Book Read Free

Outside the Wire

Page 17

by Holly Copella

  Monroe drew a deep breath while taking her hands in his. He stared into her eyes. “Jackie,” he announced gently. “You’re scary. Even Ross was a little afraid of you at times.”

  “Then take a vote and let me come along,” she replied in a firm tone.

  “I don’t have that sort of power,” he remarked. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t want you going. If we run into Zack, you’re going to let your feelings get in the way.”

  “He won’t hurt me.”

  “Damn it! He held a gun to your head!” Monroe took a deep breath and resumed his gentle tone. “We’ve been through all this already. Even if you’re right, he’ll kill the rest of us just for standing in his path to you. You need to stay out of this battle for your own good. If you put yourself in harm’s way, you could endanger all our lives.”

  Jackie fought her tears so that she wouldn’t show her emotions in front of Monroe. She hesitated and drew a deep breath. “Deep down inside, I know what needs to be done,” she informed him while drifting into her own thoughts. “It may not be rational, and it may cause some hostility among us, but we need to trust one another in the end. Ultimately, we need to do what’s best for those we love and worry about the cost later.”

  Monroe smiled and hugged her. She returned the embrace. “Thanks for understanding, Jackie,” he replied warmly. “I promise we’ll do what’s best.” He finally pulled away and attempted to lighten the mood while patting her hand. “We’re playing poker tonight. It’d be nice if you joined us and showed the guys there are no hard feelings.”

  “Thanks, but I already made plans with Holden,” she replied. “We had a bet. He lost, so I’m collecting tonight.”

  “More information than I needed,” Monroe replied then smiled and kissed her quickly on the lips. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”

  She nodded then returned to watching the woods as he walked away. As Monroe approached the building, Beck walked out and stopped him.

  Beck indicated Jackie while fidgeting. “How is she?”

  “Calm before the storm,” Monroe casually replied then pat him on the back before heading inside. “Good luck.”

  Beck took a deep breath then approached Jackie where she sat with her back to him. Despite facing away from him, her eyes were on him as he got closer. He slowed his approach, feeling her stare out the corner of her eye.

  “May I join you?”

  “It’s a public place,” she replied.

  Beck sat on the bench near her, immediately hunched over, and clasped his hands between his knees. He was obviously uncomfortable.

  “This is ridiculous,” he blurted out while sitting up straight. “I know you’re pissed and most of it is directed at me. I’m sorry we can’t include you, but you already know why.”

  She cast a look at him. Beck tensed as if waiting for her to erupt.

  “It’s okay, Beck,” she replied, surprising him. “Holden and I had a long talk. He made me see things differently, and I’ve come to terms with the way things are.”

  Beck stared at her a moment with a look of disbelief. “Oh? Well, I’m glad he was able to make you feel better about the situation.”

  “Yes, he’s very supportive,” she informed Beck. “He offered to arrange a transfer back to the east coast Bureau, and we can move back into my father’s house here in Virginia. Without a mortgage, I wouldn’t even have to work if I don’t want to.”

  Beck’s mouth fell open as he stared at her. “You’re moving back home?”

  “Yes,” she replied simply. “I thought I’d earned my way onto this team, but I recently discovered the only two men who actually respected my position are gone.”

  “You’re threatening to quit if I don’t let you come along?” Beck almost demanded.

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying,” she announced firmly then groaned. “I’m saying my services to the team are officially discontinued.”

  He was at a loss for words as he stared at her. “Jackie, please reconsider. Of course, I respect you,” Beck insisted then practically pleaded with her. “We’ve all been under a lot of stress recently. Take time to give this some serious thought before you do anything rash like moving back to Virginia.”

  “Obviously, I have plenty of time while we’re stuck here,” she informed him. “But I doubt I’ll change my mind. Without Ross, Kirk, and Zack, this team will never be the same.”

  “You’re absolutely right. It won’t be the same,” Beck agreed with rising tension, “but we’ll make it work. Jackie, we need you. I need you.”

  “I’m having a difficult time sorting out everything that’s happened the last couple of weeks,” she informed him. “I’m feeling confused, betrayed, and unappreciated. Those feelings don’t just go away overnight.”

  Beck fidgeted and briefly sank into thought. He turned on the stone bench to face her. “What if I promised to find you some answers?”


  He groaned then ran his fingers through his hair. “If possible, we’ll try to take Zack alive.” His enthusiasm suddenly returned. “You could interrogate him however long you want and use him as your personal punching bag.”

  Jackie considered the suggestion and gave a slight nod. “If I couldn’t get answers, I’d at least have someone to direct my aggression toward.”

  “I promise I’ll try to take Zack alive,” Beck announced. “We may have to plug up a few holes, but we’ll attempt to take him alive.”

  She considered the comment then nodded. “I can live with that,” she replied and managed a tiny smile.

  Beck appeared relieved then softly laughed while shaking his head. “I don’t know how you do it, but you always somehow manage to get your way, don’t you?”

  “If I got my way, I’d be going along tomorrow afternoon,” she replied.

  “No amount of manipulation would get you that,” he replied with a slight chuckle. They sat in silence a moment before he eyed her with a curious look. “What happened to the third ATV? I noticed it was missing.”

  She cast a sideways glance at him and smirked. “Did you think I took it?”

  “It crossed my mind,” he replied.

  “You were watching the wrong girl,” she casually informed him. “Sal and Pinto took one of the ATVs a little while ago to pick some blueberries. I heard mention of blueberry pancakes tomorrow morning.”

  Beck groaned softly. “Yeah, she mentioned they were going to pick blueberries,” he muttered. “I just assumed they were walking.”

  “I think the bushes are a bit of a trek from here,” Jackie replied. “It’s getting close to dark too. They may have some competition for those berries. They’ll want to get back as fast as they can.”

  “Yeah, neither of them are exactly the outdoorsy type,” Beck added.

  Jackie glanced at her watch then looked at Beck and grinned. “I’m late for my date,” she announced. “Holden lost a bet, and I’m collecting.”

  Beck groaned as she sprang up from the stone bench. “I wish you wouldn’t announce those things.”

  “Beck, you’re a prude,” she announced then kissed him on the cheek and hurried inside.

  He leaned back on the bench after she’d gone and stared at the darkening woods. “No, just a little jealous that Pinto doesn’t brag about our evening plans,” he muttered.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Jackie entered her bedroom a few minutes later and found Holden comfortably sitting reclined on the bed leaning against the headboard as if he’d been waiting for her arrival. He was still fully dressed, but he’d taken off his shoes. He glanced at his watch then eyed her.

  “Cutting it a little close, aren’t you?” he asked with some arrogance.

  Jackie approached the bed and leaped on top of him. He cried out with surprise as she tackled him to the bed. She straddled him while on all fours and kissed him quickly but passionately on the lips. Holden returned the kiss then pulled away and met her gaze as she hovered over him.

n’t you forgetting something?” he asked.

  She moved onto her knees and hurriedly removed her tank top. Jackie cast her shirt aside and lowered herself on top of him, allowing her hands to travel his body.

  “There’s something very important we need to discuss,” she announced then kissed him aggressively while running her hand along his body toward his crotch.

  Holden groaned and flipped her onto her back while attempting to slip her out of her pants. “I’m listening,” he moaned softly.


  A short while later, Jackie and Holden lay naked beneath the sheets while in each other’s arms as they panted, attempting to catch their breath after their aggressive lovemaking.

  “I swear you’re going to kill me one day,” Holden remarked then gave her a curious look. “Death by sex. Do you suppose that’s possible?”

  Jackie rolled onto his chest, smiled lovingly, and kissed him quickly on the lips. “I’m not sure, but I’m willing to explore it further any other time.”

  Holden glanced at his watch then gave her a moderately stern look. “Yes, you’re definitely going to be late now,” he announced in a firm tone.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered while jumping up from the bed and slipping into her clothes. “Late for my own funeral. I don’t really see the rush.”

  “Don’t even joke,” Holden warned while slipping into his boxer briefs.

  He sat up on the edge of the bed and watched her pull on her boots. His look was concerning. She slipped into her leather jacket then caught his look. She gave him a warm, reassuring smile and kissed him quickly.

  “I’ll be back,” she announced. “I promise.”

  “I know,” he replied, almost successfully hiding his concern. “Just remember our deal.”

  “I promise to do what has to be done,” she replied then hugged him.

  He held her in a warm embrace and sighed into her shoulder. “Be careful.”

  She kissed him quickly, flashed a tender smile, and then hurried to the window. Holden watched Jackie climb out the window and disappear into the darkening evening. He allowed his head to fall into his hands as he groaned.

  “I must be out of my mind,” he muttered.


  Jackie slipped away from the ranger’s station unnoticed and hurried into the woods finding the path despite the rapidly darkening woods. She ventured only one hundred yards from the ranger’s station when she heard movement within the shadows. Jackie paused and looked around. Othello appeared on the path holding a duffel bag.

  “You’re late,” he scoffed. “I’ve been waiting nearly fifteen minutes.”

  “Sorry,” she announced and took the bag from him. “I was unavoidably detained.”

  “More fancy talk alluding to servicing your husband,” Othello muttered. “While you were off riding the wild fed, some of us were being eaten alive by mosquitos.”

  “I said I was sorry,” she replied then eyed him suspiciously. “I thought Bogart was meeting me with my bag.”

  “He was but something came up, so he sent me,” Othello replied.

  “Something came up?” she muttered and looked around. “We’re in the middle of the woods. What could possibly have come up?”

  “The male plumbing is a complicated piece of machinery,” Othello informed her.

  She groaned and held up her hand. “Never mind. Sorry I asked.”

  Othello handed her a set of car keys. “The jeep is parked near the planes. Just follow the thing that looks a little like a road. It’ll bring you out to some dirt road. You’ll figure it out from there.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate this,” she announced.

  “Yeah, just don’t tell the guys I gave you the information from those emails,” Othello replied and gave her a stern look. “I bruise easily.”

  “They didn’t want to include me,” she remarked with irritation. “Sometimes a woman has to take matters into her own hands.”

  “Just be careful, okay?”

  “I won’t be anywhere near that mansion tomorrow night,” she informed him. “I intend to case the place in the morning and be gone before the team shows up.”

  “And if you find Zack?”

  Jackie held her breath then managed a smile. “That depends on what hand he’s playing,” she replied. “If he doesn’t fold willingly, I promise he’ll be drawing dead.”

  Othello tensed at the comment. “Good luck, Jackie,” he announced reluctantly.

  She kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you in a few days.” She hurried down the path.

  Othello watched her leave and frowned as she vanished into the woods. “I hope so.”


  Pinto and Sal picked blueberries from a large blueberry bush in a small clearing. Sal glanced at his watch several times while Pinto listened to strange sounds coming from deep within the woods. She seemed concerned about their location and safety.

  “It’s getting dark,” she informed her father. “How much longer?”

  “Another ten minutes,” he assured her. “Then we’ll head back.”

  They heard some rustling in the woods. Pinto gasped and nearly dropped her basket of blueberries. Jackie appeared in the clearing while panting from her lengthy sprint.

  “You’re late,” Sal announced.

  “By ten minutes,” she scoffed. “Is everyone the time police?”

  Sal indicated the nearby ATV then hurried for it. Jackie slung the duffel bag over her shoulder and jumped on the back behind Sal. He looked at Pinto near the bushes.

  “I’ll be back in twenty minutes,” he announced. “If you see a bear, throw the basket and run.”

  The ATV took off down the path. Pinto nervously looked around the darkening woods then eyed the basket of blueberries she held.


  The ATV raced along the woods edge toward the parked planes. The jeep was located alongside the last plane where Othello said it would be. Sal pulled up next to the jeep, allowing Jackie to jump off the back with her duffel bag. He looked at her and forced a tiny smile.

  “Be careful, okay?”

  “I’ll be fine,” Jackie gently replied while returning the smile. “I just need some answers, that’s all. When I get them, I’ll be back.”

  Sal raised his brows above his round, wire glasses. “If it comes down to him or you--”

  “Way ahead of you, Sal,” she replied. “Thanks for your help.”

  “You’ve got to at least try,” he remarked. “You’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t do that much.”

  She nodded then managed a tiny laugh. “Go get Pinto before she’s eaten by Boo Boo.”

  Sal smiled and raced back for the path in the woods. Jackie hurried to the jeep and tossed her duffel bag into the back of the open vehicle. She jumped into the driver’s seat and turned the key. The engine wouldn’t turn.

  “No,” she groaned and tried again. Nothing happened. “This can’t be happening!”

  Jackie popped the hood and jumped out the driver’s side door. As she hurried to the front of the jeep, she saw Bogart leaning against the nearby plane casually tossing the spark plug in the air and catching it. He revealed the spark plug and grinned.

  “Won’t get far without this,” he informed her.

  She groaned and glared at him. “Give me the damned spark plug.”

  Bogart approached her and the jeep. He raised his brow while tilting his head and offered his most charming country boy grin. “What’s the magic word?” he teased.

  Jackie sneered at him and growled her response. “Fine, you can come along.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he teased.

  “Just replace the damned spark plug so we can go,” she scoffed then headed for the driver’s seat.

  “Acht,” he announced catching her attention.

  She looked back at him. He beckoned her toward him. Jackie frowned and approached. He pointed to the spot alongside him. She stood on the spot, relaying her irritation, and then folded her a
rms across her chest.

  “Now you stay right there and don’t move until I say you can,” he informed her.

  She rolled her eyes and muttered a curse under her breath. He wasn’t as dumb as he’d have people believe. He knew she’d take off the moment he shut the hood, leaving him behind. She didn’t want to take him. She didn’t want to put anyone else at risk for her fool’s errand, but he was forcing her hand. He slammed the hood down, grinned, and politely extended his hand to the driver’s seat.

  “After you, my dear.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  The old split-level home belonging to Jackie’s father was nestled in a quiet development with other country homes in the upper middle-class neighborhood of Vernon Heights, Virginia. Despite her absence, the yard was meticulously manicured. The home appeared to be in excellent condition since she paid to have a service tend to the yard and garden. After Holden had received his promotion to the Colorado FBI Bureau, they kept her father’s home as a layover for the guys while they were traveling. It was midnight by the time Jackie and Bogart reached her old neighborhood. Although streetlights dimly lit the small development, the homes were mostly dark since it was a weekday. Othello’s jeep was parked two homes away along the curb. There were few vehicles parked on the street, since most of the homes had large driveways, so they had to stay far enough away to remain out of sight.

  Once they were sure no one was watching the house besides them, they headed for the back door. Jackie removed the hidden key and let them in through the kitchen.

  Bogart looked around the familiar, tidy kitchen and grinned. “Haven’t been here in a while,” he remarked.

  “Don’t get comfortable,” she announced and turned on a small light above the stove.

  “Remember the time I saw you naked in the shower?” he teased.

  Jackie glared at him.

  “So if I saw my sister naked in the shower, does that make me a hillbilly?” he joked while grinning.

  She continued to glare at him and folded her arms across her chest with limited patience. “Trust me, Bogart. You’re a hillbilly either way.”


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