Book Read Free

Texas Pride

Page 1

by Kindle Alexander


  Copyright © Kindle Alexander, 2013


  Edited by Armi Krankkala

  Cover design by Reese Dante

  First Edition March, 2013

  ISBN: 978-0-9891173-0-2

  Published by: The Kindle Alexander Collection LLC

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Kindle Alexander LLC,

  No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without permission from Kindle Alexander, LLC. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights and livelihood is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book contains material that maybe offensive to some:

  graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations.


  This book is dedicated to my Kindle.

  I miss you every minute of every day.

  I love you beyond reason.

  I’ll see you soon.

  Robert, I couldn’t ask for a better son and I will be that mom that kisses you in public forever! I love you!

  Angie, Julie, Teri, VR, Armi, Melanie, Lisa J, Deborah, April, Caigh, Stephanie, Soxie (you’ve been with me from the start) and every single one of my online friends, words can’t describe how thankful I am to know you and get to spend time with you every day. Thank you for all the encouragement, laughter and love. Well, except Gio, he just needs to put some clothes on!

  Rhonda, I hope I did the boys proud.

  Keagan and Aidan, you healed my heart. - Thank you for my first glowing review of Texas Pride and your great site!

  Chapter 1

  “Austin! Austin! Over here!” The deafening roars of his name sounded from every direction as he made his way up the theoretical red carpet of the Kodak Theater in sunny California. With a slight lift of his hand, he waved while inclining his head in the general direction of the screams without cracking a smile. Actually, Austin worked hard to keep his sneered frown from showing the disgust resonating deep inside his soul. Nothing more than years of training had him extending a hand down to his date’s lower back to gently guide her to the first interview stop along the way to the front doors. The sooner they made it through the line of national media, the closer he got to the end of this evening.

  The event’s itinerary was set in stone. It was the same dog and pony show at every one of these award ceremonies. Austin had done this for years, too many years, and it never ever changed. There were several media stops all along the route to the front doors of the theater. Each one required them to step in a certain spot and pose prettily in what felt like an incredibly awkward position that somehow magically looked like a normal stance in the printed picture. Then, the cameras blinded the eyes with thousands and thousands of flashes before they gave a meaningless, uninformative, random interview. Once all of the ridiculous questions had been asked and answered, they did it over again until they made it inside the darkened front doors of the theater and out of the public’s ever focused eye.

  Tonight, Austin’s date, who also played the critical role of his assistant and future wife, ate up the cameras. The pair of them were considered the “it” couple of the evening. A role they’d easily held for more years than he could count. No matter how angry or antisocial he became, they were the couple everyone wanted to interview and all the paparazzi stalked to photograph. She played her part with the grace and ease of a trained actress, readily overcompensating for his increasingly disagreeable disposition which technically was exactly what he paid her to do. He let that thought slide by as they stepped up to their first interview.

  “Austin, Cara, good to see you again! Cara, you look lovely. Who are you wearing tonight?” Ryan Palmer of Entertainment Television started right in on them. They were only allotted two minutes at each interview, and Ryan made the most of it by immediately hurling questions their way as the cameras panned into their faces.

  “I’m wearing Vera Wang tonight. She designed this especially for me. What do you think, do I look alright?” Cara linked her arm with Austin’s, turning her charming smile in Ryan’s direction.

  “You look stunning, but that’s nothing new,” Ryan said with a good natured Texas size grin that he instantly toned down when he faced Austin. He wasted no time in shoving the microphone into Austin’s face.

  “This could be back to back Oscars for you tonight, Austin, which would put you in a category very few actors have ever achieved. How does that feel?” Ryan angled the microphone to catch Austin’s response.

  Austin watched Ryan with a distant mild interest, not paying any attention to the question. But, he almost cracked his first smile of the evening. Ryan stood five feet nothing tall, and compared to Austin’s six foot two inch frame, he had to really lift the microphone to reach Austin’s face. Out of nothing more than morbid curiosity, Austin cast his gaze down to see Ryan already stood on a step stool and was reaching up on his tip toes trying to make them appear closer in height.

  “I’m happy with the decision,” Austin finally replied after an extended pause. He gave in to the chuckle he’d been holding back, and hoped his response came close to answering the question he hadn’t even tried to hear.

  “You still plan the extended sabbatical after tonight’s ceremony?” Ryan asked.

  Austin focused on the way Ryan jerked his hand back and forth between their lips, trying to get in all the questions he could during the short interview. For some reason, the movement tickled his funny bone and provided a bit of comic relief to his way past sick of all this, hardened heart.

  “Yes, I am,” he said, again not giving anything back in his response while resisting the urge to lift his hand and mimic Ryan in the universal hand gesture of jacking off. It was in that moment, with all the fans surrounding him, all the movie stars taking shape on the red carpet and all the cameras capturing everything, when Austin realized that without question he’d made the right decision to leave behind the extreme celebrity world of Hollywood.

  The event aired on national prime time television and he couldn’t help but think about jacking off! Damn if this wasn’t some major boring bullshit. If they would just come up with something new to ask, something relevant to anything happening in the world, but they didn’t. He’d answered all these same questions hundreds of times in the press circuits. Hell, a trained monkey could answer their questions. It was either lift his hand and pretend to jerk off, or make a gun out of his forefinger and thumb to shoot himself in the head. Both would be appropriate responses to this prick’s questions.

  “I’ve heard some speculations on your impending departure, saying it’s the wrong time, that it’ll destroy your career. You’re the favorite tonight and if you win, it’ll be a
clean sweep across the board. You’ll have won every major best actor award given this year. Do you think it’ll all still be here waiting for you when you come back?” Ryan quickly shoved the microphone back in his face. The question pissed Austin off. He didn’t even do the moody contemplation he’d done for years. Instead, he raised an irritated eyebrow ready to tell Ryan exactly what he could do with the microphone.

  “Wrap it. We need to move on.” Seth Walker, Austin’s agent, came from out of nowhere and ended the interview.

  “Ryan, my honey here’s giving me time to spread my wings in this acting world. We’re so diverse in our investment holdings that Austin’s going to run that show for a while, freeing me up to give it a go. He’s truly one of the most special men alive. I’m lucky to have him.” Cara cut in, clearly seeing the direction Austin planned to take the interview. She said it all with her sweet smile in place. He knew every dime he paid her was well worth the cost.

  “One last question: when are you two getting married?” The big Texas size grin was back in place on Ryan’s face.

  “You know the answer to that! When it’s legal for everyone to marry, regardless of their sexual orientation, then we’ll be the first in line at the altar,” Cara said. With that, Seth whisked them away to the next stop. It was all very much like lather, rinse, repeat until they were almost to the front doors of the theater.

  Cara took over the interviews, staying on point and letting Austin center back into himself where he liked to be the most. He watched the last few steps to the theater’s front doors much as an outsider looking in, a very unimpressed observer while Cara was regal in her role of arm candy at his side. She was long, blond and thin, matching him on every level. Her hair swept up in some classic updo, and her gown was long and flowed around her slender frame. She looked classically elegant and had the rare ability of looking at home and comfortable in this made up world of glitz and glamour. But, maybe that was because she was at home here; she fit perfectly in this world.

  Now, at the end of his career, Austin was incredibly grateful he’d found her. No way could he have done any of this without her. He prayed he’d set her up for success when he left it all behind. She deserved to have everything she wanted, as long as she kept it all in perspective.

  “This way.” A theater staff member held open a door leading them inside.

  Without a backward glance, Austin guided Cara inside and walked in after her. The doors closed behind them, effectively shutting out the noise and constant flash of the cameras. Relief coursed through his veins as he ignored the opulence of the theater’s entry. This was it, his last time to ever go through this charade, because what the mini sabbatical really meant was an early retirement. One he couldn’t wait to begin. T-minus eight hours and the chains of this excessive celebrity lifestyle would be forever broken. Good riddance!


  Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks blared from an old jukebox in the only bar in a sixty mile radius of Cedarville, Texas. Kitt Kelly sat on his barstool, his well-worn boots anchored on the first rail of the stool, and his cowboy hat pushed back on his head. He took a deep swig from the longneck Bud Light he held in his hand. His pool stick rested between his legs, and he watched his lifelong best friend, Jimmy Latham, walk the pool table calculating his next shot.

  “Kitt, you need another?” A dainty little waitress asked. In a small town everybody knew everybody, and he nodded at his little sister’s best friend, handing over the now empty beer bottle.

  “One more, then that’s it. I gotta get goin’,” Kitt said in his cultured Texas accent.

  “Sure thing. I talked to Kylie today. It’s a real good thing you did for her, Kitt.”

  “Nah, it wasn’t me. Kylie earned her way into that school and got a good scholarship to go with it all on her own. I didn’t do anything.” He cut his eyes back to the pool table, hoping she’d pick up the subtle hint he didn’t want any part of this conversation.

  “Whatever! She told me what you did and I totally wish you were my brother! I’ll be right back with your beer.” She turned on her heel and headed back to the bar, throwing the last comment over her shoulder.

  Kitt sat there quietly. He stared at the aging pool table and wondered how many people knew he’d sold a chunk of his daddy’s land to pay for his sister’s education. The idea anyone might know sure didn’t sit well with him, and he suspected this tight knit community wouldn’t appreciate him letting the highest bidder just come in and take up residence.

  That land had been in the Kelly family for a hundred and thirty years. Kitt certainly hadn’t told a soul about what he did, but keeping secrets in a small town like this seemed to equal hiding an elephant in a sheep pin. Pretty much next to impossible. There was only one way to keep a secret: tell no one. He knew that rule for fact, and it looked like he needed to remind Kylie to keep things a little more quiet.

  “Kitt, come dance with me…” JoLynne Rogers slid her body between his parted thighs. She was one of the twenty-five girls in his high school graduating class, and he’d known her for most of his life.

  “I can’t right now. I’m waitin’ for Jimmy to fail at his last shot so I can win this game and collect my money,” Kitt said loud enough for Jimmy to hear and casually wrapped an arm around her waist. She’d been drinking quite a bit and already swayed on her feet.

  “Jimmy, hurry up and lose! Kitt’s the best dancer here. We need him on the dance floor!” JoLynne directed her whiny words toward Jimmy who was leaning awkwardly over the pool table.

  “He just thinks he has me. I found my shot, I’m comin’ back. JoJo, just stay there and keep him occupied.” Jimmy positioned himself for the perfect shot. He aimed, lined the ball up and shot. The ball hit just right of the pocket, knocking Kitt’s last ball in. “Damn it!”

  “Yeah! Now come dance!” JoLynne pulled Kitt off the barstool. The waitress handed him a new beer as JoLynne tugged them out on the small dance floor with a slow moving Carrie Underwood song beginning to play.

  “I love this song! No matter how many times I hear it, I love it!”

  JoLynne came straight into his arms. She molded her body against his and began to move around the dance floor in a slow, tricked up two-step. Kitt never had a choice. He wrapped one arm around her thin waist and took a long drink of his new Bud Light before discarding it on a random table.

  “I’ll be back for that,” Kitt called out to the couple at the table. It freed him up to twist and turn her to the beat of the music. They danced well together, and after a couple of faster songs, they finally took it slower when Willy began to play. JoLynne came back into his arms all hot, sweaty, and still tipsy as hell. They were back to a simple two-step together. On the pass back around, Kitt grabbed his beer with a nod and took a long swig. He started to give JoLynne a drink, but stopped.

  “How’re you gettin' home?” He eyed her close.

  “I’m not drivin’, I’m here with Rae-Anne. But you know I’d go home with you if you asked.” There wasn’t even a blush at the words. He guessed they were too old now for hesitations and innuendos. The game was gone. Apparently, they just said it plainly and just like every other time she’d asked, there was no way he would be going there with her. Instead of answering, he handed her his beer, and she drained it down.

  “I’m guessin’ that’s a no, like usual. At some point Kitt Kelly, a hot guy like you’s gonna need some in town lovin’. When that time comes, you promise to call me.” She moved back into their dance embrace with her body molded against his. She spoke more in his ear, and her breath tickled his neck as she rested her head against his shoulder.


  “I know, you don’t shit where you eat. I heard it all from Jimmy, but just know there’s a big Kitt Kelly fan club ready to step in and make you a fine wife for that big ole ranch you got out there. And you aren’t gettin' any younger. Twenty-eight’s pretty old around these parts to never been married.”

  “I know and you
make it look like so much fun. When’s divorce number two final?” Kitt shot back. He kept their feet moving together instinctively. JoLynne was still inappropriately pressed against him from head to toe, and she grinned, gripping his ass when she answered.

  “Soon as he gives me the trailer and stops fightin’ me on the flat screen. Until then, he can just keep payin’ for it all, and I’ll keep livin’ there without him anyways.”

  “Hmm…” It was all Kitt said as he felt his phone vibrate at his belt. He anchored her slightly to his left, never stopping their steps around the dance floor as he palmed his phone to read the text. It was the one he’d been waiting for all night. With one hand, he texted back a quick, ‘I’m on my way’ and began to pry JoLynne off his body.

  “Honey, I gotta drive to Dallas tonight. I just got the call. Thanks for dancin’ with me.” He saw her wobble a little and turned his head to see if Rae-Anne was in any better condition to drive them home.

  “Kitt! Why’re you leavin’! You never come into town anymore!” JoLynne stomped her foot as she spoke.

  “Sorry, babe, it’s an emergency. I gotta roll. Tell Jimmy bye for me.”

  He left the dance floor, texting Jimmy to make sure the two women got home safely. Kitt pulled out his wallet, paid his tab at the bar and strolled right out the front door without a backward glance. All of a sudden, the night started looking up in a major way.

  It was at least a ninety minute drive to Dallas, but his fuck buddy had gotten free after all, and the lord knew he needed to get laid in the worst way possible. As he used the side step to his F250 pick-up truck, Kitt palmed his phone again. He quickly sent a text to his ranch foreman, letting him know he would be back about mid-morning and to begin the day without him. His truck was in gear and already pulling forward before he even got the door fully shut.


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