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A Girl Worth Waiting For (The Worthy Series Book 1)

Page 6

by S. M. Smith

  I rush home and find the navy cotton sundress I had picked out yesterday. It has a conservative princess neckline with capped sleeves and flows from a high waist line to just above my knees. I opt for a pair of low heeled, strappy salmon colored sandals with some matching bangles and a long necklace. I curl my shoulder length hair so that it bounces carefully just above my neckline. I twirl in front of the mirror after touching up my makeup, making sure everything looks perfect before I grab a light khaki jacket and bounce out the door. A catcall from down the hall tells me old man Harvey has returned to his post.

  “You’re looking awfully pretty there, Miss Jessie. Got a hot date tonight with Master Jake I take it?” I immediately lose my bounce at Jake’s name. It takes a second before his elderly mind catches up and his heart sinks. “I’m so sorry, Miss Jessie. This old mind of mine, it just doesn’t keep up with the times anymore.”

  “It’s okay, Mr. Jones. I actually met someone and am going to a dinner party at his house tonight. Thank you for the compliment though.” He smiles guiltily and waves me on. I hurry to my car to avoid any further distractions and pull up the text from Caleb so that I can get his address for the GPS on my phone. He lives in a part of Overland Park that I’m not familiar with so I do my best to focus and not let my eagerness to get there distract me into making a wrong turn.

  I arrive right on time, wringing my hands as I ring the doorbell. My stomach drops at the sight of him, suddenly realizing that I definitely misunderstood what “casual” meant to him. Apparently his casual means dress slacks, dress shirt and a teal colored tie. He doesn’t give me enough time to recover before leaning in to kiss me. I turn my head just in time for him to catch my cheek, which wasn’t awkward at all, but he recovers quickly by grabbing my hand and leading me through his home to where the rest of his guests are waiting.

  We walk through a short hallway and round a wall of frosted glass panels separated and framed in white metal, leading into a large living room. Three other couples stand waiting with glasses of wine in their hands and all of a sudden I wish I had one for myself. In hindsight, I should have known my sense of casual and his sense of casual are two completely different things. Whereas I came dressed for what most normal people would wear on a Friday night, the three woman in front of me are all dressed in little black dresses that look like they were designed for each of them. The looks I get immediately make me feel like I am the last kid to get picked for dodge ball and nobody wants me on their team.

  Caleb places my hand on his arm, as we walk up to a couple who appear fresh off the cover of People magazine. “Matt, Alexis, I’d like you to meet Jessie. Jessie, this is Matt and Alexis. Alexis joined my firm about two years ago and is one of the best financial planners in all of Kansas City. Matt is an architect who is working on several of the new developments in south KC.” I think it’s kind of odd how Caleb introduces them this way, defining them by what they do. I am glad he didn’t introduce me that way, but am slightly concerned that he might be embarrassed by the fact my profession is more artsy than his white collar world.

  “It’s very nice to meet you,” I say, shaking both their hands, trying to commit their names to memory.

  “Likewise,” Matt says a little too kindly. Alexis doesn’t really look like she is pleased to be meeting me and immediately jumps into the low down on my life.

  “And what is it that you do, Jessie?” The way she says my name makes it sound like it is a foul stench she can’t get rid of.

  “I own and operate a photography studio,” I say proudly.

  “Oh, how quaint,” Alexis says with a self-righteous attitude. I feel myself prepare to take a swing at her sanctimonious face but remember to be the bigger person just as Caleb places his other hand on mine.

  He moves us on to the second couple quickly and I do my best to calm down. He introduces them to me, making them sound like a power couple who each have prestigious jobs that make loads of money they can flaunt. I want to try to like these people, but they both just stare at me as if I am part of the hired help or something. Feeling myself get angrier by the second, I try my hardest to remember their names, Greg and Lisa, I believe, so that I can be kinder and be the bigger person.

  As we walk away though, Caleb becomes charged with excitement. When we approach the third and final couple, his whole posture changes, loosening up as he takes my hand again, nearly dragging me to them. There was a bit of a sparkle of amusement in the man’s eyes and a look of genuine curiosity in hers.

  “You’re going to love these two,” he whispers to me as we near them. Both of them greet me with more genuine than polite smiles, and I instantly like these two. Caleb pulls me close and wraps an arm around my waist as he introduces me. “Jessie, I would like you to meet my best friends in the world, Lucas and Shaina.”

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Lucas extends his hand and shakes mine enthusiastically. Shaina does so as well, just much more lady like.

  “We’ve heard quite a bit about you.” She chuckles. “Caleb here really hasn’t shut up about you since you met.” I blush simply because had he never sent me flowers, I’m not sure that I would still remember we even met. But they don’t need to know that.

  “Thanks, Shain. Give away all my secrets why don’t you.” He squeezes my waist and I decide I like this playful, more easygoing side of him. I slide my hand up to between his shoulder blades as I look up at him and find him beaming down at me.

  “Oh, trust me. I haven’t even begun to dish on you yet.” She gives him a very big sisterly look. “Why don’t you be a good host and get her a drink while I fill her in.” She waves him off and he and Lucas excuse themselves to the open kitchen area. He watches us as she turns me so that our backs are turned to them.

  “What do you think of his collection of snobs?” she leans in close to ask. I am taken aback by her sudden boldness. “Oh don’t worry, honey, they all know they are God’s gift to society. Honestly, I’m surprised Ah-lexis’s ego could fit in her dress.” She over emphasizes Alexis’s name as if it’s pretentious enough all on its own. “And don’t get me started about Elise.” So that was her name...whoops.

  Although I’m not fond of her cattiness, I am thankful that she isn’t judging me for the designer I’m not wearing. I tug at it self-consciously and she stills my hands.

  “You look fabulous. Do not worry about what those nitwits think. They are too wrapped up in their designer tags to see a sweet face like yours,” Shaina says firmly. “Besides, I think you’re incredibly refreshing. Caleb hasn’t brought a real person around in a while.”

  I give her a weird look.

  “What do you mean a ‘real person’?” I ask.

  “Someone who can think for themselves. Caleb normally dates people he can stay unattached to, girls who are more wrapped up in the latest fashion and gossip than be of any use to society. You run your own company, right? Photography?”

  “I do,” I say, not really sure if her question was a compliment or not. I am still kind of wrapped up with the fact that Caleb is into girls who would look better on his arm than who want to add value to another person’s life. I hope he isn’t expecting me to be like that, because I’ve known girls like that and I couldn’t be like them if I wanted to.

  “I think that’s great. He really admires that about you, by the way. Oh, and that you speak football. I’m not much for the sport really, but I don’t mind watching a game or two.” She is going a mile a minute and my head is starting to spin.

  Thankfully, Caleb returns with my glass and announces we are ready to eat. I am looking forward to seeing his culinary skills. There is nothing hotter than a guy who can cook. So I thought it was incredibly speedy of him to have cooked a meal for all of us so quickly, but when we move into the dining room the rest of the kitchen comes into view. A woman in a white chef’s jacket and black apron is busy fussing about a set of plates that look absolutely divine. If her plating didn’t look so good, I would have been more disa
ppointed by the fact that Caleb didn’t in fact cook for us.

  Caleb guides me to a square, glass top table with two black leather high back chairs on each side and pulls one out for me, taking my glass and allowing me to sit down. Everyone else takes a seat while Caleb serves us each our plates. I watch him as he carefully places each plate in front of everyone. He seems to be enjoying himself. I instantly like that he likes to serve other people and that he could be so kind and understanding to people who seemed so rude. When he finishes, he takes the seat next to mine and raises his glass for a toast.

  “I want to thank each of you for coming. And thank you, Michelle,” he says as he turns toward the chef cleaning up in the kitchen, “for this delightful looking dinner. I’m sure it tastes as wonderful as usual.” He lifts his glass in cheers, and we all follow suit.

  I take a bite of the succulent looking salmon and do my best to maintain my composure as it melts in my mouth. The flavors are unbelievable, and I find myself with a mouth full of food when the conversation turns my way.

  “So, Jessie, what is it you do again?” Elise asks, though the look she gives me over her nose says she’s only asking to make polite small talk.

  “I’m a photographer.”

  “She’s being modest.” Shaina pops up. “Caleb says you own your own studio; is that right?” she asks again, only this time she makes my success sound like a big deal.

  “I co-own it, yes.”

  “Well that’s wonderful.” Shaina gives me an approving smile from her seat across the table.

  “What types of things do you photograph then?” Matt asks.

  “Just about anything. We mostly do portraits, but I also take in freelance work for various events or corporate projects. I even take some landscape photos on the side.”

  “Oh, Caleb! You must hire Jessie for the hospital’s fundraising event next month,” Alexis exclaims. Both Shaina and Lucas nearly choke on their wine when she says this. And I start to feel like I’m two inches tall.

  “Well if you must know, Alexis,” he says, giving her a very pointed look before turning to me. “I was hoping Jessie would be my date to the fundraiser. That is, if she wants to after tonight.” He gives her another sharp look and she turns her nose down to her plate, but holds her head high as if she still feels like I should be a part of the staff. My cheeks flash crimson as he now puts me on the spot.

  “I’d love to.” I give him a flat lipped grin and turn back to my plate.

  The conversation turns to stock trends and investment opportunities and I tune out, having lost my appetite. Shaina catches my eye across the table and mouths “I’m so sorry” to me. I give her a half smile and sit with perfect posture until everyone else is done eating. Everyone continues in conversation at the table after finishing their plates, but Shaina and I. She gets my attention and nods back toward the living room, silently asking me if I’d like to join her. I give Caleb’s shoulder a squeeze as I excuse myself.

  His house is very modernly decorated with clear cut designs in white, black and varying shades of gray. Everything looks pristinely kept in perfect place and I think that it clearly fits with what I know of his personality. A few contemporary artwork pieces in bright and vivid colors hung in straight black frames in the dining room and I notice that there aren’t any self or family pictures anywhere. The living room furniture is upholstered in a smooth looking gray leather that although looks clean cut with its sharp corners and straight edges, still appears comfortable enough to curl up in. Shaina slides off her heels and snuggles into a corner of the couch and holds out her hand, offering me the other corner. I kick off my sandals and do the same and before I know it, we’re deep in conversation.

  She asks me where I’m from and questions about my family. She asks me about my favorite hobbies and places I like to go. She even inquires about my friends and what they are like. The more questions she asks the more comfortable I feel around her. I find myself overlooking her earlier comments on the other guests to see that deep down she is a genuine person who is kind and caring. She wants to know me, and not what I’m wearing or look like and I can see why Caleb is so fond of her.

  She tells me all about herself; she’s a housewife who finds entertainment in her husband’s ostentatious friends. She and Lucas have been married for almost five years. She tells me all about Lucas and Caleb’s relationship and how she doesn’t need children because she has them to worry about. I’m not sure how long we sit chatting and laughing, but it’s not until I feel a hand on my shoulder that I look up to find the other couples have already left.

  “You two seem to be awfully chatty. What’s so funny?” Caleb looks down at me with a very pleased look on his face.

  Lucas sits on the floor in front of Shaina while she chats on about a story of him and Caleb from when they were in college. Lucas leans his head against her leg, smiling. Both look completely content to just be in each other’s presence. I realize in that moment they have the relationship I want. I want to be happy with someone just simply because they are near me. I’m not sure who I will have that with, but someday I know I will.

  Lucas and Shaina stay for just a little while longer, sharing some more embarrassing stories of him and Caleb before saying their goodnights. Caleb and I see them to the door, where Shaina pulls me into a tight hug.

  “I’m so glad I got to meet you tonight,” she tells me.

  “Me too.” I smile back at her, feeling genuinely glad that she was here to make tonight not so awful.

  “You’ll be at the fundraiser though, right? Oh, please say you’ll be there? Please don’t leave me with all those pompous snobs!” I look at Caleb who gives her a look before turning to me, just as curious if I will definitely be making the event.

  “I’ll be there,” I say, moving closer to Caleb. He pulls me close to him and I find myself feeling completely at ease.

  “Oh yay!!” She gives me another quick hug before stepping out onto the doorway.

  “It was definitely a pleasure to meet you,” I say, shaking Lucas’s hand.

  “The pleasure is all mine. You, my dear, you are a pretty good match for our Caleb. Thank you so much for joining us tonight,” Lucas tells me confidently.

  “Well, I must thank you both. I don’t think I could have made it without you,” I say, looking directly at Shaina who just smiles and nods. Caleb gives me a guilty look and pulls me toward him. They say their final goodbyes and Caleb and I stand there watching them leave for a moment before he closes the door and turns to me.

  Caleb wraps his strong arms around my waist and tugs me in close. I lay my head on his chest, letting out a heavy sigh, somewhat exhausted by the events at dinner.

  “I’m so incredibly sorry about dinner. I just keep setting you up for disappointment, don’t I?”

  “Hmm. I really like Shaina though. She made it all bearable.”

  He pulls back a little with a half-smile on his face.

  “She is a handful, but I’m glad you two are getting along. I know I put you on the spot regarding the fundraiser. You don’t have to go if you think you’ll be uncomfortable again. I’ll cover for you with Shaina.”

  “No, it’s alright. I don’t think I can misconstrue the formality of a fundraiser, so I’ll be appropriately prepared. Don’t you worry.” He chuckles at my determinedness and takes my hand to pull me back toward the living room.

  “I should probably go. I haven’t checked my phone, but I’m sure Daphne has demanded a play by play by now and if I don’t respond soon, she’ll send the FBI to find me.” He laughs out loud. “I’m only half kidding,” I say seriously.

  “Daphne sounds a lot like Shaina. But I’m not quite ready for you to go yet.” He pulls me back in again and I know what will happen if I don’t walk away now. He leans his head down and my breath catches. He hears and pulls his head back up.

  “You’re not quite ready yet,” his gentle voice says more as a statement than a question. I tip my head down, slightly embarrasse
d. He places a finger under my chin and lifts my head. His eyes looking deep into mine, searching to see just how far away I am from being ready for this. “I understand. I’ll wait until you’re ready.” He then gently places a kiss on my forehead.

  “Thank you,” I say, my voice barely a whisper.

  “Trust me, you shouldn’t be thanking me yet. I was a horrible date tonight.” I chuckle at him while I grab my purse and jacket. He walks me out to my car, holding my hand the entire way and opening my door for me. I stop just before getting in, stand up on my tiptoes, and quickly kiss his cheek.

  “You know, I really did have a good time tonight. But maybe we could hang out just the two of us next time?”

  “You want a next time? Man, you are letting me off way too easy.” He flashes a playful grin. “How about you and me for dinner on Tuesday?”

  “Deal,” I say, giddy for our date, climbing into my car. He closes the door for me and watches thoughtfully as I pull away.

  Chapter Nine

  “Don’t you ever leave your phone on while you’re out? I was dying last night! There are only so many rom-coms a girl can watch before it just gets depressing.” Daphne and I sit down on what is sure to be one of the last warm Saturdays for lunch outside on the Plaza. Her wildly curly red hair and porcelain skin shine brightly in the brilliant sun and I can’t help thinking that she is the total package. If only we could convince her it’s time to move on.

  “Seriously,” she goes on, “help a girl out already.”

  “Well, his friends are stuck up. Ok, not all of them. His best friend Lucas’s wife Shaina and I hit it off. She reminds me so much of you actually.” I get a dirty look for that.

  “I shall not be replaced, deary.” She points a finger in my face and gives me the stink eye, causing me to laugh at her.


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