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The Ancients: Book 3 in the Cedarstone Chronicles

Page 22

by Sean Stone

  Kayla closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened them again she looked tired and disheartened. "You didn't see Olivia in the woods, Nickolas. You saw Set."

  "No, no, no," Nick said, shaking his head. "That's not true." But Nick remembered that Set had a unique power — he could change his form.

  "Set?" Kayla said quietly.

  "You're talking madness," Set said, but there was no conviction.

  "Show me your last form," Kayla ordered him.

  "Don't be silly," Set said, shaking his head.

  The druids began chanting and Nick felt the entire temple begin to vibrate with power, not coming from the druids, merely amplified by them, it was coming from Kayla. It was a power that Nick believed he would never see anywhere else. Not a soul on earth could match such power. "Show me your last form," she commanded. Set yelled as his face started to shift. Bubbles formed underneath his skin and his bones cracked as they adjusted. Nick watched in horror as his features changed and his hair grew and before he knew it Olivia was standing in the temple with him. Something rose in Nick's throat choking him. He leaned over, retching, and thick vomit spilled out across the floor. When he looked up Set was himself again. Nick flew across the room. He landed square in Set's chest, knocking him to the floor. Nick fell on him, punching him repeatedly in the face with both hands. Blood was flying from his knuckles and Set's face, but Set did nothing but laugh. Nick screamed as he continued his assault until finally, the druids wrestled him away. They restrained him whilst Kayla approached the downed ancient.

  "Do not waste your strength. You cannot kill him or even cause any lasting damage," Arden whispered in Nick's ear.

  "You have betrayed my trust in the worst way possible, Set. And for what?" Kayla asked him softly, her voice heavy with sorrow. The last of her kind had turned on her.

  "For revenge," Set snapped behind clenched teeth. "You dare to stand there before me and give me orders? You dare to keep from me the vengeance I am owed? I am a king and you are… an abomination. I will get behind that door and I will get that bottle."

  "Not whilst I'm alive," Kayla said.

  "Then I'll just have to kill you, as I should have done when first I learned of what you were," Set said, his voice thick with venom.

  "I wish you all the best with your endeavour, but you will have to do it from elsewhere. You are banished from Elysium. Never to return," Kayla said. She beckoned him away with her hand and he slid rapidly across the white stone floor, looking about in anger and confusion. He was flung through the doors and they crashed shut behind him.

  "Kayla I—" Nick started, but she cut him off with the palm of her hand. The druids released him and he stepped forward.

  "You were supposed to be the best of all the immortals I ever made. The purest. But you have disappointed me more than any that have come before you," she said. Nick could see that she was on the verge of tears, but she was staying strong, bottling it up.

  "I can… I…" Nick had no words with which to reply. The truth was he had disappointed himself. He'd killed the one person he loved more than anything and now he had to live with that for eternity.

  "I'm so sorry that it's ended this way," she said and a tear escaped her eye.

  "What do you mean… ended?"

  "You're a warlock now Nickolas. You have no place in Elysium."


  "Yes." She nodded.

  "No please. Kayla, no," Nick pleaded.

  "You broke the rule. And you have to leave. Nickolas, my child… you are banished from Elysium."

  "No!" he cried, sobbing as he fell to his knees. As Kayla's magic hit him his necklace glowed green, then red then exploded into a million pieces, overwhelmed by the ancient's power. He slid across the floor and out the doors just as Set had, and the last thing he saw was Kayla turning away.

  Some years after Nick's banishment he ran into Set again. He was wearing a different face but it didn't take long for Nick to figure out who he was. Nick's anger took control and he attacked his foe with everything he had. It wasn't enough. After a fight that neither man could win they landed worn out on the floor.

  "I didn't come here to fight you, boy," Set said disdainfully. He pulled himself off the floor and dusted himself off.

  "You needn't have bothered coming at all," Nick growled. He too got up.

  "I think you'll want to hear what I have to say. It can help you achieve that one thing you want above all else." Set pulled out a chair and sat down at the table.

  "You're going to tell me how to kill you?" Nick asked. He remained standing.

  Set laughed. "Not that. The thing you want even more than that."

  Nick stared at him in disbelief. The only thing he wanted more than to kill Set was impossible. He'd searched for a way and found nothing. All the same, he took a seat at the table, ready to listen.

  "There is a way to resurrect Olivia."

  "No there isn't. You can't bring back the dead." Nick was certain of that.

  "No. You can't. Not in the way you've been trying. You see, the living and the dead are held in two separate dimensions. Crossing between them is virtually impossible."

  "So, you've come to tell me that what I want is impossible," Nick asked sarcastically.

  "So impertinent. No. I am telling you there is a way to bring her back in full living form."

  "I'm listening." Nick held no hope.

  "Tear down the barrier that separates the dimensions. With nothing blocking the way, Olivia will be able to return unimpeded."

  "As will everyone else who has ever died. It's insanity."

  "When you restore the barrier all the dead will return to their own dimension," said Set, as if it was obvious.

  "Including Olivia."

  "Not if you resurrect her before you restore the barrier."

  "I'd need ambrosia."

  "You know where to get some."

  "I can't get back there. Neither can you."

  "We'll find a way," Set assured him.

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "It has been foretold."

  "What?" Nick asked. If it was already set in stone then that made it all the more intriguing.

  "For the past few centuries, I've always had access to seers. It was a seer that told me to find Kayla. Told me to wait in Elysium. For a boy who would be found in the Black Wood. The Black Wood boy would lead me through the door that guards my nemesis."

  "Well, that seer got it a bit wrong. We never made it to the door, let alone through it," Nick argued.

  "We're both still alive, are we not? Just because we failed once does not mean we will not get a second chance. Like I said it has been foreseen that we will return to Elysium and we will do it together."

  "And I will have Olivia back?" Nick asked. That was the important part.

  "I have only been told that we will pass through the door. Beyond that point, I do not know."

  "Alright. How do we make this happen?" Nick asked. He hated having to work with Set, but if it brought him Olivia then he would do anything.

  "I don't know all the fine details yet, the seers will reveal more the closer we get. Nick, this plan will take a very long time. It will require patience," Set warned.

  "Luckily, time is a thing we both have in abundance."

  "Very true. In order to cast the spell, you will need power. Lot's of power. And you will need help. The power of thirteen is the only way you will achieve this."

  "The power of thirteen?"

  "The power of thirteen is the greatest power. It is said that nothing can overcome it. Why do you suppose that Kayla has twelve druids? Combined with her they are thirteen. You need to increase your power, by practice or stealing. Your choice. We both know which will be quicker, though. You will also need to gather twelve of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Join them to you. The thirteen of you will then be able to bring down the divide."

  Nick nodded. He absorbed the information, already making plans. But he still didn't fully understand
. "How is thirteen the most powerful number? What makes it so?"

  "Thirteen is just the most powerful," Set said and shrugged.

  "Yes, but how?"

  "Nick, have you learned nothing in all these years? Magic does not come with handy explanations. It just is," said Set. He looked at Nick with disappointment, as if he was a student who had fallen just short of perfect. "Go and build your coven. Remember to recruit only the best. In the year 1960 go to England, to a town called Cedarstone. Come alone and we'll conduct the next part of the plan. It is imperative that you come alone. Any changes to what has already been foreseen could change the course." Set stood up and headed for the door.

  "Despite all of this, I'm still going to kill you," Nick said before he could leave.

  Set stopped in the doorway and turned this head slightly so he could just see Nick over his shoulder. "My death has not been foreseen. Believe me, I would know. Best of luck, though." Set swung open the door and stepped outside. Nick got straight to work gathering his disciples.



  Clara had sent her team to watch Nick's house. Not because she felt that the house need to be under surveillance but because she needed to be alone. Katrina had told her so already. She'd warned Clara that if she took any company then she would not find what she was looking for. Clara hated all the mysticism that came with Katrina, she'd much rather just be told plainly what to do, but that was all part of the seer thing she supposed. Clara didn't even know why she was going where she was going. Katrina had only told her that if she followed the instructions then Nick would fall. That was enough for Clara.

  She came across a narrow lane that led through the trees and followed it. If Katrina wanted Clara trapped for any reason then she was walking right into it. Clara trusted her, though; she seemed genuine enough. After hearing Katrina's story, Clara didn't doubt her for a minute. Besides, Katrina had her own reasons for wanting Nick gone, he had blinded her after all. The lane opened onto a churchyard. Dead overgrown grass stood untidily around the cracked and faded tombstones. The church had not been used for some years. Why had Katrina sent her here, what was inside? Clara opened the gate and it let out a high squeal as its rusty hinges were forced into action. She crossed the threshold and froze. Not of her own accord. She couldn't move. Something was rooting her to the spot. She was about to call out when she noticed a man making his way towards her. He was tall and had dark hair that stopped just above his ears. As he approached she noticed other men moving towards her, coming from all directions across the churchyard. A quick count told her that there were twelve. Twelve disciples. But these couldn't be them, she'd seen most of them before and these men looked nothing like them. They all stopped just a few feet away, blocking her advance into the church. The one in front of her did the speaking.

  "Who are you?" he said. His voice was low and monotonous.

  "Who are you?" she shot back.

  "You are the trespasser. You must identify yourself."

  "My name is Agent Clara Winters of the Special Investigations Team, and this is not your property," she said confidently, not caring that she couldn't move and couldn't possibly enforce any laws. With a lot of people just mentioning something connected to the police would make them rethink their actions.

  "Winters?" he raised an eyebrow. "Follow me." He turned and headed back to the church. The others waited for Clara to move before moving themselves. They were her escort. The spell that had been holding her in place was now broken and she could move freely again. The dark haired man led her into the church which was almost completely bare. The seating had been removed as had most of the other furniture. There was some graffiti on the walls but the building was largely untouched. An altar stood at the head of the church on the chancel, and behind the altar stood a blond haired woman. She had her head bowed and was concentrating on something on the altar. Some kind of spell. As Clara was led closer to the woman she started to doubt her trust in Katrina. Perhaps it was a trap. Maybe Katrina was in collusion with Nick the whole time. That was preposterous. Katrina hated Nick. He had blinded her. Clara reached the steps and taking a deep breath she walked up to the altar mustering as much confidence as possible. The woman looked up. She looked young, early twenties at the most. Her face was perfection, not a crease or blemish on it, her skin beautifully smooth. She stretched her lips in a smile that made her eyes twinkle.

  "Hello, Clara. I was rather hoping that you would find me soon," she said. Her voice was gentle and melodic. It was hard not to smile back at her.

  "And why is that?" Clara asked. Just because she was friendly didn't mean that Clara wasn't still suspicious. "Who are you?"

  The woman smiled even wider as if Clara's suspicion amused her. "My name is Kayla, and we have much to discuss."

  "Kayla? The ancient?" Clara couldn't believe that the mythical woman her father had told her about was now in town and standing right in front of her. The weapon to kill Nick had finally been found.

  "That's me," Kayla confirmed. She had gone back to mixing various herbs and fluids in a mixing bowl atop the altar. Clara didn't recognise any of the ingredients. "I understand that you have been having a great deal of trouble with my son?"

  "Nick is your son?" Clara exclaimed. A part of her had almost believed that he had no mother, that he'd just sprang up from Hell one day.

  "Not biologically. I found him and took him in. Needless to say he… disappointed me." Her smile slipped away as she spoke. "So we had to part ways."

  "He's disappointed quite a few people here as well," Clara said. She folded her arms over her chest. She couldn't help feeling a little bitterness towards Kayla. She had claimed Nick as her son and in Clara's eyes, that meant she had to take some responsibility for the way he'd turned out.

  "I know. That's why I'm here." She sprinkled something into the bowl and the fluid fizzled and cracked.

  "Well, I hope you've come to give him more than a telling off. The only way to stop his evil is to kill him," Clara said strongly.

  "Is killing him not an evil deed in itself?" Kayla asked. She poured something else into the bowl and the liquid turned purple and began to boil.

  "When a dog goes bad the owner is not considered evil when she puts it down," Clara said.

  "Perhaps not in your eyes. And Nickolas is not a dog," Kayla fixed her with a warning look, the sort of look a mother might give to a misbehaving child. Clara fidgeted uncomfortably and was glad when Kayla returned her focus to the bowl. "You're right of course. Drastic action must be taken. Fifty-four years ago I came here to put a stop to his machinations. I trapped him in a bunker, but that didn't seem to stop him."

  "He got out," Clara said.

  "Got out? I believe your father let him out," Kayla corrected.

  "Yeah well, he learned his lesson," Clara said bitterly.

  "Indeed. I am going to stop Nickolas. You are to stay away."

  "No way. No. I've worked too—" Kayla held up her hand and Clara fell silent.

  "I need you to stay away because things are different this time. He is more powerful. He is more aware. I will be unable to use the same methods on him that I did last time. There is a chance, however small, I will fail. Should that happen you will need to finish the task."

  "Oh, okay," Clara said. She had questions, but she didn't know where to start.

  "It won't be easy. Nickolas is planning to steal magic from an ancient. He already has magic from a jinni, so if he is successful in his plans then he will be more powerful than almost everyone in the world. There will be two beings more powerful than he. One of them is imprisoned far from here and the other is myself. You will need to be very secretive, he has moles in place. You must be selective with whom you bring into your plans."

  "I know who to trust," Clara said.

  "Really? Because my druids inform me that you have been sleeping with one of Nickolas' disciples? Jamal Rasul is his right-hand man." Clara said nothing. She let the shock hit her. A part of h
er had suspected for a while now that Jamal was the thirteenth man, but she'd been fighting it. Not wanting to accept it. To accept how easily she'd been deceived. Here was the confirmation. She'd expected to feel upset. Heartbroken. Instead, she just felt anger. Maybe the rest would come in time.

  "I had my suspicions," she said at last. He'd always got funny when she came close to learning the identities of the Thirteen. Apparently, he'd even asked Phil to give him the investigation and put Clara on something else. An accusation which he denied.

  "Indeed. Now they are confirmed. You can tell only your director about the plan. And those that are vital to its success." Kayla pulled out a glass phial and began pouring the purple fluid into it.

  "Who are they?"

  "I do not know. I do not know the plan. I do not need to. If the plan is needed then I imagine I will be dead. But I have lived for more years than I count, so perhaps my time is at an end." She didn't seem at all sad, it was as if she had already accepted it.

  "If you don't know the plan then how can I carry it out?" asked Clara.

  Kayla smiled again. "All I know is that it will take place on the night of the new moon. The rest your seer will know." That was only five days away. Was she really going to get her revenge so soon?

  "Why don't you just tell me how to kill Nick. I know that you know how," Clara asked, leaning in close. She was getting tired of everybody being so cryptic and mysterious. She just wanted some straight answers.

  "Nickolas is my son. I will never play any part in his death," she said firmly.

  "Well in that case, with all due respect, I hope you fail when you face him. That way maybe I'll get the job done properly," she said spitefully. She regretted her words almost immediately, but she could not take them back.


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