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Taming the Alpha

Page 142

by Mandy M. Roth

  “What do you gals have against men anyway?” he asked, unable to help the question. “Scared you might actually like one of us?”

  “Men serve one purpose for us,” the woman answered. Her beautiful blue eyes watched him carefully. Her tone was flat, even, serious. Didn’t these women know how to laugh? Smile? Hell, he’d settle for an expression other than blank. “They are seed carriers.”

  “Seed carriers?” James repeated, shaking his head. “Baby doll, you need to get out more. Men have a better purpose to women than that.”

  “Yes, I know. The small ones make nice house servants,” the woman said. She stepped closer to him, turning to eye the door.

  James grimaced. She was somber.

  “You are formed well,” she said, with a nod of approval.

  James blinked in surprise. That was the closest thing he’d gotten to a compliment since his arrival.

  “Are you a warrior?” she asked.

  “You could say that.” He gave her a cocky grin, unable to help himself.

  “How many territories have you taken?” she asked.

  “Territories?” James shook his head. “Sorry, baby doll, but I don’t take territories. I help people.”

  Her brow furrowed in confusion. Her arms rose to her sides so he could inspect her. “I am not a baby. I am grown.”

  “I can see that.” His voice dipped. He didn’t know what it was about her, but the blood rushed from his head to his hips. It could’ve been the unreleased desire that made him so hard, so fast, or it could’ve been the way she stared at him, eyeing him as she would a fine painting, taking in every detail of his form. James knew he was of an impressive size. Most women would blush in embarrassment when looking at his naked body. She just blinked, nodded, and kept a blank face. If he’d been a weaker man, he’d have crumbled in embarrassment.

  “We should begin,” she stated, glancing again at the door. She dug her hand into her pocket, taking out one small green pill and one white, and seemed to debate between the two. Then, putting the white back in her pocket, she lifted the green one up. Walking over to him, she ordered, “Open your mouth.”

  James pressed his lips tightly together and refused, grimacing.

  “It will ease you,” she said. “Trust me.”

  His brow rose at that.

  “It will take your seed from you,” she allowed.

  “I’d much rather you do that,” he managed from the side of his lips.


  Shana eyed the man, glancing towards the door. Damn, he would have to be one of the stubborn ones. Knowing he’d need more persuasion, she took off her gown and stood before him naked. Just like the others, he instantly looked at her large breasts. Only, unlike the others, her dark nipples were hard for him.

  Originally, she planned on child giver number twenty ending her maidenhead for her, but as she looked at 564, she grew warm. And, worse than that, she was actually curious to feel him. After examining this one’s body, she knew he’d be a good candidate for the job. With a weapon that size, he’d put a definite end to her maidenhead. The doctors would have no doubts she’d taken all twenty men, when in fact she’d taken none of them.

  The others had been given the white pill, to give them dreams of sex without the experience. She’d done pushups, breaking a sweat and becoming flushed, before leaving past the guard. The green pill would take away James’ fertility.

  “I need you to take this pill before I put you inside me. You said you have no wish to give me a child, so take it,” she whispered. Her blue eyes turned pleading, but she didn’t care. She let the mask of emotionless calm they wore for the prisoners from her features. “For I have no wish to bear a child.”

  “Is that all you’re worried about?” He grinned, making her heart flip flop. “Just hop on for the ride, baby doll. When I tell you I’m coming, pull off.”

  “There can be no mess,” she whispered. “Take the pill, 564.”

  “The name’s James, baby doll,” he answered.

  “I do not care,” she said, frowning. She shook the green pill at him. “Take the pill.”

  “Tell me your name first,” he insisted.

  “I am Shana of Themis,” Shana lifted her head proudly. “Warrior Commander of the Red Guard, Handmaid twelve to Empress Kali, Third—”

  “Oh, okay there, Shana, I get it,” James interrupted. He dutifully opened his mouth and she dropped the pill in. She turned to the side to glance at the door. When she turned back, she sighed in relief to see him swallow.

  “How do you…wish this?” she asked, eyeing his arousal.


  James’ stomach tightened. He didn’t trust her, couldn’t trust her. When her back was turned, he’d spit the green pill onto the floor. But that didn’t mean he was immune to her.

  How did he want her? Hell, where did he start? His eyes dipped over her fine curves. She was tall, slender, toned. Damn he’d bet he could bend and turn her in deliciously wicked ways. A woman in her kind of shape would have stamina too. He’d bet she’d go all night. What he wouldn’t give to have her tied to the bed instead of him.

  “I get a choice?” he asked, licking his lips and looking down at the apex of her thighs.

  James knew he needed release. He could barely think straight as it was. After the torture of the three doctors, he was so tense his body felt as if it would implode. Eyeing the pretty woman, he decided he really did want to take his release with her. Once that was out of the way, he’d start working on her for an escape.

  The Captain grinned, liking this idea more and more. If he could give her more pleasure than any man ever had before, perhaps he could persuade her to help him, or trick her into freeing him with the promise of more. His eyes roamed over her. He was going to enjoy this.

  Shana looked unsure and then nodded. “Hurry, before the guard comes.”

  “Then untie me and let me go, so that I may pleasure you.”

  Chapter Three

  Shana blinked, looking at him. “I can’t do that.”

  “It was worth a try,” he answered, grinning wickedly, almost amused, as if he was enjoying himself. Shana felt bad. He obviously didn’t know about the ritual killings after conception, or else he’d not be so willing. Well, none of the prisoners really knew about the killings. Most Amazons were almost ashamed to talk about it amongst themselves, let alone with the condemned.

  A knock sounded on the door and the guard frowned in at them from a little window. Shana’s cheeks flushed and she quickly reached forward to grab James’ stiff member before turning around to the door. James groaned loudly, jerking in surprise, as she pumped her hand over his length. She frowned at the guard in annoyance, stroking him as if she’d been doing it all along. The guard smiled and nodded, looking apologetic for the intrusion. The woman licked her lips, watching a moment more, before turning around to leave.

  “That was close,” Shana swore softly, removing her hand.

  “Ah,” James protested. His lids were heavy when she looked at him and he was breathing hard. “Don’t stop, keep going.”

  Shana blinked in surprise, hesitating. As a woman, she was used to receiving pleasure from a man. Since the slaves couldn’t be given pleasure in return, but had to take care of themselves afterwards, she’d never actually stroked one to give a man pleasure. She moved her hand to take him, paying attention to the texture of him as she began to caress. He was hot, smooth, oddly firm as she squeezed.

  “Ah, shit, honey, not so hard,” he said in protest. Shana loosened her grip, wrapping her fingers lightly over his erection, working her hand up and down in a steady rhythm. “That’s it, slow it down just a little.”

  James’ hands strained against his restraints, his arms flexing and pulling tight in a glorious show of strength. Shana was already wet, and watching him pull and thrust against her hand excited her more. She forgot the guard, forgot why she was there.

  Sweat beaded her brow. She wanted more. She wanted to know what it was
like to have him inside her. Letting go, she stated, “You are ready.”

  Shana climbed on top of him, her naked thighs straddling his hips. James groaned, watching her breasts bob up and down over him. He strained, reaching his hands to touch them, but he couldn’t. She lifted her hips, eyeing the angle of their bodies.

  “Whoa, baby, hold on,” he said. “Don’t be so hasty.”

  “But you’re hard. You’re ready to be fucked.”

  “I like my women wet, hot,” he growled. “A dry passage is like fucking sandpaper.”

  “I am wet,” she admitted, unashamed.

  “I haven’t even touched you.”

  “I’m not letting you free.” Shana frowned, her eyes narrowed.

  James sighed in frustration, helplessly pulling against the binds. “Then turn around and lower yourself onto my mouth. I’ll make sure you’re nice and wet.”

  Her brow lifted, unsure.

  “You’re in control here,” he persuaded. “If you don’t like it, you can stop me. Come on, let me eat you a little. Or are you scared?”

  Shana considered his words, not liking the implication that she would have fear of a tied man, and finally nodded. Besides, when would she ever have another opportunity to do such a thing as this again? Excitement hummed in her veins, much like the hours before a battle. “If you hurt me, I will cut off your penis.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” he answered dryly.

  Turning around, Shana placed her knees by his head, straddling his face. On all fours, she looked down at him, watching him carefully for what he’d do next.

  James’ mouth opened and he kissed her. Shana bucked, tensing as he withdrew. Her blue eyes wide, she waited for him to do it again. He did, and again she jerked with pleasure. Her hips wiggled, squirming for more. Her eyes closed. Slowly, she felt his tongue reaching into her folds, parting her.

  “Ah,” she moaned, completely surprised by how wonderful it felt. Just as they didn’t allow attachments formed to men, they also didn’t take other women as lovers. Not that there wasn’t some attraction to the idea, it just made for complications and was punishable with clit amputation—another of Shaman Cyrsten’s laws.

  He stroked her with his tongue and sucked her clit between his lips, rolling it between his teeth. Shana began to shake, rocking herself into him. A few times he moaned in protest as she smothered his face too aggressively.

  She jerked and her cheek bumped his hot erection, bringing it to attention. She knew some of the male slaves gave each other pleasure in such ways after servicing their mistresses. They weren’t supposed to, but many of the Amazons looked the other way. There were even rumors that Shaman Cyrsten enjoyed such shows at her home, making her slaves perform for her. Shana doubted the rumors, as the Shaman was so strict, but they were interesting tales to consider. Curious as to his taste, she studied his member before licking the mushroomed tip. His stomach tightened and he moaned in approval. Smiling, she did it again.

  “Now you’re getting it,” he said.

  Shana couldn’t resist. She braced her weight. She took him into her mouth, greedily rolling her tongue along his smooth shaft as she sucked against him. James groaned into her. She worked her hips to his face, riding him as he fucked her with his long tongue. The stubble from his chin scratched her clit, stimulating it, making blood rush to the sensitive surface.

  “Fuck, you taste good.” His growl was muffled by her wet pussy.

  His words gave her pleasure, surprisingly so since she never cared what anyone thought of her. She loved the smell of him, as his thickness filled her mouth. She tried to take him deep, but he was just too big. Keeping her eyes open, she watched his balls tighten. She saw his sexy hips and strong thighs working to meet her mouth.

  Then, suddenly, the hard length in her mouth jerked as he came.

  James cried out, moving his mouth harder to finish her. He bit at her sensitive clit, nibbling it as she began to tremble over him. Shana let go of his shaft, gasping for a surprised breath as her neck stretched forward. She strained on all fours, too afraid to move from his administrations. She’d brought herself to climax many times, but never had it felt so wet, so hard, so…oh! She climaxed hard. He kept nibbling, forcing every last quiver out of her.

  Collapsing against him, breathing hard, Shana felt him moan. She was smothering him with her hips. Pulling her body forward, she waited for her heartbeat to slow.

  “Damn, baby doll. You know how to give a man a good time.”

  Shana felt displeasure at his honest statement. She sat up, moving to turn around. Sitting on his chest, she frowned down at him.

  “What?” he questioned, looking surprised. “You didn’t enjoy yourself?”

  “How many of my kind have come to you?” Shana hid all expression from her face. She was breathing hard. Her body hummed with the numbing aftereffects of her release.

  “Like this?” He grinned. “You’re the first.”

  “How many like other ways?”

  “Ah, that would be none. The first three only got me hard, but not off.”

  Shana felt some of her jealousy leave her at the admission. Her heart began to beat again, faster. She felt possessive, conquering, like after battle when she took the field.

  “Why, are more of you coming to join the party?” James teased. She didn’t get it.

  “You will not speak of others to me,” Shana ordered darkly. “It doesn’t bring me pleasure to hear it.”

  James was able to reach her calf and he stroked her lightly with the tips of his fingers. She jumped off him at the tender caress, backing away as if he’d struck her.

  “Why did you do that?” she demanded, looking at his hand.

  “What?” James grinned, his eyes roaming hotly over her body. “Come back here. Let’s finish this.”

  Shana frowned and picked up her gown. Tugging it over her head, she stated, “We are finished.”

  “Baby doll, wait,” James called. “I want you again.”

  Shana began to answer, but then she saw the green pill on the floor. Crossing over, she picked it up and glared at him. “You didn’t take it.”

  His eyes met hers in challenge. Shana swallowed, realizing how close he’d come to impregnating her. If she’d have ignored his request to orally please her, she’d have taken his seed in her womb.

  “You tried to trick me into having your child,” she said.

  James stiffened. A look of hurt confusion passed over her face. He still didn’t answer.

  Shana became rigid, trying to march towards the door.

  “Can you really blame me for not taking it?” he asked softly. “Would you have taken it in my position?”

  Hesitating by the door, her arm raised, she glanced at him. She looked his naked body over. Her hand shook and she balled it into a fist, pounding hard on the door. “I’ll never be taken prisoner. So I’ll never be in your position.”

  Before he could speak, the guard opened the door to let her out.


  “Baby—Shana,” James called behind her. She walked faster. The door shut behind her.

  James frowned, watching her go. He hated to admit it, but this woman excited him. There was something about her that just attracted him to her. To his annoyance, he realized his cock was again hard, pointing up towards the ceiling, as it waited for her attentions.

  Great, he thought, just great. Bitches left me hanging again.

  Here he was, strapped to a table, and he couldn’t even reach his own shaft to stroke it to completion. This little scenario was getting really old. Swearing, he looked to the door. The guard leered in at him from the little window. He shivered. The guard was beautiful, with a small bowed mouth and big brown eyes. But James wanted Shana back.

  Even though he was aroused, he frowned at the guard when she walked in. Placing her hands on her hips, the woman eyed his erection like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She was dressed like he’d seen the others, in a thong looking loincloth that sh
owed the bottom cheeks of her ass, and a metal bra that covered just the tips of her breasts with swirling design. Licking her lips, she asked, “Did Commander Shana finish you?”

  James blinked. Is sex all these women thought about? Not that it was a bad thing. Hell, it’s what most men thought about all the time—especially out in deep space for lonely months at a time. Computer simulated sex got old real quick. He imagined that a race of all women would be starved for male attention.

  “Yes,” James answered, wondering why he did. Would Shana get into trouble if he said no? Would she be sent back to him? He almost changed his answer, but the guard took a step closer.

  “Did she please you?” she asked, her voice dripping with meaning. “I see you still need attention.”

  “Yes, she pleased me greatly,” James answered, again telling the truth. “But, I wish for her to come back and finish me. Could you get her? I wish to be Shana’s lover only.”

  Okay, why did he say that? So what if it was true? Hopefully, it would convince the guard to haul Shana back to him so they could finish what they’d started. At his words, the woman paled and backed away.

  Just great, James thought, just a touch sarcastic. Now I’ve done it. I just insulted her. She’ll probably lob my manhood off. Well, maybe then it wouldn’t hurt so badly.

  “You say you wish to be Shana’s only lover,” the guard repeated.

  Yeah, that too, James thought. Lover only. Only lover. Who cares? Just bring her back here.

  The idea of anyone else taking Shana made hot jealousy burn in his chest. He didn’t want her going to any other ‘prisoners’ until he had his fill of her. “Yes.”

  “How…?” she backed further away. “Did Shana tell you to say that?”

  “No,” James answered, really confused now.

  “Did you tell her this?” the guard persisted.


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