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Monroe, Marla - Their Biker Babe in Training [The Dirty Dozen 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “If you’re going to be a biker babe, you have to learn the lingo.” Neal sat down beside her and took the plate Mark held out to him.

  “Who said anything about becoming a biker babe? I just want to learn to relax,” Alexis reminded them with a frown.

  “There’s not a better way to learn to relax than to be a biker babe. You just ride, take care of your old man, and party,” Neal told her.

  Alexis was a little wary of the entire plan. The fact was, she wasn’t cut out to be a biker babe. She was too uptight. Even if she learned how to relax, she would never be able to completely let go. It was just impossible. For a brief moment, she really wanted to. Then it was gone and she was stuck with the same old stick-in-the-mud Alexis.

  “I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a biker babe, Neal.”

  “Sure you are. It will take a little time and a lot of relaxation, but we’ll get you there.”

  “If you say so.” Alexis knew better. She wasn’t going to change this late in life. She was twenty-eight years old.

  She scrutinized the men and figured they were both in their early thirties. Neither one seemed all that serious, but they had to be to own a nice house like this. It still took intelligence and knowledge to keep a house, and in as nice a shape as it was in. They weren’t slouches by any means. Maybe she could pull off being their kind of biker babe after all. I guess it can’t hurt to try, anyway.

  “You look awful serious over there. That’s not allowed when you’re relaxing,” Mark said as he set his plate on the bar.

  “Sorry, just thinking about what all would be involved to be a biker babe. I mean, there has to be a certain mind-set.”

  “Nope. No planning out your reactions. These aren’t acting classes. These are life lessons.” Neal shook a finger at her.

  “I wasn’t planning anything.” She pouted.

  “I could see the little wheels turning in that amazing brain of yours,” Neal insisted.

  “Well, you can at least advise me on what to wear.”

  Mark chuckled. “That’s easy. As little as possible.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked, her brow furrowed up.

  “The jeans will have to do. They could have some ripped places in them, but we can overlook that for right now. The blouse needs some work. Come over here,” Mark said.

  Alexis slid down off the stool and walked around the bar cautiously. She wasn’t at all sure she totally trusted Mark like this. When she reached his side, he turned and grabbed her, pulling her to him by the waist. When she was standing directly in front of him, he pulled out her blouse that was tucked in her waist and opened the bottom two buttons. Then he pulled the corners of the blouse out and tied them up around her waist so that a margin of her belly showed between it and her pants. Then he unbuttoned another button that left a glaring gap of skin. She immediately pulled it together. He grasped her hand and pulled it away.

  “No altering your appearance from how I’ve set it up. This is a biker-babe-in-training look. You’ll be living in biker clothes soon. We’ll go shopping tomorrow. You’ll need a new wardrobe while you’re here.” Mark rested his hands on her hips.

  “You’ve got to be kidding!”

  “Not at all,” Neal said. “He doesn’t kid around with stuff like this. You’re desperate to find out how to become less uptight and more relaxed. Trust us.”

  “Mark, you call Casey’s and order the takeout for our picnic, and I’ll show Alexis our bikes and how to ride one.” Neal grabbed Alexis’s hand and pulled her through the back of the kitchen to the door leading to the garage.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said.

  Neal grinned at her. “You’ll believe it soon enough. You’re going to have a blast. I promise.”

  Alexis wasn’t so sure about that. She still hadn’t quite talked herself into the bravery of climbing on the back of a bike with someone she didn’t know that well. It was going to take a lot of willpower on her part and some coaxing on their part.

  And new clothes? What would she do with them when she got back home? Well, there was always the company Halloween costume party. She could go as a biker babe and honestly have the experience behind her to pull it off. She smiled. There, she had a plan. Then she frowned. She wasn’t supposed to plan while she was with Mark and Neal. Well, what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, or her.

  “What are you thinking about?” Neal asked with a suspicious expression on his face.

  “Nothing.” She smiled.

  “I sense a plan in that analytical brain of yours. Put it out of your mind. You’re ours for the rest of your time here. No planning. We do the planning, and you follow us.”

  “You can’t expect me to just blindly follow you without knowing what you are setting up.”

  “Oh, but we do. You have to trust us to relax. You did last night and this morning. That’s a big start.” Neal ran a finger down her cleavage where the unbuttoned shirt allowed him free access.

  She felt the heat of a blush creeping up her neck into her cheeks.

  “You’re so cute when you blush. Now what do you have to blush about? We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I’m not blushing. It’s just hot out here in the garage.”

  “Right,” Neal said.

  “Anyway, what were you going to show me out here, anyway?” she asked.

  “Let me introduce you to the bikes. We both ride the same type of Harley. Mine is burgundy, and his is black. You will always know which one of us is on which bike that way.”

  “Okay. I’ve got that.” She approached the burgundy one and ran her hand along the seat.

  “Next are the helmets. We always wear them. They’re wired so we can talk to each other, and if we change the frequency and are within the right distance, we can talk to the others in our gang.”

  “Gang? That’s right. You have a gang of construction workers that ride together.”

  “So, first of all, let’s get a helmet on you to see about fit. We have two extras, so one of them is bound to fit you.” He pulled out the two helmets from a locker in the garage.

  She tried on the first one and he pronounced it too big for her. The second one fit. She thought it was a bit heavy, but he only laughed.

  “You’ll get used to it. Just walk around with it on some. Next I want to show you how to get on and off a bike. There are some key areas you don’t want to touch because they can burn you.” He walked her back over to the burgundy bike.

  “Okay, these are the pipes you don’t want to get near. These are your footrests here.” He pointed out the pedals. She followed his instructions and located everything he showed her until he was satisfied she had it down.

  “Okay, next, you climb on. You always climb on after me and off before me. I’m always the last one on the bike since I have to keep it steady.” Neal climbed on the bike and took it off the stand.

  He nodded for her to climb on. She started to take off her helmet since he wasn’t wearing his, but he stopped her.

  “You’ve got to be able to get on and off with the added weight on your head. Try it.”

  Alexis sighed and followed his directions and made it on the back of the bike without a problem. He praised her and had her dismount, as well. She had a little more trouble there and nearly ended up on her ass.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure one of us is always there to help you on and off, but you need to be able to get on by yourself in case there’s a problem.”

  “Um, what kind of problem?” she asked, a little nervous about the sound in his voice.

  “Oh, nothing we should be dealing with, but it’s something you should always be able to do. Otherwise, you’re stuck.” He climbed off the bike after setting it back on the stand.

  “Okay, what’s next? I’m not feeling very relaxed right now.”

  “Learning something new is always a sure way to have an anxiety flash. We’ll do something about that. Come on in and let’s see what time our lunch
will be ready to pick up.”

  Alexis followed him back into the house, hoping his method of stress relief involved removing their clothes. She walked into the kitchen with a great big smile on her face.

  Chapter Five

  No sooner had Alexis walked into the kitchen than Mark was on her. He closed the door and pushed her against it, demanding a kiss. She happily gave it to him but ended up letting him lead. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and explored every nook and cranny before sliding his tongue suggestively against hers, in and out of her mouth.

  Alexis moaned into his mouth as he withdrew and began to nibble along her lips and jawline. He all but crushed her against the door and moved his hands from the door to her breasts where he massaged then pulled at the nipples, which were budding into his expert hands. Oh, she wanted this. She needed this.

  “Do we have time for a quickie?” She couldn’t believe that was her voice asking for sex.

  “Hmmm, I wish we did, but we don’t. Just save this feeling for a little later. I have the perfect idea.”

  Neal’s fuck in the background let her know he was all for it, as well.

  “I’ll get the supplies on my bike. You can carry the food in your satchels,” Neal said from behind Mark.

  “Gotcha.” Mark moved back from Alexis and steadied her when she would have pitched forward. “Easy there, baby.”

  “So, how long before we leave?” she asked.

  “About ten minutes. Run to the bathroom because there won’t be one that close by where we are going.”

  Alexis all but ran for the stairs. She needed a minute to compose herself. She felt like a wanton woman having asked for sex and been turned down. Sure, he promised later, but it stung just a little bit to have been turned down.

  After taking care of business, she thought back to the incident and realized he had been hard against her, so it wasn’t because of lack of interest. It probably was because of time constraints. Despite them saying there was no real planning while she was there, they were making plans for her. She had to admit she liked not having to be the one to schedule everything for a change. Someone else was doing it for her. She smiled and pranced down the stairs.

  The men were in a huddle in the kitchen when she walked in. They broke apart with a conspiratorial look about them. They were up to something. She hoped it involved sex. Now she was antsy for it. She’d never been a sexual person as far as she knew, but one night in their bed and she had sex on the brain.

  “Are you ready?” Mark asked.

  “Ready when you are.” She had pulled her hair back in a ponytail to get it out of her face.

  Neal walked over and pulled the wrap loose.

  “You can’t wear a helmet over it. It has to go, sorry.” He stuffed her wrap in his front pocket and took her hand. “Let’s mount up. You’re riding with me on the way out and Mark on the way back.”

  “So burgundy there and black back.”

  “You got it. Now stop trying to put everything in neat little baskets. Life is messy. Live it, baby.” Neal handed her the helmet then put his own on and climbed on the bike.

  She struggled but got her helmet fastened and waited for his okay to climb on behind him. He started the engine and took it off the stand. The roar of the bike startled her. She jumped and yelped before getting control of herself. Then Neal gave her the nod that she could get on. It took a little more courage to climb on the back with it actually on and idling.

  Finally she managed to climb on back and wrap her arms around Neal’s waist. He patted her hands. She looked over to where Mark was starting his engine. The garage door opened, and they pulled out and onto the drive.

  “How are you doing back there, Alexis?” Neal’s voice came through the speaker in her helmet. She jumped again.

  “I’m fine. Just getting used to everything,” she squeaked out.

  “Relax. Hold on and leave the driving to me.” He pulled out of the drive out onto the quiet street that now echoed with the thunder of engines as they drove down it.

  It was easy for him to say relax. He’d been on the damn thing a million times. She held on tight to him and leaned her head against his back. After a few minutes, she felt the engine’s vibrations throughout her body and wondered if it massaged his balls like it was doing to her pussy. It gave her pause. She sat up a little bit and concentrated on how it felt. What a rush.

  With a mischievous intent, Alexis ran her hand around Neal’s waist and raked her nails over his jean-clad balls.

  “Fuck!” The bike sped up for a second.

  She heard Mark’s chuckle in her ear and realized he’d seen what she had done. She felt the now-familiar heat rise up her face. Still, she enjoyed it.

  “That is what I call learning to relax, baby. Just don’t do it again. I don’t want to wreck with you on back.” Neal’s voice held amusement laced with a bit of arousal.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize it would have that effect on you.”

  “Liar,” two different voices accused her.

  She grinned, knowing they couldn’t see it, and held in a chuckle. She decided she could get used to this. Too bad she lived so far from them. Well, not really that far. It was about a two-and-a-half-hour drive. Still, it would be too long for a serious long-distance relationship. Then she stopped and nearly fell off the bike. What was she thinking about? A relationship?

  “Hey, you okay back there? Hold on, baby. I don’t want you to fall off.” Neal’s voice sounded so sexy over the speaker.

  She needed to concentrate on holding on and get her mind back on riding and not sex.

  They pulled into a parking lot of what looked like an old mom-and-pop diner. Mark got off the bike and walked inside while they waited on the bike outside. A few seconds later he came out with several packages. He stowed them in his satchels and got back on the bike. They pulled out once again and worked their way to the highway.

  After a while, they turned onto a smaller blacktop road that had seen a lot of use. Trees were more abundant out here, as well. Soon they began to circle a lake. It looked so pristine compared to the noisy bikes that were disturbing the scene. Several birds flew off in front of them and she was almost positive she had seen a rabbit take off across the road.

  The men pulled off the road onto a grassy area between several trees next to a picnic table. She remembered to wait until Neal had cut the engine and was settled before she began to climb off. Before she made it all the way off the bike, Mark was there helping her so she didn’t do the stumble-two-step once down.

  “Thanks,” she murmured.

  It was then that she realized her nice pussy buzz had turned into a pussy numb. So was her butt, for that matter. She frowned and walked around for a few seconds.

  The men laughed and she turned to frown at them.

  “What’s so fucking funny?” she demanded.

  “You’ve just realized that your ass gets numb on the bike after riding for a while. You’ll get used to it.” Mark smiled.

  “If you say so. I doubt I’ll have time to get used to it.” She added that last part for her benefit, to remind her that this was a temporary arrangement.

  The men turned away and concentrated on getting things out for the picnic. They secured a tablecloth on top of the table before adding the food. Since they had been riding for over an hour, it was nearly eleven, but no one was very hungry yet.

  “Let’s go down by the lake and look around,” Neal suggested.

  The three of them walked down the bank to the edge of the lake and watched bream swim right up to the edge of the water.

  “Wow, you could almost catch them with your hands,” Alexis pointed out.

  “We’ll have to come out fishing sometime, Mark. That would be fun.”

  “Alexis, maybe after you go back to your corporate job, you can come back for a long weekend and we’ll go fishing then fry the fish for dinner one night.” Neal wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Um, I don’t know.” She hedged
on answering that since it had been nearly along those lines that she’d been thinking earlier.

  Mark cleared his throat and turned them around to head back to the picnic area. They had been walking and exploring for nearly an hour now. It would be close to twelve thirty when they arrived back to the site.

  Alexis helped Mark uncover the food and smiled at the typical picnic fare of fried chicken, potato salad, and baked beans. They dipped their plates and dug in. They didn’t take long to eat. The men scarfed up the food as if they hadn’t eaten in days instead of hours. She had to admit, she was hungry, too. She ate more than she normally did and blamed it on the fresh air and the strain of riding on the back of the bike.

  Once they had finished, they gathered up the trash and placed it in the covered receptacle then secured the tablecloth in Mark’s bike again. Then Neal pulled out a blanket and small zippered bag from his bike.

  “What’s that for?” she asked.

  “I thought we’d enjoy lying on the bank by the lake and watching the clouds in the sky,” Neal said.

  She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. If he said so, but she figured they planned to mess around some on the blanket. She deliberately forgot about the little zippered case. If she didn’t know, it couldn’t hurt her, she decided.

  She helped the men secure the blanket to the ground with stones they found. Alexis took off her shoes and socks to lie back on the blanket. She looked up at the shifting clouds as they floated past. She could make out vague shapes of animals and faces. When she saw a definite frog, she pointed it out to the men. It was then that she realized they had removed their T-shirts and boots.

  “Looking to get a little sun?” she teased.

  “Naw, just some fresh air. You get sweaty riding on a bike,” Mark explained.

  Alexis wasn’t buying it. They were trying to be sexy, and doing a bang-up job of it. She was having a difficult time keeping her eyes on the clouds above her and off the ripped bodies of the two men on either side of her.

  They chatted about the clouds and then about what they did. She had to admire their dedication to their gang and the work they did. They took pride in their jobs. She was surprised, considering they were bikers. The more she learned about them, the more she liked them as people, not just as lovers. God knew they were great lovers.


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