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Bound by Desire: King of Diamonds (Wonderland Book 3)

Page 19

by Jaymie Holland

  Karn took Annie’s hand and faced the small crowd. “I present you with the Queen of Diamonds.”

  More applause, and Annie could see tears in both Alice’s and Alexi’s eyes. Beya had a proud motherly look on her face as she held Abra in her arms.

  When the applause died down, Abra gave a loud “Meow,” which Annie took for the cat’s approval.

  Karn and Annie walked hand-in-hand down the aisle and the guests showered them with red blooms that caught in Annie’s hair.

  Once they had left the guests and disappeared behind the starflower wall, Karn scooped Annie up in his embrace, causing her to cry out with surprise. She slipped her arms around his neck and started kissing his jawline and nipped at his ear.

  Karn gave a rumbling growl. “Do you wish for me to take you in this very garden, observers be damned?”

  Annie laughed and kissed him. “You could take me anywhere you want, big guy.”

  He growled again, but he pushed through the stained-glass doors and headed through the mansion to the stairs. Annie swore he bounded up the steps faster than he could in tiger form and then took her to his bedchamber and slammed the door shut behind him.

  His expression was so fierce and animalistic, yet he laid her on the bed like she was the finest porcelain doll. He eased onto the bed beside her and propped himself on one elbow while he gently stroked her cheek with his fingertips.

  Karn could barely rein back the desire to slide into his mate and consummate their joining. “I want to make this day special for you, Annie. Tell me what you want from me.” He trailed his fingers down her neck and over her diamond and ruby collar as he spoke. Pride filled him that she had accepted his gift. “I will give you all that I have and more. I would command the stars to shine brighter and the moon to glow a more brilliant gold.”

  “I have everything I want.” Annie’s sweet smile warmed his heart like nothing else could. “I have you.” She reached up and gently brushed her fingers over one of the scratches on his face from the shelenna. “And at this very moment I want you to make love to me.”

  “Your wish is my command, my queen.” Karn brushed his lips over Annie’s. She shivered as he moved his mouth along her jawline and then down her neck to her collarbone. Her scent made him hungry for more of his woman.

  “Maybe that’s too slow,” she murmured as he flicked his tongue over the curve of her breast.

  Karn chuckled, enjoying giving his mate pleasure. “I wish for you to never forget our joining.” He removed her glasses and set them on the table beside the bed.

  “How could I?” Annie gasped as he pulled down the strapless bodice of her dress, exposing her large breasts and her belly.

  His lips found one nipple and he flicked his tongue over it while tweaking her other nipple with his thumb and forefinger. Annie moaned and arched up into his caress. She slipped her fingers into his hair and held on as she squirmed.

  The feel of Karn’s mouth on her body was so exquisite that Annie didn’t think she could take much more without having him buried deep inside her. His mouth left her breast and he licked a trail down her stomach to her belly button. He flicked his tongue inside, causing wild sensations to skitter throughout her body.

  He raised his head and drew her dress down, over her mound and thighs, then slipped it completely off and let it slide off the bed onto the floor. He returned to her belly and worked his way to her mound. When he breathed deep of her scent, Annie’s cheeks heated.

  “I cannot get enough of your woman’s musk.” He gently pushed her thighs apart and eased himself between her legs so that his face was just above her mound. “And your taste, it is like the finest of wines.”

  “Karn.” Annie arched her hips. “Please, Sire. I can’t wait.”

  He smiled, taking pleasure in Annie’s wish to be dominated in the bedroom. “Spread your thighs wider.”

  She did as he bade, and he hardened even more.

  Annie trembled as she waited for Karn’s tongue upon her. But instead he nuzzled the curls of her mound then licked the insides of her thighs, his rough catlike tongue making her crazy. He would tease her folds then move away again, causing her to whimper.

  When he finally stroked his tongue over her clit, Annie almost came. “Sire, I’m so close now.”

  “Do not climax without my permission,” he murmured as he thrust two fingers inside her core.

  She whimpered as he moved his fingers in and out of her and licked her folds, moving his tongue around taking her to the brink and back again, never quite allowing her close enough to reach orgasm.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said as he rose up, away from her.

  Annie needed her arms around him, to feel his weight upon her. “I want you inside of me.”

  “My fingers?” he said in a teasing tone.

  Annie bit her lip then said, “Your cock.”

  He gave a soft laugh. “Say what you want me to do.” Annie squirmed. She was sure he meant the “f” word, and it was something she’d never been able to say out loud. “I want you to-to…” She hesitated for a moment then blurted out, “I want you to fuck me.”

  Karn growled and knelt between her thighs. With a wave of his hand, he spelled away his clothing so that he was entirely naked. “I will fuck you, my queen. But first I will make love to you.”

  Annie held out her arms, drawing him to her as he lowered himself. With one hand he moved his erection to her core and slid inside her. She moaned at the feel of him stretching her, filling her.

  She closed her eyes, but Karn said, “Open your eyes, Annie. Watch me make love to you.”

  Without question she obeyed, and her gaze locked with his. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he slowly thrust in and out. The feel of him moving within her was almost more than she could take. Karn’s unique masculine scent mingled with her woman’s musk and his skin was hot and damp against hers. He kept his head up and watched her face.

  “My sweet kitten,” he murmured as she drew closer and closer to climax. “I love you so much, sometimes I think it is more than my heart can bear.”

  At his words Annie started to tremble, ready to tumble over the brink. Before she could beg him to let her reach climax, Karn said, “I want you to come now, Annie.”

  Orgasm flamed through her like fire licking her skin from head to toe. She felt her climax throbbing around him and felt it burn through her body in flash after flash of heat.

  “Come for me, Karn,” she demanded, her voice uneven. “I want you to come now.”

  With a tiger’s roar Karn thrust once, then twice more, and shouted as he came. His cock pulsed inside her core and he pressed his hips tight against hers.

  They rolled onto their sides, their bodies fused together.

  “You’re mine,” Annie said with a smile. “All mine.”

  “You are a rare jewel, the most precious of gems,” Karn said as he gently brushed her hair out of her face. “You are the greatest treasure in my kingdom, my Queen of Diamonds.”


  AWAI STEELE PACED THE LENGTH OF HER CONDOMINIUM, her heels sinking into the deep, lush burgundy carpeting. She preferred not to wear a bra when she wasn’t working, and the silky material of her blouse rasped her nipples, making them taut with hunger. Her short skirt brushed her upper thighs and the falling star at her bellybutton swung against her skin.

  The condo smelled of carpet shampoo, pine cleaner, and fresh paint. It was bare of all furnishings, everything put into long-term storage.

  Because tonight they would come for her.

  Awai wrapped her fingers tighter around the handle of her leather whip and snapped the long strip of leather, the crack loud and satisfying. It was exactly a year since Annie vanished, two years for Alexi, and three years to the day since Alice had disappeared.

  Without a doubt Awai knew she was next.

  “Let them come.” She snapped her whip again. She didn’t know who had taken her nieces, but whoever they were, they would pay dearly
if the girls had come to any harm.

  After Annie and her cat, Abracadabra, had vanished, Awai had spent the year preparing for today. The first thing she did was put all of Annie’s belongings into storage with Alexi’s and Alice’s possessions.

  Gradually, throughout the year, Awai sold her advertising agency along with all her shares of stock, her condo, and her Mercedes. Every penny Awai owned, totaling well over five million dollars, was in an account earmarked for a women’s shelter that aided victims of domestic violence. If Awai didn’t return within a specified amount of time, the funds would go to the shelter. Her estate and her nieces’ belongings would be taken out of storage and given to the same facility.

  Awai paused in her pacing and moved to the expansive window that stretched along two sides of the large common room. Her view of San Francisco was magnificent, and tonight was no exception. City lights glittered in the darkness and so did the lights along the Golden Gate Bridge. No doubt she would miss this view, wherever she was going, but she missed her nieces more.

  A constant ache had taken residence in her heart and soul, and she wouldn’t rest until she found Annie, Alice, and Alexi.

  Awai was only a few years older than her nieces, being their aunt by marriage. Long ago she had married the girls’ distant uncle, John Steele.

  The bastard had nearly killed her.

  A hard and cold knot expanded in Awai’s gut, as it did every time she thought of the son of a bitch. She had been young, innocent, and fresh out of high school when she met John. He had wooed her with his charm and expensive gifts, and had seduced her into his bed.

  Awai ran the leather strap of her whip over her palm as her thoughts turned back to that horrid time and her triumph in making a new life for herself.

  Once she escaped the bastard, she’d promised herself that no man would ever dominate her again.

  Awai raised her chin, no longer seeing the city lights, but instead seeing the light of her past. With her intelligence and drive, Awai had quickly worked her way to the top of her profession in the advertising business.

  Eventually she had started her own firm, and it wasn’t long before she was drawing in larger and larger accounts until her agency was one of the premier advertising firms in the state of California. She became known as a ball buster, the woman with brass ovaries. She didn’t take shit from any man, and her staff was populated almost exclusively with women.

  She had started an extensive training program in the domestic violence shelter. With Awai’s financial backing, the center taught women the skills necessary to enter the workforce. Frequently, Awai hired women from the shelter in positions such as receptionist or filing clerk. Gradually, as they learned the ropes, many of the women were trained in more demanding tasks and worked their way up through the advertising agency.

  Awai shifted and lightly flicked her whip, allowing it to curl like a sensuous caress around her bare legs and the leather straps from her heels that wrapped around her ankles and calves.

  There was another side to her life that no one knew about outside of her niece Annie. Almost every evening, Awai left her daily concerns and entered the world of BDSM as a Dominatrix, Mistress Awai.

  Awai treated her submissives well, making sure they enjoyed the erotic play, and always keeping the relationships safe, sane, and consensual. She had chosen to become a Domme simply because she had made that promise to herself—no man would ever again be her master.

  Yet something was missing. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she didn’t feel complete being a Domme. Awai knew what she wanted in life and went after it with a vengeance. So why was her role as a Domme not entirely satisfying?

  As if I wished to be the one tied up and at a male Dom’s mercy.

  She shrugged away the errant thought. What the hell’s the matter with me?

  Awai moved away from the window, a sense of melancholy rolling over her. She was known as a take-charge dynamo, and these feelings of confusion were pissing her off. Yet, as she thought more and more about being a Domme, and of her missing nieces, she felt angry, brooding, and regretful.

  Awai snapped her whip in the empty room, the crack of leather jarring her back into her role. She would take charge and let the bastards who stole her nieces know who was boss.

  When will they get here? She stared at the front door. It was well after ten, only two hours left until midnight. The anniversary of all her nieces’ disappearances would have passed.

  Awai frowned at the stately mahogany door. Could I have been wrong?

  No. She wouldn’t allow doubt to make her insecure. Everything in her gut told her they would be coming for her, too.

  Since no furniture was left in the condo, Awai moved so that her back was against the wall beside the door. She slid down until she sat on the plush burgundy carpeting and she set her whip beside her. Awai’s short skirt hiked up to her waist and her panties pulled tight against her clit. It had been days since she’d had sex, and for some reason the last hadn’t been as fulfilling as she’d hoped.

  A wild fantasy had gone through her mind as she’d had sex with her sub. A fantasy of riding a powerful man, his cock filling her while another man slid his erection into her ass. And yet a third grabbing her by her hair and forcing her to suck his cock. She was totally at their mercy while all three men took her.

  At the memory of the fantasy, Awai couldn’t help but slide one hand between her thighs. As she visualized the scene again, she moved aside the thong and fingered her clit. With her free hand she pushed her blouse above her pert breasts, exposing her nipples to the cool air in the condo.

  She started out with small circles around her clit, then thrust one finger into her core. Against her will, she found herself back in the fantasy of the three men. This time one of the men licked her clit while another one kissed her, and the third sucked her nipples.

  The thought of three gorgeous men focused on her pleasure, and in turn her pleasuring them, sent Awai into orbit. Her orgasm came hard and fast, and caused her to moan as ripple after ripple of her climax continued to flow through her until she came a second time.

  After she slipped her hand from her thong and arranged her clothing a bit, Awai relaxed against the wall and closed her eyes. She brought her fingers to her nose and scented herself, wondering what it would be like to smell the come of three men all at once.

  What's the matter with me? Why am I fantasizing about dominant men? I should be thinking of the men I dominate.

  But the faces of the three Doms continued to haunt her. Awai sighed and sank further into her thoughts until she slipped into a deep but unsettling sleep.

  A blond god of a man tied Awai’s wrists together with a glittering golden rope. It was snug, yet the rope didn’t hurt or cut into her flesh. In a sensuous caress, he slid his hands down her thighs and calves. He bound her ankles together with another piece of golden rope. When he finished, he lowered his head to the juncture of her thighs and inhaled deeply, his long blond hair caressing her skin. He gave a satisfied purr, like a tiger, and she felt tingles race through her body as she grew wet.

  Awai jerked awake and found herself still positioned with her back to the wall of her condo. She blinked, feeling oddly disoriented and almost as if she’d been drugged.

  Golden light shone across the living room carpet, yet through the windows in front of her she could still see San Francisco’s sparkling nighttime view. Slowly she turned her head and saw that the door was open—

  Sunlight spilled into her home. Not a hall light or a streetlight. It was pure butter-yellow sunshine, like it shone on a cool spring morning in places where there wasn’t any fog to dim it.

  Her heart pounded like mad. She tried to get to her feet, only to slide down the wall and fall onto her side, her cheek resting on the leather handle of her whip.

  Her hands and ankles were bound, just like in her dream.

  Awai breathed hard and fast as she glanced at the golden rope around her wrists and then looked
to her ankles.

  A shadow fell across the carpet.

  Awai’s gaze shot to the doorway and she saw the golden god from her dreams. The man’s white-blond hair tumbled over his shoulders and a gold earring glittered in one ear. His muscled chest was bare, and the tattoo of a club was on his magnificent six-pack abs. Good lord, but those leather pants cradled impressive family jewels, and despite the fact that she was tied up and at his mercy, Awai tingled between her thighs.

  Instead of the diatribe she had planned when “they” finally showed up to kidnap her, Awai found herself absolutely speechless.

  The golden god flexed his muscles as he moved closer, and then knelt before her on one knee. His intense blue eyes focused on her and he smelled of sun-warmed flesh and mountain air. Gently he brushed the back of his hand over her cheek, and in a voice that sent shivers down her spine, the god said, “I have come for you.”

  Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland

  “Wonderland” Series

  Taken by Passion: King of Hearts

  Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades

  Bound by Desire: King of Diamonds

  Kept by Seduction: King of Clubs

  “Tattoos and Leather” ménage Series





  “Hearts in Chains” BDSM Series


  “The Auction” Series



  Claimed (with bonus novella Taken)

  “Taboo” Series

  Wicked Nights: three Erotic Tales

  Taboo Desires: three Tales of Lust and Passion

  Playing Rough: three Stories of Sensual Submission

  Also by Cheyenne McCray

  ~Romantic Suspense~

  “Lawmen” Series

  Hidden Prey 1.0

  No Mercy 2.0

  Slow Burn 2.5

  “Riding Tall” Series

  Branded For You

  Roping Your Heart


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