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Four Weddings and a Werewolf swp-2

Page 17

by Kristin Miller

Turning, Veronica sauntered to the half dome, then took a seat. Logan waited, his back to the plate glass, unsure whether she would want him sitting beside her. The last thing he wanted was to spook her when she had finally opened up enough to be close to him. She patted the cushion beside her. Logan made himself walk slowly to her side, but his nerves were leaping.

  “I think I owe you an apology,” she said, as he plopped onto the plush couch. “You’re not the wolf who attacked my sister. I shouldn’t have taken out my anger on you. That wasn’t fair.”

  He leaned back and slid his hips out, making himself more comfortable. “That must’ve taken a lot for you to say.”

  “It did.”

  “I should’ve told you what I was from the start,” he said.

  “Either way, I would’ve had the same reaction.” Veronica stared into the sky, her gaze jumping from one twinkling star to another.

  “Your sister and Jake are really happy together,” Logan said, putting his hands in his lap. “The wedding was perfect. Under the pressure you’ve had this week, it was a miracle.”

  She glared. “I thought you hated weddings.”

  “Not all of them. I don’t have a problem with Jake and Leah getting hitched, not when it’s so clear to see how right they are together. And I thought my Alpha and his mate should’ve bonded before they actually did. When a couple are truly made for each other, you can tell.”

  “So you aren’t against marriage in general, just not interested when it comes to you?”

  “I think big, elaborate ceremonies are designed to distract the guests from seeing the blemishes in the couple’s relationship.”

  “You didn’t answer my question,” she said.

  It was time he answered every question in her head, and her heart.

  “I’ve never wanted to get married. I’ve always looked at weddings and seen two people who are pretending to be happy. My mother was never happy. Never. Not when she planned one wedding after another. Not when she finally met her Luminary, her fated mate.” Logan shrugged, and his hands started to clam. “I bet she’s still unhappy.”

  “Just because your mother got married a handful of times, found her Luminary, and still wasn’t happy doesn’t mean that you’re going to follow in her footsteps. It’s just like the wolf that attacked my sister is one wolf out of the pack. It’s easy for me to think that you’re all the same, but when it comes down to it, there are crazies in every race, every breed.”

  “You’re absolutely right.”

  Before he’d met Veronica, Logan never wanted anything serious with his previous girlfriends. He’d never wanted someone to greet him when he came home from work or someone to hog his half of the bed. But when he thought of Veronica filling those places, it seemed right. Like he’d miss those things if he didn’t have them. To keep her in his life, he would gladly stick with the bodyguard role for his pack and ditch the hit man status. It was probably time to pass the torch anyway. Thinking of the change in occupation didn’t bother Logan as he thought it would. Actually, it didn’t bother him at all.

  Say it. His heart clenched. Don’t let her walk away again.

  He squeezed her hand and took the leap he’d been aching to make since he met her. “Veronica, I know how you feel about my kind, but I can’t keep quiet any longer. I don’t know what you’ve done to me the last few weeks, but I’ve felt myself changing. Little by little, you’ve wrapped yourself around me and now I’m not sure what it’d feel like if you let go.”

  “That’s sweet,” she said. “Especially coming from a friend.”

  She didn’t understand the gravity of what he was saying.

  “I never wanted anything long-term because I didn’t think the trouble of a relationship was worth the fleeting glimpses of happiness it brings. I was wrong.” His stomach flipped. It’d been Veronica all along. “I want to be with you, and I want much more than your friendship.”

  She shook her head and scooted back on the couch.

  “Look at me,” he whispered.

  “Keep talking.” Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheek. “Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t have much to offer.” He ghosted his hands over her hair. “I drive a beat-up pickup truck and come with a dog who drools when you scratch his belly. I belong to a pack of wolves who’ll become the best and worst family you’ve ever had. If you give me a chance, I think you might come to realize how great we could be together.”

  She opened her eyes and gazed at him, through him. “When I said I wanted this, that’s exactly what I meant. It’s clear how much your packmates care for one another. I’d kill to feel that type of protective dynamic surrounding me. More than anything, I long to feel safe and loved and treasured. You make me feel like you crave me, like you’d protect me with your last breath, and I’ve never felt that with anyone before. But I didn’t think you saw me living in your world. I wasn’t sure you wanted something serious.”

  “Let me prove to you how serious I am,” he said, pulling her into a tight embrace against his chest. Her body was warm, and a perfect fit in his arms. “I can’t promise you a big white wedding, two-point-five children and a house with a white picket fence, but I swear that I’ll give you all of me, for as long as you’ll have me.” He paused, waiting for her to respond. “Do you think that’ll be enough for you?”

  “You”—she kissed him, slowly, softly, melting his worries away—“are more than enough.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Veronica was supposed to be focused on Leah and Jake and their special day.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Logan.

  From her seat at the head table, she had the perfect vantage point. Jake and Leah were making their way around the room, thanking everyone for attending the wedding of the century—not that she was taking all the credit. Heather was standing near the bar talking to a hunky-looking thirtysomething in dress pants and cowboy boots. The DJ was phenomenal, playing music from the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s like it’d never gone out of style. Everyone loved it; the dance floor was packed.

  As the song switched from “The Humpty Dance” to “Think Twice” by Celine Dion, Logan took Veronica by the hand and led her into the center of the room.

  “Come on,” he said. “We can’t sit this one out.”

  He whirled her around and roped her into his arms. Giggling, she pressed against him and buried her face in his chest. Things had never felt more right.

  Did this night really have to end?

  “Take a look at that,” Logan said, twirling her around.

  Leah and Jake were behind the cake table, holding chunks of dessert in their hands. Leah shoved a fistful of cake into Jake’s face. He laughed, gave a little bow, then kissed Leah on the lips, smooshing the dessert around.

  Too sweet.

  Leah was happy. Veronica’s heart tingled with pure delight.

  “Would you want something like that?” Logan asked, coiling his arm tighter around her waist.

  Veronica arched back to look him in the eye. “I’m not even thinking about it.”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “If I wanted to be with you, would I have to, um…” Her stomach fluttered with anxiety merely thinking about the words. “…be bitten to turn into a wolf?”

  If she stayed a human, and he stayed a wolf, that wouldn’t work. It couldn’t. She’d constantly feel as if she was on the outside of their pack, separate from him, living a completely different life by a separate set of rules.

  “Whether you want to make that leap is completely up to you, and I’d never pressure you one way or another. If you don’t think the path is right for you, that’s okay.” Logan twirled her around the dance floor, to a section that was less crowded. “I can answer some questions for you, though. I can practically see your mind racing. What spooks you the most? The bite or the transition?”

  The marks on Leah’s body after she was attacked had haunted Veronica for years.

  She swallowed hard.
“The bite.”

  “In that case, come with me for a second. I want to show you something.” He escorted her by the hand out the reception doors and into the room where the ceremony had been a few hours before. It was empty now. Dark and private. He pushed her against the wall and buried his face in her neck. His hips thrust against hers as he shoved his leg between hers, urging them apart.

  “Oh,” she said, skating her hands up and down his back. “Wasn’t expecting this.”

  “As carefully as I could, I’d bite you on two different pulse points. One bite here”—he grazed his thumb over the vein on her neck—“and another here”—his hand brushed across her inner thigh—“would start the transition process. The wounds would heal quickly—hours, maybe. After that, there’d be no evidence that you’d been bitten at all.”

  Her skin pebbled beneath his hand, and her insides fluttered with nervous energy. “Would it hurt? It’d have to hurt, wouldn’t it?”

  He lifted her head from his chest and kissed her neck, warming her skin with the heat of his mouth. She arched back, welcoming the flood of desire surging through her. He kissed her neck openmouthed, his tongue circling round and round over her flesh. She was tingly all over. Dizzy. Her head fell back against the wall and Logan followed, his mouth attached to her neck in a passionate lock. The instant he sucked, Veronica’s eyes rolled back. She felt heat. Chills. He was giving her a hickey. It may’ve been tacky in grade school, but if a mark on her neck meant that Logan had claimed her as his own, she’d wear it with pride.

  “It’s like softening you up for sex,” he said. His hand floated down her body and gently spread her legs farther apart. “You can’t jump right in. If I loosened you up and made you forget about what was happening, I think you might find the bite enjoyable.”

  She nodded quickly, the air freezing in her chest.

  His teeth grazed her neck, but she was too lost in him to flinch. She was dizzy with pleasure, her thighs quivering beneath his touch. How did he manage to do this to her every time? She was putty in his hands. He could claim her, possess her, make love to her on a rooftop in downtown Seattle. As long as she was in his arms, she was happy.

  He pulled back, his hands pressed possessively against her hips. The pupils of his eyes were wide and black. “I could’ve kept going and broken the skin,” he said, wiping the moisture from her neck, “and I don’t think you would’ve been in any pain.”

  “I think you’re right.” She shook. Had he been about to bite her? If he’d asked while his teeth had nipped at her skin, she would’ve said yes. “But you’d still be with me? If I decided that’s not the way I wanted to live?”

  He brushed his lips against hers in a mind-numbing caress. “Of course I would.”

  “I’m not ready to decide now,” Veronica said, her voice echoing into the room. “But if I’m going to be with you and build a life with you, it’ll be all or nothing.”

  “You’re amazing,” he said, as the song for the garter toss began to play. “My love, my Luminary.”

  He kissed her, and his words almost disappeared. Almost. “What’d you just call me?”

  “My Luminary.”

  “That’s what Jake called Leah. He said she was his—”

  “Fated mate, yes.” Tunneling his hands into her hair, Logan dragged her into another kiss. “I should’ve told you before now, but I didn’t want to reveal the truth if you hated me and my kind.”

  Veronica’s heart banged against her chest. “How do you know that I’m yours?”

  “Since the moment I met you, I’ve been pulled to you. It wasn’t because I was hired to be your shadow, or because I wanted a one-night stand.” Logan brushed the back of his hand down her cheek. “You belong to me. You were always meant to be mine.”

  Veronica sagged against the wall, knowing immediately that the bond was what she’d been sensing all along. “I feel the pull to you, too.”

  “Now comes the scary part.” He took her hand, flipped it over, and kissed her palm. “Wolves live a couple hundred years solo, but when they complete the Luminary bond, it extends their life and the life of their fated mate up to a thousand years.”

  “A thousand years? You’re kidding! No wonder you were afraid of settling down.” Shock raised her voice into the upper register. “Jesus, Logan. I wouldn’t want to be with me for a thousand years, either.”

  He laughed. “Surprisingly, the length of time doesn’t haunt me like it used to. With the right person, I think it could be fun.”

  “Are we crazy for doing this?” she asked, as he pressed his hips against hers. “Tell me I’m not crazy.”

  “Oh, you’re completely crazy.” He nuzzled into her neck. “Certifiable. Takes one to know one. What do you say we sneak up to my room for an hour so I can diagnose you properly? I have a degree in psychology, you know.”


  “No. Not really.”

  She giggled, bending into his arms as he ravished her neck with fevered kisses. “An hour alone is all you want? Are you sure?”

  “As much as I’d love to keep you in bed the rest of the night, I can’t monopolize your time when your sister’s wedding is going on. I’d say we shouldn’t miss the serving of the cake, but we’ve already tasted it.” He kissed her again. And again. “I’d like to taste a few more things before we rejoin the party.”

  Blushing, Veronica let him lead her upstairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Naked and tangled in satin sheets, Veronica nestled into Logan’s embrace. Caught in the crook between his chest and his arm, she could hear his heartbeat clearly, its gentle thump-thump beating against her cheek.

  “It calls for you, you know,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  She smiled and nuzzled into him. “I’m happy. Just like this.”

  “Me, too. But we should probably get back to the reception. They’ll be wondering where we are.”

  As she looked up and kissed him, her stomach rumbled. “Oh God,” she moaned, holding her middle. “I’m so hungry.”

  “Let’s go downstairs and grab something to eat.” Logan laughed softly, his chest rising and falling beneath her. “And let’s hope the pack hasn’t devoured the last of the cake.”

  “Isn’t there anything in here? Cheese? Crackers?”

  “I don’t think so, but if you’re really that hungry I could knock over the vending machine down the hall,” he joked.

  “I was too busy trying to think of what I wanted to say for my speech to eat dinner. I feel like I’m starving and cake’s not going to cut it.”

  “We’ll raid the kitchen if we have to.” Logan slid his arm from beneath her and rose from the bed, buck naked. Suddenly, thoughts of food evaporated from Veronica’s mind.

  “Can you call room service to bring something up while I shower? I wanted to wash up before rejoining the party,” she said, struggling to find the words to explain how she was feeling. “This is going to sound crazy, but there’s a scent that I need to wash off otherwise everyone will know what we’ve been doing.”

  Smirking, Logan leaned over the bed and kissed her. “I may have marked you with my scent while we were making love. I’ve gotten the urge to mark you each time, but this time it was more difficult for me to hold back.”

  “What are you saying? We’re bonded?”

  “No, there’s more to the bonding process than that—a ritual with words we speak during lovemaking.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Basically, the scent you’re picking up is for other wolves to know that you’re taken. By me.” He rubbed his cheek against hers, breathing her in, and then moved down to her neck. “I think you smell like peaches.”

  Veronica smacked him, and when her stomach rumbled again, she could’ve sworn her stomach lining melted away.

  “You shower, I’ll have food brought up,” he said, and picked up his cell phone from the bedside table.

  Didn’t need to say it twice. Veronica strode into the bathroom and adjusted the t
emperature of the shower’s spray.

  “Problem,” Logan called from the bedroom a few minutes later. “Carter’s the only one who answered his phone and he’s already on his way up to his suite.”

  “Can’t you order room service?”

  “You think I’m going to trust waitstaff to bring you food? Not happening tonight. Bright side is, Carter offered to guard the door while I head down to grab you leftovers. I’ll be back with food before you’re out and it’ll save time.”

  “Sounds good.” Veronica’s stomach answered with a sharp pang. She wrapped a towel around her head so she didn’t mess up her hair, and stepped into the shower.

  “Carter should be here any second,” Logan said from somewhere in the other room. “While we’re waiting, I’m going to call a few other members of the security team. Carter can handle himself, but you never know. That guy is still here somewhere.”

  “Don’t remind me.” She soaped up, careful not to drench the towel on her head.

  “I’ll be back before you’re out,” he said, and left the suite.


  “Don’t let anyone in or out,” Logan told Carter as he stood in front of the door. “I mean anyone. Remember what I said about the stalker?”

  “Right. He’s one of ours.” Carter nodded, his jaw going tight. “I thought you would’ve had him handled by now.”

  “I would’ve,” Logan said, “but he’s been waiting to make his move tonight, which is why it’s imperative if you see anyone from our pack come down this hall, you call me immediately.”

  “Will do.”

  “I called up another two members of the security team,” Logan said, standing with his back against the wall. “They’re already on their way up.”

  A few seconds passed, and Carter checked his watch. “You could’ve been back by now.”

  “Damn it.” Logan twitched. “I know.”

  As the elevator door dinged, Logan bolted down the hall, his boots striking the floor like anvils. Two of the security team members exited and nodded in acknowledgment.


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