The Iliad
Page 91
EPHIALTES (e-fi-al’-teez): son of Aloeus, giant who with his brother Otus imprisoned Ares, 5.437.
EPHYRA (e’-fi-ra): city in Thesprotia, in northwestern Greece, on the Selleis River, 2.754.
EPHYRI (e’-fi-reye): a tribe in Thessaly attacked by Ares, 13.353.
EPICLES (e’-pi-kleez): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Great Ajax, 12.436.
EPIDAURUS (e-pi-daw’-rus): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.652.
EPIGEUS (e-peye’-joos): Achaean ally, Myrmidon, son of Agacles, killed by Hector, 16.668.
EPISTOR (e-pis’-tor): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.813.
EPISTROPHUS (e-pis’-tro-fus): (1) Achaean, son of Iphitus (1), co-commander of the Phocians, 2.607. (2) Trojan, son of Euenus, lord of Lyrnessus, killed by Achilles, 2.789. (3) Trojan ally, co-commander of the Halizonians, 2.968.
ERECHTHEUS (e-rek’-thyoos): first king of Athens, reared by Athena, 2.638.
ERETRIA (e-re’-tri-a): city in Euboea, 2.627.
EREUTHALION (er-yoo-thay’-li-on): Arcadian champion killed by Nestor, 4.368,
ERIBOEA (e-ri-bee’-a): stepmother of Otus and Ephialtes, 5.442.
ERICHTHONIUS (e-rik-thon’-i-us): son of Dardanus (1), father of Tros (1), forebear of the kings of Troy, 20.255.
ERIOPIS (e-ri-oh’-pis): wife of Oileus (1) and stepmother of Medon (1), 13.806.
ERYLAUS (e-ri-lay’-us): Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.490.
ERYMAS (er’-i-mas): (1) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 16.407. (2) Trojan killed by Patroclus, 16.495.
ERYTHINI (e-ri-theye’-neye): city or vicinity in Paphlagonia, 2.967.
ERYTHRAE (e-ri’-three): city in Boeotia, 2.589.
ETEOCLES (ee-tee’-o-kleez): son of Oedipus, lord of the Thebans and their defender against the Argive Seven, 4.450. See note 5.926.
ETEONUS (e-tee-oh’-nus): city in Boeotia, 2.587.
EUAEMON (yoo-ee’-mon): father of Eurypylus (2), 2.838.
EUBOEA (yoo-bee’-a): large island lying off the coast of eastern Greece, 2.625.
EUCHENOR (yoo-kee’-nor): Achaean, son of Polyidus, killed by Paris, 13.764.
EUDORUS (yoo-dor’-us): Achaean, son of Hermes and Polymela, a Myrmidon captain, 16.211.
EUENUS (yoo-ee’-nus): (1) son of Selepius, father of the Trojans Mynes and Epistrophus (2), 2.790. (2) Father of Marpessa, 9.679.
EUIPPUS (yoo-ip’-us): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.497.
EUMEDES (yoo-mee’-deez): Trojan herald, father of Dolon, 10.367.
EUMELUS (yoo-mee’-lus): Achaean, son of Admetus and Alcestis, commander of the Thessalians from Pherae, 2.815.
EUNEUS (yoo-nee’-us): king of Lemnos, son of Jason and Hypsipyle, 7.541.
EUPHEMUS (yoo-fee’-mus): Trojan ally, son of Troezenus, captain of the Cicones, 2.958.
EUPHETES (yoo-fee’ -teez): lord of Ephyra, 15.616.
EUPNORBUS (yoo-for’-bus): Trojan, son of Panthous and Phrontis, who mortally wounds Patroclus, killed by Menelaus, 16.938.
EUROPA (yoo-roh’-pa): daughter of Phoenix (2), mother of Minos and Rhada- manthus, 14.385.
EURYALUS (yoo-reye’-a-lus): Achaean, son of Mecisteus (1), third in command, after Diomedes and Sthenelus, of the Argolid contingent, 2.656.
EURYBATES (yoo-ri’-ba-teez): (1) Achaean, herald of Agamemnon, 1.376. (2) Achaean, herald of Odysseus, 2.212.
EURYDAMAS (yoo-ri’-da-mas): interpreter of dreams. father of the Trojans Abas and Polyidus (1), 5.166.
EURYMEDON (yoo-ri’-me-don): (1) Achaean, son of Ptolemaeus, charioteer of Agamemnon, 4.261. (2) Achaean, charioteer of Nestor, 8.132.
EURYNOME (yoo-ri’-no-mee): goddess, daughter of Ocean, 18.466.
EURYPYLUS (yoo-ri’-pi-lus): (1) king of Cos, 2.773. (2) Achaean, son of Euaemon, commander of Thessalians from Ormenion, 2.838.
EURYSTHEUS (yoo-ris’-thyoos): king of Mycenae, son of Sthenelus (2), grandson of Perseus and taskmaster of Heracles, 8.419. See note 2.748.
EURYTUS (yoo’-ri-tus): (1) king of Oechalia, 2.688. (2) Son of Poseidon, supposed son of Actor (2), twin brother of Cteatus (together called the Moliones), father of the Achaean Thalpius, 2.714.
EUSSORUS (yoo-sor’-us): Trojan, father of Acamas (2), 6.9.
EUTRESIS (yoo-tree’-sis): city in Boeotia, 2.592.
EXADIUS (ex-a’-di-us): Lapith, hero of the generation of Nestor, 1.308.
FATE(S): shadowy but potent figures who ultimately control the destiny of mortals, 2.182.
FURIES: avenging spirits whose task it is to exact blood for blood when no human avenger is left alive, 9.554. They are particularly concerned with injuries done by one member of a family to another, and they have regulatory powers as well, as when they stop the voice of Achilles’ stallion Xanthus, 19.495. See note 3.332.
GANYMEDE (ga’-ni-meed): son of Tros (1), made immortal as the cup-bearer to Zeus and the other gods, 5.294. See note ad loc.
GARGARON (gar’-ga-ron): the central peak of Mount Ida, and Zeus’s favorite lookout point, 8.56.
GLAPHYRAE (gla’-fi-ree): city in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.
GLAUCUS (glaw’-kus): (1) Trojan ally, son of Hippolochus, one of the commanders of the Lycians, 2.988. (2) Son of Sisyphus, father of Bellerophon, great-grandfather of Glaucus (1), 6.181.
GLISAS (gleye’-sas): city in Boeotia, 2.594.
GONOÊSSA (go-no-es’-a): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.664.
GORGON (gor’-gon): a fabulous female monster whose glance could turn a person into stone, the centerpiece of Zeus’s aegis, 5.849.
GORGYTHION (gor-ji’-thi-on): Trojan, son of Priam and Castianira, killed by Teucer, 8.344.
GORTYN (gor’-tin): city in Crete, 2.741.
GRACES: attendant goddesses, daughters of Zeus who personify beauty and charm, often associated with the arts and the Muses, 5.379.
GRAEA (gree’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.588.
GREAT BEAR: constellation, also called the Wagon and the Big Dipper, 18.569. See note ad loc.
GRENICUS (gree’-ni-kus): river in the Troad, 12.24.
GUNEUS (goon’-yoos): Achaean, commander of the Enienes and Peraebians living near Dodona, 2.850.
GYGE, LAKE (geye’-jee): nymph of a lake in Maconia, mother of the Trojan Mesthles and Antiphus (2) by Talaemenes, perhaps the mother of the Trojan Iphition by Otrynteus, 2.977.
GYRTIUS (gur’-ti-us): father of Hyrtius, 14.599.
GYRTONE (jur-toh’-nee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Polypoetes, 2.840.
HADES (hay’-deez): ruler of the dead, son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Demeter and Poseidon, 15.225.
HAEMON (hee’-mon): (1) Achaean, one of the Pylian captains, 4.339. (2) Father of Laerces, 17.537.
HALCYON (hal’-si-on): a seabird, the name her parents gave Cleopatra, 9.684.
HALIARTUS (ha-li-ar’-tus): city in Boeotia, 2.593.
HALIUS (ha’-li-us): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Odysseus, 5.778.
HALIZONIANS (ha-li-zoh’-ni-unz): Trojan allies, a tribe from south of the Black Sea, led by Odius (1) and Epistrophus (3), 2.968.
HARMA (har’-ma): city in Boeotia, 2.589.
HARMON (har’-mon): Trojan blacksmith, father of Tecton, 5.65.
NARPALION (har-pay’-li-on): Trojan ally from Paphlagonia, son of Pylaemenes, killed by Meriones, 13.742.
HEBE (hee’-bee): goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera, servant of the gods, 4.2.
HECAMEDE (he-ka-mee’-dee): daughter of Arsinous, Nestor’s captive, 11.735.
HECTOR (hek’-tor): Trojan, son of Priam and Hecuba, supreme commander of the Trojans, 1.285.
HECUBA (he’-kew-ba): daughter of Dymas, Priam’s queen, mother of Hector, 6.300.
HELEN (he’-len): daughter of Zeus, wife of Menelaus, consort of Paris, her abduction by him from Sparta the cause of the Trojan War, 2.189. See note 24.35- 36.
HELENUS (he’-le-nus): (1) Achaean, son of Oenops, killed by Hector, 5.811. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, prophet and warrior, 6
HELICAON (he-li-kay’-on): Trojan, son of Antenor, husband of Laodice, 3.148.
HELICE (he’-li-see): city or vicinity in the kingdom of Agamemnon, on the Cor- inthian Gulf, and sacred to Poseidon, 2.666.
HELIOS (hee’-li-os): the Sun, 3.331.
HELLENES (hel’-eenz): 2.780, people of HELLAS (hel’-as), a region in southern Thessaly, in the kingdom of Peleus and Achilles, 2.620.
HELLESPONT (hel’-e-spont): strait between the Troad and Thrace (the Dardanelles), 2.957.
HELOS (hel’-os): (1) city in Lacedaemon, 2.676. (2) City near Pylos in Nestor’s kingdom, 2.686.
HEPHAESTUS (he-fees’-tus): god of fire, the great artificer, son of Hera, husband of Charis, 1.687. See notes 1.712, 18.462, 21.378-79.
HEPTAPORUS (hep-ta’-po-rus): river in the Troad, 12.23.
HERA (heer’-a): goddess, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, wife and sister of Zeus, defender of the Achaeans, 1.63. See notes 1.712, 2.748, 14.356.
HERACLES (her’-a-kleez): son of Zeus and Alcmena, father of Tlepolemus (1), 2.748. See notes 2.748, 5.434-62, 733-38, 15.32-39.
HERMES (hur’-meez): god, son of Zeus, guide and giant killer, 2.121. See note ad loc.
HERMIONE (hur-meye’-o-nee): city in the Argolid, in the kingdom of Diomedes, 2.651.
HERMUS (hur’-mus): river in Maeonia, 20.446.
HICETAON (hi-ke-tay’-on): son of Laomedon, Trojan elder, father of Melanippus (2), 3.177.
HIPPASUS (hip’-a-sus): (1) father of the Trojans Charops and Socus, 11.504. (2) Father of the Achaean Hypsenor (2), 13.477. (3) Father of the Trojan Apisaon (2), 17.402.
HIPPEMOLGI (hi-pee-mol’-jeye): people of the north, supposed nomads, “who drink the milk of mares,” 13.7.
HIPPOCOON (hi-po’-koh-on): Trojan ally, cousin of Rhesus (1), 10.599.
HIPPODAMAS (hi-po’-da-mas): Trojan killed by Achilles, 20.455.
HIPPODAMIA (hi-po-da-meye’-a): (1) wife of Pirithous, mother of the Achaean Polypoetes, 2.844. (2) Daughter of Anchises (1), wife of the Trojan Alcathous, 13.497.
HIPPODAMUS (hi-po’-da-mus): Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.390.
HIPPOLOCHUS (hi-po’-lo-kus): (1) father of the Trojan Glaucus (1), 6.138. (2) Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Agamemnon, 11. 143.
HIPPOMACHUS (hi-po’-ma-kus): Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Leonteus, 12.217.
HIPPONOUS (hi-po’ -no-us): Achaean killed by Hector, 11.352.
HIPPOTHOUS (hi-po’-tho-us): (1) Trojan ally, son of Lethus, co-commander of the Pelasgians, killed by Great Ajax, 2.952. (2) Trojan, son of Priam, 24.297.
HIPPOTION (hi-po’-ti-on): father of the Trojans Ascanius and Morys, killed by Meriones, 13.917.
HIRE (heye’-ree): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 9.180.
HISTIAEA (hi-sti-ee’-a): city in Euboea, 2.627.
HYADES (heye’-a-deez): constellation, 18.568.
HYAMPOLIS (heye-am’-po-lis): city in Phocis, 2.611.
HYDE (heye’-dee): region of Maeonia, around Mount Tmolus, 20.439.
HYLE (heye’-lee): city in Boeotia, 2.590.
HYLLUS (hil’-us): river in Maeonia, 20.445.
HYPERENOR (hi-pe-ree’-nor): Trojan, son of Panthous, killed by Menelaus, 14.603.
HYPERESIA (hi-pe-ree’-si-a): Achaean city in the kingdom of Agamemnon, 2.664.
HYPERIAN SPRING (hi-pe-reye’-an): spring in Thessaly, in the kingdom of Euryplus, 2.836.
HYPIROCHUS (hi-peye’-ro-kus): (1) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.390. (2) Father of Itymoneus, 11.797.
HYPIRON (hi-peye’-ron): Trojan killed by Diomedes, 5.160.
HYPSENOR (hip-see’-nor): (1) Trojan, son of Dolopion, killed by Eurypylus, 5.84. (2) Achaean, son of Hippasus (2), killed by Deiphobus, 13.477.
HYPSIPYLE (hip-si’-pi-lee): mother of Euneus by Jason, 7.542.
HYRIA (hi’-ri-a): city in Boeotia, 2.586.
HYRMINE (hur-meye’-nee): city of the Epeans in Elis, 2.709.
HYRTACUS (hur’-ta-kus): father of the Trojan Asius (1), 2.949.
HYRTIUS (hur’-ti-us): Trojan, son of Gyrtius, commander of the Mysians, killed by Great Ajax, 14.598.
IALMENUS (i-al’-me-nus): Achaean, son of Ares and Astyoche, co-commander of the Minyans from Orchomenos, 2.602.
IALYSUS (i-a’-li-sus): city in Rhodes, 2.751.
IAMENUS (eye-a’-me-nus): Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.223.
IAPETUS (eye-a’-pe-tus): one of the Titans, father of Prometheus. See note 8.554.
IARDANUS (i-ar’-da-nus): river in the western Peloponnese, on the frontier between Pylos and Arcadia, 7.155.
IASUS (eye’-a-sus): Achaean, son of Sphelus, a captain of the Athenians, killed by Aeneas, 15.392.
ICARIAN SEA (eye-kair’-i-an): sea off the coast of Asia Minor, 2.168.
IDA (eye’-da): central mountain and range of the Troad and favored seat of Zeus, 2.932.
IDAEUS (eye-dee’-us): (1) Trojan, herald of Priam, 3.296. (2) Trojan, son of Dares, 5.11.
IDAS (eye’-das): husband of Marpessa and father of Cleopatra, who contended against Apollo for Marpessa, 9.680. See note 9.679-88.
IDOMENEUS (eye-do’-men-yoos): Achaean, son of Deucalion, commander of the contingent from Crete, 1. 171.
ILESION (i-lee’-si-on): city in Boeotia, 2.589.
ILIONEUS (eye’-li-on-yoos): Trojan, son of Phorbas, killed by Peneleos, 14.572.
ILIUM (il’-i-um): Troy, the city of Ilus, 2.133.
ILUS (eye’-lus): eldest son of Tros (1), father of Laomedon, grandfather of Priam, 10.481.
IMBRASUS (im’-bra-sus): Thracian, father of the Trojan Pirous, 4.602.
IMBRIUS (im’-bri-us): Trojan ally from Pedaeon, son of Mentor, son-in-law of Priam, killed by Teucer, 13.205.
IMBROS (im’-bros): island northwest of Troy, 13.41.
IOLCOS (i-ol’-kos): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Eumelus, 2.813.
IONIANS (eye-oh’-ni-unz): Athenians, 13.793.
IPHEUS (eye’-fyoos): Trojan ally, Lycian killed by Patroclus, 16.497.
IPHIANASSA (eye-fi-a-nas’-a): one of Agamemnon’s daughters, 9.174.
IPHICLUS (eye’-fi-klus): son of Phylacus (I), father of the Achaeans Protesilaus and Podarces, runner defeated by Nestor, 2.806.
IPHIDAMAS (eye-ft’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon, 11.256.
IPHINOUS (eye-fi’-no-us): Achaean, son of Dexius, killed by Glaucus, 7.16.
IPHIS (eye’-fis): mistress of Patroclus, captured from Scyros by Achilles, 9.814.
IPHITION (eye-fi’-ti-on): Trojan ally, son of Otrynteus and a water nymph, Gyge perhaps, killed by Achilles, 20.436.
IPHITUS (eye’-fi-tus): (1) son of Naubulus, father of the Achaeans Schedius (1) and Epistrophus (1), 2.608. (2) Father of the Trojan Archeptolemus, 8.146.
IRIS (eye’-ris): goddess, messenger of Zeus, 2.895.
ISANDER (eye-san’-der): son of Bellerophon, killed by Ares, 6.233.
ISUS (eye’-sus): Trojan, bastard son of Priam, killed by Agamemnon, 11.118.
ITACA (ith’ -a-ka): island off western Greece, the home of Odysseus, 2.725.
ITHAEMENES (i-thee’-me-neez): father of the Trojan Sthenelaus, 16.685.
ITHOME (i-thoh’ -mee): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Podalirius and Machaon, 2.831.
ITON (eye’ -ton): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.794.
ITYMONEUS (eye-ti’-mon-yoos): Epean, son of Hypirochus (2), killed by Nestor, 11.796.
IXION (ix-eye’-on): reputed father of Pirithous, who was actually sired by Zeus with Ixión’s wife, 14.381.
JASON (jay’ -son): commander of the Argonauts, father of Euneus by Hypsipyle, 7.541.
LAAS (lay’ -as): city in Lacedaemon, 2.677.
LACEDAEMON (la-se-dee’-mon): city and kingdom of Menelaus, in the southern Peloponnese, 2.673.
LAERCES (lay-ur’-seez): Myrmidon, son of Haemon (2), father of the Achaean Alcimedon, 16.232.