Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 10

by Shelby Fallon

  “I think so. I just figured I would start one on my own. See how far I got.”

  “That’s a good one,” he said peeking at the cover. “It’s about a strange community as well,” he said wryly and chuckled.

  “Did you get everything squared away?” He nodded so she added, “You look surprised to see me.”

  She smiled to let him know she was more amused than upset. He smiled too and sighed.

  “I didn’t know what to expect,” he said it almost like a confession.

  “You were testing me?”

  “Mmm...not really. I just wanted you to know I trusted you, completely.”

  “Hmm. Well, I’m still here,” she said chipper.

  “I can see that.”

  He was smiling hugely.

  He squatted down on his knees to be at her level. She was biting her lower lip as she folded her book to a close and leaned forward. They kissed and he put his hand across her stomach, his other hand in her hair. He then quickly swiveled her around to face him and pulled her close, placing her feet on the floor on either side of him.

  This kiss was deep and long and his breath was extremely warm and minty. She felt him wrap his arms around her waist tight and her fingers moved through his hair. He was glad she had stayed, even after the warning about the community seeing all. He thought for a second she might try, at least.

  An even happier thought for Elena was that, not once did it even cross her mind to try to escape. That’s when she realized, without a doubt, she was happy with Alex and belonged here with him.

  * * *

  Alex was elated and it showed as he leaned over her. She hadn’t been pretending to trick him into getting away. She hadn’t been buttering him up. She wanted to stay, with him. He could no longer contain himself. He scooped her up, her legs now wrapped around him, and carried her to the bedroom.

  Round three.

  Chapter 5

  They had skipped lunch, laying in bed the rest of the afternoon, talking. Alex ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead and asking her random questions.

  Dinner conversation was a light and humorous that night. They were beginning to be extremely comfortable around each other. They joked around. He helped clear the table and even scooped them some ice cream into bowls. They later watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch together.

  In the morning, Elena regretted the couch. Her neck was stiff and sore and killing her. Alex was still asleep. She climbed carefully over him and headed for the bathroom. After her hot but not so soothing shower, she put her clothes on, actually fixed her hair, as she found some hair gel under the sink. She wanted to ask Alex about getting some personal things but still felt weird about asking him for money and a ride to the store.

  He had assured her it was no bother. She would make a list today. She sat there, staring in the mirror at herself. She looked so much older than she was, she thought. She wondered what her life would be like if she’d never left Tennessee.

  Would she have met someone? Gotten married? Kids? Would she have eventually fallen into the trap of her families lifestyle. No. No, she wouldn’t have. No regrets, present situation included. There is a reason for everything. What a strange life.

  * * *

  She walked back into the living room to find Alex was already up as the blanket was folded on the top cushion of the couch. She smelled the coffee. She loved that about him already. He always had the coffee going.

  She made her way to the kitchen and saw him, spatula in hand, standing over the stove making a breakfast of grits and scrambled eggs. She smiled. He already had her mug down from the cabinet and the creamer on the counter.

  As she poured her cup he wrapped his arm around her waist from behind. He brushed her hair over across her neck and Elena flinched as she turned her neck.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, thinking he had squeezed too tight.

  “My neck. Kink.”

  “The couch...I’m sorry,” he realized and released her waist.

  He began massaging her neck and upper back, asking where it hurt most. She was grateful. It actually helped more than the hot shower did. He then began to kiss her neck in between rubbing movements. She giggled and turned to face him. Both wrapped their arms around the other. They didn’t even think when kissing now.

  It just felt natural.

  Elena felt safe, oddly enough, in her situation. She was no longer content in her circumstances, she was happy. She knew she was here for a reason.

  * * *

  Alex felt like he had done something good for someone, no matter how twisted a way, and was wondering how long this could last. How long before the sins of the father would come crashing down on him?

  Alex suddenly realized he was about to burn the grits and quickly released her to run across the kitchen.


  * * *

  Elena chuckled and continued making her coffee. She set the table and they enjoyed their breakfast. He explained that they would be going over to Howard and Pam’s tonight. It was their turn to ‘check up’ on others, so she wouldn’t need to worry about supper tonight.

  “Should I bring something?” Elena wondered aloud.

  I hope Pam’s ok. She hadn’t known any of the girls’ names from the warehouse but she could see all their faces in her mind; scared to death.

  “Nah,” he said looking over some papers he’d brought home yesterday. “It’s fine. The girls usually don’t do that. Are you gonna be ok with this? I mean this is gonna be your first public outing, so to speak.”

  “Yeah, um, is there anything specific you wanna tell me that I’m supposed to do or say while we’re out?”

  “Well, the women usually stay in the kitchen for the most part. You could help cook, clean up, things like that. Just don’t talk to Howard at all. Let Pam interact with him all the way around.”

  Yes. She remembered the last time she tried to ‘interact’ with one of the husbands. Her face stung thinking about it.

  “Ok .Um, can I ask you something else?”


  “How am I supposed to treat you in public? I mean, are the wives supposed to act like we love our husbands or just...” she realized she just said the word love. Oh boy. “…be indifferent? Will people think something’s off?” She couldn’t find her words.

  Mumbling replaced coherent thought. Alex put his papers down, smiled and reached over to put his hand on top of hers.

  “It’s an honor for the wife to accept her life here. It’s a goal. Some of the wives even grow to love the husbands in some strange way. You see some of them holding hands sometimes, after many years of course. Not much PDA but you know what I mean. My parents were not like that. My mother did love my father...I think, though I’m not sure why. He was one of the meanest men alive, especially to her. You see, the men believe that women were put here as our possessions. In the bible, 1 Peter, where it says “Ye wives, be in subjection to your husbands”, they take that literally and forget the other parts of the bible about husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the church. But it’s fine. The only reason they would be suspicious is if you seem too happy and so do I.” He laughed and smiled bashfully. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle anything they throw at us, ok?”

  * * *

  They spent the rest of the morning outside. She was sitting on the porch swing as Alex trimmed and hedged bushes a little. The radio in the garage was playing ‘Any Way You Want It’. Journey had always been one of her favorite bands. She asked if there was something she could do but he waved her off playfully. It was warm but not muggy in the shade. She could see the sweat beading through Alex’s shirt and on his forehead. She went inside to fix a glass of ice tea and grabbed a kitchen towel on the way out.

  He smiled as he saw her walking over to him, thirst, hot and grateful. He gulped it down and handed the glass back to her, wiped his brow and then threw the towel over his shoulder. He leaned in so close that she could feel his breath on h
er ear as he spoke, before pecking her cheek.

  “Thanks, El.”

  “Your welcome,” she mouthed as he cranked back up the trimmer.

  El. He called me El. Hmmm… I like that, a lot.

  She turned and walked back into the house. Placed the glass in the sink and started to make some sandwiches. The phone rang. She froze. Should I answer it? She decided it was ok and probably her duty, so she did.

  “Hello. Smithe residence.”

  “So, you’re her, huh? The new Mrs. Smithe.” The smokers voice on the other end sounded bitter.

  Why didn’t Alex have a cordless phone, she wondered.

  “Can I get Alex for you?” Elena asked trying to sound as calm and collected as possible.

  She suspected this was Alex’s father; the infamous.

  “Have I asked you to get Alex for me? Maybe it was you I wanted to talk to.”

  “Oh...well...yes, I’m Elena Smithe. What can I do for you?”

  “Elena. Such a pretty name.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Just for curiosity, where is our boy, Alex?”

  “He’s trimming bushes outside.”

  “He left you the house?”

  “I just came in for a second to get something for him, you just happened to catch me.”

  “Well, Elena, how are you liking your new life?”

  Oh, God. What do I say?


  The voice cackled in the background.

  “Yes, I suppose it is.” Long pause. “Alex treating you good?”

  “Yes. Alex has been very...accommodating.” Elena was trying to not sound angry but not happy either.

  “Elena, Elena, Elena.” There was a scratching, like he was rubbing his chin. “That savors strongly of bitterness.”

  So much for that.

  “No, sir.” Recover. Think! “It’s not like I had much a life before. Alex has been good to me, yes,” she said flatly.

  “You never asked me my name.”

  The silent pauses and monotonous back and forth was killing her.

  “I just assumed you would tell me when you wanted me to know.”

  “Clever girl, you learn fast. My name is Edmond.”

  Alex hadn’t told her his father’s name so that didn’t help in the mystery.

  “Hello, Edmond. I see Alex coming up the walk. Would like me to stop him for you before he heads out back?” she lied.

  “Yes, I would like that.”

  She opened the door and motioned for him to come, holding up the phone. His face looked as confused hers did. They hadn’t discussed answering the phone. When he reached the porch she spoke into the receiver.”

  “Here he is.”

  “It was so nice to talk to you, Elena. I’m glad you’re adjusting so well. Bye now.” Edmond sounded so condescending and wasn’t pleased to talk to her at all.

  He even sounded irritated.

  She handed the phone over and went back to preparing lunch. Alex came inside and quickly wrapped up the conversation with Edmond. When he was done he walked into the kitchen wide eyed, looking at her in wonderment.

  “Oh no. What did I do?” she said, suddenly thinking the conversation hadn’t gone as well as she thought.

  “I don’t know. That was Edmond, my Dad’s friend. He was checking up on us. He was very impressed with you. He said you were, quote, ‘delightful’. What did you two talk about?”

  Elena blew air in a fast wisp.

  “I don’t know! I was freaking out the whole time. I’m sorry. It rang and I didn’t know if I should answer it and I knew I couldn’t get you in time so... I’m sorry.”

  “Elena, if there was one person other than my father to impress in the community, it’s Edmond. This is great! He thinks you’re adjusting so well. Pretty soon they’ll stop checking in on us and leave us alone for good. You’ll have more freedom. We can even take vacations one day and things like that if we want. You’re amazing!”

  He picked her up around the waist and spun her, hugging her. He was sweaty but she didn’t care. She loved that he was so happy and proud of her.

  He went to shower and she turned to finish the sandwiches for the third time. She hadn’t even gotten one tomato sliced when suddenly she felt hands on her waist. She turned and found Alex smiling sexily.

  “You look like you could use a shower, too,” he said playfully.

  She bit her lip and smiled, then laughed as he threw her over his shoulder without waiting for the answer. He didn’t need one. Lunch could wait, yet again. She squealed as he ran towards the hall with her in tow. Steam poured out of the bathroom door. He set her down on the moist floor and kick closed the door behind them.

  * * *

  She was almost done getting ready, putting in the earrings he had given her a few minutes earlier. He had apparently picked them up for her when we went to his office that day. Or so he said that’s where he was going. Nothing fancy, just tiny silver hoops. Perfect.

  He had said ,‘I know you don’t have any jewelry or anything here so...I just figured...I mean it’s nothing spectacular.’ She knew what he was trying to say. Apparently, they were his mothers. She had given them to him a long time ago. The only gift she’d ever gotten from his father. Ever. She had no idea why his father gave them to her in the first place but she wanted Alex to have them for his wife one day.

  Elena felt honored but at the same time didn’t know what to say. He revered his mothers so much.

  One more quick check in the mirror and she was done. Most of the wives she’d seen weren’t dolled up but weren’t slouchy either. She guessed the men liked their women to look good, but not too good.

  Alex was waiting for her in his chair, a hideous green comfort chair, his favorite. Now that’s spells bachelor. She chuckled to herself as he got up.

  He eyed her up and down as if something was different. She glanced down at the dress she had bought with him that day and back to him. He laughed.

  “Nothings wrong,” he assured her as if reading her thoughts. “I was just thinking how gorgeous you look. I definitely don’t deserve you.”

  “Alex, stop saying that. You are so good to me.” She looked down at her hands. “Alex, I...wanted to tell you...”


  Too Soon. Don’t say it. Do NOT tell him you love him.

  “You look great. Are you ready to go?”

  He sensed that wasn’t it but didn’t press.

  “Yep. We better grab a jacket, it’s gonna get a little chilly later. Howard usually does his shindigs outside. This weather, boiling in the day, chilly at night, gets a little aggravating.” He grabbed one of his button up sweaters from the closet and wrapped it around her shoulders, then grabbed a brown leather jacket for himself.

  “Shall we?” He motioned for the door and she lead the way, his hand on the small of her back.

  His touch was so warm to her, as always. She couldn’t help but get butterflies whenever he touched her. She wondered if he could notice that? He didn’t seem to.

  He opened the truck door for her. She hopped in with his help and watched him walk around the front, almost tripping on something in the driveway. She laughed at his embarrassed expression. She bit her lip to control herself as he got in.

  “You saw that, huh?” he asked, not really a question though.

  “ was cute.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he said laughing.

  He started the truck. They turned from the big fenced yard that she now called home. Alex didn’t bother to stop and latch the fence and they didn’t have to drive far. Howard lived about seven blocks from Alex. When they stopped Howard was looking out the window.

  Please give me the right words to say. If there is anything I can do in this house while I’m here. She didn’t wait for Alex to open her door, not sure of what Howard would think of that.

  Alex waited for her at the bottom of the steps though. Howard already had the
door opened when they reached the top of the porch. Shaking hands with Alex, disregarding Elena all together, they entered the house. She could smell pork roast and potatoes.

  Alex took her sweater and hung it on the hook by the door. She smiled slightly at him and made her way to the kitchen. The short black haired girl hadn’t even noticed them come in, over the noise of the exhaust fan on the stove.

  Elena stepped closer to say hello, taking a deep breath and waiting for her reaction, as she did with all the girls.

  “Hey there...I’m Elena.”

  “Hi. Pam,” she said without turning.

  “Hi, Pam, how are you holding up?”

  “Well, you know. I spend every moment of every day trying not to burst into tears,” she said glancing back quickly at Elena.

  Elena knew it. Every story was the same. Not one of the girls had gotten a guy or a situation like her. They all thought they owned the girls and were hell bent on showing them that.

  She stepped forward to hug her new friend. Pam hugged back with everything in her. She knew that they would both be crying if they didn’t stop so she pulled away and asked what she could help with. Pam pointed her towards the butter rolls.

  As they worked they could hear the voices from the other room, especially Howard. He was obnoxious. He was overweight and loud and arrogant. He belly hung out from shirt a little and his bald comb over wasn’t hiding anything. How old is this guy?

  As she went to set the table she stole a glance at Alex. He was looking at her too. Howard was off in a rant and wasn’t even looking in Alex’s direction. He smiled at her and gave a sympathetic ‘I’m sorry’ face. She smiled back and nodded.

  Once she was done setting out the plates that Pam had instructed her to, she turned to see Howard staring at her. More than that, his eyes were perusing her up and down. She soon realized Alex wasn’t in the room anymore. He must’ve gotten up to use the bathroom. She quickly turned to walk back to the kitchen but Howard stopped her.


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