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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

Page 11

by J. N. Pack

  The last place I wanted to be is Lux Island High. I’m pretty irritated with having to go back today. Not only that, but the fact that Frank is ignoring my phone calls has me on edge.

  I snapped at Killian a few too many times this morning and he reluctantly left my ass at the house while he dropped McKayla off at Lux Island Prep. I ended up having to ride with Bishop and Hux in Bishop’s big ass SUV.

  When we get to school Killian is leaning against his truck with his ankles crossed waiting for us. I see J’El making her way over to him and stop Bishop and Hux from climbing from the SUV. I need to see how he’s going to respond to her advances.

  When she approaches him, I watch as he drops his head shaking it. She says something to him, and he says something back. He snatches away like her touch burnt when she tries to touch him. He angrily growls, “Don’t fuckin’ touch me.”

  Hux glances back at me, “Seen enough yet?”

  I climb from the vehicle nodding my head at him and walk towards them. My girls falling in behind me and Hux and Bishop behind them. I stop mere feet behind her, “You like touching what don’t belong to you?”

  She turns and glares at me, “I know we don’t like each other, but…”

  I laugh madly, “We don’t like each other? Ha! No bitch! You don’t like me, and I don’t give a fuck about you.”

  Killian leans back against his truck watching and ready to react if he needs to. Bishop and Hux stand close behind Maddie and Ada Jade. When did this happen? When did the Lucian’s and Chaos become a thing?

  J’El looks around and then back at me, “You think you can just take what you want, and nobody say anything or do anything about it?”

  I smirk, glancing around, then looking back at her. My face sobers and I growl, “You gonna stop me?”

  Startled she takes a step back.

  “You know it’s funny to me, you’re the only one on this campus who hasn’t seen it yet?”

  She sneers, “Seen what?”

  I step towards Killian leaning my back against him. His arms circle around my waist. I watch her eyes widen in surprise and I give her the answer she never expected. “He’s mine. He’s been mine since day one and you don’t have what it takes to take him.”

  She visibly gulps and when he leans down and kisses my neck she says, “I…I…I don’t want any more issues with you Luna. I know you’re the one responsible for burning those bitches from preps house down.”

  I laugh at her and say, “You don’t know shit, but if you did, you’d know I’ll break my own morals for the people I care about. For what is very much mine.” I turn to face Killian, “Walk away while you can. Forget you ever saw Killian, or I’ll make you regret your mom not swallowing you.”

  Killian is watching me talk with a huge fuckin’ smile on his face. When she’s gone Killian asks, “Did you just publicly claim me?”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t make me fuckin’ regret this shit already. It was either that or I kill that bitch. At least now these bitches know to back off.”

  He kisses my forehead, “I think they got the message.”

  To be as irritated as I am the day is going rather smooth. I didn’t see Broadway at all that day, which was a relief, but then I also feel like the reason I haven’t seen him has a lot to do with why Frank’s not answering my calls. I know if Frank gets to him before I do, he’s dead. I want the mother fucker dead, but I want to be the one to put a bullet between his eyes. I need to be the one to end this. When I get my revenge, I want to be done with all of this. I want to be loved and allow myself to truly love someone. I want to have a real relationship with Killian. I want to have a version of a normal relationship or at least try to have one. Fuck that. Fuck trying. Trying is an open invitation to failure. An easy out, pretty much saying if I fail, it’s not my fault, I tried. I refuse to except failure.

  I need to do this one last thing before I can do anything more than I have with Killian. He’s proven he deserves more than a half assed attempt at whatever the fuck this is.

  I’m on my best behavior throughout the day, which isn’t exactly great. I sit in class like a good little girl and I don’t cause any problems. I don’t make rude comments to the teachers or other pupils. I just sit there bidding my time until I can get out of here and go with Killian to get McKayla from school.

  We promised her a trip to the beach. Killian’s house is on the ocean, but she said she wasn’t going until we could all go together, so we are going to go this afternoon.

  Killian has become her very own white knight. He never misses a chance to make her smile. Lincoln has been coming over every chance he can get away from work or get a free minute and spending time with her. She soaks up all of the attention she can get, but every night it’s me she looks for. It’s me, she comes to when she feels sad or just needs to feel comforted. I’m the one she calls out for when she has nightmares.

  I’m lost in thought when the door at the back of the classroom opens. I’m not paying attention to anything around me. Something brushes my arm and a cold chill runs the length of my arm. I yank my head up to find a figure making its way to the front of the room. I glance over to Bishop who happens to be in this class with me and his mouth is a tight line and he is watching me closely. I glance up just as Mr. Broadway turns towards the class. My blood runs cold and I break out in a cold sweat. I’m trembling and he looks dead at me. I jump to my feet, but before I can make up my mind what to do, warm hands wrap around my waist and warm breath blows across my ear as Bishop says, “His day is coming. We need to get you out of here.”

  I’m frozen and I don’t know what to do. He eases me backwards and before he has me out the door completely, I growl. “You’re dead and you don’t even know.” A tear silently falls down my cheek as Bishop pulls me the rest of the way out of the classroom. He lets me go when we get out of the room and the door is shut. He’s standing between me and the door stopping Broadway from coming out and me from going in. I hear shoes squeak on the floor and glance down the hall. Killian is parading down the hall towards us. His face is tight with anger. I hear more people in the hall and look the opposite way to find Hux, Maddie and Ada Jade coming towards us quickly. I stumble backwards and almost loose my footing, but I catch myself.

  Bishop holds his hands out, “Man, not here. We need to get her out of here. He’s not worth it. Call Frank.” Killian tries to shove past him, but Bishop and Hux grip his arms.

  “Not here man. Not here.” Hux says quietly.

  I want him dead more than anyone, but I can’t have Killian loose himself to kill him. I step forward putting my hand on his lower back feeling him ripple in anger. I circle him and squeeze between him and Bishop. I have no idea what to say, “Please…”

  He looks down at me and I can see he’s torn. Torn between barging past Bishop and Ripping Broadway to shreds and wrapping me in his arms and getting me as far away form this school as possible. He touches my cheek and I see agony in all of his features. He grips my fingers with his hand and turns down the hall towards the exit with everyone following behind us.

  When I’m safely tucked away in his truck, he cranks it and turns the air condition on. He then climbs from the truck and walks back to where Bishop and Hux are standing with Maddie and Ada Jade on their bike.

  Chapter 24


  I’ve tracked Broadway all over this state and he just all of a sudden disappeared. He knows the Kings of Mayhem are coming for him.

  Avoiding my little girl has been the worst kind of hell. I know if I answered the phone, she’s going to beg me to allow her this. It’s just not something I can do. She can still come back from everything she’s done thus far, but if she takes his life. I’m afraid I won’t be able to bring her back from that. She’s called me every night and I’ve ignored her calls. I’ve been keeping up with her through Killian. I have to be honest I didn’t like the kid from the start, but he’s showing me a different side.

  Lincoln has been workin
g with Mayhem on locating Broadway, but he’s disappeared on his end as well.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. I hit the green talk button on my ancient flip phone when I see Killian’s name run across the screen.


  “He’s fuckin’ here Frank.” Killian growls into the phone.

  “Where?” I’m already making my way to my bike.

  “He’s at the school. He walked right in and into her class.” I can here him shuffling on the other end of the phone like he’s pacing.

  “Where’s my girl?” I hold my breath waiting for the answer.

  “In my truck. Bishop was in the class with her and messaged me. He got her out of there and we got her out of the school. I wanted to kill him Frank. I want him dead for what he did.” Killian yells into the phone.

  “I’ll be there in an hour. Get her away from there… O and Killian, get in line son. He’s already a dead man walking.” I hang up the phone and quickly leave the parking lot with Russo following close behind me.



  Luna is quiet when we walk in the house. She doesn’t say anything. She’s quiet and a little withdrawn. I drop down on the couch beside her and pull her into my side. She lays her head on my shoulder and it’s not long before she falls into a fitful sleep.

  I send Bishop and Hux to get McKayla fearing what Luna will do if I leave. I know she’s just bidding her time until she can get to him. I need to give Frank time to get to him first. I slide down on the couch and pull her on top of me without disturbing her. She shifts in her sleep and her little hand curls into a fist and she’s got my shirt in a death grip. I run my hand through her hair, and she leans into my hand moaning in her sleep. It takes fifteen minutes for me to fall asleep with my arms wrapped protectively around her.


  I wake forty-five minutes later to the sound of McKayla talking as she comes into the house. I bolt upright when I realize Luna is missing. I jump to my feet and start searching the house.

  “What’s up man?” Bishop asks following me down the hallway.

  I spin on him and run my hands through my hair, “She’s fuckin’ gone. We fell asleep and she’s fuckin’ gone.”

  From the kitchen I hear Hux yell for us. When we walk in the kitchen, he hands me a note from the table, I know without a doubt that’s she’s gone after him.


  I’m sorry you guys are getting drug into my bullshit. I only wanted my sister. She means everything to me. I wanted to be better, to be what you deserved, but I’m not. I’m chaos. I’m a fuckin’ Lunatic. I had Maddie and AJ follow him when he left the school. I’m going to put an end to all of this. I’m going to fuckin’ end him.


  PS… You deserve so much better than me Killian Lucian.

  I ball the letter up and toss it against the wall cursing. I look from Hux to Bishop, “I need to know what those girls told her, I need to know now.”

  They both grab their phones and leave the room. I pick my phone up call Luna’s which no surprise goes to voice mail.

  I then dial Frank. When he answers I tell him what happened. When I give him all the information, he hangs up the phone.

  Bishop comes back into the room and he is pulling his jacket on. “Super Eight on Cannon Street.”

  Hux stays behind with McKayla and Bishop and I both race to my truck. I’m almost there when I remember Frank and send him the address.

  When we pull into the parking lot Maddie and Ada Jade are sitting on their bikes fidgeting. Ada Jade climbs from her bike as we get out.

  “She’s got Maddie’s nine. She hasn’t been up there more than a minute or two. She paced the parking lot for a full twenty minutes before she went in. I’ve never seen her like that.” Ada Jade looks panicked. Maddie is chewing on her nails and they are both antsy as hell.

  “You never should have fuckin’ done this. Frank was taking care of it, so she didn’t have to carry that burden.” I growl.

  Ada Jade and Maddie both drop their heads as they nod.

  “What room?”

  “Two eighteen. It’s right at the top of the stairs.” Maddie says from her seat on the bike.”

  I glance at Bishop as I make my way to the stairs, “Stay with them and make sure they stay the fuck out of trouble.”

  Chapter 25


  I never thought very much about my life and what I wanted or even deserved. I was always Frank Marlowe’s daughter. I was the daughter of the President of the King’s of Mayhem. I was the girl who created so much chaos around her that people never really saw her or her pain.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Broadway growled as I barge through the door of his unlocked room. “How the fuck did you find me?”

  I smirk, “You weren’t careful enough. I followed you.”

  He laughs shaking his head, “Really now? After the Lucian boys carted you off of school grounds to protect their little Lunatic. I highly doubt it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say your buddies Ada Jade and Maddie followed me until you could get away.”

  Kill him. I’m trembling as I raise the gun.

  He freezes in his spot. “You think you got what it takes to shoot someone?”

  My hand trembles.

  “You see I don’t think you do little girl.” He still hasn’t moved from his spot across the room. From this range there’s no way I will miss him.

  “As a matter of fact, I don’t think you want me dead at all. I think you want me to play with you some more.” He takes a step towards me.

  My hands begin to shake, and tears begin to burn my eyes. “Stop… Stop fuckin’ moving.”

  “I think you want… I think you want me to wrap my belt around that pretty little neck of yours and tighten it again…” he takes another step forward.

  I begin to shake uncontrollably, and tears begin spilling down my cheeks.

  “I think you want me to fuck you harder than I did last time…” and another step.

  “O wait you don’t remember that do you? You were unconscious.” Another step.

  A hand circles my waist and a hand reaches out taking the gun from my hand. I glance back to find Killian. He whispers, “Come here.” Turning my head into his chest and kissing my forehead. I can feel the rage under the surface of his skin. He holds me tightly against him with the gun still aimed at Broadway. I’m looking away with tears running down my cheeks.

  “Wha… what are you doing here? You’re not supposed…” Broadway stutters.

  Without a single word Killian pulls the trigger putting a hole dead center Broadway’s forehead. My knees go weak and I nearly hit the floor, but he holds me up with his strong arms.

  In a matter of seconds Frank bursts through the door with Bishop, Ada Jade and Maddie right behind him. They all stop when they see us and Broadway standing there. Lincoln pops in behind them. He eases around everyone making his way to his son, who has yet to move for anything other than to make sure I didn’t fall.

  He reaches for the gun, “Son, give me the gun. Take the girl home and I’ll clean this up.”

  When Killian doesn’t move, Frank steps up in the other side running his hand over Killian’s arm until he is touching the gun. “You did good kid. Let us clean this up. Take my girl home and let us clean this up.”

  I can feel his hand drop and he wraps it around me, standing there for a minute just holding me. Then he lifts me behind the shoulders and knees and carries me to his truck. After putting me in and pulling the seatbelt across my lap, he circles the truck with his head lowered and climbs in the truck. I stare at my hands the whole way back to his house fidgeting with my fingers and the leather bracelet around my wrist.

  When we get there, he opens the door for me and helps me from the truck. I’m still trembling all over. He grips my fingers and pulls me behind him. He walks the path along the side of the house to the back. He then follows the path that leads down to the ocean. Fiv
e feet away from the ocean he drops down to his butt in the sand pulling me onto his lap. He wraps his arms around me tightly kissing my head and holding me against him like I’m the air he needs.

  “I’m weak. I could… couldn’t shoot him.” I whisper.

  He grips my chin and pulls my face to look at his, “You’re anything, but weak. I should have done something to protect you from that monster the day Bishop saw him drag you into that classroom. I knew something was going on.”

  “You couldn’t have stopped it. He’d been planning it ever since he found out who I was. You aren’t at fault for any of it. You are good and you deserve better than me. You will always deserve better than me.”

  He shakes his head and smiles, “No, my Little Lunatic, you are perfect just the way you are. I love you and every insane thing you do. There’s not one single thing I’d change about you. I’ve killed for you and I’d do it again to any monster who hurts you. Your chaos is my chaos.” He leans in kissing me slowly. My hands tremble as they come up to his cheek.

  When I lean back, I slide from his lap to the sand beside him and lean against his side. I quietly whisper, “I love you too.” as he squeezes me close against his side.

  I hope you guys enjoyed

  Lunatic. Please feel free to leave a review and let me know what you thought about it. If you have not read Kings of Mountain Brook Academy yet I’ve left Chapter one for you guys to read. It is available on KU and or can be purchased on amazon as an ebook.


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