answer. Kisses dotted my back and shoulder blades, hands cupping my breasts from behind, Trevor smiling up at me with those baby blues that begged for me to release into his ocean of everything and accept him and Joe full into my center.

  “I’m going to – ” Joe said, not finishing the sentence as I felt a slick warmth pour down my butt crack, the tickle of viscosity making me shudder. Trevor caressed by breasts as Joe searched out my ass, a pinkie touching the rim, making my pussy tighten. Trevor groaned as I learned I had a whole layer of wall muscle within that I could lengthen and shorten at my pleasure’s command, focusing on making myself tighten as hard as possible around Trevor, his groan of lust an answer to whether it was working for him.

  And then I changed my mind. The pain of his pinkie took me too far away, distracted and filled with preoccupations and trepidations.

  “Stop,” Trevor said quietly. “You don’t have to, Darla. You are completely in charge. Whatever you want, we’ll give. Whatever you don’t want, won’t happen.”

  “Absolutely,” Joe added.

  “It’s not that I don’t want it,” I explained, hissing into the space above Trevor, brimming with a humming need to fuck him silly, and to make love with Joe, too. “It’s just – ”

  “You never have to justify your feelings,” Joe said, kissing my neck. He got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. A faucet creaked on. The sound of rushing water. Then Joe was back, slightly wet hands on my back, as Trevor began shifting his hips up, thrusting into me.

  “I can’t hold on much longer,” he moaned.

  “So don’t.” With that, I lifted my pelvis, sliding up to the tip, letting it rest ever-so-lightly in me, and then slammed myself down so hard his cock hit my inner wall, going so deep I could nearly feel it next to my heart. Three more thrusts like that and Trevor’s eyes went hot, then closed, neck straining as he let himself take over, shaping his thrusts with a hip twist that made me come crazy-like, fingers clinging to his shoulders, rutting like an animal in heat, my body firing through the push to get closer, closer, closer…

  And then.

  Trevor let out a dusky gasp and called out, “Joe!” Slipping me off, Trevor grinned and gave me a kiss, panting through the not-so-slow descent from his climax. “I want you to have Joe. But on my terms, this time.” Wink.

  What? What did that mean? I felt like I had a fireball inside me that was only partly extinguished, my body craving Joe’s, to know him as intimately as I knew Trevor, to feel him over me, hands on his body, owning him and trusting him, sharing my core with him the way I had with Trevor. The heat in the room had nothing to do with temperature, Joe’s barely-contained lust coming out in full force as I stretched out, like a cat, on the bedspread, waiting for so much more.

  Once I knew I could trust them, once I knew that I could decide what we did and didn’t do, it was easy to let them call the shots now. No matter what, they wouldn’t push me into anything I wanted, which gave them even more freedom. Ironic, I know. Testing the world and learning came hand-in-hand from knowing that someone else’s well being was in your hands, and respecting their boundaries meant showing them you could trust them.

  Joe and Trevor were great students in that life lesson.

  “Is there more I can do?” Joe said in a teasing, seductive voice as he loomed over me, chest working overtime with arms to hover, his little kisses as he dipped down for a quick peck setting me ablaze.


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