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Bound by Desire: King of Diamonds (Wonderland Book 3)

Page 14

by Jaymie Holland

  They reached a dark corner of the mansion she’d never been to and he used his magic to open a huge wood and iron door.

  He guided her through the doorway, onto a landing in front of a long flight of stairs. The door slammed behind them with a finality that sent her heart racing and prickles to run up and down her spine.

  As he took her down the flight of stone steps, deep below the mansion, her heart continued to pound like crazy. Odd-looking torches lit the way. Rather than fire, they were glowing orbs on the ends of long sticks held in place by brackets. The place smelled musty and damp, and Annie was sure he was going to lock her up. If he tried, she’d let him know that was another thing she just couldn’t handle.

  Would he care this time? Would it be different since it wouldn’t be embarrassment that caused her to balk?

  It seemed as if they had walked forever down spiraling steps, and then they reached a dank hallway. Karn stopped in front of another huge wooden door with an iron handle. With a wave of his hand, the door creaked open, and Annie found herself holding her breath.

  It was completely dark as he guided her into the room, and she imagined she heard the scurrying of mice. Too bad Abra isn’t with me. At least I’d have a companion and Abra would enjoy a good chase and a good meal.

  Karn had told her to let him know if something frightened her. Being locked in a dungeon would definitely qualify as scary.

  “Are you frightened?” he whispered near her ear, as the door closed behind them.

  Annie bit her lip. She wasn’t really scared with Karn by her side, just nervous about what he had planned for her. “Not as long as you’re here, Sire.”

  Karn gave a low purr, telling her that he approved of her choice of words. “You trust me then?”

  Strangely enough she did. So far, everything he’d done to her and with her had been pleasurable. Even though he’d locked away his heart, she knew inside that he was a good man, and she did trust him.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I trust you, Sire.”

  In the next instant, a torch lit the room. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light and to see that it was empty, the size of a small bathroom, with a door on the far side.

  Relief rushed through her, and then she realized she had no idea what was on the other side of the door. He led her to it and opened it with a gesture of his hand.

  A gust of moist wind came along with the roar of waves crashing against rocks and sand. Through the doorway she saw a path leading to the shore. They were almost level with the sea, and it wasn’t raining any longer, just a fine mist filling the air.

  She shot Karn a look and his lips quirked. “What were you expecting?”

  Annie could tell by the look in his eyes that he’d been teasing her about the dungeon. “So, you do have a sense of humor.” She smiled back at him. “I was afraid you didn’t, Sire.”

  Karn took her hand and led her down a path through a light mist that wet her cheeks and hair. Through the soft boots she could feel the shale, but it didn’t hurt. The boots protected her feet.

  The air smelled of rain mixed with salt and fish. Seaweed littered the sand near the crashing waves, but it was different from what she was used to. Rather than dark green and brown, it was yellow and orange and made for a colorful shoreline.

  The sea extended for miles and miles, an endless blue-green expanse. They were in a small inlet with massive black cliffs surrounding them and jagged rocks along the beach. She shivered at the thought of falling from those cliffs. No one could survive such a drop.

  For some reason, thoughts of such an injury made her think of the deep scratches across Karn’s chest. She knew why he had them, and it wasn’t from falling from a cliff.

  He laced his fingers through Annie’s, giving him a more intimate contact with her, surprising her into silence, but only for a short while before she began asking personal questions.

  Karn and Annie continued to walk along the shore, and he forced himself to remain calm as he answered her questions the best he knew how. Whenever the topic became too close to his steel-encased heart, he steered it away.

  He didn’t mind talking about his nephews and nieces. Not at all. He took great pride in the cubs that made him wish for his own.

  Her hand was small in his grip, and he felt more relaxed than he had in an age. “Tell me more of your home and of yourself,” he said as they kept just out of the reach of the waves pounding the shore.

  He saw her throat work. She hesitated before elaborating on her youth, her absent father, and abusive mother. Anger raged within him at the thought of the people who had hurt her.

  She spoke with fondness of Alice and Alexi, and of a young woman named Awai who was her aunt by marriage.

  They reached the point just above the wet sand where waves hit the shore. A light spray of saltwater reached them with every slam of a wave. Annie did not appear to mind. She looked at the ocean as if lost in thoughts of her own world.

  He truly could not help himself as he caught her face in his hands and moved her face so that she was looking at him. Her eyes widened a moment before his lips covered hers and he gently kissed her.

  At the back of his mind he knew that if he was not careful, she would expect more of him than he was willing to give—more than he could give.

  When he drew away, she stared at him, her lips parted and wet from his kiss. He didn’t know what to do but take her hand. For a while they walked together, hand in hand, both silent.

  Wind tossed Annie’s hair and moist, salty air brushed her face. The sea roared as waves broke against the shore and shrill calls like that of seagulls filled the air.

  She looked up and saw green and blue birds with brightly colored faces like parrots. She smiled at their beauty and turned to Karn to see him watching her. He tugged her hand and they continued on.

  When they reached a small cove, he pulled her near the smooth rocks and drew her into his embrace. She gasped as he slid his hands beneath her cloak and palmed her bare breasts. It was exciting having him touch her like he was, out on the beach.

  Karn felt the nipple rings and his mate’s engorged nubs and he hardened. “I must have you,” he said as he brushed his lips over hers. “Now.”

  Annie’s cheeks flushed, her eyes glazed with desire. “Yes, Sire.”

  Her willingness to call him Sire when she was aroused almost made him roar with pleasure. He led her to one of the smoother boulders in the cove and removed her cloak. After he tossed it onto one of the smaller rocks, he commanded, “Stand in this spot, put your hands against the boulder, and spread your thighs.”

  Trembling with excitement, Annie turned around and braced her palms against the flat rock. He had ordered her to stand just far enough from the boulder that she was bent at the waist. Cool, moist air chilled her breasts and her ass, too.

  He pushed her dress up over her hips, fully exposing her butt cheeks.

  “No one will see us, right?” Somehow the thought both excited her and scared her.

  “No one,” he said, and she felt the soft caress of a leather strap over her bared flesh. “It is time for your punishment. Will you be more punctual in the future?”

  Annie swallowed. “Yes, Sire.”

  “Very good.” His lips were close to her ear. “You should never deny me pleasure that is mine by right, and spending time with you when I wish it is a pleasure indeed.”

  She heard the rustle of leather then felt him against her entrance. Annie was still aching from needing to come earlier. What if she came without permission? How would he punish her then?

  Karn drove into her core and she didn’t have time to think any longer. All she could do was feel. God, he stretched her, filled her, making her whole body shiver.

  She felt the first lash as he started moving in and out. The lash was light and didn’t even sting. He continued thrusting into her, and drawing back out again in slow, even strokes as he lashed her ass again and yet again.

  “Your skin is a l
ovely cream color,” he murmured. “It pleases me how your ass turns pink from the strap while I take you.”

  The sensations were wild. Pain mixed with a sort of bliss that made her arch herself up higher to take more of the sexual punishment. Mist continued to fall on her back, her hair, her ass. The roar of the sea blended with the sound of the strap striking her again and again. From being engorged with the tightened nipple rings for so long, her nipples ached and throbbed, which mingled with the pleasure and pain Karn was inflicting on her.

  Closer and closer she came to orgasm until she was standing on the precipice as though on the edge of one of the surrounding cliffs. “May I come, Sire?” she asked, barely able to speak while he was driving in and out of her pussy and whipping her.

  “Hold,” he commanded, slapping her a little harder with the strap.

  Annie yelped and almost came, but his confident instruction kept her from exploding.

  “Now,” he shouted. “Climax for me now.”

  A different kind of orgasm took hold of her. One that seemed to radiate from between her thighs like ripples in a pool of water. Small at first, then larger and larger until it filled her from head to toe. Her body shook and trembled against his.

  Vaguely, she was aware of a roar rising from his chest and then his warm come filled her core.

  He finished with a few more thrusts before he leaned against her back and wrapped his arm around her belly. Annie sighed, enjoying the feel of his muscular form as he held her, loving the sensation of him inside her.

  Annie knew it was too late for her. Karn might not want to love her, but she had fallen in love with him.


  ANNIE RUBBED AT THE END OF HER NOSE with the back of her hand, trying not to get any paint on her face.

  She studied the painting she’d been working on and tilted her head to the side. She had actually lost count of the passing days. Had it been two weeks, or maybe three? This painting would take her some time. It was one of her cousins, aunt, and herself in some kind of magical cove.

  The images came from her mind, like a memory, but this one was completely a product of her imagination. The four of them had never been to such a place and she’d never seen anything like it before. It was as if one day they would be gathered together again, sharing stories of all the fantastical things they’d seen and done.

  It surprised Annie at how well all of their images came to mind and that she was able to paint each one of them so well without models.

  She wasn’t egotistical and felt it was important to remain humble and thankful for her gift. At the same time, she was confident in her abilities—she had worked hard at it. She always strove to improve her craft, and this painting showed she was doing just that.

  Whenever she painted, she could sense the spirit and her pleasure and approval of everything Annie had done. She was certain that the spirit was female. It just felt right.

  Her arms ached and her vision was starting to blur. She slid off the seat and took her brushes and palette to the chest of supplies. She cleaned the brushes and put everything away before taking off the smock she’d found in one of the bottom drawers. When she first saw it, she’d thought it was another dust cover to drape over pictures, but when she pulled it out she saw that it was a paint-smeared and spotted large smock. Probably Queen Elinara’s.

  Once everything was where it belonged, she left the art room, and shut the door tightly behind her. The hallway didn’t seem so spooky anymore as she walked along it. The only thing that concerned her was the possibility that Karn could catch her here before she returned to her own chambers. She didn’t know what kind of punishment she would receive for disobeying him.

  But why had he cut this wing off to everyone?

  When Annie walked into the room, Abra gave a loud meow, making it clear how much she didn’t like being left behind.

  “I’ll let you come with me again.” Annie pulled her hair out of its knot. “I just don’t want Karn to catch both of us out of the room.”

  Abra stuck her nose in the air.

  Tired and feeling grubby, Annie called to Beya, who had a bath drawn for her. Annie hated to inconvenience the woman, but Beya insisted on it. Besides, Annie needed to get cleaned up to make sure she was ready when Karn came to her.

  The bath was wonderful and relaxing. She felt clean and fresh when she finished and dried off. She slipped into one of the dresses that Karn preferred.

  She slid onto the window seat after she had put on the outfit. She wrapped her arms around her bent legs, her chin on her knees, and Abra curled up on her toes. Why hadn’t Karn come to see her this afternoon? She usually made it back from painting and had just enough time to bathe and dress before he showed up. It surprised her how much she missed him when he wasn’t around.

  Likely Abra did, too. Annie sniffed. “Traitorous cat,” she murmured as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. The little beast seemed rather smitten with the dark and brooding man.

  Not unlike her mistress.

  It was shadowed and gloomy outside, matching Annie’s current mood. Inside, the fire crackling in the hearth kept the room warm, but she could feel the chill from outside radiating through the windowpanes.

  Every day, Karn had spent hours with her, teaching her countless ways of pleasuring him. In turn, he fulfilled her sexual fantasies and introduced her to things she’d never dreamed of.

  She wore his collar all the time, but he only had her wear the nipple rings on occasion. They added to the erotic play, and she really didn’t mind calling him Sire when they were enjoying sex together. She was glad he didn’t insist on her referring to him as Sire when they were in public. Ever since the day she had let him know how much it bothered her to be seen in a state of undress in front of others, he’d been much more aware of her feelings and needs, as if he had an extra sense.

  “I can’t get enough of him,” she murmured, and her warm breath fogged the beveled glass pane closest to her.

  This evening, though, she was stir-crazy, wanting to be outside enjoying the nonexistent sunshine or good hard sex with Karn. Maybe both. Yes, both.

  At the thought of him, she brought her fingers to the red collar that marked her as his possession. Why did it feel so comfortable, and why did she actually like it?

  God, I’m addicted to him. His touch, his smell, his body, his cock.

  But what really attracted her to Karn was his intelligence, his dark and sensual nature, and the times he rewarded her with a slight smile.

  Yeah. The smile that curls my toes.

  The more time she spent with Karn, the more she grew to admire him as a man and as a king. He ruled gently but firmly, and even though he didn’t show it, she knew he cared deeply for his people.

  The admiration the villagers had for Karn was obvious in the way they spoke to him, and her appreciation for him grew even stronger. His people treated their king with a kind of reverence. Not like an old friend, but as a mentor and someone they respected greatly, yet feared, too.

  The villagers had responded to Annie’s warmth, to her questions, and to her interest in their lives and their work. She had the feeling that she could give them what Karn couldn’t or wouldn’t. She could give her heart, soul, and love.

  Annie moved her hand from her collar to pick at the hem of her ruby-red mini dress. It was another one of those snug and sexy outfits that she had grown used to wearing, this one was a little more elaborate and risqué than her other dresses. Its neckline plunged so low that a good portion of her breasts showed. It molded itself to her full curves, and it was backless all the way down to her ass.

  She sighed and wiggled her bare toes beneath Abra’s weight. The cat simply yawned and stretched, then went back to resting. Annie smiled, but then it faded as she thought of her cousins. It frustrated her that Karn wouldn’t take her to see Alice and Alexi, but when she pressed the matter, he punished her. She actually enjoyed the punishments, but she didn’t seek them out, altho
ugh she’d been tempted.

  She pressed her nose and forehead against the fogged pane and the cold seeped under her skin and caused her nipples to harden.

  Would Karn be coming soon for her?

  Annie had met several of the people who worked in Karn’s mansion, mostly in passing, but for the most part Karn kept her to himself. He never let her spend time alone with anyone but Beya. Even then, Beya only came in long enough to serve her meals before she disappeared. Annie smiled. Beya was kind of like her fairy godmother who appeared and disappeared in bursts of sparkles and took care of Annie’s every want or need.

  A knock at the door jarred Annie from her thoughts, and she swung her legs down. At the same time, she almost knocked Abra off the window seat. The cat glared at Annie, then gracefully jumped down and vanished under the bed to sulk.

  Annie frowned a little as she walked across the room. It hadn’t been Karn’s knock. She opened the door. When it swung open she stepped back in surprise at the sight of two drop-dead gorgeous women.

  Both wore nothing but red collars, nipple charms, and twin smiles.

  “Such a fair one you are,” murmured the stunningly beautiful woman with dark eyes and skin the color of a raven’s wing. A single white lock highlighted her features, traveling from her forehead, down to her shoulders. “I am Aleana.”

  “And I am the Sorceress Kalina.” The woman with brilliant amber eyes and black hair took Annie’s hand in hers.

  Annie was too unsettled to say anything other than, “Nice to meet you.” She had a hard time not staring at their perfect bodies, beautiful breasts, and shaved mounds.

  Her cheeks heated as she blurted out, “Why aren’t you wearing anything?”

  Aleana shrugged and Kalina said, “We enjoy the freedom.” The sorceress took Annie’s hand and tugged. “Come, or we shall be late to the sharing tea. Sire will be displeased if we keep him waiting.”

  At the thought of Karn erotically punishing Aleana or Kalina, a rush of jealousy seared Annie’s veins. It came as no surprise to her, though. She’d already come to accept the fact that he meant more to her than a casual sex partner because she’d fallen so deeply in love with him.


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