Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance

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Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance Page 39

by Tyler Grey

  I took off my clothes and sat on top of him, smiling as he slid inside me with ease. I was just as excited and ready for this as he was. My pussy was so wet as his cock glided inside, and we fit together so well, it was like my vagina had molded to the exact shape of his dick. I closed my eyes. I wanted to be as blind as he was. I wanted to experience the sensation of him rather than the look of him. His hands were on my breasts, circling my nipples. He squeezed each one lightly, then harder, and I couldn’t help but tingle as they grew hard and erect. I wondered what they felt like to him. I was a small girl, with small features. I had never wanted big breasts before, mostly because I knew they wouldn’t suit me. I tried not to think about whether they were too small now. Instead, I focused on the way it felt with his hands on me. The way he made me feel; which was perfect.

  “Jacob, you’re amazing,” I said as I rocked against him, pushing him even deeper inside me. He grunted with each thrust, clearly enjoying how deep inside me he was.

  Amazing didn’t explain the way he really made me feel. It was more than amazing. It was explosive and passionate, and unlike anything I had ever felt before. Was this love? Or was this just the biggest feeling of lust that I had ever experienced? I loved the way he touched me while we were having sex, the way he used his hands instead of his eyes, running his fingers up and down my body like silk, touching my vagina like he was memorizing every inch of my sex. Maybe that was why it was so good. Sex was all about touch, and he knew exactly what he was doing in that department. When he touched me, it felt like I was melting, and my body was a firework about to explode with sparks. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to control myself any longer. He’d moved his hand around so that it was on my backside, and he was pushing me against him while I moved up and down. His other hand had moved to my mouth, and his finger was in my mouth. I sucked on it, first softly and then faster, and we both groaned with pleasure. I felt him coming at the exact time that I felt myself losing control, and after we both spasmed, we were spent.

  Afterwards, I didn’t climb off straight away. I stayed on him while he continued to feel me. I moved down and kissed him, and I realized with a little bit of fear that I didn’t want to be anywhere else. Sex was always great, but I usually wanted to get away from the guy quite soon. Thoughts of showering and climbing into bed were usually the first thought I had. I thought that was normal. I thought that was the way everyone felt after sex. But I didn’t want to get off him. I wanted to stay right there forever, feeling his warmth against me.

  I finally climbed off and snuggled into him. I reached for our wine and handed him his glass.

  “I think I should wear those pajamas more often,” I said.

  He chuckled. “You’re also more than welcome to come to work in nothing. That would work for me, too.”

  I giggled. “Now that would interest my neighbors. Well, that was good. A little pre-dinner workout,” I said. “That’s the sort of exercise I can enjoy. I’ll go and heat it up soon.”

  “Sounds good to me. I can’t wait. But this is nice here, too. Where’s Tank, by the way? The poor dog might have seen a bit more than he would’ve liked.”

  I laughed. “He’s in the kitchen, probably waiting for me to feed him. I’ll get him something when I heat up our curry.” I looked around the room and my gaze settled on a photo showing a group of navy men.

  “I like that photo that you’ve got framed, by the way. The one of you in the navy.”

  “Ah, that’s my troop photo!”

  “Your what?” I said, and giggled at the term.

  “My troop photo. They’re my squad. I…” he gulped. “They mean a lot to me. They haven’t all been there for me through this time though, so it’s been a bit tough. But maybe I’ve been too hard on them. Not everyone can be like Hayden. They’ll come around.”

  “Hayden is a great friend, huh? And such a joker. Why are the two of you the only ones pulling a face in that photo?”

  He chuckled. “Hayden and I battle to keep things serious. It’s how we get through the hard times and how we enjoy the good times. It’s just what we do. It’s who we are. I wouldn’t be who I am without him.”

  I smiled as I thought about Laurie. I hadn’t told Jacob about her yet. I was scared that he would remember her name. Alice and Laurie – the two of us had been inseparable at school. “It’s good to have a friend like that. He’s a great guy,” I said, and hoped that he wouldn’t ask me about my own friendships.

  “He is.”

  “Does he… uh… does he know about us?” I asked, even though I wasn’t sure what ‘us’ was yet.

  Jacob smiled. “Yeah. He phoned me this morning, actually. I hope you don’t mind me telling him. I couldn’t help myself, really. I guess I wanted to show off. He’s always going on about how pretty you are.”

  I giggled. “He is? That’s nice. Uh, so, should I warm up the curry?” I suddenly wanted to stop talking about all of this. I was too nervous about where the conversation was going to lead. I still had no idea what I wanted to do about it all. I was very aware of how many secrets I was keeping from him, and I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to keep quiet. I just wanted this moment of peace between us to last a bit longer.

  “Curry sounds great. And maybe an audiobook?”

  I grinned. “Great idea.”

  I walked to the kitchen, fed Tank, and warmed up the curry. It was nice hearing Jacob speak about Hayden like that. It was nice seeing this side of him, this side that I never believed would exist in him. But just because he was one way as a boy, didn’t mean he had to be that way as a man. People changed. I glanced at him from the kitchen and sighed. I was really starting to like this guy, far more than I thought I would and probably far more than I should.

  Chapter 25


  Today was Alice’s day off, and I woke up wishing that she was there. We had a great dinner the other night, but she hadn’t slept over. She’d come the next day to cook as usual, and while there hadn’t been any sex, there had been a lot of kissing. It felt almost like we were in a relationship, and yet neither of us had spoken about what we were to each other. I felt like Alice knew me better than anyone else. Of course, there were things she didn’t know about me. She didn’t know much about my time in the navy. She didn’t know how I had become blind. Mostly, she didn’t know what a horrible little shit I was when I was younger, and how I had continued to be that person for a long time, even as an adult. She knew a different me, and I didn’t want her to know any of the other sides to me. I was scared it would make her not want to be with me. Who wanted to be with a man that had been so horrible once upon the time? To this day I still worried that he was still inside me, even though I didn’t feel like him anymore. I wouldn’t blame her if she ran away.

  There was a knock on my door, and my heart leaped in my chest. I couldn’t help myself. I bounded out of bed and made my way to the door in record time. I was getting to know my way around the house so well now, I often didn’t even need to hold my cane. I opened the door with a flourish, but I knew immediately that it wasn’t Alice. She had a particular smell about her, like strawberries and mint.


  “Why do you seem so upset? Am I that ugly?” he said.

  I laughed. “I’m not upset. I just wasn’t expecting you. Come in.”

  “You better be nice to me. I have coffee in my hand, and muffins.”

  “From Wagga’s?”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, then you can definitely come in.”

  We made our way to the living room and took a seat. He handed me the coffee and muffin, and I took a few grateful sips.

  “This place must love me now. If I’m not there, then there’s someone going there for me. I think they need to start giving me free coffee, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, definitely. And a best friend discount, of course. So… you alone? Or is there someone in your bed?”

  I chuckled. “I’m alone. If
there’s anyone in my bed, it’s probably Tank. Lazy dog. He knows I don’t need him so much around the house anymore. Which is a good thing. I’m starting to feel very confident around the house.”

  “Yeah, you opened that door very quickly for me. That’s great, Jacob. You’ve actually done a lot better than I thought you would.”

  “What? You thought I’d do badly?”

  “Not at all. I just thought it would take longer, that’s all. I’m sure it would’ve taken me forever. Oh, I forgot to tell you… I wore a blindfold the other day, just to see what it’s like to be you.”

  I chuckled. “You did? How did it go?”

  “Damn hard. I couldn’t believe how tough it was and how much I take for granted. I’m going to do it more often, though. I think it’s important for me to know exactly what you are going through.”

  I smiled at that. “You don’t have to do that. But that’s nice of you.” The thought of Hayden doing something like that for me almost brought a tear to my eyes. I managed to gulp it back, though. I wasn’t sure how many other people would do something like that for me. The very fact that he had even thought of doing that made me feel special.

  “What can I say? I’m a nice guy,” he said and chuckled. “So, how are things going with Alice, then?”

  I shrugged. “I have no idea. Good. Great. Confusing. Things are going really well, we get along great, and the sex is incredible. It’s like we’re going out, but we don’t really talk about it. I’ll be honest, though; it does feel like things are getting serious. She feels like my girlfriend.”

  “I’m happy for you, Jacob. I really am. You deserve someone good in your life.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, she’s amazing. I’m worried, though. While she might be good for me, I’m not so sure I’m good for her.”

  “What do you mean? Of course you’re good for her.”

  “I’m blind!’ I reminded him.

  “Uh, yeah? So what? I think she knows that already.”

  “I know. I just don’t want to be a burden to her. It’s asking a lot, you know. I’m not sure I can do that to her.”

  “Jacob, you can’t be serious! If you think that way, then you will never have a girlfriend again. Alice is a big girl. She can decide what she wants. If she’s chosen to be with you, then it means that the blindness doesn’t worry her at all. So if it doesn’t bother her then why should it bother you? If the two of you get along so well then why should that be a problem?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said. “Still, I worry. She’s such a great person. Almost too good to be real.”

  “But she is real, and it’s time you realized that not everyone out there is bad in this world. I know your parents were never there for you, Jacob, but I’m there for you. And so, it seems, is Alice.”

  I smiled sadly. Not everyone knew about my relationship with my parents, but Hayden did. I didn’t know him as a child, and he hadn’t seen what sort of household I grew up in, but he’d heard the stories. My father had never been there for me. He’d been the ruler of the household, the man that ruled with the golden stick. I had stopped loving him a long time ago, probably when I realized that he would never change. My mother was a good woman, but she’d allowed my father to take over her life. It had changed her, and because of that, she was never the mother that she was supposed to be for me. My father’s way was the only way, and my mother simply had to follow his lead. My father had taught me some bad things in life. He was the one that told me how to act, and how bullying and bad behavior was the only way to get ahead in life. If it wasn’t for the navy and for a new group of friends, I shuddered to think of what I would’ve become. More than likely I would’ve been just like my father. A horrible man who was incapable of loving anyone.

  “I guess you’re right. It’s nice, having someone like her around. I feel happy all the time. Which is quite strange considering my life has changed for the worst. I mean, the worst possible thing has happened to me. I lost my eyesight, and with that, I lost a whole part of my life. Then Alice comes along and shows me how to be happy again. Something I never thought I would be. No offense, Hayden, you’re an amazing friend, but you can’t do what Alice has done.”

  He chuckled. “Hell, I hope not. I don’t want to be your boyfriend.”


  “But what?” he asked.

  “What if she changes her mind? What if I fall for her and she suddenly decides that she no longer wants to be with a blind man?” These were the thoughts that were constantly running through my head. I was sure that if I had met her when I could still see, that I wouldn’t have these doubts. I hated that I had lost a lot of my confidence along with my eyesight. I’d always been so sure of myself before. Now I doubted everything and everyone.

  “Jacob, this is a risk that everyone has to take, and it has nothing to do with whether or not you’re blind. Beatrice could do the same to me. Hell, I could do the same to her. You could do the same to Alice. You take a chance. You take a leap of faith, and you hope that it’s going to work out. You have to be all in. If it fails, at least you tried. But if it doesn’t, then you’ve found yourself the perfect woman. And she really is perfect, Jacob. I’m not just talking about the way she looks, but the way she is around you. She gets you.”

  I smiled. I’d often thought that I would never find someone that truly understood me. They said that there was someone out there for everyone, but I hadn’t really believed it up until now. I used to think that people just said that to make themselves feel better, but Alice truly felt like she was meant for me. “Yeah, she does. She really gets me. She has a wicked sense of humor too. She has a very similar sense of humor to you and me, actually. She doesn’t mind teasing me, which I love. I hate people that feel too nervous around me to joke around. I might have lost my eyesight, but I haven’t lost my personality.”

  “And she makes the most amazing food,” he said.

  “Yeah, her food is incredible. I haven’t had one thing from her that I haven’t liked. And she genuinely seems to enjoy cooking for me. She also loves Tank, and always remembers to make him something too. Okay, I’m pretty lucky.” The more I thought about it, the more I understood how crazy I was to complain. Most people with sight didn’t have someone like that in their lives. I had Alice, and I had Hayden. I was luckier than most. I’d rather have them then have a million people in my life who barely knew me or cared about me.

  “You are. But so is she. Don’t worry so much. The fact that she’s with you now means that she wants to be. She likes you, Jacob. So don’t screw this up for no reason.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. When are you going to realize that I’m always right? I mean, how many times do I have to tell you. I think you need to record it, and then play yourself saying it every day so that you don’t forget.”

  “You’re also always annoying,” I said.

  “Ha! You dare to insult the man who brings you coffee and muffins!”

  I chuckled. “Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. What I meant to say is that you’re not at all annoying, and you are always right.”

  “And handsome,” he added.

  “I’m sorry, that’s going too far. Unfortunately, I’m blind, so I have no idea what you look like,” I teased.

  When Hayden left, I was feeling better about the whole situation. He was right. If Alice didn’t want to be with me, then she would leave. We were getting along so great, and just because I was blind didn’t mean that I couldn’t be a good partner to her. I wanted her to become my girlfriend, and I was going to ask her the next time I saw her. I was already way beyond just being her boyfriend, though. I was starting to fall in love with her. Maybe it was because I couldn’t see, so I was relying on how I felt, but I’d never felt this way about anyone before. This was real. I thought back to my first meeting with Alice. She’d seemed so familiar to me even back then. I wondered if it was because we’d had a connection from the very firs
t day. Were the two of us just destined to be together? I was sure of it now. I couldn’t wait to see her again, and to finally get the chance call her my girlfriend. I pictured myself asking her over and over again and pictured her saying yes. Please say yes, I said, over and over again. Please!

  Chapter 26


  I looked at the clock and saw that I still had a bit of time before I had to go to Jacob’s. I packed a few ingredients into a box so that I could stock his fridge. I had slowly gotten into the rhythm of things now, and I knew what to order and what to make. He was an easy customer, and it helped that he was so open to new ideas. Between him and Laurie, I was able to do a lot more experimenting, and I was having a lot more fun than I thought I would have in this job. In my head, I had said I’d stay there for six months and then leave, but the longer I stayed, the more I started to think that perhaps I should extend that stay. The phone rang, and I bounded into the room to get it. It was my home phone again, so I assumed it was going to be my mother. I almost didn’t answer it at the thought of her complaining about my lack of men and my unsuccessful career, but I knew she’d only just phone my mobile straight after.

  “Hello,” I said into the phone.

  “Hi, I’m looking for Alice Bozeman.” The voice on the other end was definitely not my mother’s. It was a strong French accent, and the man pronounced my surname beautifully. I wished that was how people said my name here.

  “Uh, hi, Alice speaking; how can I help you?”

  “Alice, lovely. Is this a good time to talk?”

  I looked at the clock. “Sure, this is a good time.”

  “Alice, this is Tyronne LaNom. I am calling from LaNom Restaurant in Belgium.”

  My heart began to pound in my chest. I had heard of LaNom Restaurant plenty of times. Anyone in my career knew that they were one of the top establishments in the world. It had always been my dream to visit them. Why on earth were they phoning me?”


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