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Taming the Alpha

Page 54

by Mandy M. Roth

  “To answer your earlier question, yes, I did sleep with Tobias.”

  Reno had just taken a mouthful of coffee and choked on it. He sat forward, coughing and sputtering. York nodded as though she’d only confirmed what he already knew.

  “Why?” her eldest brother asked.

  “Why?” She didn’t quite understand what he wanted to know.

  Tobias wrapped his arm around her midsection and pulled her against him so her back was against his chest. There was no mistaking his arousal. She couldn’t believe he was turned on at a time like this. It wouldn’t help matters if her brothers noticed.

  York frowned at Tobias but then refocused his attention on her. “Yeah, why did you sleep with him? He comes home after two years away, chases off some guys hassling you and you thank him by sleeping with him.”

  “Watch your mouth, York. That’s your sister you’re talking to,” Tobias warned.

  “I know it’s my sister. That’s why I’m asking.” York glared at Tobias. “You were probably upset and vulnerable.”

  “He did not take advantage of me.” Kansas was furious her brother would even think such a thing. “If anything I took advantage of him.”

  “Kansas.” There was a warning in Tobias’s voice but she ignored it.

  “He wanted to leave. I’m the one who jumped him and practically dragged him to bed.”

  Reno groaned and covered his ears with his hands. “I don’t need to hear this.”

  “Grow up, Reno,” Kansas demanded. “I have sex. S. E. X. Get over it. I know damn well you’re not a virgin.”

  Reno sputtered and then started to laugh. “Yeah, I know you’re all grown up. Doesn’t mean I want to hear about it. If I don’t know anything I can still pretend.”

  Kansas smiled in spite of herself. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”

  “But a lovable one.” Reno winked at her and she knew he was okay with her and Tobias. York was going to be more of a problem.

  “You don’t know where Tobias has been these past few years, what he’s done.” York’s face softened. “I only want what’s best for you.”

  Kansas wanted to hug her brother for caring so much about her. At the same time, she wanted to hit him for disparaging Tobias like that. What must he be feeling to hear his best friend say something like that about him?

  Tobias’s arm dropped from around her waist and he took a step back. She was going to lose him unless she did something fast. Tobias had his pride and York had all but told him he wasn’t good enough for her.

  “I love him,” she blurted out. All three men simply stared at her. The quiet was deafening. The coffeepot sputtered and the refrigerator kicked in. Other than that, dead silence.

  She wanted to disappear, to sink into the floor. She’d just spilled her deepest, darkest secret. Maybe Tobias would still run, but this time he’d know exactly what he was running from. She was willing to fight for them. Was Tobias willing to do the same?

  “You what?” York asked.

  Tobias put his hands on her shoulders and stared down at her. She could see the naked longing in his eyes, as well as the anger and hurt.

  She sensed her older brother moving toward them. “Go away, York.”

  “I can’t,” he told her. She pulled her gaze away from Tobias, who still seemed stunned by her confession.

  “I have to see where this goes,” she told him.

  “He’s the one you’ve been waiting for, isn’t he?” Reno was always the more observant of the two brothers. He pushed out of his chair and came to her side. “I’ve seen a lot of sadness in your eyes these past couple years.” He glanced at Tobias. “It was for him, wasn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay, we need to go,” Reno told York.

  “No, we don’t. I heard how she feels about him but I haven’t heard him say anything in return. Do you love her?” York demanded. “Or were you simply screwing around. Yeah, maybe you were horny and she was here, ready and willing.”

  Hurt blasted through Kansas just as Tobias’s fist struck York’s jaw with the force of a sledgehammer. The blow sent her brother slamming back against the counter. Tobias started toward York but Kansas jumped in front of him and slapped her hands on his chest.

  “No, don’t do it. Please.” Tobias was breathing heavily and his eyes were narrowed as he glared at her brother. She’d never seen him this angry. “York deserved that punch but no more.”

  Tobias’s hands were gentle as he lifted her and put her to one side. “He can say whatever he fucking wants about me but he can’t disrespect you, ever.”

  “Why?” York taunted. “Why does it matter so much?”

  “Because I love her,” Tobias roared. His bellow practically shook the room. It had certainly shaken her world. Kansas sucked in a breath, unable to believe what she’d just heard.

  Tobias took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. “Yeah, I love her,” he said in a much lower voice. “I know I’m not good enough for her. I wanted to walk away. Tried to.”

  Now that hurt, a lot. Her budding joy began to wither.

  He shook his head and cupped the side of her face. “I know she deserves better, but for some reason she wants me. Maybe a better man would walk away, but I’m a desperate man.” He swallowed heavily, as emotion seemed to catch him off guard.

  They both ignored her brothers. She touched Tobias’s cheek and he briefly closed his eyes. “I don’t know if I can be what you need me to be, but I want to try.”

  Her heart seemed to expand three sizes in her chest. “I only want you to be yourself. I’ve loved you for years,” she told him.

  York slapped Tobias on the back. “That’s all I need to know. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Kansas knew her jaw had dropped. “You did that on purpose,” she accused. York had goaded Tobias into confessing his love for her.

  Her brother gave her such a look of exasperation. “Of course I did. I love Tobias like a brother but if he can’t man up enough to admit he loves you then he doesn’t deserve to have you.”

  “I shouldn’t have pulled my punch,” Tobias muttered.

  York laughed and then leaned down and kissed Kansas on the forehead. “You’ll get another chance to fight me. In training,” he added when she glared at him.

  Reno slapped Tobias on the back and then kissed her cheek. “I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow.”

  Then her brothers were gone, leaving her alone with Tobias.

  Chapter Six

  Tobias couldn’t believe he’d allowed York to push him into confessing his love for Kansas. That sneaky bastard had known just what buttons to push. No, he hadn’t just confessed it—he’d yelled it. He’d also hit her brother. Yeah, that was classy, just the kind of declaration every woman dreamed of.

  “Where do we go from here?” he asked.

  She caught his hand and he followed without question. She led him up the stairs. By the time they reached her bedroom, his dick was straining for release and his heart was pounding.

  He meant to wait. Meant to take things slow and easy.

  Instead he spun her around, pressed her back against the wall and kissed her. He drove his tongue into her mouth, needing to claim her, to reassure himself that she was his. He covered her breasts and squeezed the soft mounds, relishing her soft moan. Her nipples were already pebbled and he stroked them through the fabric of her top and bra.

  She canted her hips slightly, rubbing her mound against his erection, and he lost it. Cloth tore as he yanked her top over her head. She was already reaching for the hooks on her bra. He pulled the straps down and let the garment fall to the floor.

  Kansas was pure perfection. He bent down and took one sweet nipple into his mouth and sucked. He loved the sting of her nails in his shoulders. He loved the soft gasp of her breath, the way she never held anything back from him.

  He just plain loved her.

  And she loved him.

  That was the miracle, the unexpected gift in
all of this. He’d been gone for years, had no definite future and, obviously, had a lot of issues to work out. Kansas knew all that and she still wanted him.

  He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this and he didn’t care. The past few years had taught him what was important—family and connection. Love. He’d given up a lot for duty, time he could never get back. He was proud of what he’d done but he had no more to give to that part of his life. He was done with law enforcement. Maybe if he’d stayed as a cop he wouldn’t feel this way, but working undercover for so long had burned him to the core of his being.

  “Bed,” she gasped. While he was busy licking and sucking her pert nipple, she had the zipper of her jeans open and was shoving them down her thighs.

  He didn’t want to let her go but he did want her naked. He released her and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside. Kansas had already kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her jeans. Clad only in her panties, she dove for the bed.

  He was right behind her, pausing only to remove his boots and jeans. In seconds, he was naked and sprawled on the bed next to her. He gathered her in his arms and kissed her again. She tasted like coffee, sweet and rich. Her breasts pressed against his chest, teasing him.

  He rolled, careful not to go to far. Last thing he wanted was for them to end up on the floor. Kansas laughed and then moaned when she landed on top of him. He cupped the back of her head and held her steady while he kissed her. She pulled away and peppered his jaw and chest with hot kisses that made his balls tighten.

  She was light, and laughter, and his. He’d make damn sure nothing ever happened to her. He’d also do his best to make her happy.

  He rolled again until she was flat on her back. He levered himself over her and stared down into her beautiful green eyes. They were shining with love, for him. He’d seen that look before but hadn’t wanted to admit what it was.

  He was an idiot. But no more.

  He lifted her left leg and pushed it upward, opening her fully to his view. “Tobias.” He shivered when she moaned his name. He was going too fast but couldn’t seem to slow himself down.

  She didn’t seem to care. She grabbed his cock and guided him to her opening. Her wet heat engulfed him as he pushed inside. He gritted his teeth to keep from coming. The sensation was so good. Too good.

  He started to pull away but she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. “Condom,” he managed to get the one word out.

  She shook her head. “I’m on birth control.”

  Every instinct within him stood up and roared. Tobias plunged all the way to the hilt. God, nothing had ever felt this good. Her short fingernails dug into his butt as she pulled him closer.

  “So fucking good.” He stayed where he was, not moving until he was sure he wouldn’t erupt on the next stroke.

  He leaned down and kissed her again, simply because he could.


  Kansas wasn’t sure if this was a dream or reality. She’d imagined them together for years but hadn’t really believed it would ever happen. Now Tobias was here with her and he loved her.

  He eased back a couple of inches and plunged in again. She moaned as he stretched and filled her completely. Having him without a condom felt incredible. This was a first for her. All her previous lovers had worn protection, as she hadn’t been willing to take the chance of getting pregnant, even though she was on birth control. She was more than willing to take that risk with Tobias.

  His tongue stroked hers. This wasn’t about finesse. It was about raw emotion, about claiming. She wanted him to know he belonged to her as surely as she did to him. It had always been that way, at least for her.

  He began to thrust, his strokes going deeper. She clutched his finely muscled ass and encouraged him to go faster. She placed her feet on the mattress and arched upward, meeting his downward stroke. Both of them were panting hard, their motions more frantic with each passing second.

  Pressure and heat built up inside her. All it needed was a single spark to ignite.

  Tobias inserted one hand between them and rubbed her clit with his thumb. That tiny motion set off a series of explosions inside her. She called his name and then moaned it again when she felt his cock ripple and the hot spurt of his semen as he came.

  He rocked his hips and chanted her name as he spilled himself inside her. The raw intimacy of the moment brought tears to her eyes. Making love to him before had been special, but this was different. This time she knew he loved her.


  Tobias managed to keep from collapsing on top of Kansas. It was close but he propped himself on his forearms instead, wanting to see her. Her pussy rippled around his cock and he thought he saw stars. He sucked in a breath and then another until the world came back into focus.

  The first thing he saw were the tears in her eyes and his heart dropped. “Did I hurt you?” He’d lost total control there at the end, thrusting mindlessly, concerned only with his own pleasure. He was positive she’d come but that didn’t mean he hadn’t hurt her. He started to withdraw but she locked her legs around his waist, keeping him inside her.

  “You didn’t hurt me.” A tear slid down her cheek contradicting her words.

  Using the pad of his thumb, he wiped away the tear. “Then why are you crying?” Because he honestly couldn’t handle seeing her upset.

  “Because I’m so happy,” she wailed.

  He knew he was smiling but couldn’t help himself. She was such a contradiction. So strong in some ways, and so soft in others. “I want you to smile, not cry.” They might be happy tears but they still unsettled him.

  He eased out of her and onto his side so they were facing and rubbed his hand up and down her back. They stayed that way for a long time. Touching her soothed him and eased his restlessness. She stroked his chest and shoulders and would occasionally kiss his chin or cheek.

  “So what are your plans?”

  He’d been waiting for her question but didn’t have a ready answer. “I don’t know.” He smoothed his hand over her hip and upper thigh and then back up again. “I have some money saved. My paycheck was being banked while I was undercover. I lived off what I made under my new identity. I was a bartender for a while, a truck driver, and finally security.” He didn’t go into detail, didn’t want to bring that part of his life into bed with them.

  “I’m not worried about money,” she told him. “I work and the house is paid off. Unless my brothers decide they want their share of it, I’m fine.”

  Tobias snorted. Her brothers would never take money from her even if she decided to sell their childhood home tomorrow. He knew them well enough to know they’d much rather Kansas be financially secure.

  “I can sell my house.” It was something he was considering.

  She tensed. “Where would you go?”


  Kansas practically held her breath as she waited for his reply. Then she realized she was waiting on him once again instead of going for what she wanted. “How about you move in here with me?” she added before he had a chance to answer her.

  He toyed with several strands of her hair and slowly smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Really?” She began to laugh and then threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled her neck.

  “If you’ll have me?”

  She tried to look stern. “You have to ask?”

  “I don’t have a job,” he pointed out. “But I do have prospects.”

  “Tobias, I’m not worried about you sitting around in your underwear all day drinking beer while I’m at work.” She was unable to keep the exasperation out of her voice.

  “For one thing, I rarely wear underwear.”

  She gasped and then started to laugh. This was the old Tobias, the one she’d grown up with. Yes, his years away had changed him in ways she’d had yet to discover but the core of the man she loved was there.

  “There is that.” She wiped away several tears o
f laughter.

  “I’m thinking about rehabbing granddad’s home before I sell it.”

  “You can do that?” Several ideas popped into her head.

  He gave her a mock scowl and propped his head up on his hand and glared down at her. “Oh ye of little faith. I worked construction for six months, plus I’ve always been good with my hands.” He cupped her butt with his free hand and squeezed. “And what I don’t know I can learn.”

  She saw something in his face, a yearning she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “If that’s what you want to do, I think it’s a great idea. York and Reno can pitch in.” She had no qualms about volunteering her brothers. She knew they’d want to help.

  “I want to build something, make something better.”

  There it was. Maybe Tobias was through with law enforcement but he still wanted to make the world a better place. “What about my brothers’ job offer?”

  He shook his head and his long hair brushed his shoulders. “I’m honestly not sure. I’m going to take the six months I have to decide.”

  “I think that’s a very good idea.” She traced her finger over his chest. “I have another idea.” She wasn’t sure how he would feel about this one, but she was going for it.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “You could do up your house and we could move into it and sell this one instead.” She hurried on when he frowned. “My share of this place could be put toward the renovation costs. That way we wouldn’t be living in my house or your house but our home.” She wanted them to build something together.

  His expression was solemn and he slowly nodded. “I like that idea. If you’re sure that’s what you want?”

  She nodded. “I’m very sure. I love you, Tobias Slater and I want to spend my life with you.”

  He pounced and rolled her onto her back. She squealed and then laughed as he playfully nuzzled her neck. “Are your intentions honorable?” he teased.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Very.”


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