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Renegade Love (Rancheros)

Page 13

by Fletcher, Donna

  “No, father, it would do you well to remember who I’ve become.” With that Esteban left the room.

  Dona Valerianna hurried out of her chair and went to her husband, taking hold of his arm. “Is he going to the renegades for help?”

  “It seems that way, though I cannot believe that my son would be that foolish.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Los Angeles area wasn’t new to him. He had been on raids there with Pacquito. He had left much destruction in his wake and Esteban had been part of it. The memories still haunted him and probably always would.

  He had made only one stop after he left the hacienda and now eight renegades rode with him and while the small group didn’t appear threatening, it would be a foolish mistake to assume so. They were far more lethal than a large contingent. There was another man with them, though he was what the renegades referred to as a ghost, a tracker who was never seen or heard until it was too late. Esteban knew the skill set all too well, since he had acquired it himself. The ghost would keep watch of the surrounding area and report back news, by then it would be too late for unsuspecting souls to do anything but... die.

  They rode hard. He wanted his wife back where she belonged... with him. He wouldn’t fully rest until she was in his arms. And he intended to make certain that she understood that she was never to go anywhere without his permission again.

  The more he thought about her alone and at the mercy of strangers, the harder he rode and the angrier he grew. And he wasn’t sure if he would strangle her or kiss her when he finally got his hands on her.


  Rosa sat with a cool cloth resting gently to her swollen cheek and listened to Gaby and Rafael. She had come to love the woman like a sister, though they had discovered that they were not twins—not even sisters—it didn’t matter. They had bonded upon first meeting. And Rosa had learned much watching the spirited Gaby deal with the powerful and domineering Don Raphael, just as she was doing now.

  “What do you mean you forbid me to go riding ever again?” Gaby demanded.

  “You heard me,” Rafael said, adding more sticks to the campfire.

  “I’m not deaf—”

  “Just obstinate,” he finished.

  “You’re being unreasonable.”

  “I’m being a good husband.”

  “We aren’t married yet.”

  “We will be soon enough.”

  “You can’t—”

  “I can.”

  “I won’t—”

  “You will.”

  “Why are you being so unreasonable?”

  “Because I love you,” he shouted.

  Silence descended over the camp.

  “And I love you, Rafael,” she said for all to hear. She leaned over and kissed him and he kissed her back.

  The vaqueros cheered and Rosa cried, happy for Gaby and Raphael. She couldn’t help but wonder if Esteban would act as lovingly as Raphael had upon finding out that she had disobeyed him and taken matters into her own hands much like Gaby had. Somehow she didn’t think so. She pictured a far different scene and resolution. But she couldn’t worry about that now. She had come to Los Angeles to find out about her true heritage and what she had discovered had left her with a broken heart.

  The late night interrupted her musings with its familiar sounds; the fire crackled, a twig snapped here and there, and an owl gave a lonesome hoot.

  Rosa clutched the blanket wrapped around her to her chest and glanced across the fire at Rafael and Gaby. His long legs were stretched out in front of him and his back was braced against his saddle. Gaby sat cuddled next to him in his arms, a blanket wrapped around her. They were a perfect couple.

  Rosa closed her eyes for only a moment thinking of the man who believed he was her true father and wondered if he was as blind to the situation as he appeared to be. “Does Don Felipe know what his wife did?”

  “No,” Rafael answered. “He doesn’t know anything. When I left he was joyously making plans to leave for Spain with his family.”

  “He had no idea we were in danger?” Gaby asked.

  Rafael shook his head sadly. “He is blind to so many things. He assumes all people have a place in life and they must do what is expected of them. As his daughters, he assumed that of both of you. You would do, without question, as he directed.”

  “Just as his wife had done all those years,” Rosa sighed, finding it hard to believe that a mother would want her own newborn twin daughters dead.

  “You mean as she led him to believe she did,” Gaby corrected.

  “She was a cruel woman,” Rosa added.

  “You take after your true father,” Rafael said, sensing her concern. “You’re kind and thoughtful like him.”

  “Thank you. Is—is he all right?” Rosa asked, reluctant to hear the answer. She had barely gotten to know her real father, yet in the end he responded as only a true father would... he had protected her and Gaby with his own life.

  “I don’t really know. His wound was serious and I had to leave. I left him in capable hands. My people will see that he is well cared for.”

  “He’s probably fine. We’ll find out as soon as we return tomorrow,” Gaby assured her.

  Rosa prayed that he would survive, for she desperately wanted to get to know her father.

  Rafael suddenly sat up straight and looked about, his brows drawn in a frown and his lips set tightly.

  “Is something wrong?” Gaby asked, feeling the tension in his body.

  “I thought for a moment...” He let his words trail off. “It’s nothing.”

  “Your instincts are as good as ever, Rafael.”

  Rafael remained still at the sound of the deep voice that seemed to echo out of the darkness.

  His men instantly aimed their rifles into the blackness that surrounded them.

  “Hold your fire!” Rafael yelled. “And put the weapons down.”

  “Wise decision, my friend,” the voice said.

  “I know you too well. Your men surround my camp. We have no chance against you.”

  “This is true.”

  Rafael released Gaby and stood. He spoke into the darkness, as if the strong voice had the power to be everywhere at once. “What is it you want, Esteban?”

  A dark figure emerged from the shadows of the night, but kept on the outskirts of the campfire’s light so as not to be seen.

  “You have something that belongs to me.”

  Rafael stared at the black figure, puzzled. “I have something that belongs to you?”

  “Yes, although through no fault of yours, but I must insist you return it.”

  “I don’t know of what you speak, but if I have it in my possession and am free to return it, I will gladly do so.”

  “Good, then you’ll receive no trouble from me.”

  “I’m glad to hear this. Now, what is it I have?”

  “My wife.”

  “Your what?”


  “I don’t have your wife. Gaby belongs to me and Rosa—”

  “Is my wife and belongs to me.”

  Rafael turned and looked at Rosa as if it could not be possible. This sweet young woman could not be married to such a monster.

  Rosa stood slowly. She had known he would come for her once he found out she was gone and had anticipated this moment, growing more anxious over it each day. She had disobeyed him and now must face the consequences. “I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

  “I can understand why you didn’t. Esteban isn’t known for his kindness,” Rafael whispered, feeling sorry for the young woman. “Do you wish to go with him?”

  No, Esteban wasn’t known for his kindness but he could be kind, for he had showed her kindness many times. And while she had missed him, she had also enjoyed the freedom this time had afforded her. She was tired of feeling a prisoner and couldn’t help but voice her frustration, “Do I have a choice?”

  “Of course you have a choice,” Gaby said, standing and joini
ng them by the fire.

  Rosa smiled at Gaby, as if she was a child unaware of the danger that surrounded them. And they very well could be in danger, for she had no idea what Esteban would do if she refused to go with him. “It is best I go.”

  “Rafael, tell her she doesn’t have to,” Gaby insisted.

  “No,” Rosa said. “I will not place any of you in danger.”

  Gaby turned and stepped away from the fire. “Rosa is staying here with us,” she shouted.

  Rafael ran his hand over his face in frustration and Rosa cringed.

  “You control your woman good, Rafael,” Esteban said with a laugh.

  “She is my sister,” Rosa yelled to protect Gaby. “You will not hurt her.”

  There was a heavy silence. Rafael reached out and pulled Gaby back behind him.

  “Rafael may not object to his wife speaking such, but you will hold your tongue or suffer the consequences.”

  Gaby opened her mouth and Rafael quickly clamped his hand over it. “Shut up,” he ordered sternly. “You will only make it worse for Rosa.”

  He released her and she remained quiet.

  “I will go,” Rosa said.


  “No, Gaby, I must go,” she insisted before Gaby could object any further. “You have given me strength and courage, and I am grateful.”

  Gaby threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly. “I shall miss you.”

  “And I you,” Rosa said with tears pooling in her eyes.”

  “Will I see you again?” Gaby asked.

  “I will be in touch with you somehow. I must learn how my father is. Take care and thank you for all you have done for me.”

  Rafael stopped her from going any farther with his hand to her arm. It got the desired response.

  A fierce growl sounded before Esteban warned, “Let go of her.”

  “I will, but understand she has been through much. She has a bruise on her face and I imagine on other parts of her from the fight she took part in.”

  “Who inflicted this bruise?” Esteban demanded angrily.

  “The man is dead,” Rafael informed him.

  “Then I owe you a favor, my friend.”

  “Not necessary, Esteban, just be gentle with her. As I said, she has been through much.”

  “Thank you,” Rosa whispered to Rafael before walking away from him toward the dark figure, her heart beating madly in anticipation.

  As she approached a hand reached out and quickly snatched her into the mouth of darkness.

  She found herself pressed hard against her husband’s body.

  “I should punish you here and now for disobeying me,” he whispered harshly.

  Rosa tried to explain.

  “Not one word,” Esteban warned with a finger to her lips.

  She shivered. He was angry, very angry. She could feel it in every coiled muscle of his body and she wasn’t sure what he would do to her, so she remained silent.

  He turned and started walking, tugging her along behind him. He fought the urge to stop and strip her bear and check every part of her body to make certain she was unharmed. But he couldn’t do that here and now. He and the others had to be on their way. He wanted to get her home as quickly as possible. He also owed Raphael for killing the man who had dared to lay a hand on Rosa. The thought that she had been in danger and he hadn’t been there to protect her made him furious. He kept walking, relief beginning to overcome his anger. He squeezed his wife’s hand. She was safe, and he would make certain she stayed that way.

  Rosa didn’t know how her husband could manage to find his way through the woods in the dark, but he did. She kept pace with him all the while wishing that instead of her stomach churning nervously over their eventual confrontation that she could talk with him and tell him all that had happened since her arrival here. What she had learned had stunned her and made her feel as if she didn’t truly know who she was.

  Esteban stopped suddenly, jolting Rosa out her thoughts and catching her around the waist so that she wouldn’t collide with him. She moved closer to him, pressing herself to his side when she caught sight of several men surrounding them. It was easy to see that they were renegades and Rosa grew fearful.

  Not a one of them said a word. They all mounted their horses tethered nearby and with firm hands on her waist Esteban lifted her to the saddle, and then mounted behind her. With his arm snug around her waist and one hand on the reins they took off at a slow pace.

  The silence, curiosity, or perhaps it was fear had her finally speaking up, “I—”

  “Not a word,” he warned with a quick squeeze to her waist.

  He was still angry and she was still anxious. Had he gone back to the renegades? Where was he taking her?

  Her chest grew tight and she felt a well of tears threaten to choke her. What she had hoped would be a happy journey in discovering a family she never knew she had, had become a heartbreaking disappointment. And only now was she beginning to realize once again how much she had lost. Would heartache never stop? She swallowed hard, trying desperately to stop the tears from falling. It would do her no good to cry now. She had to stay strong, as she had watched Gaby do. But she didn’t feel strong, no matter how much she told herself that she was. She wanted to break down in tears and cry for all she had lost.

  Her heart ached along with her body and the day finally took its toll, and Rosa was never so happy to welcome the oblivion of sleep.

  Esteban felt a squeeze to his heart when Rosa rested her head to his chest. Her body grew limp with sleep soon after and he tightened his hold on her. He wondered what had happened to here since her arrival in Los Angeles, especially what led to her having been involved in a fight. He would not think her capable of that, and so his wife surprised him again.

  He wished they were home where he could make certain she was all right. By morning they would reach the designated stop and they would switch horses and be on the road again. The next stop was where his stallion would be waiting for him and they would not stop again until they reached the hacienda.

  Esteban had grown accustomed to traveling for days without rest, but it would be a grueling journey for anyone who had no experience with it. He had no choice in the matter though. It was either that or take the chance of Pacquito possibly finding them.

  He shook his head to clear his mind. He had to remain focused. It would be a long night and even longer day before they finally reached home.

  “Wake up, Rosa.”

  Rosa winced at the pain from being jostled awake. It hurt too much to move. She much preferred the warmth of the comforting blanket. But the persistent voice continued to irritate her.

  “Wake up!”

  She reluctantly opened her eyes and they popped open even wider when she stared into her husband’s dark eyes. She recalled then where she was and it wasn’t in bed wrapped in a warm blanket. She was in her husband’s arms on a horse.

  “You have a few minutes to see to your needs and grab what food there is before we’re on our way again,” Esteban said and eased her away from him to dismount.

  Rosa felt the pain of his absence, having to support her aching body herself, and she couldn’t help but wince again.

  His hands were suddenly at her waist and he eased her off the horse to rest her sore body against his. “You had no business going off on your own.”

  She did not want a confrontation here and now in front of these renegades, but she couldn’t stop from asking, “Where are you taking me?”

  “Home, and I intend to make sure you stay there,” he snapped angrily, though he hadn’t intended to. Her suffering upset him, but then so had her question. Why would she think he would take her anyplace else, but home?

  She took a sharp step away, forcing herself out of his embrace... a mistake. Pain shot and stabbed at her in so many places, she wondered how she was able to stand. And then she realized that Esteban had taken hold of her again.

  He leaned his head down and whispered,
“Defy me in front of these men again and I will have no choice but to punish you.”

  Rosa recalled Esteban telling her how women were claimed in Pacquito’s group. She didn’t want to imagine how they were punished. She lowered her head to rest on his chest as if surrendering to him.

  “Wise move,” he whispered. He then walked her to a secluded area. “Hurry and see to your needs.”

  She did so quickly, ignoring her persistent aches. Afterwards he gave her a piece of dried beef , ordering her to eat. After she finished she went to the stream and drank handfuls of cool water, and gave her face and neck a quick scrub.

  Esteban hunched down beside her and drank as well, then turned to her. “You would not ache so badly if you had obeyed me.” He took her arm and with a rough tug pulled her to her feet.

  She tried not to wince, but couldn’t help it.

  Esteban spewed a litany of oaths as he marched her to his horse. He hated to see her suffer and hated even more that he would add to her suffering. He had her up on the horse quickly and joined her just as quickly. He settled her against him and without a word took off, the other renegades following behind them.

  The sun grew hot and so did Rosa. It was an exhausting day that never seemed to end. When dusk settled on the land, they finally stopped. And Rosa was ever so grateful, though her relief didn’t last long. Fresh horses were made ready, only this time Rosa recognized Esteban’s stallion and she wanted to cry out with joy for she knew that the animal would take them home.

  Sleep claimed her during the night as they traveled and when she woke it was to find that she and Esteban were alone. She was curious about the renegades, who had only spoken to Esteban in whispers, but dared not ask him. They stopped only once for the horse to have water and then they were back on the road again. It wasn’t until dusk that they rode over a rise and spied the hacienda.

  They were home and while Rosa was overjoyed, she was also concerned, for now she would face the consequences of her actions. And she wondered if Esteban would do as he had threatened... tie her to the bed and... tears pooled in her eyes.

  She fought back the tears and prayed, prayed that he would take her in his arms and hold her, comfort her... and love her.


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