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Dominic (Made Men Book 8)

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by Sarah Brianne


  Made Men, #8

  Sarah Brianne

  Young Ink Press Publication

  Copyright © 2020 by Sarah Brianne

  Edited by CD Editing

  and Hot Tree Editing

  Cover Art by Young Ink Press

  Photo by Chris Davis @Specular

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Connect with Sarah,


  Previously in the Made Men Series…


  1. Jesse James Was a Mean Son of a Bitch

  2. Patience

  3. A Big Ol’ Meanie

  4. One Bad Motherfucker

  5. The Little Secret Held In The Barrel

  6. The Little Shit Could Count

  7. The Last Luciano

  8. You Don’t Want To Meet Me In The Pit

  9. Lucifer owns every dump I take

  10. Where It Had All Begun

  11. The Earth Becoming Whole Again

  12. Blue Park’s Biggest Whore

  13. The Day Dominic Broke

  14. Blue Park Definitely Has Its Perks

  15. You’re Next

  16. Lucca, Angel, and Drago

  17. For The Love Of God, Be Fucking Ugly

  18. You Never Strike A Deal Until You’ve Won

  19. The Last Thing His Name Would Take

  20. A Wedding … And A Funeral

  21. To Lock The Door Or Keep It Unlocked?

  22. This Part Is Going To Hurt

  23. Maria Will Never Forgive You

  24. I’ll Kill You

  25. Poor Leo

  26. You Better Pray For Your Soul … Asshole

  27. Princess, Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

  28. One Long Night

  29. Where Would I Even Sit?

  30. Ah … Shit

  31. Where Her Heart Was Supposed To Be

  32. One Thing We Don’t Fuck With Is Ghosts

  33. The Indentation She Prayed Would Be There

  34. “Love On The Brain” Part Two

  35. Your Choice, Maria

  36. Ketchup is Seasoning

  37. Eat Your Little Black Heart Out

  38. High-Maintenance Bitch

  39. An Impossible Man To Seduce

  40. It’s A Trap

  41. Maria The Drunk Virgin

  42. Hello, Again…

  43. Dinner From Hell

  44. Pain

  45. Her Gut

  46. A Changed Woman

  47. A Whole Lot of Glitter

  48. Kick His Ass

  49. All You’ll Ever Care To Know

  50. The Truth Of It All

  51. The Letter M

  52. A Gift From My Father

  53. Fuck Me Out Of Your Bloodstream

  54. In Her Dreams

  55. The Throne

  56. Your Soul To Take

  57. The Night Before Their Wedding …

  58. My Turn

  59. Ghosts



  The Story Of Blue Manor


  Previously in the Made Men Series…


  Feeling the early morning sunlight warm her skin, a smile touched the curve of her lips as she envisioned the man she had fallen asleep next to and whose face hadn’t left her, even in her dreams.

  Maria gently opened her eyes, ready to look upon him once more. However, she was only met with an empty bed. Reaching her tanned hand out, she touched the spot he had lain in when her eyes had closed hours ago. It wasn’t even warm, making her wonder if it had all been a dream after all. The only proof she had that he had been there were her memories and the indention of the bed beside her.

  He left me … without saying goodbye?

  She sleepily searched for her phone before finding it and hitting the name of the man who had brought butterflies to her impervious stomach at thoughts of the night before. Maria put her phone to her ear, hearing the white noise before the tone of the ringing assailed her eardrum.

  bRRing …

  The butterflies that had been floating in her belly seemed to stop fluttering, beginning to sink.

  bRRing …

  She sat up on the side of the bed. Something didn’t feel right as those butterflies slowly sunk to the pit of her stomach, which had seemingly become softer overnight.

  bRRing …

  Maria clutched her phone tighter while she held it feverishly to her ear.


  At the answering of the phone, the pit of her stomach cleared and her irrational fears vanished. She waited for his voice to grace her ears. However, it wasn’t a single male voice she heard yelling. It was two. One belonged to Kayne Evans and the other to Dominic Luciano; both voices clearly distinguishable—


  As she abruptly stood up from bed, the phone wasn’t the only thing she clutched; it was her black heart she held, trying to keep it from hitting the ground, unlike the phone on the other end of the call. She heard it smash the ground.

  She shakily held the phone to her ear, hearing the final sounds of death that departed from her ear and from this earth. In her other hand, she held her chest so tightly that her manicured nails dug into her smooth flesh.

  When raindrops began hitting the window, where light had been shining through only moments ago, it were as if the gates to heaven had opened, welcoming home the heaven-bound soul who’d just been taken.

  Going into shock, her mouth open, but no words dared to pass her lips while she stared out at the ominously pouring rain.

  After several eternal-like moments, she finally heard movement on the other end of the line. It was the quiet whisper of breath she heard, telling her someone was there, alive … listening.

  “Hello …?” She found her voice that was now as unsteady as the knees that held her up and the clouds in the sky.

  The breath on the other end of the line echoed louder and louder until the rain and every other sound dropped away, silence magnified like the ringing that had stormed her eardrum when she had first placed the call.

  Her heart pounded to the rhythm of the roaring heavens above as she gravely waited to hear the voice of the man who had lived, knowing that the next voice she wouldn’t hear would be the one that she would never, ever hear again. The wretched part was that both men had crept into her dark heart over these past few months, and it hadn’t been until last night when she’d been able to choose which one she desperately wanted to hear next.


  Maria opened her mouth to speak the name of the man she was beginning to fall in love with, but before she could form the name, a solemn voice stopped her, making her fall to her knees, along with her shattered heart.

  Any butterflies left in her stomach turned to ash, and the dusty remnants floated down to the abyss.

  Death had decided her destiny.



  Dominic stood in front of the dark, mahogany desk that he grew up seeing his fa
ther sit behind. For twenty-seven years, he had watched his father’s black eyes become soulless more and more each day, until not even a thousand bright lights could bring a sparkle to them.

  With his rich, hazel eyes, Dominic stared at the old, brown, tufted leather chair until Lucifer “appeared,” sitting in the high-back seat, disapprovingly staring back.

  “Why did you call a meeting so late?”

  He tore his eyes from his father’s mirage to look at his middle brother who, if he wasn’t covered in tattoos from the neck down, would have been the spitting image of a young Lucifer.

  Matthias didn’t wait for an answer, continuing to speak with urgency. “If we’re making a plan to get Angel back, we should do it in the morning when everyone’s well-rest—”

  “We’re not making a plan to get him back,” Dominic broke it to him harshly.

  “What the fuck do you mean, we’re not getting Angel back?”

  “You heard the Carusos …” Looking at an angered Matthias, it was clear his brother knew what it meant to leave their brother behind in the Carusos’ care. The two had shared everything, including a womb, both not only the spitting image of their father but of each other.

  The twins were extraordinary—until they were split apart. What had made them alluring quickly vanished. It was like looking at half of a person when they weren’t together, and unfortunately for Matthias it was impossible not to compare the two. One twin was superior; sadly for Matthias, it wasn’t him. He needed his twin to be whole and to survive.

  “Angel’s their insurance till the contract is complete.”

  “You know Lucca; that could be months … years!” His brother’s erratic voice echoed off the concrete floors. “We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”

  “We’re not.” For the first time, Dominic didn’t look at him like a brother, but a soldier. “We complete the contract.”

  Even though Matthias’s almost-black eyes turned into slits, he saw the betrayal in them. “You’ve already gone to the Carusos begging for forgiveness, and handing over your own brother without even so much as a fight. Our father would kill you where you stand for what you’ve managed to do to the Luciano name.”

  Turning back to the Luciano throne, Lucifer still sat there as stone cold as his pale skin.

  “He’s why we’re here in the first place.”

  Lucifer Luciano had been as depraved as a person could be, and unknown to Dominic, years ago, his father had left his mark on a fourteen-year-old girl with a knife, promising her that he’d return to claim her at eighteen. The Caruso underboss was also transfixed by the same girl, and while the two men were cut from the same psychopathic cloth, Lucca had not only taken her from Lucifer’s grasp, but he’d also taken her heart. Unable to accept defeat after years of waiting for his prize, Lucifer stormed the Caruso family home, shooting Lucca’s bodyguard five times before taking the sole thing that could start a war.

  Chloe Masters.

  Dominic and his brothers were still alive because the girl told Lucca they protected her from Lucifer until the Carusos had shown up. The only reason the two mafia families of Kansas City weren’t at war now was because of the contract Dominic had agreed to, which the Carusos ensured by holding Angel’s life in their hands.

  “Don’t worry, I plan to uphold the Luciano name.” The oldest Luciano spoke the promise so fiercely into the ether, it almost shook the ground beneath his feet.

  The loud creak of the rusty door had both brothers looking at the youngest of the Luciano siblings.

  “Everyone’s here,” Cassius informed them with a little nod of his teenage head.

  Putting his back to his father’s image, Dominic stood proudly in front of the throne. “Send them in.”

  The youngest brother held the metal door open as men filed into the abandoned factory that Lucifer claimed years ago. It wasn’t an ideal place to run a crime family, but there weren’t many options on the shit side of the city.

  He remembered the first time his father brought him and his twin brothers here. They had been children at the time, so the space had appeared even larger. Dominic thought Lucifer had fucking lost it when he’d told him they would run the family business out of the factory, while Matthias and Angel thought it was awesome, looking at it as a skateboarding playground. He couldn’t even remember how many old T-shirts they’d gone through while dusting the space and the amount of blisters he had gotten on his palms from continually sweeping the concrete floor with the old wooden broom. It wasn’t until their father placed the desk and chair—where he sat now—did he see Lucifer’s vision hadn’t been crazy … at least, not then.

  Like every time before, each man took his place in line, but this time it wasn’t to face the devil, but the devil’s son.

  Dominic’s voice was firm as he spoke to the men. “As you all know, I had a meeting with the Carusos, and in order fix the pile of shit Lucifer placed us in, I had to agree to their terms. The first term will hurt all of us. I agreed to hand over 50 percent of our profits.”

  He heard the angry and exasperated sounds, but no one dared to say a word.

  “Secondly,” he continued in a harsher tone, “a Luciano woman will be chosen to wed a Caruso, in hopes to mix our blood and cease any future wars between the two families.”

  It was clear that some of the men were disgusted hearing the new terms; they weren’t able to hide their expressions.

  “Which woman are you going to choose?” one soldier, whose sole concern was about his dick, asked.

  “I am not in the position to choose,” Dominic told them the harsh reality.

  Having heard enough, an older Luciano spoke up. “And you agreed to this? To not only hand over half our money to those rich fuckers so they can use it as toilet paper to wipe their asses, but you would let them fuck one of our women and have her breed with the enemy?”

  “I did”—there was no hesitation in his answer—“right as they took our brother, Angel, as collateral to make sure I held up the contract. That’s why you do not see him here.” He waved his hand beside him.

  The men’s eyes went to the two Luciano brothers who stood by his side.

  Matthias, who was on his right, looked to the ground at the mention of his twin’s name, uncomfortably shifting side to side the longer the meeting went on. On his left, Cassius stood stoically, staring out at the men as if a single thought hadn’t crossed his mind.

  Thinking back to when he was in Dante’s office, he remembered his final promise.

  “You may carry the name, but will they accept you?” Vinny, the Caruso consigliere, asked after Dominic told him that he was going to be taking his father’s place.

  “They already have.” Dominic stared back arrogantly. “They’ll follow me; I’ll make sure of it.”

  There wasn’t a soul in the room prepared for what was about to happen next as Dominic reached for the cold metal at his back. The sound in the factory was the scurrying of rats before the …







  … gunshots rang out, piercing the ears of the living and the skulls of the dead.

  When the sixth body hit the ground with a thud, the remaining noise was the rattling bones of the men who stood perfectly in place as the dead men around them had been taken out with a quickness not even Usain Bolt could have out run.

  Hazel eyes stared down at the older Luciano who had made the “breed with the enemy” comment. “Anyone else have a problem with the terms I’ve agreed to?” Dominic asked, wiping away the droplet of blood that splattered above his brow.

  Each man stood quietly, their answers given with their silence.

  Looking over at the young soldier concerned about which woman was to be married off, Dominic saw he was now splattered with blood. Dom would bet the inside of his pants were no longer clean, either.

  There was a difference between the living soldier and th
e dead ones on the floor. He had spared the soldier’s life because the only thing he could be convicted of was ignorance. The six others, however, were the ones who had been closest to his father and had known about his sick obsession with the Chloe. Cleaning up the last of Lucifer’s mess, while simultaneously placing fear in his men’s hearts, was a two-for-one special he couldn’t pass up.

  “Good.” Putting his Glock back in its rightful place behind his back, he snapped his fingers, motioning to his brothers. “Move them.”

  It took a second for Matthias to move. He was trying desperately to hide the fact that he had been startled. He wasn’t shocked by his older brother’s action; it was the suddenness of it.

  Cassius, however, was a different story. Walking up to the dead body at Dom’s feet, he picked up the lifeless hands and began sliding the dead man across the factory floor, leaving a trail of blood with every step he took. And even though he was just a teenager, he had his first dead body halfway across the factory before Matthias even began. Every single soul had jumped at the sound of the bullets … all but one. The only reason he hadn’t was because Cassius had been born without one.


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