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Sweet Possession

Page 22

by J. Daniels

  But like I said, I’m not an expert at this sort of thing. And it’s a good thing, too; otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be standing in front of my mirror while my mother and fabulous wedding planner/best friend button me into my wedding gown. Without any difficulty, I might add.

  “I knew you could do it, sweetheart. This dress fits you perfectly now,” my mother says behind me.

  It does fit perfectly, thanks to the diet I’ll never be adhering to again. My low-carb days are way the hell behind me.

  “Yeah, well, I plan on tearing into that wedding cake later, so I better have plenty of room.” I connect with Juls in the mirror, smiling at the sight of her in the floor-length, pale-gray bridesmaid dress she looks amazing in. “What time are you heading over?”

  She looks over at the stove and quickly spins around, grabbing her stuff. “Shit. Right now. I’ll have your bridal suite set up for you, so go straight there when you get to the Whitmore. And use the side entrance. If Reese sees you beforehand, I’ll kill him.”

  I laugh and hear my mom’s agreeing noise behind me as Juls walks to the door. It swings open just as she gets to it, Joey emerging from the stairs and decked out in his tux.

  “Wow. Look at you,” he says to Juls, earning himself a kiss on the cheek.

  “Right back atcha. I’ll see you guys there.” She disappears down the stairs as Joey comes to stand beside me.

  “Everything go okay?” I ask as my mother steps back, seemingly done with her task. I spin around and face Joey, seeing his awestruck expression.

  His eyes twinkle with adoration as he takes in the sight of me. “You look fucking fabulous.”

  “Joseph,” my mother scolds.

  He glances over at her. “Well, she does! Seriously, I don’t think anyone has looked this good in a wedding gown before. Aside from Juls.” He shakes his head with an exhaustive sigh. “Single gal, party of one over here.”

  I smack his shoulder. “Whatever. No problems with the cake?”

  He steps up to the mirror, straightening his tie. “Of course not. I gave it the Joey treatment. It’s waiting for you at the Whitmore, as is your anxious groom.”

  “You saw him?” I grab his shoulder and spin him around. “How does he look?”

  His eyebrows raise. “Like he might pass out if he doesn’t see you soon.”

  I frown. “Really?”

  He nods before the crease in his brow sets in. “Billy, on the other hand, is acting all weird. It’s like he purposely avoided me while I was there. And let me tell you, if this is how it’s going to be today, Brooke might have some competition on her hands. I don’t need this shit from a guy who obviously has zero plans of one day giving me the wedding of my dreams.”

  “Dylan, sweetheart, we need to get going,” my mother says as she grabs the stuff I’ll be taking with me to the bridal suite.

  I grab Joey’s chin and lower it, narrowing my eyes at him. “Don’t count Billy out just yet.”

  His eyes widen. “What does that mean? Do you know something?”

  I put on my best poker face and loop my arm through his. “I know he loves you. Now stop making this day all about you. I seem to be the one in the fancy dress.”

  He gives me a smile as we collect the rest of my things. Standing at the door, I look around my loft one final time. The movers will be coming sometime during the ceremony and taking everything out for me. The next time I come to work, my loft will be an empty space above my bakery. And I’m okay with that.

  “Let’s go, cupcake.”

  I take one last mental shot before heading down the stairs behind Joey. I beam at the beautiful white lilies sitting in the center of the worktop, a gift from the other bride. I assumed someone else in the wedding party was going to stop in this morning to pick up her cake, but she wanted to personally thank me for fitting her in on such short notice. And she also wanted to give me the flowers herself.

  Joey holds the front door open for me as my mom walks close behind, holding my train off the ground. Cool air lifts my hair off my shoulder. The driver smiles and opens the back door of the limo, allowing the three of us to file inside. The excitement I feel rushing through me as we make our way to the Whitmore is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. But I know it won’t top the moment I see Reese.

  We’re all huddled in the bridal suite as I check my hair and makeup in the mirror for the thousandth time in the past half hour. I twirl a few curls of my hair around my fingers before fluffing the waves falling past my shoulders. My makeup is looking better than it ever has; elegant yet simple. One of the girls from Chicago Bridal worked her magic on me early this morning while her partner styled my hair. Juls has been in and out of the room, keeping everyone in line while Joey slipped out minutes ago to take care of something he wouldn’t elaborate on. My mother has been trying to keep herself from crying, but every time I make eye contact with her, she loses it. And then there’s my dad. The calmest of the bunch without a doubt. He’s sitting in a high-back leather chair, looking out the window between stealing a few glances at me I’ve caught in the mirror. He really is the yin to my mother’s yang. Complete opposites, the two of them. She’s barely holding herself together while he looks like it’s just another Saturday. Nothing major happening today or anything.

  The door to the suite swings open and Joey darts through, slamming it shut behind him. “He’s trying to see you! Is he nuts? That’s bad luck!”

  I step off my pedestal, letting my dress fall out around me. “What? Who is?”


  My heart flutters at the sound of his name. I move closer to the door just as the knob begins to rattle.


  Joey spins around and presses his mouth to the door. “You are out of your mind if you think I’m letting you in here.”

  “Joey, it’s okay.”

  “It most certainly is not,” my mother adds. “Dylan, you can’t see each other before the ceremony. This isn’t like not having a rehearsal dinner.” She moves between me and the door, pulling Joey off it. “Reese Carroll. You are not allowed in here.”

  “I don’t need to come in. I just want to hear her.”

  Joey looks back at me and then his eyes lose focus. “Goddamn it, Billy.”

  I chuckle, stepping up next to my mom. She looks over at me and sighs before waving her hand and giving me the go-ahead. I move up to the door and flatten my hand against it.


  A soft thump knocks against my hand. “Please, tell me you’re almost ready. I’m fucking dying.”

  I giggle. “I’m ready. I’ve been ready. I’m just waiting for Juls.”

  I hear a faint growl. “Go get your wife and tell her we’re starting. Now.” The sound of footsteps leading away from the door makes me smile as I picture Ian as a man on a mission. “Love, can I… I don’t know, can you just give me something? Crack the door open a little?”

  I glance over my shoulder, seeing my mother and father in quiet conversation. Joey hears the request and immediately spins around and blocks my parents’ view of me. I turn the doorknob and pull, opening the door a few inches and peering around, making sure to keep my body completely hidden. His eyes meet mine, and I see the desperation in them.

  I keep all focus on his face, not letting my eyes wander down his body. I want to save that for the ceremony. I smile behind the door. “You okay now?” I whisper, not wanting to alert my mother.

  He leans his head against the doorframe, blinking heavily. “I’m not spending another night away from you. I barely got any sleep last night.”

  “What, is Ian not a good snuggle buddy? I’ve heard otherwise.”

  He smirks. “You’re hilarious. Give me a kiss.”

  “No way.”


  “Because the next time I kiss you will be when you’re officially my husband.”

  I hear the clicking sound of heels as Reese argues my reasoning with a scowl. Juls grabs his shoulder. “Get the hell ou
t of here! Are you insane?”

  “You’re the one who’s making us wait. She’s ready. I’m ready. Let’s fucking go.”

  Juls shoves him in the direction of The Great Hall. “Go. We’ll be there in a minute.”

  He looks past her, connecting with me. “If you make me wait, I’ll be hauling you down that aisle over my shoulder.”

  “I’m right behind you,” I reply as Juls pushes her way into the room.

  My mother walks over to us, disapproval stamped on her features. “I’m not saying a word.”

  I shrug before turning to Juls. “Can I please get married now?”

  Juls waves my dad over who has remained in his chair. “Are you ready to give your daughter away, Mr. Sparks?”

  He looks at her then at me before standing and tugging at his suit jacket. Reserved and poised, he walks over and takes my hand, looping it through his arm. He tilts his head down, giving me an endearing look. “I will never be ready to give my daughter away. But if I had to pick one man to take care of her in my place, it would be Reese.”

  I blink rapidly, trying to stop the tears from forming. Juls sniffs and wipes underneath my eyes, keeping my makeup intact while Joey fans his face and my mom pulls out a handkerchief, blowing her nose into it.

  My dad leads me toward the door. “Come on. You heard the man. He isn’t going to wait much longer for you.”

  We walk down the side hallway which dumps into the main room of the Whitmore. It’s empty, all the guests already inside The Great Hall. I hear the soft music playing behind the closed giant double doors. My mother comes up to me and kisses my cheek before doing the same to my father. Joey moves me to the side, shielding me while Juls opens the door and allows my mother to enter the room and take her seat.

  “Okay,” Juls says in a soft voice. “Let’s line up.” She walks over to the side table and grabs my bouquet, handing it to me and taking hers. Joey stands at the front of the line, Juls right behind him. He grabs the door handles, glancing back over his shoulder.

  “Ready, cupcake?”

  Juls gives me a quick wink and I nod, shifting my weight on my feet.

  God, yes. Come on already.

  The doors open and the music becomes noticeably louder. I move forward once Joey begins his walk, gripping my bouquet tightly. As Juls makes her way between the rows of chairs, my father takes a few more steps with me. I look around the room, smiling at the familiar faces of family and friends who have joined us today. And then I can’t stand it any longer. I give into the biggest temptation of my life and let my eyes find Reese.

  I see his reaction to me immediately. And even though I know this ceremony is being videoed, I won’t need any help remembering the look on his face right now. I know without a doubt I will never forget this moment and the mix of emotion in his eyes.

  My dad turns me toward him. “Are you sure I can’t walk you down the aisle, sweetheart? It’s my only job today.”

  I smile and look back up at Reese, because it physically pains me to not look at him at this point. “No,” I reply, letting go of his arm. “He’ll come get me.”

  My father makes his way down the aisle alone, gaining muffled reactions from the guests. No one knows why I’m standing back here by myself. No one but Reese. And as my father takes his seat next to my mom, Reese begins his walk toward me.

  Actually, it’s more like a sprint.

  I hear the familiar laughs of our friends from the front of the room as Reese gets to me in record timing. He cradles my face in his hands and drops his forehead to touch mine.

  “Thanks for coming to get me,” I whisper for his ears only.

  “I’ll always come to get you, you know that.” He leans back and looks down my body. “You have never looked this beautiful, and you always stun me, Dylan. This dress…”

  “Wait ‘til you see what’s under it.” My tease gets the reaction I was hoping for out of him. I’m quickly being escorted down the aisle, almost at the same pace with which he reached me moments ago with. The hall becomes filled with everyone’s laughter as they take in my flustered fiancé. Once we reach the front of the room, I hand my bouquet to Juls who can’t seem to stop giggling. Reese positions me across from him, steadying me with his hands on my upper arms before releasing me.

  He looks up at the preacher. “Hurry up.”

  We run through the majority of the ceremony without any glitches. When it comes to our vow exchange, I turn around and grab a few tissues from Juls. If last night was any indication to how I’m going to react to this, and given the fact Reese has never looked sexier than he does right this moment, I’m going to need these.

  I go first, with the steadiest voice I can muster, repeating after the preacher. I only shed a few tears but quickly wipe them away before my makeup is affected. Reese keeps his eyes on me the entire time, giving me the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen as I promise to love him forever.

  And then I prepare myself for his turn.

  The preacher doesn’t ask him to repeat anything. In fact, he doesn’t say anything after I finish reciting mine. I look up at him and then to Reese with what I can only assume to be my most perplexed expression. Reese reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out the familiar brown card he’s always sending me notes on.

  I crush the tissues in my hand as my breath lodges in my throat.

  He steps closer to me, holding it out for me to take. “Did you really think I’d ever use someone else’s words on you?”

  “Oh, my God,” Juls chokes out behind me.

  I hear Joey’s annoyed reaction, too, but can’t respond to it. I have to put all my focus into taking the card from him. It’s a difficult task. My hands are shaking so bad I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop them enough to read the card. I go to unfold it when his hands cover mine.

  “No, love. That’s for you to never forget the words I’m about to say. Right now, just listen.”

  I bring the card against my chest, holding it there while he barely leaves an inch of space between us.

  “Dylan, until today, the day you fell into my lap, the day you came back to me, the day I knew I was going to marry you, those were the best days of my life. I promise to always look at you this way. To give you every part of me, and to cherish every second I share with you. Because you have always been mine, ever since I first saw you in this room. And I will spend the rest of my life being yours.” He looks down, breaking our contact briefly as I wipe underneath my eyes. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day forever. I still can’t believe I’m the one who gets to marry you.” He finally lifts his eyes and I see the tears in them. “I want you in every way, Dylan. I want the woman who fell into my lap, and the one who’s slapped me across the face more times than I care to remember.”

  I laugh through a cry, hearing everyone’s chuckles around me.

  Reese’s lips curls into a smile. “I want the woman who dances around her bakery every Friday, and the one who lets me watch her from across the room and acts like she doesn’t know I’m doing it.” His hand tucks my hair behind my ear, and my throat suddenly feels too dry to swallow as he holds my face. “I want the woman who protected her heart when she had to. The one who gave it to me when she was ready. And the one who is now giving me the best day of my life.”

  I can’t control myself now, nor can any other woman in the room, I’m sure. Even Joey is blubbering behind me as I reach up and wipe the tear that’s trickled down Reese’s cheek.

  “I promise to always love you. To send you deliveries when I want or when I think you need them. Even if it’s every day. To hold your hand and your hair when you’re hung-over. And to let you take care of me when I’m at my worst. I promise to give you every day of my life. To always protect you, even if it means breaking my hand in the process.”

  My eyes widen. “What?”

  He gives me a half smile. “Yeah, I… it might be broken.”

  “Oh, my God,” I grab his hand and hold it out in front of me. I b
arely glance at it before he puts it back on my hip. “I wasn’t finished.”

  “Neither am I.” He pulls my body against his, wrapping his arms completely around me. “I promise to laugh with you and comfort you. To love you when life is easy and when it’s hard. And to be the man you deserve.” He sighs, his face breaking into a smile. “Okay. I’m finished.”

  “That was the best note you’ve ever given me.” Instinctively, I tilt my head up to kiss him but am stopped when the preacher clears his throat. Reese and I both turn our heads.

  “Not at that part yet, folks. We still need to exchange rings.”

  “Oh! The rings!” I spin around and hold out the card for Juls to take, swapping it for the ring. Turning back, I look over at the preacher. “All right, start talking. I need to kiss him.”

  The bridal party and congregation all share a laugh before the preacher instructs us to slip the rings on the other person’s finger. I study the way the platinum band stands out on Reese’s skin.

  My man looks good wearing a wedding band.

  And then finally, after what feels like an eternity, we get to the best part.

  “And now, by the power invested in me by the State of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He looks at Reese and I follow suit, bouncing up and down on my feet. I’m so ready for this fucking kiss, I might just burst before I get it. “You may now finally kiss your bride.”


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