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The Hood of Justice

Page 3

by Mark Alders

  Casey grabbed the man’s cock in the nick of time. He was erect. Seemed he liked the idea of being touched there, after all. “Shhh, you’ll like this, I promise.”

  Before the man could scream out, alert Bruce that things weren’t going so well, Casey managed to pull out his own cock, too. Their genitals touched.

  The man froze.

  Underneath Casey, the perp was as stiff as a mannequin, his cock was ridged, too. Docking like this wasn’t his idea of the best way to accomplish what he needed, but at the same time he couldn’t let Bruce get suspicious. Sure, his foreskin tingled like mad, driving him crazy, but he also had to do his job. He had to dock. He had to get the truth out of this man.

  Casey used his knees to get a bit of distance from the man, putting all of his weight on one hand while the other was at their cocks. He had to give himself enough space to dock comfortably, so they could join in the proper way. Within a heartbeat, and so as not to waste any more time, Casey rolled his foreskin over the man’s bulging head. He was circumcised, that much he could tell. The skin of his head was a lot rougher than what he would have experienced from an intact man. Still, cut or not, the man was his. He could ask his questions now that his silky, sensual skin had covered the man’s glans completely.

  “Who’s the big fish around here, mate?” Casey asked. “The one you report to?”

  The man, the familiar stunned look upon him, eyes wide and glistening with both ecstasy and the effects of the magic Casey’s foreskin possessed, spilled his guts. “His name is Randy Piper. I don’t know where he lives, no one not in his inner circle does…but I know where to contact him. We meet at random times at the coffee house in Roxburgh Glen, on the main strip. It’s called Books and Beans. He likes to read while sipping his brew.”

  Casey massaged the connection his foreskin created, making sure he kept his skin in place. Pre cum oozed from them both, lubricating his actions, which would soak the man’s body in more and more of his magic his foreskin released, letting every pore of his excited cock take whatever he gave. Soon the man’s whole system would be inundated with Casey’s influence, helped by the euphoric high all men got when sexually charged. God, he loved his job.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Drummond.” The man shuddered.

  Casey could feel his breath deepen, see his pupils dilate, even in the low light of pre-dawn. He was close to climax. Seemed he was enjoying being docked, being wanked with another bloke’s foreskin. Casey couldn’t blame him. Docking was more than intimate, it was like an epiphany and affected men on a deep level as only men could share the experience. He loved being gay.

  Then it happened. The man came. Casey’s foreskin was filled with his ejaculate until it ballooned. But he kept hold of his connection. There was another question he wanted to ask.

  Casey smiled. “What time were you going to meet with him next?”

  “Two o’clock tomorrow afternoon.”

  Casey let himself go. He had what he wanted. He came, too. He felt sheer and absolute relief as he pumped more and more cum into his own foreskin. Skin which was stretched to the limit with both of their sex fluids. “Thanks.” He got up off Drummond. “Now let me get that dick back into your pants, then I’ll help you to your feet.”

  Confusion crossed Drummond’s face. He was at the stage where his memory would soon be lost to him. Casey acted fast, making sure he secured the man’s dick back into his pants and without catching him with his zipper. He sorted himself out, too, but not before he retracted his foreskin and let all the cum he had gained dribble onto the floor. He licked his fingers, stuffed his own cock back into his own pants and helped Drummond up as he said he would.

  “Why am I hand cuffed?” Drummond asked, genuine bewilderment in his voice.

  Casey turned just in time to see Bruce approach. “You sure do have a strange effect on blokes, Case. They always seemed confused to no end once you’ve questioned them.”

  “That’s the power us gays have, buddy.”

  “Yeah, well power or no power, I’m not changing teams for no one.”

  Casey let out a chuckle, coming around so he could escort Drummond to the patrol car. He would have to be charged for pulling a weapon on a police officer, so their next stop was the station. “I know, but if you ever do change your mind, just know, I won’t be able to take all of you into my mouth. You’re too damn fucking big for me.” Bruce fell silent for a moment. “What’s up?” Had he stepped over the line? They always talked like that, especially after an arrest which they earned.

  Bruce looked Casey in the eye. “I thought I saw you doing something…weird to the perp, that’s all. I’m not sure. Perhaps I’m seeing things. Perhaps I’m getting too old for this shit. I don’t know, but…I just don’t know.”

  Casey realised his partner might have seen him docking with Drummond. He decided to ignore him and change the subject back to their usual banter. “Oh, phew, ‘cause I thought you were going all sad on me because I made a crack about the size of your dick.”

  Bruce managed a smile. Then he laughed. “Damn right I’m too big. I’d choke you to death with what I’ve got, don’t you worry about that, Case.”

  Casey sighed. “What a way to die.”

  Both men let out a good, well-earned laugh. A moment after that, they had Drummond in the car and were heading back to the station. Sure, there would be paperwork and shit to fill out, but the dawn brought with it the end of their shift. And not too soon, either.

  Casey was beat.

  Chapter Three

  “Sir, Jason and Drummond have both been apprehended early this morning by the local constabulary.”

  Randy Piper scrunched his newspaper into a large, loose ball. The sound filled the smart, well-appointed office of his surrounds like a warning, a reflection of his souring mood at such terrible news. He threw the paper toward a waste basket. It missed, annoying him even more. “Where are they now?”

  The man who brought the news raised a greying eyebrow. “Jason has been taken home. Drummond is in lock up.”

  “Did you question Jason?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Randy rose from his plush leather chair so he could pace the room. “Well, tell me. What did he say to them? Did he rat on us?”

  “He told them about our little plan to recruit Serfs from the Soup kitchen down in Jadebrook. But the bizarre thing is, he doesn’t remember how the information was extracted. All he knows was that he told them of our operation, and even then the details for him were sketchy, sir.”

  Randy paused, stopping at the window which looked over his empire, the gym he held so dear because his father had passed it onto him. Back then it was a rundown hole, hardly turning a dollar in business. He built it up to the point where he could rival the franchise mobs who tried to muscle in on his turf. Not that they even tried any more these days. Not when they got wind the area was controlled by him and his protection money would work out more costly than the rent of their buildings. Always a smart move to get rid of the competition. “Did they beat it out of him? Knock him senseless?”

  The man shook his head. He was old, but one of Randy’s most loyal workers. He’d been in his employ for well on ten years, started right after his father passed away. “No, they did not.”

  “Then how the fuck did they get the information out of him? Jason’s a good runner. He knows not to squeal, not unless he wants to stop breathing, anyway. Lord knows, his Mama would be devastated if she had to attend his funeral.”

  “I agree, sir. But our dear Jason is also a…how shall I say this…a man lover, sir.”

  “What’s that got to do with it?”

  “Well, if I may be so bold, the constable who interrogated him, and indeed Drummond, is also gay, sir.”

  Randy shook his head. “Drummond’s married. He’s got kids. I’ve seen them.”

  “Apparently, this officer, one Casey Watson is a real handsome one.” Randy’s assistant handed him a file. “See f
or yourself.”

  He opened the manila folder. Inside, a large photograph—no, many photographs of a young man confronted him. To say he was handsome was an understatement. He had lovely black hair, perfect white skin, a cheeky smile created by full lips, and eyes which were deep and soulful. He would be a sight to behold naked, all fit and muscular from all the action he got working for the force. Randy could see why Jason was smitten. But Drummond? What did this young policeman have which could turn even straight men to talk, even with the threat of their lives hanging over them if they did?


  “Interesting, how?” the assistant remarked, taking back the folder and tucking it under his arm.

  “I’m assuming Drummond told this constable about our next meeting?”

  “It would be safe to assume he did. When he gets out of lockup I will confront him, of course.”

  Randy smiled. “I think it’s time to fight fire with fire.”

  “What do you have in mind, sir?”

  Randy came back to his chair, leaning into it and knotting his hands behind his head. A smug smile drew on his face. “I am going to make sure this little handsome police officer won’t be able to interrogate any more of my men—oh, and bring me Jason. I want to make sure he fully understands the ramifications of his actions. I think it’s high time he was taught a lesson on company etiquette, don’t you?”

  The assistant offered a slight bow. “Well, a man doesn’t need all his fingers, does he?”

  Randy’s smiled widened. “That’s why I like you, Reg. You have a devious mind. Although, I was thinking more along the lines of some alteration. You know, give him a few bullet holes here and there. That’ll fix him up for good for being a rat. Can’t have rats in the company. Not good for business.”

  “And Drummond?”

  “The same. Can’t play favourites, can we?”

  “No, sir, we can’t.”

  An hour later, there was a short, sharp knock at the office door. “Come in,” Randy chimed.

  Reg entered, looking as professional and serene as he always did. “One Master Jason P. Caruthers to see you as you requested, sir.”

  Randy smiled. “Send him in.”

  Without delay, Jason was soon standing before Randy. He looked as white as a sheet, even more so than usual considering his fair complexion. He also looked nervous, as would have been expected for someone who was about to be dealt his fate. He fidgeted with his fingers in front of himself. If Randy didn’t know any better, he was sure the man would piss himself at any given moment. He loved the power he had over others.

  “I heard you squealed on me, Jason.” Randy decided to get straight down to business. No use making the poor guy wait any longer than was necessary. Randy only tortured rivals. He dispensed quickly with his employees who strayed from the path. Such a thing was the way of his business, and proper etiquette, too.

  Jason opened his mouth. With a wisp of breath, he said, “I…didn’t mean to. Honest, boss. That copper…that dude…Casey…he just kind of got it out of me, I swear I don’t know how.”

  Randy noticed a flash of something in Jason’ eyes when he spoke of the police man, when he mentioned him by name. He would bet the entire value of next week’s gains Jason had been jacking off thinking of Casey Watson. Casey Watson…what an interesting man. Seemed the local fuzz had smartened up and got someone on the job who could actually have an effect on his business. A situation which needed to be rectified, and straight away, too. This gave him an idea, and a change of plan. “You’re gay, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, boss.” Jason had stopped his fiddling. He spoke those words with a good measure of pride, his lips, plump and delicious, curled to a smile. Randy liked how the man was comfortable with who he was. After all, if you like cock, you like cock. Why deprive yourself of life’s pleasures? Perhaps Jason could serve another use, after all. Although, a rat was a rat and they needed to be dealt with accordingly. He needed to be punished.

  “I’m going to give you one chance and one chance only, Jason.” Randy got up from his chair, the leather creaking. He went to Jason, close enough so he could whisper into his ear. “I want you to suck me off, good and hard, Jason, my man. If you do it right, you get to live, and therefore, serve me for many more days to come.”

  Jason swallowed hard. That look of terror etched onto his features again. Sweat beaded down from his temples. “What if…I…I…do it wrong?”

  “Then, like Drummond will be, you will be filled with so many bullet holes they won’t be able to recognise the body. Get it?”

  “Um, Drummond ratted?”

  “Yes, and by the same copper, too.” Randy kissed Jason on his cheek, soft and sensual, tasting the man’s sweat, his saltiness, his fear. “You, I can understand. You’re a cock boy, though and through. But Drummond, he’s basically a homophobe. He wouldn’t even get naked with all us blokes in the sauna. I can’t imagine how this Casey dude even got him to speak, let alone seduce him so he would. It just doesn’t make sense.”

  “He’s fuckin’ damn hot, that’s why,” Jason piped up. “I would turn for him if I weren’t a pillow biter to start with, that’s for sure…boss.”

  Randy smiled, grabbing Jason by his hands. They were clammy. “As I said, you I can understand. No, Drummond had some influence over him, but what? I need to know, Jason. I need to know.”

  “I can go find out for you.”

  “Perhaps. But first, you’ve got to suck my cock like you’ve never sucked cock before in your life, because your life depends on it, my man.”

  Jason managed another smile. “Um, sure. When you want me to do it?”

  “Right now. Get your gear off and get on your knees. I need to be sucked dry and I want your filthy ratting lips around my hard dick this instant. Don’t make me wait many more, because I so want to blow my load all over that pretty, freckled face of yours.”

  Jason didn’t waste any time. He stripped.

  Randy gasped when Jason was naked. He was damn fine. Sure, he was skinny, his hip bones showing, but fuck, his skin was so white, so inviting. His body interesting enough to occupy him for a long time, if he so desired. He had a magnificent bush of ginger above a thick, uncut cock, one which was now rising to the occasion, foreskin retracting of its own accord. A large vein, from the end of his foreskin to the base of his cock, bulged as his excitement grew. Randy reached out and grabbed his dick, felt its ample weight, its heat. Damn, Jason was magnificent. He would even fuck him without a second thought, too.

  But such a thing wasn’t a part of the arrangement…for now. Sure, Randy would love to make the man scream, have him beg for more while he pounded his sweet breath out of him, stretching his tight hole until he gasped for air. To have Jason as a regular fuck would be far better than playing with all the rent boys he had to keep hiring. They never got into it, only interested in the money. Then again, Jason’s existence did depend on how he performed right now. Perhaps that was the key. Threaten those he wanted to fuck with death. Then they would get into it, no doubt.

  Another second later, Jason was on his knees.

  Randy’s grin widened. He relished the sight of Jason’s perfect blue eyes, deep and soulful, looking up at him. Such a thing added to the experience, and to have such a fine man kneeling before him was indeed one of life’s pleasures.

  Jason undid his belt and unzipped his trousers. His stare was seductive, begging, needing. He loved it when guys enjoyed their work. He loved it when guys knew what was at stake and performed at their best as a result.

  “Well, get to it, suck for your life,” Randy said with a gasp when Jason freed his cock from his underwear. He was erect, as hard as ever. He loved this moment, the one of anticipation, the agonising seconds before a man’s lips wrapped around his hardness and he took him into his mouth.

  Jason didn’t reply. Instead, he got straight to the matter at hand, grabbing Randy’s bulging cock, not too hard and not too soft, pulling on the base of it, re
tracting his foreskin in one fluid motion. Randy groaned.

  Then, with his piss slit oozing pre cum, his stomach tingling, his balls tightening, Jason took him into his mouth. Warmth overwhelmed him.

  “Fuck!” Randy yelled out. Fucking holy mother of Jesus, the man sucked unlike anything Randy had ever experienced before. He was an expert, a damn fucking expert, no doubt. Randy was in heaven well before Jason rolled his tongue over his glans, concentrating his efforts on his frenulum. Well before he had taken him in so deep his nose was immersed in his pubic hair. Well before he started groaning, humming and licking and sucking, enjoying every inch of his cock.

  What made the experience even more brilliant was the fact Jason used both of his hands, too. One to cup and gently massage his balls, the other to keep a hold of his cock, keep his foreskin retracted so he could continue to get at his most sensitive parts. Something most other guys never bothered with.

  Jason never looked away, either.

  Those deep blue eyes kept on looking up, kept on showing Randy how much he enjoyed sucking on his cock, how much he wanted—no, needed—to suck on him. Randy was at ecstasy’s door a few short moments after that.

  “Let me…blow my load all…over you,” Randy said with more gasps, more breaths that were heightened by his euphoria.

  Again, Jason didn’t speak.

  He pulled away, making that wonderful slurping noise which Randy loved. His cock was slick with all of Jason’s attention, soaked with both pre cum and saliva. What a fucking magnificent sight. Again Randy moaned, his whole body tingling. Climax wouldn’t be far away now, especially as Jason kept jerking him off, massaging his balls, too.

  Then, with a smile on his lips, just like all good cock suckers should have when they had their needs satisfied, Jason closed his mouth and eyelids, waiting with expert patience for Randy to cover him in his sperm. The wait wasn’t a long one.

  Randy blew his load.


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