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Taming the Alpha

Page 102

by Mandy M. Roth

  Hank was waiting by my deck, wearing tight jeans and a smile. It amazed me how attractive he would be, if I didn’t know he was crazy.

  My heart fluttered. “What the fuck are you doing at my house?” I growled.

  “Easy,” he said, holding up his hands as if to show he was unarmed. “I just want to talk.”

  “What do you think I would possibly have to say to you?”

  He looked surprised. “How about a thank you?”

  “Are you kidding me?! I turned into a werewolf last night!”

  “No, sweetie, you are always a werewolf now. Last night your outsides simply reflected your insides.”

  “I just lost my job.”

  “I could find a job for you.”

  “I’d rather eat shit.”

  “I don’t think that pays well.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed, and he looked pleased.

  “Don’t think for one second that me laughing at your stupid joke means anything. You’re a murderer, and a stalker. I want nothing to do with you. And I’m sure as hell not going to thank you for anything.”

  “I’m not here to hurt you. Does that make you feel any better?”

  “Not really. Like I said, I just lost a job that I actually enjoyed because your stupid ass turned me into a werewolf. I think you missed the importance of that.”

  Hank shrugged. “I could always go bite your boss, if you like. I know where he lives too.”

  “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any creepier.”

  He moved closer and I forced myself to hold my ground.

  “Don’t you want to know why I did it?”

  “Why you turned me, or why you killed Ethan?”


  “Actually, yes.”

  He paused for a moment as if he was studying my reaction. “No one knows exactly what makes an alpha … alpha. There has been a lot of speculation, but no definite answers. Some believe that the most badass people make the most badass werewolves. But that’s not true. It’s not about how many other wolves you kill either. You can’t absorb their power; this isn’t a fucking video game.”

  While he talked Hank began to pace in front of me. How the hell was I ever going to get rid of him?

  “What is it then?” I asked. “What do you think makes an alpha so strong?”

  He smiled, looking happy that I’d asked. “It’s something in the blood. It has nothing to do with personality or worthiness. You’re either born with the ability to be an alpha, or you’re not, which brings me to you. If anyone ever had the makings of an alpha, it’s you.”


  “The more I watched you, the more I realized you were perfect.”

  “Perfect for what? Your pack already had an alpha. Why not challenge him if you wanted control?”

  “That’s why I need you.”

  “I’m not following your logic.” Probably because he was nuts, but I kept that part to myself.

  “Every werewolf can become stronger by finding and bonding with their mate. It’s an actual magical experience, or so I’ve heard. Bonding with another alpha would make me strong enough to take the pack.”

  “You stalked me because you thought I’d make a good werewolf. Then you turned me because you wanted to bond with me?”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t even know what to say to that. Why not just challenge Ethan? Why kill him in his sleep?”

  “I killed Ethan because I hated him. He didn’t deserve an official challenge.”

  His smile gave me a chill that had nothing to do with the cool breeze.

  “Aren’t you a quick study, learning all of this in only a few days?”

  “She had help,” Dorian said.

  I jumped hard, spilling coffee all over myself.

  “I just came to talk,” Hank said.

  “You’ve already done that.” Dorian moved to stand beside me and his eyes glowed amber. “You are in my territory and you are uninvited. If you don’t leave now, or if you show up here again, you forfeit our agreement, and I will kill you where you stand.”

  Hank snarled and snapped, but he left.

  Dorian looked fantastic as he turned to me and his eyes went back to their normal brown. When I noticed his black suit I remembered he’d just left Ethan’s funeral.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Are you?”

  “Yeah,” he said, reaching for me. “Sorry about the coffee.”

  Dorian followed me into the bedroom and sat in the chair by the door while I changed clothes.

  “Other than Hank showing up, how was your morning?” he asked.

  “I got fired for being a werewolf.”


  “I’ll be okay for a little while,” I said, pulling on a fresh sweater. “The house is paid for and I’ve got a little in savings.”

  “How did you manage that?” Then he quickly added, “You don’t have to answer that. It’s really none of my business.”

  I gave him what I hoped was a comforting smile. “It’s okay. Most twenty-five year olds who work in bookstores do not have houses this nice.” I took a deep breath before saying, “My mom left it to me when she passed away two years ago.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. When you said you knew what it was like to lose somebody, you weren’t just trying to comfort me. You were telling the truth.”

  “Yeah. We were close.”

  “May I ask how she died?”

  “Car accident, coming home from work.”

  He rose from the chair and when I felt his arms around me tears stung my eyes.

  “She was the best person I ever knew,” I said, crying onto his shoulder. “She was good and kind and then the next minute she was gone.” I pulled back and wiped my eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking about this now, with all you’re dealing with.”

  “It’s all right,” he said, shaking his head. “There is no right or wrong time to grieve. I understand exactly how you feel, because that’s how I feel about Ethan. I think I’m still in too much shock to really cry, though I have a little. I think I’ll feel better once things are settled with Hank. Speaking of, what did he say to you?”

  A short while later, we were sitting at the kitchen table again, and I’d just finished telling Dorian everything Hank said.

  “So, he turned you because he wanted a strong mate to make him stronger?”

  “That’s what I got out of it.”

  Dorian shook his head. “The logic of a lunatic. An innocent man was murdered and your life was forever changed all because he wanted to take over the pack. I am truly sorry.”

  “I’m not,” I said, reaching over and taking his hand.

  My answer seemed to shock us both.

  “Really?” he asked.

  I took a moment to think it over. “Really. Of course, I’m sorry that Ethan is dead, but I’m okay. I feel fantastic. I’ve never felt better in my life. And if this hadn’t happened, I would probably never have met you. It may sound cheesy, but—”

  “I feel the same way about that part,” he said.

  “Good,” I said, smiling.

  Dorian glanced at the laptop I’d left open on the table. “Is that your resume?” he asked. “Mind if I take a look?”


  “You have a degree in Philosophy?”

  “Don’t look so surprised,” I said, laughing. “I do have a brain.”

  He smirked. “I never thought otherwise. You know, I’m sure that someone with your knowledge and experience would be able to get on where I work. I don’t own the library, but I do run it. Will you let me check into it for you?”

  “That’d be great! Working in a library is my dream job. Spending the day with all those books.” I smiled.

  “Yes, you’d fit right in. My boss is on vacation though. Will you be all right until after the full moon?”

  “Really? That’s when he gets back?”

  “That’s when she gets back,” h
e said, smiling. “And yes, really. It’s her first vacation in five years. She’s in Jamaica.”

  A few minutes later, Dorian was in the bathroom when John came walking in. I couldn’t believe that neither of us had locked the door after Hank left.

  “So, I’ve been doing a lot of research since I talked to you, about sex and magic and stuff.”

  “John, I—”

  “This is good,” he said, cutting me off. “That magical feeling you described can only happen between two alpha werewolves and only if they are destined to be a mated pair. Pretty exciting, huh? And even then it doesn’t always happen. You might have two alpha werewolves who love each other very much and have a great life together and they might never have that magic.”

  About that time Dorian walked around the corner and John said, “And you totally should have warned me that he was here.” He nodded at Dorian. “Nice suit.”

  Dorian and I exchanged a shocked look. “So, what Hank was trying to create with me, you and I did by accident?” I asked.

  Dorian smiled. “I wouldn’t call it an accident.”

  “You know what I mean. I didn’t mean it wasn’t on purpose.”

  “You meant the sex was on purpose,” he teased.

  “Yes, smartass, the sex was on purpose. Was that what Hank meant when he said he wanted to bond with me?”

  Dorian shrugged and John said, “Probably, but you can’t exactly choose who this happens with.” John looked confused. “Wait. You just said Hank. He’s the one who turned you, right? Tell me you aren’t on speaking terms with him.”

  I summed up Hank’s “visit” as briefly as possible.

  “Then I told him if I caught him in my territory again, I’d kill him where he stood,” Dorian finished.

  “Is this really your territory?” John asked.

  Dorian flashed him an amber gaze. “It is if I say it is.”

  John’s eyes widened and Dorian laughed.

  “I’m just busting your balls. But technically, yes, this is my territory. I’m Dorian, by the way. I don’t think I introduced myself.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m John. I just got kind of carried away there.”

  They shook hands and Dorian said, “You sound like you really know your stuff. I’ve never come across any mention of that type of bond in my research, and I work in a library.”

  John actually blushed. “Thanks.”

  “May I ask your source?”

  “There’s this guy in India that I talk to online, goes by the name of Al.”

  “Al?” Dorian and I asked together.

  “I know, it’s not an Indian name. But who cares? Maybe it’s short for something. My point is, if I have questions about anything magical, I ask him, and he points me in the right direction.”

  “And where did he point you about this?” Dorian asked.

  “A one hundred year old book about werewolf hunting. I forget the title, but I wrote it down. It was supposed to list every known way to track and kill a werewolf. At the time it was published, most people thought the author was crazy. There aren’t many copies in circulation, but I found one in an online occult library. They’ve got some fascinating stuff.”

  “John,” I said.

  “Yeah, the point, got it. This book said to beware the wolf that had found his true mate, because his power would be increased. It went on to talk about a magical bond that was formed the first time a destined pair had sex.”

  I was too amazed to react at first.

  “How the hell would a werewolf hunter know all of that?” Dorian asked.

  “The plot thickens,” John said. “It turns out this guy’s brother was an alpha and he got a lot of his information from him. They both used to be hunters, but his brother was bitten.”

  “That’s messed up about his brother giving him information,” I said.

  “To say the least,” Dorian added.

  Dorian and I stood there for a moment wearing what I imagine was similar surprised expressions.

  “I guess that explains how I could kick Kasondra’s ass. She is an alpha, right?”

  “Yes,” Dorian said. “And you made it look easy.”

  John looked at Dorian and then back at me. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to hear you’re destined to be with someone you barely know. I’ll bet it’s pretty strange. So, I’m going to leave now, and you call me if you need me.” He directed the last part toward me.

  I nodded my agreement, followed John to the door, and locked it behind him.

  I hadn’t realized Dorian was behind me until I felt his hand on my arm.

  “This doesn’t mean we have to get serious immediately,” he said softly. “But I’m okay with that if you are.”

  I turned to face him and the emotion in his dark eyes was nearly too much.

  “We can take it slow, if that’s what you want,” he said.

  I reached up to touch his face. “I’ve taken things slow my whole life.”

  One minute I was looking up into his eyes, the next I was sprawled on the rug in the living room floor.

  “I didn’t know you could move that fast,” I gasped.

  “I got the impression you were tired of slow,” he teased.

  I could hear the wind howling through the chimney as if announcing a storm was not far behind. I looked up into Dorian’s eyes once more as his gaze turned amber and he began to unbutton his shirt.

  “It sounds like a storm is coming, maybe we should build a fire first,” he suggested.

  “Don’t you dare stop.”

  Dorian laughed as he stood up, kicked off his shoes, and threw his shirt onto the couch.

  I stood also and pulled off my shirt, tossing it beside his.

  The muscles along his back rippled and flexed beneath the skin as he knelt at my feet and unzipped my jeans. He looked up at me from his knees and I ran my fingers through his dark, silken hair.

  Dorian slid his fingers into the waist of my jeans. He began to tug the fabric slowly down my body, kissing along my thighs as he went. I pulled off my bra and looked down to find him smiling.

  I stepped out of the pants and he tossed them aside with a growl; I wasn’t wearing any panties. His warm hands ran up my body as his mouth roamed over my stomach and up to my breasts.

  My breath caught as his hot lips wrapped around one nipple. He bit down, tugging gently, and brought a growl from my lips.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “No,” I panted.

  “Did it hurt?”

  I knew my smile was wicked as I replied, “Not even close.”

  I lay back across the rug and let my hungry eyes roam over him as he finished undressing. I wanted to run my tongue across the muscular curve of his hip bones. His body was a fantasy come to life and I was thrilled by the sight of him.

  Dorian crawled up over me, moving slowly and gracefully until his face hovered just above mine.

  “My, what big—”

  “Don’t go there,” he said, laughing.

  I pulled him down toward me, wrapping myself around him. As his face brushed against mine I wished he hadn’t shaved today. I’d always enjoyed facial hair, but now that I was a werewolf, I positively loved it. Not only did it give Dorian a wild sexy look, it felt great against my skin.

  His feverish skin burned as he pressed himself against me, kissing me slowly as he moved his thigh between mine.

  He pressed a soft kiss against my throat and I trembled.

  “Do you think we’ll feel any magic this time?” he asked as his teeth gently grazed my ear.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  I growled and arched my body against him.

  I felt a smile curl his lips as he kissed me again.

  I grabbed his ass and pulled him tighter against me.

  “Eager?” he teased.

  The way my eyes burned let me know they had turned to amber as I said playfully, “Just give me what I want.”

  I gasped as he obeyed my comman
d and thrust his cock into my aching pussy. Dorian was very well-endowed, and as before it took me a few moments to take him fully.

  Dorian cradled my head in his hands, holding me still while he kissed me tenderly. His touch lit a fire in me like nothing I had ever known. He touched me with a passion I had not expected, and with an urgency that would not be denied.

  He pulled back from me slightly and I watched his fangs grow as he fought to keep the beast at bay. As he began to move slowly, it was as if the world around me disappeared. I didn’t even remember that I was on the floor, or even that I was in my house. He went faster and I screamed, digging my claws into his back. I writhed and bucked beneath him as he growled near my ear, sending chills down my spine.

  He moved just right, grinding against me with the perfect amount of pressure. Each time he moved against my clit I gasped. His hard body, slick with sweat and grinding against me was nearly enough to send me over the edge. I tried to maintain some control. I wanted to prolong the wonderful tension spreading throughout my body, but I couldn’t stop my climax.

  Orgasm rocked my body and I howled as I clung to him. I screamed until I had no idea what I was saying, feeling only his hair between my fingers and his lips against my throat as I arched against him.

  I could hear my own breathing and feel Dorian gently kissing my face, asking if I came. I nodded, but I couldn’t say anything coherent.

  I moved against him and gasped. “You’re still hard.”

  “I just wanted to be sure you were taken care of first,” he said, smiling.

  He started to move again, slowly. He thrust into me deep and hard and I could feel myself still stretching to accommodate his length.

  Dorian held me tightly as he rolled to his back, then sat up, putting me on his lap. With a little bit of adjusting, I wrapped my legs around him, and he slid even deeper inside me.

  “That was impressive,” I said.

  “I know all kinds of tricks,” he teased.

  He put his hands on my hips and began to move again.

  “Relax,” he whispered against my lips.

  That was difficult at first. As I said, Dorian was not small, and this position put him deeper with every move. I could feel my pussy stretching to the limit as I slid down his length. He rocked slowly back and forth, gently working me up to taking more.


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