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Texas Pride

Page 19

by Kindle Alexander

  “He isn’t at all. He’s a good man, very respected down here from what I can tell.” Funny how the need to defend Kitt superseded the need to know whatever memory his mind tried to come up with.

  “Well, that’s a total surprise. Kitt, right? Kitt had a lot against him growin’ up,” Austin’s dad said.

  “Tell me the story I’m thinking about.” Austin tried to speed his father up.

  “Let’s see…Mr. Kelly, none of us were allowed to call him anything other than Mr. Kelly. He was so full of himself, which was nothin’ but full of shit. He’d be so proud to take his son out and discipline him in front of everyone. Said it made him a man, and we needed to learn from him. It was like he was tryin’ to teach us how to raise our own children. At least, that’s what your mom always thought. This one time, he bought Kitt an ice cream and himself lunch. He sat the ice cream in front of Kitt, who couldn’t have been older than five. So, Mr. Kelly ate his lunch. Every time Kitt went for that ice cream, he got smacked hard, and then Mr. Kelly would encourage Kitt again to eat the ice cream. It went on like this for the entire lunch. The kid never got the ice cream, but got beat up pretty bad. When he started cryin’, he got spanked in front of everyone for embarrassing Mr. Kelly and sent to the truck. You know back then you didn’t get in the way of a parent disciplinin’ his child, but if I remember correctly, several of the mom’s in the area still called the sheriff that day.”

  “That’s how he was raised his whole life?” Austin asked.

  “Yeah, the best I remember. It didn’t matter what the kid did or thought, he was always wrong, and Mr. Kelly had a temper. His dad would whip him wherever they were and Kitt took it. One time on the football field, Mr. Kelly got mad at a play Kitt called. He stormed out on to that field, jerkin’ Kitt around by the face mask until he shoved the boy down on his knees right there in the middle of the field, in front of everyone. He kicked him and stormed off, tellin’ the coach to pull Kitt if they wanted to win. It wasn’t right.”

  “Kitt’s a good guy,” Austin said quietly. His heart did more than hurt for the little boy and now the grown man. Kitt deserved so much better than he got.

  “You’ve seen him?”

  “Yeah. What happened to his mom?” Austin had always wondered why she was never talked about.

  “Mr. Kelly married some city girl. She came down to the ranch. It lasted about two years before she was gone. Young and pretty, but not a dime to her name. She couldn’t stand up against Kelly. He kept the boy, she left. As far as I know, it broke all contact between them.”

  Austin listened to his dad and drove thinking it all over. It helped explain a lot.

  “Dad, I’m gonna buy a couple of quarter horses. I might need them to come up to you,” Austin said.

  “Whatever you need, Son.”

  “I’ll draw up the paperwork. Get the offers made. I’ll be paying more than they’re worth, but I think they have racing potential. You’ll need to get a good look at them. See about a trainer when it gets time,” Austin said.

  “Are they to know it’s you?”

  “Not on the front end, but I think eventually it will be unavoidable. I love you Dad, tell Mom ‘hi’,” Austin said.

  “You too, Son.”

  Austin ended the call. That story he just heard had stayed with him through the years, but he’d never associated it with Kitt. After a few more miles passed, Austin called Mike.

  “Hey, do we buy our hay from the Kelly ranch?” He asked, avoiding the polite pleasantries

  “It’s the plan. Unless you want it changed,” Mike said back. “We’ll bale our own next year.”

  “I want you to buy more than we need,” Austin said. “Figure out whatever’s left and buy it. I’ll ship it up to my dad or something, or there has to be an organization to donate too. Maybe a school or something?”

  Mike gave a moment of pause before a simple, “Okay… Yeah, the schools around here’ll take it.”

  “What’s up with everybody getting so quiet on me? Buy extra hay for us, but figure out what he’s going to have left. Do I need to contract it now, or something like that?”

  Mike was silent.

  “Kitt’s become a good friend to me. They’re struggling and I’m not. No need for that. Also, there’ll be a couple of new arrivals. They’ll need room in the barn until I can get them up to my dad’s. It would be better to keep these two close, and again, let me remind you of the very strict confidentiality agreement you have.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of it.” Mike voice grew more serious. Austin heard the confusion in it, but he didn’t ask any questions which Austin found he liked the most about Mike.

  “Cool, I’ll be home late tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Ten-four, boss, and I’ll call Kitt now. It’ll help him out.”

  “Thanks and be convincing! Figure what’s gonna be left, I’ll take care of getting someone to contact him for it. He’s not overly receptive to help, so keep it on the down low. I’m bringing my agent with me for a few days. We’ll be down at the barn in the morning. Bye.” At that, Austin disconnected the call.

  Austin decided then, regardless of Kitt’s stubborn, hard head, he was helping the Kelly ranch. He’d buy whatever services Kitt offered, and he’d pay him over the asking price. Buying hay, some of his show animals, and using his AI program on the farm was all he could think of right now, but more would come to him. One thing Austin had to offer Kitt was money. He had more money than he could ever spend in ten lifetimes. If money would ease Kitt, then he’d make sure that was one less thing on his plate to worry about.

  Chapter 17

  Damn it, but Kitt was tired! He forced his exhausted, gritty eyes to stay open. He sat on the sofa in his cabin, dressed in his starched Wranglers and freshly ironed button down. Austin’s last text message said they were headed back hours ago. Kitt assumed Austin intended to come by the cabin since his agent came back home with him. Clearly, he got that assumption wrong. Maybe he should have gone over to Austin’s. Maybe they wouldn’t be spending time together until the agent left. At this point, who knew for sure, but as the hour grew later, Kitt finally gave in to the lack of sleep over the last few days and undressed.

  He worked his clothes off slowly, walking through his small place blowing out the candles he’d lit, and put the iced bottle of Austin’s favorite wine back in the refrigerator. He turned off the burner warming dinner. Whatever, he’d tried for a little romance.

  As he stretched out on his bed, Kitt kept his phone close to him, ignoring the ache in his heart. Austin had texted him every few hours for the last three days, but he hadn’t heard anything for hours now. It was late, too late. Maybe Austin got home and just went to bed like he should have done. Damn, he wanted to see Austin tonight. The late, late, late show came to an end as Kitt’s eyes closed completely. Too many days of burning it at both ends caught up with him. He fell asleep with the lights and TV on, and his phone in his hand.


  Seth didn’t get much more than a ‘the door on the left is the spare bedroom’ before Austin hightailed it out of the rental car and to the barn to jump on his four-wheeler. An unexpected traffic jam from an eight car pileup slowed them for hours on a highway in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. And Nowhere, Texas had no cellphone signal at all. It was after midnight before they were routed to the back roads off the highway, making the already long trip much longer.

  Security had stayed vigilant, watching the property the entire time he was gone. Nothing changed in their responsibility to his sanctuary. He drove the four-wheeler out of the barn, darting straight to Kitt’s cabin, a hundred percent certain they were watching him right now. His anxiety levels spiked off the charts, and under the exhausted state he currently maintained, there was no choice but to go see Kitt. As he got closer, it occurred to him that Kitt might be in the barn. He seemed to spend an extraordinary amount of time there over the last few days. Austin saw some back lights on in the house, but no activ
ity. Kitt’s truck sat outside. He slowed his ride, pulling to the fence, not caring about the noise he made.

  Austin climbed the fence before jogging the distance between the fence and the house. He didn’t knock. Kitt always left the door unlocked. He slowly opened the door and waited, listening. He heard the faint sounds of a soft snore coming from Kitt’s bedroom. The lights were off in the main part of the house. Austin snuck in seeing two wine glasses sitting out, a set table and a plate of food on the stovetop. The other plate lay empty in the sink. Relief flooded him, Kitt had been waiting for him!

  Austin walked silently through the living room toward Kitt’s bedroom. Just the television and night stand lamp were on. Austin toed off his shoes, and then carefully and quietly tiptoed his way to the bed, shedding his clothing as he went. As he passed the television, he turned it off and watched Kitt who never stirred. Odd for the usually light sleeper. Austin decided to leave the lamp on.

  Kitt stayed sleeping with small soft snores coming from him every minute or two. Those were the times Austin moved. He kept his eyes trained on the handsome, beautiful man lying on top of the covers, sleeping in his tighty whities. A depth of emotion Austin had never experienced before hit him hard. It caused him to stop in his tracks as he started to slide onto the bed. His heart hammered, and he stared hard at Kitt. The emotion welling inside him was real and complete. Austin knew immediately what was going on, but he also knew Kitt would want no part of it. Which didn’t seem to change anything inside his heart.

  Kitt finally stirred as Austin lay on the bed, coming fully awake with a startled jerk when he realized he wasn’t alone. “What the—”

  “I tried not to wake you.” Austin paused as he lowered, but kept going, wanting to hold and be held by Kitt.

  “You scared the crap out of me,” Kitt said, lying back on his pillow. He absently ran a hand over his heart. Austin scooted over, not quite touching Kitt, but close enough to lean in and give him a slow chaste kiss.

  “I missed you and I’m exhausted. It took forever to get home. I wanted to sleep in your arms for a few hours, and then maybe make love to you before you made me go face the entire day without you.” Austin kept his tone light, hiding his feelings while giving his most sorrowful expression. Kitt narrowed his eyes.

  “I saw that exact same look in your last movie when your pup died…it was so sad.” Kitt rolled his eyes before he scooted over, kicking at the covers with his feet as he held his arms open to Austin.

  Austin reached down to bring the bedspread up, covering them as he went to lie on Kitt’s chest. He angled himself where he laid with his head in the crook of Kitt’s neck. “You snore,” Austin whispered simply.

  The comfort of being in Kitt’s arms erased every bit of anxiety, leaving just the exhaustion behind. It occurred to Austin, this was another new thing for them. They never lay in bed unless they were fucking. Before tonight, it hadn’t been allowed.

  “I’ve heard that before,” Kitt said dryly, running his fingertips up and down Austin’s back. Their legs tangled together. Austin could feel Kitt was half aroused, but the need to hold the other seemed viably more important.

  “Did Fisker complain about it?” Austin let his obvious jealousy out in the words and Kitt chuckled.

  “No, Mr. Looking for Pool Boys to Fuck. My sisters tell me. It’s one of the reasons I’m down here. I can get loud during sinus season apparently,” Kitt said and kissed the top of Austin’s head. He wrapped Austin tighter in his arms, turning partly to face Austin. They shared a pillow and he yawned.

  “You’ll enjoy that immensely, I’m sure.” Kitt reached over and pushed the button on the lamp to turn the light off.

  “Mmm…is this the first fault I’ve found in Kitt Kelly?” Austin moved with Kitt’s body as the light turned off.

  “I don’t think it’s the first,” Kitt said quietly into the dark.

  “I do.” Austin lifted his head. He rose fully to place a light kiss on Kitt’s lips. “You need to sleep.”

  “I think it’s you that needs to sleep. I can’t see where you’ve had much in the last few days. You messaged me like every two hours.”

  “How can I sleep when your lips are so close?” Again, Austin leaned in and kissed Kitt softly, this time adding a small amount of tongue. The kiss lingered until he rested his head on Kitt’s shoulder and sleep took them both.


  It took a second for Kitt to realize the vibration that woke him came from his phone lying under his pillow. He automatically turned to check the time on his alarm clock. Four minutes before the alarm was scheduled to go off.

  Austin slept with his head on Kitt’s chest, and his breath warmed his skin with every exhale. Kitt dug underneath the pillow until he found the phone as it vibrated again sending another message. He’d missed four incoming calls. His phone must have silenced at some point during the night, but the vibration worked. It took time for his eyes to adjust to the bright light of the lit screen as he read the message. He reached over with the other arm to turn the alarm off so it didn’t wake Austin.

  Jose thought Lady was showing signs of birthing. Well, of course she was! Today was one of the busiest days of Kitt’s year. They’d start cutting hay, and it required every one of his hands to help in the fields. Of course, she would pick today. Kitt carefully pulled out from underneath Austin who only stirred awake long enough to hear Kitt say he was going to the restroom. Kitt stuffed a pillow back in his place watching as Austin took the bait and pulled the pillow against his chest, instantly falling back asleep. Kitt grabbed his clothes and boots and left the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He dressed quickly, not bothering to brush his hair or teeth. He penned a quick note to Austin and grabbed a ball cap.

  The ride to the barn was a quick one and several of his regular ranch hands were already there. He pulled to the front, barely getting the truck in park before jumping out. Kitt all but jogged inside the barn doing the math again in his mind on her delivery date. She was too early. Even with the signs of her tightening and her udder dropping, Kitt still thought they had a week, and even that would have been a couple of weeks early.

  It being her first birth, they had no history with this mare. Horses foaled early all the time, but three weeks – it concerned him.

  “Shit,” he muttered opening the barn door. He mentally checked off his men trying to decide which one would be best to leave behind for the day and keep an eye on Lady. Nothing changed as he went through the list, Jose was the only one he trusted enough to stay behind, but he was also the only one who could put in a double day’s work in eight hours.

  “How she doing?” He asked as he met Jose halfway to her stall.

  “It’s just startin’. She should have a while,” he said, pivoting on his feet. Jose wasn’t a tall man, but kept Kitt’s pace, double stepping each of his steps.

  “Did you call Doc? Have him on standby?” Kitt asked opening the gate.

  “Yes, sir.” Jose stayed back with all the other men staring over the stall gate watching Kitt adjust his ball cap for her.

  “Good. Thanks for callin’ me,” Kitt said absently, his tone getting softer as he entered. He walked the few steps to Lady. He held her attention since she heard him in the barn, nodding her palomino head at him as he entered, as if she’d been expecting him, waiting for him to get there.

  “Hey sweet girl, you gettin' ready for your big day, or is this one of those false starts that gets us all worked up?” Kitt asked as he began to rub her gently. He petted her down to her swollen belly, gently touching her udder before moving toward her front. He could feel her tighter, but there was no sign of her milk. The foal moved a little under his touch.

  “Yeah, you’re close. You know you could’ve waited until your due date. It would’ve helped me out a lot,” Kitt said, still in the calm sweet tone he used with her. He was right in her face now, looking into her eyes, rubbing her head, and she bent into him knocking his ball cap off his head.

bsp; “She’s close. So here’s the change for the day. Jose, I’m gonna need you to stay with her. Get Doc out here to do an exam. Call me when’s he’s done, or if anythin’ changes. I’ll stay with her tonight. Maybe by tomorrow, we’ll have a newborn. Her momma’s records show she was in labor for a full forty-eight hours before she was born. Let’s see if that holds, but I don’t want her left alone.” Kitt said it all carefully, keeping his tone calm. He rubbed her down as he spoke, picking up his ball cap. He angled it on his head as he rose and let her knock it off again before he rubbed down her nose one last time.

  “Lady, you still got jokes even now, huh? You wait until I’m here to have this little guy, you hear me?” Kitt asked. He patted her belly one last time before he left the stall.

  “Boss, are you sure? I can help you today,” Jose asked. Kitt lifted his ball cap and scrubbed his head thinking over the possibilities.

  “No, I can’t take the chance. She needs someone who knows her. You stay.” Kitt looked around at all his men waiting for him to begin. “Let’s get goin’. It’s gonna be a day. I need coffee.”

  “Yes, sir!” His newest, least experienced, field hand said.

  Everyone scattered as he started toward the small break room in the back of the barn. He moved through the men lifting an arm to his nose. Kitt could smell Austin on him, his cologne lingered, and it wasn’t a bad thing.

  He poured his coffee, bent his head down to smell his chest, smiling when he thought of Austin sneaking in to sleep in his arms. No matter how he fought it, it wasn’t just about sex with them anymore. Austin was comfortable enough in his home to sleep. Actually, Austin left his own bed to come sleep in Kitt’s home. Austin still slept in his bed, and for whatever odd reason, it felt deeply gratifying.

  He took a long drink of the coffee and left the break room. For the first time since leaving his house, he felt the chill in the air. They kept the barn reasonably climate controlled, but the doors were open, and everyone was preparing to leave. Jose stood at the front, giving out directions, speaking Spanish to most of the men. It was times like these Kitt wanted to hug Jose. His foreman was worth every dime of his salary. Kitt had taken Spanish in school for years, and although he understood most of what was being said, he still sounded like a complete dumbass trying to talk to the guys himself.


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