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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Her heart hammered in her chest. Had he found out she met the agents? Was he going to kill her?

  “I need to go out to AC just for two days. I’ll be back and we’ll have our dinner date and you’ll wear that gorgeous red dress.”

  “You know about the dress, the color?”

  “Of course. Now, just remember, you’re mine. I’ll give you the freedom to see your friends, but nothing more. No men at your apartment, friends or otherwise. I’ll be watching you.”

  “And you?”

  “And me what?” he replied, and she swallowed hard, hoping that she was pulling off assertive at the right time.

  “Trust is something earned, and it goes both ways in a relationship. I take it that you’ll do the same? That there’ll be no other women, nothing for me to worry sick about while you’re gone?”

  “If I was there right now, I would ensure you that you’re the only woman in my life from here on out. We’ll be together soon and making love to you, possessing that sexy body of yours will be the ultimate symbol of our trust and commitment. You got it?”

  “Yes, Dash.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  She lay back down on the bed and curled up into a ball and cried. She let all the tears fall for all the crazy shit she learned today and in the last few weeks. Her father was murdered. That was the number-one detail that haunted her thoughts. She had an opportunity to bring justice to her family. She also needed to remain somewhat in charge and hoped that she made the right decision in having the investigators contact Jake. Deep down she figured that if she died by Dash’s hands, then at least Jake would be able to tell Serefina, her brothers, and all their friends the truth.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest, causing a terrible pain. Her head throbbed. She felt defeated. She needed to talk with Serefina and play up this new role she was shoved into. She had to push aside her desires for Eddie, Tyler, and Lance as best she could and hope that when all this was over, and if she survived, that they wouldn’t hate her. It was all too much to bear as exhaustion overtook her.

  Chapter 8

  “You’re fucking falling for her, aren’t you?” James asked Dash as Dash prepared to leave the club and head out to AC in the limo with Carlo and Ink.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not stupid. I can see how into her you are. She’s special. Hell, Dash, I could tell right away she was nothing like Mary Ann.”

  “Don’t fucking mention that bitch’s name.”

  Dash thought about Mary Ann and how she betrayed him by talking to the police.

  “You’re taking your time with Tasha. Any other woman would be bent over your desk by now.”

  “James, she’s not that kind of woman.” He stared at his best friend. “I’m keeping her.”

  James widened his eyes. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Dead serious. She needs me, and I’m not going to fuck this up. I’m taking her to AC with me at the end of the month, once this deal goes through and the casino is set up for the business.”

  “You really think she’ll go with you?”

  “I’ll convince her. By that time she’ll be mine in every aspect, heart, body, and soul.”

  * * * *

  Jake McCurran stood there in disbelief as two agents, one from the state police and one from the FBI explained the situation with Tasha. His heart ached for her pain, for what she was currently going through with her mother, for what her uncle was involved in, for her father’s murder and now what she was forced to participate in. Then his focus was on her insistence that he be notified, and be involved with the investigation. She trusted him to help her and that was exactly what he was going to do.

  “So what do you need from me? How can I help Tasha?”

  “She was insistent that you be aware of the investigation. Unfortunately there isn’t anything you specifically can do in regards to the case. We have to wait for the next week or so to pass and see what this deal is. Hopefully our inside people may get more details,” Investigator Thor explained.

  “How are you going to protect her?” he asked.

  “She’s been doing a damn good job herself, but to be honest, Dash’s control of her emotionally is growing stronger, and physically he’s progressing to a point we’re most concerned over.”

  “You can’t let him hurt her. I won’t stand by and let this man assault her.”

  Jake didn’t like the exchanged looks between the two men. Jake slammed his hand down onto the desk.

  “Has he assaulted her? Has he tried to—”

  Thor held up his hand. “She’s sustained some injuries, but she’s done her best to keep him from taking the relationship to the next level. He knows everything about her, including about her mom.” Thor explained to him about Dash showing up at the hospital, her mom needing surgery, all the way up to him having men following her and seeing her with Tyler and Lance.

  “Fuck. So now she’s trying to protect them, too?”

  The men went on to tell him all about the investigation and what their plans were. They had agents inside, more information from Tasha’s uncle as well as information from Melanie once they got her away from some guy, James. It was all so overwhelming, but he wanted to do everything he could to help Tasha.

  By the time they left his office and he knew he needed to call her, he got the call from Michaela.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “You sound upset,” Michaela stated.

  “Just work stuff. What’s going on?”

  “Jerome and Burt wanted to know if you were going to bring over the extra grill for their barbecue tomorrow. If you’re too busy, then I can get Hal or Billy to do it.”

  “No, I can get that over there later on. Hal and Billy are working tonight. Then you and I can do dinner together.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Who else is going to the barbecue?”

  “I spoke with Serefina and Catalina, they’re going, plus all the guys, Buddy, Trent, and Johnny, I think Serefina was trying to get Tasha to go.”

  “Is she coming?” Jake asked, feeling hopeful.

  “I don’t know. The word is she’s seeing some big shot rich guy. Not sure of the details but I’m sure if she shows up, we’ll all get the low down. I just hope she doesn’t bring him.”

  “Why?” Jake asked, even though he was hoping the same thing. A man like Dash at their party and under false pretenses as he controlled poor Tasha and ruled her life. It would take so much control for Jake not to kill the fucking guy himself.

  “Well I think that Eddie, Tyler, and Lance are taking the gossip hard. The guys said they have been in rotten pissed-off moods since a couple of weeks ago at the Station.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Tyler and Lance kissed Tasha and she kissed them back. Then as things got heavy, someone called her and she told Tyler it was a guy she was seeing. They were hurt.”

  “Well, maybe things might change. Who knows. Those guys have cared for her for so long. I bet they think they’ve lost their chance.”

  “I hope not. I think the four of them would be amazing together. Well, I’ll let you go. I’ll tell Burt that you’ll drop off the grill later.”

  “I love you, baby,” he told her.

  “I love you, too,” Michaela said and then hung up the phone.

  Jake ran his fingers through his hair.

  He needed to be on guard at this party. He had a really bad feeling in his gut.

  * * * *

  Tasha stared at the text message from Serefina. There was going to be a barbecue tomorrow at Burt’s place. It was a huge house secluded in a large cul-de-sac just a few miles from the Station. She wanted to go. She longed to see her friends, to see Eddie, Lance, and Tyler. But how could she? Her mom was heading into surgery Monday morning, so that was going to be a long day of worrying. Dash was away until at least Tuesday from what his last text message said. Would he let her? She would have to ask him, which really angered her.

  She hadn’t even had time to process everything she learned in the last couple of days. Not about her uncle, Melanie, her own father’s murder. How was mom going to handle the news? She may not ever get a chance to even tell her. Once this deal or whatever went through, perhaps Dash would get rid of her. She meant to ask the investigators about that. She could get the name of the last woman Dash was with from Melanie. Then she could tell the investigators and maybe that would help their case against Dash, too?

  She wanted them dead. All of them. Every single one of the pieces of shit who killed her father and who threatened her uncle, Melanie, and now her and her own mother. She’d lost her friends, damn it.

  She was really pissed off when the cell phone rang again. She rolled onto her back as she lay on her bed dreading the sleep that wouldn’t come easy tonight, as usual.


  “It’s Jake.”

  Her chest tightened and she took a breath and released it.

  “I had to insist that you knew what was happening. I don’t know these men. I have no control over the situation. I need you to understand that and know that I won’t place you or any of the people I love in danger.”

  “Calm down, sweetheart, I can understand where you’re coming from. Hell, Tasha, I just don’t fucking know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything. Just know I needed for you to know the truth, and if anything happens to me…”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you. I’m going to personally make certain—”

  “No! I told you that I won’t put anyone in danger.”

  “Your friends are asking questions. You need to show your face around them, too.”

  “I know that. I’m waiting to ask permission.”

  “Permission? What the fuck is he doing to you?”

  “Please, Jake. Please don’t ask any questions, just listen to me and help me. I heard about the barbecue. I’m going to see if I can make it for a little while. I just don’t know if I can go alone.”

  “You’d bring him there, with you?”

  “No. He’s away. Listen, if I can’t go alone, then I won’t come at all. As much as I need just a few minutes with my friends, especially with Mom having surgery Monday, I won’t jeopardize this case. Too many people have suffered enough already.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’m surviving, Jake. You know that’s how I roll.”

  She slightly chuckled but Jake didn’t. He was worried. She knew he would be.

  “Please respect my wishes.”

  “And if I fucking don’t?”

  “I didn’t have to have them tell you shit. You’ve been a friend since forever. I trust you.”

  “What about Eddie, Tyler, Lance, and Serefina?”

  “You have no idea what I’ve been going through or how hard this has been for me, so don’t you dare bring up someone’s hurt feelings or disappointment. That’s nothing compared to the pain or the control I’m forced to be under, Jake. Don’t do this to me. I need you. I needed for you to know.”

  “Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m angry, I’m worried. Has he hurt you?”

  “Please, Jake, I can’t. I’ll deal with it all. Just do what they say, and if something happens to me, you’ll know the truth and you’ll tell them all how much I love them.”

  “Don’t talk like that. It will work out. Just keep focused.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “So, will I see you tomorrow?”

  “Only if he gives me permission and if I can go alone. Otherwise, I won’t let his men see my friends, my family, and risk him using you to make me do other things.”

  “My God. Be strong, Tasha. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Don’t call me again, Jake. Understand?”


  He disconnected the call. She rolled onto her side and hugged the pillow as her tears streamed from her eyes. She was alone, and all she could do was wait to see what move she had to make next.

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe that she’s here and she’s totally fucking ignoring us,” Lance stated after taking another slug of beer.

  “She’s not acting right at all. It’s like she’s trying to be happy and normal,” Eddie said.

  “She’s worried about her mom. Remember how Catalina saw her making out with her boyfriend in the parking lot after they talked to the doctor about the surgery?” Tyler asked. “She’s headed inside, I want to talk to her and since she’s alone, it’s the best time to get some answers.”

  Tyler made his way inside the house and when he didn’t see Tasha, he headed upstairs knowing there was a large bathroom up there and multiple bedrooms.

  He could hear her voice as she spoke on the cell phone.

  “Yes, of course I’m behaving. No, there are no men trying to talk with me. I’m visiting with my girlfriends. Yes, I appreciate that you let me do this and to come here. Okay, tonight at eight. I’ll be there.” She disconnected the call and then threw the phone on the bed and covered her face with her hands. It didn’t sit right with Tyler at all.

  “Hey, everything okay?” Tyler asked as he walked into the bedroom. Tasha gasped as she turned toward him, her skirt hitting her thighs, her long reddish brown hair whipped across her shoulder.


  He closed the door and placed his hands on his hips as he looked down at her. She looked scared but he missed her. He didn’t want to give up on a chance to make her his and his brothers’.

  “Are you ignoring me and my brothers on purpose? Is that what that asshole guy you’re seeing told you to do?”

  She started to walk past him but he stepped in her way, ran his fingers through his hair as if he were frustrated and then exhaled.

  “Don’t go. Talk to me, Tasha.”

  “Tyler, I need to leave.”

  “You’re not going anywhere. I want answers. I want to know how you could kiss me the way you did and still be seeing someone else.”

  “Please, Tyler.” She tried moving again but this time he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her snug against him. She gasped. As he hugged her tight.

  “Please don’t push me away. Please, Tasha.”

  “Tyler, you need to listen to me.”

  “I’m done listening right now. I know you care for me and for my brothers.” He covered her mouth and kissed her.

  At first she tried to resist, but he pressed her against the dresser and lifted her up into his arms. She was so light and soft, he squeezed her to him and she gasped, pulling from his mouth.

  “Tyler, we can’t do this.”

  He locked gazes with her, his heart on fire with such need and anger.

  “I don’t care what you say. We’ve wanted you for too long. We fucked up by waiting, and I don’t believe it’s too late.” He licked along her neck, suckled her skin as she dug her fingers into his shoulder. He felt her legs wrap tighter, and then she cupped his cheeks between her hands.

  “I’m sorry, Tyler.”

  “No sorrys.” He covered her mouth again. He kissed her so fully on the mouth as he explored her with his tongue that he felt her kissing him back, running her fingers through his hair as she pumped her hips against him. He was so fucking hard and needy for her as he reached under her thigh and pressed his finger to her cunt. She gasped but he kept kissing her, drowning out her moans as he maneuvered his fingers under her silk panties and straight to her cunt. He felt the juices flow. She was so turned on, so sopping wet for him, and it turned his ego on. He heard the door open and close but didn’t turn to look. He didn’t care, unless it was her boyfriend. Then he’d fight the fucker.

  She cried out her release, shocking him.

  “Holy shit,” Eddie stated and Tasha pulled her mouth from Tyler’s and stared at Eddie.

  “Oh God,” she said as her eyes filled with tears. Eddie reached for her face, cupped it between his hands and kissed her. Tyler released her, letting her feet land on the floor as Eddie now ki
ssed their woman.

  Tyler glanced at Lance who locked the bedroom door and looked at Tyler with wide, wild eyes. He was feeling the same hunger and need.

  As Eddie released her lips, Lance was there to pull her into his arms and kiss her. He pressed her against the dresser, ran his hands under her thighs and lifted her up and against his waist. She rocked her hips and he countered with his.

  Then Tasha pulled from his mouth. “Please, Lance, you have to stop. We can’t do this.”

  “Why the fuck can’t we?” he asked, lowering her to her feet. He kept his hands on her hips and she covered his hands with hers.

  * * * *

  Tasha stepped away from them and rubbed her lips then fixed her skirt and blouse. The three men towered over her normally, but in the small bedroom they were like giants, and it intimidated her. She adored them, they owned her heart, but she couldn’t lead them on. Not now. Not until Dash and the other thugs were behind bars.

  She reached for her phone and held it against her. “That can’t happen again.”

  “The hell it can’t,” Tyler stated, sounding furious.

  She widened her eyes at his response. How was she going to get out of this and keep them safe? “It’s the way it has to be. I’m involved with someone. You three never even made a move on me until I was with someone else.”

  Eddie ran his fingers through his hair. “Hell, baby, we were stupid. The attraction between the four of us is outrageous. You can’t tell me that some asshole with a shitload of money makes you feel like we do.”

  “Makes you come in his arms from one touch,” Tyler added.

  “Makes you want to make great fucking use of that bed behind you with the three of us right now,” Lance said. She swallowed hard. She could do it. She could give in to them tonight and know what it was like to make love to them. But then they really wouldn’t let her go. They would do something stupid and Dash would kill them.

  She started to head toward the door but Eddie pulled her back, grabbing onto her sides where the bruising was. She gasped.

  He released her instantly.


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