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Taming the Alpha

Page 86

by Mandy M. Roth

  Vance shuddered. “I think I’m allergic to your concept of fun.”

  “I may throw up,” Adam rumbled in dry repulsion, staring off to the left. “A human just picked his nose…and ate what he dug out.”

  “He’s three,” I grumbled. “Give him a little slack.”

  “Eating one’s buggers does not allow for slack,” Adam pronounced clearly. He pointed at the man standing near the three-year-old, who was absently scratching at his rounded belly while eating an extra-long chilidog. “Ah, that must be his dad.”

  I giggled quietly, holding back my laughter at the clear arrogant revulsion on his face, and managed to deadpan, “Remind me not to pick a wedgie in front of you.”

  The expression he sent me was spectacular. “Tell me you don’t do that in public.”

  Vance growled under his breath, literally, and hopped to the side and then to the other, as to avoid being touched by the children running amok. “My God, where are their owners?”

  Adam pointed at the man eating the chilidog. “Perhaps, they all belong to him. He doesn’t appear much of a breeder, but you know humans mate like rabbits.”

  I lost it, actually snorting as I laughed so hard I released their hands in order to hold my stomach. I left them frozen in place amongst the children and headed for my duty at the table, only to glance back to see them creep forward like there was ice under their feet, careful where they walked, less the bitty humans touch them.


  Carrying Hanna up to bed, I snickered quietly, treading softly passed Adam and Vance where they were both passed out on the sofa. The continual loop of cartoons playing on the television, Hinkle sat on the arm of the couch, still growling at them with his head on his paws, watching them. After putting her to bed, I headed back downstairs, making sure the doors were locked and turned off the television and lights. Picking up Hinkle, I shook their legs, murmuring, “Bedtime.”

  Barely waking, each grumbling quietly, they stumbled up the stairs behind me. Kicking their shoes off, they each grabbed a pillow off my small daybed, then curled up on the floor next to it, passing back out before I even tossed blankets over them. Lips twitching, I watched as Hinkle rested on my bed, staring down at them, baring his bitty teeth, then I flicked the light off, and climbed into bed, falling asleep peacefully to Hinkle’s quiet growling.


  Arriving at the mansion in a rush after dropping Hanna off at pre-school, I raced inside, flying down the hallways until I skidded to a halt inside the conference room, brushing hair out of my eyes, panting silently. I smiled pleasantly at Callie, glancing once at the clock, seeing I was a minute early and quickly took my place along the wall behind her. Adam was already in the room, studying paperwork in front of him, but Vance arrived last. Exhaling silently, I glanced at the clock again, knowing I had to watch my time to make it back to the pre-school to pick up Hanna, my next few days completely packed.

  Chapter Ten

  “Adam!” Hanna shrieked while I cooked dinner at the stove, racing at Adam when he walked around the corner of the living room into the kitchen, apparently, having let himself in somehow. Her little feet thumped across the hardwood until she attached her arms around his leg, giving him an enormous hug. “I miss you today.”

  A bit awkwardly, he patted her head. “How was school?”

  “Boring,” she griped, her head peering behind him. “Where’s Vance?”

  “He’ll be here in a little while. He had some work to catch up on.” He patted her head again, and then shook his leg a little. “Will you let go?”

  “Nope,” she stated simply, holding tight. “Walk. It’s fun.”

  Adam shot a pained expression in my direction but started walking, his leg straight so she didn’t tumble. She squealed in excitement with every step he took, hanging on tight. He dipped, kissing my cheek softly, running his hand up and down my back, ignoring her to peer over my shoulder. “That smells good.”

  “I made enough for everyone,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes. They had taken my no cooking for them quite literally, fending for themselves like scavengers inside the house, bickering over items of interest. “Calm yourself. You’ll get fed tonight.”

  His dimples showed as he grinned, his tone an intimate purr. “I do love to eat.”

  I knocked his hard stomach. “Behave.”

  He chuckled quietly, kissing my cheek again, but glanced down, wiggling his leg, whispering gently, “I’m not walking anymore. Can’t you let go now?”

  “Nope,” her lips popped with the word. “Waitin’.”

  A quiet sigh exited past his plush red lips, but he glanced at me again, running his hand along the small of my back to hold my hip loosely, keeping me tucked against him. His voice was sweet and soft. “King Jerome will be here shortly.”

  My lips twitched. “I heard.”

  His thumb brushed back and forth over my hip as he watched me work, his next words casually stated. “What if we purposed an idea to you. Something which may not completely scare you away like a hardcore relationship would?”

  “I’m a reasonable person. I’d listen and evaluate it.”

  He dipped, kissing the top of my head lightly. His words didn’t surprise me. I had a gut feeling they had both checked if I was their mate while I slept one night…and the way they were now working together—without too much argument. “That’ll work. But we’ll talk later, when he’s here.” Glancing about the kitchen, he asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  I pointed my wooden spoon at the cabinets. “You can set the table.”

  “That, I can do.” He peered down, patting Hanna’s head. “Ride time.”

  She grinned, her arms and legs holding on like a monkey as he walked stiff-legged around the kitchen, setting the table, her squeals in happiness lighting the air.


  Glancing at the clock, sipping on a glass of red wine Adam had brought with him, I was past denial. Past jealousy. Past anger. Now, my stomach just rolled with nausea. Downing the rest of my wine, I stood from the couch, muttering, “It’s late. I’m going to bed.”

  “I’ll try calling him again,” Adam pacified instantly, pulling his cell phone out.

  Flipping the late night talk show off, I tossed the remote on the couch. “Don’t bother.” Walking into the kitchen, I sat my empty glass in the sink and dumped the plate I had left for Vance into the sink before flipping the light off. Not peering at Adam where he sat with the cell to his ear, watching me closely, like he had been when it had first become apparent Vance was taking longer than a normal business meeting should take, and I muttered, “Are you staying the night?”

  Pulling the phone away from his ear, he glared at it for an extended moment, his lips thin, before he touched the screen—Vance not answering yet again—and pocketed it as he stood. “Yes.”

  I nodded once but froze solid when there was the softest knock on the front door. Breathing twice, my chest rising and falling grandly with it, I turned stiffly to answer it. Unlocking and opening it, I peered outside. My expression utterly blank, I evaluated the King on my front porch, his leather clothes a bit disarrayed, same as his hair, a smear of red lipstick on his jaw. My brows rose, even as I reached forward, placing my hand on Vance’s chest.

  Smiling softly, I sent a furious bolt of power threw my palm. My grin only grew as I watched him shout in pained surprise as he flew back through the air. I didn’t even watch him land. I merely shut my door, locking it, and began walking up the stairs, glancing at Adam. “You coming?”

  His plush lips in a thin line, he stared at the closed door. “I’ll be up in a minute.” He stalked through the room and out the front door, shutting it quietly behind him.

  “Alrighty,” I mumbled, and finished trekking up the stairs.


  Changed into a simple pair of pajamas, I went into the bathroom and washed the make-up from my face. It was with soap dripping into my eyes, I saw Adam standing in the doorway, his expression compl
etely patient.

  He cleared his throat. “After I spoke with him, I let him in. He’s in your bedroom. I think you should hear him out before you blast him again.” A gentle shake of his head. “It’s not what you think.”

  Closing one eye against the sting of soap, I stared for all of a beat, seeing the honesty written on his features, and then peered back down to my work, rubbing the washcloth over my face. A smidge of relief flittered through my veins. “Fine. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

  After drying my face, I walked cautiously into my bedroom where Adam was already changed into his pajama pants, lying on the bed, watching as Vance strode back and forth inside the small room. I shut the door behind me so we didn’t wake Hanna, placing my back against it and crossed my arms, merely waiting for him to speak.

  Still pacing, he held up a finger. “First, I had work I had to accomplish with Queen Nilkos.” Another finger popped up. “Second, I did not have sex with her—or anyone—tonight. There have been a few issues happening at my home without my presence…” He trailed off, waving a hand. “That’s unimportant. What is important is that when the Queen did hit on me, nothing happened.” A pointed finger up and down his disarrayed ensemble. “Yes, she wanted it to, but I didn’t let it happen. I told her I wasn’t interested in continuing our arrangement. She wasn’t entirely thrilled with it—we have been doing this for a while—but in the end, she agreed to cut our intimate ties.”

  Dark eyes flew to mine and held quietly, his voice unbreakable, set in steel. “We will remain friends, though. Not only is she an ally, she’s someone I truly respect. I don’t want you to think I won’t ever talk to her again because that can’t and won’t happen. But I do promise nothing intimate between us will occur again.”

  My eyes were already narrowed. “Why didn’t you answer your cell?”

  His brows slammed together. He reached into his inside right jean pocket…then quickly to his other pocket. A sharp shake of his head, his brows still furrowed as he glanced about my room. “Apparently, I’ve lost it. I had no clue you called.” More peering around my room, even shuffling a few papers on my desk. “I remember using it this morning in here, but I didn’t have a reason to use it the rest of the day. I phoned from Queen Clover’s mainlines for any other calls I had to make.”

  I ticked my fingers on my bicep. “That’s convenient.”

  His gaze snapped to mine. “It’s the truth.”

  He continued rummaging, although I gradually noticed it seemed, almost, like actions to keep his hands busy. Like he was nervous, glancing at me under his lashes periodically while I watched him. My head tilted the barest bit as I continued surveying him, just staying quiet, wanting to see if I was accurate in my assessment.

  It only took a few moments to figure it out, when abruptly he started rambling, talking so quickly I had to listen closely to catch it all as he continued searching my bedroom. “I swear I did not have sex with her. And believe me...she really wanted to. There was one point I thought she was going to chain me to a chair, but I managed to untangle myself from her.” A beat as he shuffled through my dresser drawers. “Damn near broke my leg in the process, but she finally listened when I locked myself in the bathroom. That’s how we talked, through the freaking door. So utterly, no sex happened. I swear it.” He dropped to his knees, staring under my bed, and froze when a small growl erupted from the dark depths. “And, there’s my phone.”

  Adam’s lips had begun to tremble during Vance’s ramble, but he had restrained himself, not poking jabs at Vance’s obvious discomfort…and the small fact Vance had hid in a bathroom to escape the clutches of Queen Nilkos.

  With my expression perfectly serene, I asked calmly, “Your phone’s under there?”

  Vance nodded swiftly, sticking his hand under the bed, only to snatch it back when the growling from below sharpened furiously. “Hinkle’s got it.”

  I pushed off the door and squatted next to him, peering under my bed. Indeed, his phone was under my bed. Clasped in the tiny jaws of the terror named Hinkle. Trying hard not to laugh as complete relief flooded my veins, I stuck my hand under the bed—no growling came forth—and swiftly extracted the phone from Hinkle, glancing at the screen. There were many tiny indentions, bite marks from Hinkle’s teeth, but the screen clearly showed he had twenty missed calls.

  Keeping my expression composed, I handed it to him, murmuring evenly, “Your battery’s almost dead.” Leaning forward, he went entirely still as I neared. I kissed his soft, wide lips gently. Just once. I pulled back, lifting from my squat, explaining stoically, “You can stay if you want.” I shrugged a shoulder, reaching around Adam on my bed, grabbing two pillows and tossing them on the floor. “But you might want to take a shower. You smell of her perfume.” More, like, reeked of her perfume, but I wasn’t going to squabble any further.

  Vance stood to his feet, stretching a bit with it, mumbling casually, “A shower doesn’t sound bad right about now.” I bit my lip as he gave me a wide birth as he coolly, but swiftly, headed toward my bedroom door. “I’ll make it quick.”

  When we heard the bathroom door click shut, Adam snickered. “That was new.”

  I slapped his muscled shoulder. “Be nice. I thought he was going to puke at one point.”

  He hummed quietly, his lips still twitching, but his ice blues were serious on mine. “We still need to speak with you.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “Tomorrow. There’s been enough drama tonight.” I waggled my hand at him. “Now, get off. The bed’s mine.”

  His lips curved, ever innocence, right before he grabbed my waggling hand, yanking me down onto the bed, and twisted to lie on top of me. Heavy. Masculine. Warm. His lips still curled, appearing angelic, as I panted in surprise under him, he whispered on a croon, “There was no desert at dinner.” His lips grazed mine, the barest touch. “Just a little taste. That’s all I want.”

  White loose curls dangling around our faces; the man made me breathless. I nodded once, my lips slightly parted as he dipped his head further, brushing his lips over mine in silent drags—gentle, but heady, strokes of promise. Shuddering against him, I ran my hand around his shoulders to wrap my arms around his neck while his warm palms curved under my shoulders, pressing me tight against him. Sinfully wicked, he held me immobile as our lips caressed one another’s softly.

  He tilted his head, his moist, warm tongue gliding inside my mouth to rub against mine gently, his embrace incrementally increasing in heat, both of our chests heaving as we ate at one’s another mouths. One of his hands lowered to run along my thigh, grabbing tight, pulling my leg over his hip, nestling his erection snug between my thighs.

  “Lana?” Mr. Manter’s deep voice erupted like a gunshot inside my bedroom, freezing us both in place. “What. In. The. World.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Oh… my,” Mrs. Manter mumbled, her tone softly surprised. Then quiet surrounded us for an extended beat, no one moving before she griped in complete exasperation, “Wait, is the shower running?”

  Mr. Manter barked, “Who the hell’s in the shower, Lana?”

  Adam stared down at me for a beat, our mouths still together, breathing in each other’s panting breaths…before he pressed his lips more firmly against mine once more, kissing me softly. He gradually lifted his head away from mine, flipping his hair out of his face, yet keeping his head in front of mine. He gave me a moment of privacy to gather myself while he peered straight at them, clarifying quietly, “This first meeting is obviously going to be less than stellar, but I’m Adam Balar. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Manter, and I’m sorry to surprise you like this. I don’t believe Lana expected you back so soon.”

  “Obviously,” Mrs. Manter muttered under her breath and then cleared her throat. She stated crisply, “If you want this to go smoother, Adam, you could start by extracting yourself from our daughter, and then explain what other guests are inside our home.” A quiet beat. “Specifically, our shower.”

Adam answered politely, “Of course, Mrs. Manter.” He released his hold on my thigh, pushing off me fluidly, sitting easily on the bed while he grabbed my hand to help me up. I scrambled around until there was a few feet of space between us, brushing black wisps of hair from my flushed face, listening to Adam continue evenly, “A friend of ours is in the shower. His name’s Vance Jerome. He’s the only other guest here, besides me.”

  I peered up. “I’m sorry. I should have told you I had friends over.”

  Mr. Manter’s expression was barely banked hostility as he continued to eye Adam, who was, unfortunately, only wearing one of his pairs of flowing crimson silk pajamas bottoms, the rest of his body bare, and showing oodles of tanned flesh. “You should have asked, Lana. Not told us.” Jerking his gaze away from Adam, he abruptly turned, storming out of my bedroom. My expression constricted when I heard the bathroom door fly open, and Mr. Manter order harshly, loudly over the spray of water, “Get out of my shower now, Mr. Jerome.” A beat later, the door shut, then his feet were stomping down the hallway, then the quiet, subtle creak of Hanna’s door was heard with a pause, and then just as quietly shut before he was stomping back to my bedroom. He stuck his head inside my room, grabbing Mrs. Manter’s hand, even as his scolding eyes hooked on mine. “You and your guests, downstairs.”

  I nodded once, quickly jerking to my feet.

  Adam rose to his feet silently, placing his hand at the small of my back, tucking my tense frame against his side, moving us forward when Mr. Manter stopped glaring long enough to yank his wife out of my bedroom. Although all four of us paused in the hallway when the bathroom door flew open and Vance hurriedly stepped outside the bathroom. Dripping wet. Only a towel wrapped low around his waist, his hand holding it together at his hip. Undeniably just as delicious as Adam, his muscled torso rippling with every quickened breath he took.


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