Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 11

by Shelby Fallon

  “Hold on. Maybe Alex and I need to do a little swap-a-roo. I think you’d be more fitting with me. That little china doll in there is too breakable. What do you say?” He was still looking at her body, not her face.

  She felt sick and dirty, didn’t know what to say. She knew Pam had heard him. He wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet about it.

  “I’m fine where I am, thank you.”

  Just as she turned she saw Alex coming out of the bathroom. Had he heard? He would be furious. He said nothing and his face was straight so he must not have.

  She reached across the bar to retrieve the serving dishes Pam had filled to be placed on the table and starting taking them outside to the patio, straightening the knifes. Pam was handing her serving spoons now and taking her apron off. Elena waited to be seated, standing tightly to the side.

  Pam sat in the chair closer to the kitchen door and Howard sat next to her. Elena reached for the chair next to Pam and realized Alex had brought her sweater out for her.

  The roast was wonderful, very tender and seasoned perfectly. Howard, however didn’t think so or maybe just wanted to embarrass her, as he apologized to Alex for the roast being too salty and tough.

  Alex, however, was always the gentleman.

  “Seems fine to me, Howie, in fact I haven’t had a roast like this in years.” Alex smiled slightly at Pam.

  She saw what he was doing but didn’t understand why he would be nice to her. She gave a little smile and looked back down at her plate.

  “So your woman can’t cook either then.” Howard laughed hard. “This is what is wrong with the world today. No one is taught their place or the tools to do their job anymore!”

  “Elena is a great cook, Howie. Now, tell me about the Lively Project downtown. It’s gonna be across from the mill right?” Alex changed the subject subtly and ‘Howie’ didn’t seem to notice.

  The conversation wasn’t interesting. Pam didn’t speak a word, but Elena hadn’t expected her to and didn’t speak herself. Howard went on and on about this Lively Project and how great it was gonna be for the community. Elena never grasped what kind of project it actually was.

  Elena felt someone caressing her knee underneath the table. Glancing at Alex, like it would be anyone else, she bit her lip and smiled, then quickly looked away trying to be inconspicuous. But she saw Pam glaring a hole through her with mouth open in horrified awe.

  Elena instantly knew why she was so shocked. She made a mental note to explain later.

  * * *

  Not soon enough for Elena, Howard instructed for Pam to start clearing the table already. They gathered all the dishes, carried them through the door and passed them over the bar to the kitchen.

  When Elena turned to grab the last glass, she noticed Howard’s eyes on her again, looking her up and down slow and meticulously. She pretended to not see and walked through the door to the bar but could still hear. Alex slapped Howard on the arm and said his name loudly. Howard shrugged and laughed.

  “You had your pick. Keep your eyes on your own wife.” Alex sounded calm but she couldn’t see his face for the cabinets to be sure.

  “I think I made a bad choice. She’s not anything like I thought she would be.”

  “Will you be quiet, she’ll hear you.”

  “Who cares! You gone soft, Smithe? I hope she does hear me. I’m not happy! She’s, with her crying all day and waiting for me to tell her what to do like some...puppy!”

  “Maybe that’s why she isn’t what you thought. I know it’s the way, to treat them like that but...maybe if you didn’t, she would be different to you. Ever think about that?”

  Howard snorted in disgust.

  “Bah! I’m sure she’ll loosen up soon enough. If not, I’ve got something for that.”

  Elena could no longer listen or see as Pam turned on the dishwasher and they stood in the kitchen. They couldn’t hear them over the roar and assumed they couldn’t be heard either. Pam was still looking a little strangely at Elena. She decided their evening was about up and it was time to give her uniform advice, praying it would help somehow.

  “Pam,” she began.

  She didn’t tell her everything, she feared it might leak out and people would start to wonder about her and Alex’s relationship. She’d have to be more careful next time, but she told her how Alex was nice to her if she just did what she was supposed to do.

  “Just try your best to be a good wife,” she explained the same as she had the rest of the girls she’d met over the past few weeks, and got the same doe eyed response.

  And now it was time to leave. They hugged each other, Pam not wanting to let go, not wanting Elena to leave. Elena knew this part would not get easier; leaving the girls to fend for themselves, not knowing what would happen to them. Elena could see the tears forming in Pam’s eyes.

  “Don’t let him see you cry. Don’t give him the satisfaction. Be strong, I’ll see you soon.”

  Elena let go and walked to the door where Alex was holding it open for her. She didn’t know if she should thank them for the evening or not. She voted against it and walked silently to the truck trying to avoid the barking dog at her feet. That dog wasn’t here before. Was it?

  Alex climbed in and shut the door. Once the dome light faded he grabbed Elena around the waist and pulled her to the middle next to him.

  “Let’s take a drive, want to?” Alex asked.

  She nodded and he reversed down the driveway and into the highway, heading the opposite way of home. Home. What a strange existence she was living…

  Chapter 6

  They sat on the tailgate and looked out at the lake. The moon was full and bright, illuminating the lake with threads of glowing yellow and white. Surprisingly there were no bugs out tonight, must’ve been the chill. She was not cold though, Alex’s sweater wrapped tight around her shoulders and his arm over top of that.

  She was leaning into his chest, enjoying the outing but not sure why he would risk someone seeing them like this. Most wives take years to warm up to the husbands enough for open displays of affection.

  “Elena,” his voice cut through the cool air, “ wanna take a walk with me?”

  “Sure,” she said as he helped her down from the tailgate, not letting go.

  He was still holding her waist with one arm, his forehead pressed to hers, eyes closed. She could feel his breath on her face. He paused for a few moments there.

  Then she was being gently pulled away to a path. What a sweet place. She could hear ducks in the pond and they were surrounded by the chirping of the crickets. He was holding her hand as they walked rubbing shoulders.

  She was completely unaware that something was bothering him, until he stopped, stepped back from her and tried to speak again, but no avail. He opened his mouth and closed it again, looking uncertain.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

  He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to her. She took it and opened the blue envelope. It was a bus ticket.

  “What’s this?” she said, turning the ticket over in her hands.

  “I can’t do this anymore. I won’t hold you like a prisoner. Elena...I love you. I know that’s crazy after just a couple months but it’s true. I love you and that’s why I’ve got to let you go. I’ll drive you into the city and you can catch a bus from there. They won’t come look for you. I’ll tell them something. I’ll figure something out.” He was serious.

  He was dead serious.

  “What?! I can’t. I won’t. Why? What did I do?” Elena was so flustered and she could never get her words out like this.

  “Elena, you didn’t do anything, that’s just it. I thought you were going to be some indifferent women who hated my guts and it would take all my power to try to keep you from escaping every day, but your understanding and amazing. I used to lie awake on the couch, listening to you cry at night, muffled into the pillow, you thinking I couldn’t hear you. I would go in afte
r you’d stop crying and watch you sleep, tossing and turning, your pillow soaking wet.” Elena knew what he was talking about. Those first few weeks she had cried uncontrollably every night. She looked down, knowing her face would only add to his guilt. “I wanted to comfort you somehow, send you away then but I was selfish. You don’t deserve this. I may not be able to escape this but, you can. You deserve a real life with a real husband. I can’t protect like I need to here. I had to be crazy for even thinking this was ok.”

  “No, Alex. No!” She waited then she stepped toward him.

  She wasn’t sure what to say. She should just take the ticket and hop in the truck. No. You love him. Look what he is willing to do for you. He said himself they don’t take well to betrayal. Just tell him! She grabbed his face with her palms.

  “Alex, I love you.” His mouth opened slightly in shock. “I’ve wanted to tell you that for days. If you noticed, I haven’t cried in a long time. I’m not going anywhere. You have treated me better than whole life, even my own family. You are not crazy. You saved me.” The tears came and she couldn’t stop them. He cast his eyes down. “I could be like Pam right now; scared every second. Is that what you wanted for me? If it wasn’t for you, I..” He looked up from the ground, her pulling his face up with her hands forcing him to look her in her eyes. “Alex, I have nowhere to go. I have nobody but you. You are a good man and I’m not leaving. Now you know, I have a choice and I’m making it. I choose to stay with you.” She stuck the bus ticket back into his shirt pocket.

  He caressed her forearms, their foreheads leaned against each other, her hands still holding his face. He wiped a tear from her chin and brushed her lips with his thumb.

  He kissed her, over and over. He didn’t try to argue. He wouldn’t fight. He wanted her to stay, but at what cost? He would worry about that another day. For tonight, they were content in each other arms and nothing else mattered.

  * * *

  Alex drove slowly on the ride home. She sat in the middle again, pressed up against his side in the cold truck. Alex’s arm was around her shoulder, her hand on his thigh.

  Elena was so tired, having been emotionally drained, but she refused to fall asleep. Alex was quiet. She didn’t know what that meant. She was worried that he wouldn’t let it go. That he would find another day and another way for her to leave.

  She couldn’t leave him, not now. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her measly existence. She imagined what the future would be like. Could they just live in the community forever together? Have kids? How would that work? Could they ever leave? She could continue to encourage the other wives. She felt some resolve to that.

  When they arrived at the house, she had nearly passed out, not realizing it. Alex pulled her from the truck and lifted her in his arms. She didn’t fight him. It had been a long day and they have been out late at the lake. She never realized how muscular his arms were until they were engulfing her, holding all her weight.

  She could smell his cologne. She breathed it deep. His brown hair was shaggy and short, just long enough to fall across his forehead. She looked up into his blue eyes as he laid her on the bed, then he pulled off her sandals and she crawled up the comforter to her pillow.

  * * *

  Alex had taken a shower and was drying off in the light from the window. He probably thought she was asleep by now. She was looking at him and realized she hadn’t seen his whole body before, on display. He was pretty perfect. His six foot three inch frame was toned and tan, from yard work, she thought.

  He was taking his time, deep in thought. She saw a large curved scar on his shoulder that she hadn’t noticed before. How had I not noticed that?

  He threw the towel over the chair in the corner of the room and climbed into bed. He was startled to see her eyes open and looking at him, a little smile teasing the side of her lips. He chuckled, lay down and began making circles in the small of her back with his fingers, eyes closed, perfectly happy.

  Elena couldn’t go to sleep now. She was trying, but not after seeing him, smelling him, feeling his breath on her neck. She decided it was her turn. He was so good at it all, natural. He was always gentle and patient with her.

  She leaned over him and started kissing his neck, at the collar then moving up his jaw. She worked her way up to his lips then slowly placed herself over him, letting all her weight fall on him.

  His hands went everywhere; her hair, her cheeks, her waist and back. She wasn’t quite sure what to do next. She nipped his earlobe and then kissed a trail back down his neck to his chest. His let several little noises out so she was on the right track.

  * * *

  Alex liked watching her sleep. She opened her eyes in the morning to see him looking at her, running his hand up and down her arm and side. She smiled at him, covering her mouth with the sheet. Morning breath.

  “Breakfast?” she managed to muffle.

  “What was that about last night?” he asked, ignoring her obvious attempt to escape it.

  “What? I tried,” she responded timidly, biting her lip.

  “Try? That was more than trying, honey. I didn’t know a human being could be that sexy,” he said low.

  “Shut up! Don’t make fun of me,” she said playfully.

  “I’m not. You really don’t know how incredible you are, do you? I couldn’t believe my eyes. What am I gonna do with you? There’s no wonder Howard couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.”

  She shook her head. Not believing a word of it. He was just trying to make her feel better about being silly, although, he had seemed to enjoy it.

  “Ok, ok. Breakfast?” she said pulling herself up from the pillow and trying to make her way to the edge of the bed.

  He grabbed her and pulled her back pinning her arms above her head to the mattress.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he said before kissing her.

  Morning breath. Morning breath! Oh Whatever! She let him kiss her until he was satisfied. Finally he loosened his grip and with one final soft kiss, helped pull her from the bed.

  She ran to the shower. They had to go into the office this morning. They hurried through a quick breakfast of cereal and coffee. She made Alex a mug to take with him and one for herself since they’d stayed up so late, and they were out the door with her giggling at he swatted her bottom with his briefcase.

  They didn’t get far. On the end of the porch was Pam. Sitting on the swing. Dirty and ragged with a blackening eye and cheek.

  “Pam!” Elena yelled as she rushed to her, kneeling beside her. “What happened?”

  “Howard m-made me sleep outside,” she stammered.

  “What? Why?”

  “He was angry after you left. He said I was smiling at Alex. I memorized your address from some mail at our place, just in case I ever needed help. I was afraid to run. Howard lives so far into town.”

  “Pam, you’ve got to go home, straighten this out. Howard will be even more furious when he realizes you’re gone.”

  “Come on, we’ll take you.” Alex was helping Pam up and to the truck.

  They pulled into her driveway and when he stopped, he told Pam to wait in the truck for a minute. He went inside for a few minutes, then returned and helped Pam from the truck. After she was inside, he trotted back to his open door and climbed inside. Elena didn’t ask what was said, she was sure she didn’t want to know.

  * * *

  Later at the office, Alex told Elena the whole situation without any prompting. That he told Howard he was being ridiculous, especially since Howard had been staring at Elena all night. Adultery was not allowed in the community, not outright.

  He told Howard if he wanted it to work he better start trying a little harder. He would check up on him when we had dinner with them again Friday night. Mmmm. Not again. Though it would be nice to check on Pam.

  They left after lunch to do some shopping. Elena got a little makeup, shampoo and lotion. Alex just liked watching her fret about how much ev
erything cost.

  The next couple of days passed quickly. Alex seemed distracted but Elena just thought he had work stuff on his mind.

  Alex grabbed the mail from the box after work and worked on the computer for a while. Elena tried to pick back up in The Oath, the book she had started before, but was having trouble concentrating. She glanced down at her toenails. Pedicure. Pronto. She laughed to herself. Yeah, like there was a nail salon in the community.

  She eyed Alex, he was shooting back and forth from web pages, mouse zooming across the screen and the clicking of the keys being punched on the keyboard filled the silence, then flying furiously over documents and papers. She wondered what he was doing.

  Finally he turned to look at her, his face stiff and waiting, serious with intent.

  “Elena, I’ve got an idea. I’m not sure how to work it all out but I’ve got to do something. Just hear me out.” He steepled his hands in front of him. “What if I give your bus ticket to someone else? What if we help them escape? What if we took them individually and in secret and got them out of here? But how long could it last before we got caught? They would just put themselves on the wife list again. No, that won’t work,” Alex said, seeming to be talking to himself more than her.

  “Alex, what are you saying?”

  “I can’t just sit here and let this happen anymore. Every time I see Pam or Amy, I think of my mom, I think of you. I’ve got to do something. I told you I’ve been saving. I’ve got the funds for it and everyone thinks you’re so wonderful and things are great here so I’m hoping they won’t be suspicious of us.”

  “You said they would hurt or kill anyone who betrayed them.”

  “El, this can work. This is my purpose. We’ve just got to work together some plan where we can help but not get caught, so we can keep helping.”

  “It’s a good plan, babe.” She moved to kneel before him, her arms on his legs. “But we can’t just keep taking water from a bucket under a running faucet. I’m with you, you know that, but we’ll have to come up with some long term plan to shut it down all together.”


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