Tanya's Torment

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Tanya's Torment Page 1

by Tessa Valmur

  Title Page



  Tessa Valmur

  Publisher Information

  Tanya’s Torment

  Published in 2011 by

  Andrews UK Limited


  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Tessa Valmur

  The right of Tessa Valmur to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Chapter One

  'Welcome to Scawder Lodge, Miss Raglan,’ extending his hand, the man smiled warmly. Tanya shook hands with him. He was thin, tall, in his early sixties and dressed in a flannel suit and cravat. He gestured to her to take a seat and he settled himself on the edge of his large, mahogany desk, one leg balanced over the other.

  'Now Miss Raglan,’ said the man, ‘firstly let me say how pleased I am that your Godfather put you forward to work with us here. Film work attracts so many young people but so few have anything to offer. I can see why your Godfather felt you ‘d be the exception.’

  Tanya kept silent, all too aware of how the man was feasting his eyes on her but also she was well aware that her physical appearance was at the moment her best, indeed her only, asset. She had no parents, no money, had just been expelled from university and frankly she would rather make a living posing in front of a camera than doing some physically or mentally demanding job.

  ‘I've read your previous university reports,’ said the man, ‘I know why you were expelled and I've a clear idea of the sort of young girl you are. You're obviously very bright and have been given every opportunity, but sadly you're also a rather irresponsible young lady who seems to think she's above having to conform to some of society's rules. Now let me make it clear that...’

  ‘That’s not fair, I only...’

  The man coughed heavily, glaring at Tanya until she fell silent and he was able to continue.

  ‘As I was saying, let me make it clear that none of that counts against you as far as I’m concerned. I’m in the film business and if you’re willing to work hard and you can act the part I have in mind for you, then I see no reason why you cannot be usefully employed working for me for a while. I don’t suppose that your Godfather told you much about the sort of films that I make?’

  ‘No, only from what he hinted at, I kind of guess I may have to do some nude scenes?’ Tanya suggested, glancing up coyly at the man who had been introduced to her as Mr Campbell. Tanya decided it was best not to admit to what her Godfather had really said. He had told her in no uncertain terms that he knew someone who made porn films and was on the scout for some fresh young girl to be in a new film he was making. Her Godfather had then bluntly suggested that given Tanya’s penchant for numerous sexual liaisons that she might enjoy such an opportunity.

  ‘And you don’t mind that?’ the man asked.

  ‘No, I’m game for pretty much anything... I have done a bit of nude modelling...’

  The man smiled and nodded, glanced at the younger man stood in the room, then he ran his hand through his silver grey hair and standing up he slowly circled Tanya, regarding her as critically as if he was judging the value of a new purchase he was considering.

  ‘Yes, your Godfather brought that to my attention... good photos I have to say.’

  Tanya blushed as she guessed that her Godfather must have gone through her flat on one of his occasional visits. She had done the modelling shoot one summer when she was strapped for cash for a holiday and he’d refused to give her any more of an allowance until the next term. The men’s magazine had paid well enough and she had actually enjoyed flaunting her naked body for the cameraman. Of course she’d kept a set of the photos in an album in a chest of drawers buried below her underwear. Just what the hell had her Godfather been doing rummaging through her clothes whilst her back was turned, she asked herself.

  Since she was fifteen when her parents had been killed in a car crash, Tanya had been looked after by her Godfather; a distant cousin who lived in the Scottish Highlands. He had kept her at a boarding school before university and made occasional trips down to the south of England to check up on her and until a week ago he thankfully paid little attention to the nineteen year old girl in his charge. Tanya had nearly completed her first year at university when after a drunken night’s revelry she had been caught in the boys’ dormitory engaging in sex with several of the male students. The incident might have passed off without more than a mild rebuke had Tanya not then asked the male tutor who had discovered her, if he fancied caning her first then fucking her afterwards. Despite pleading that she was acting out of character because someone had spiked her drinks, Tanya was summarily dismissed. If this episode taught her anything it was that she’d have to learn to lie more convincingly.

  When she phoned her Godfather and explained what had happened he told her to pack her bags and get on the next train to Inverness. Since he had provided her with generous living expenses and had paid for the rent for her flat, Tanya decided that she’d best do as she was told. She had only been at her Godfather’s house, a large but neglected mansion house perched on a hillside overlooking Loch Marrich, for a couple of days when he announced that he had arranged an interview for her with a friend who was a film maker and who was looking for a young girl for a new project.

  The silver haired man now standing before her gestured to the young man who’d greeted her at the door of the hunting lodge, to pour them each a Scotch from the crystal decanter that was on the rosewood sideboard. Tanya sat wide eyed with surprise as three crystal tumblers were given generous measures of whisky and the young man handed first one to her and then another to Campbell before taking the third for himself.

  ‘Tanya, both your Godfather Donald and I feel confident that you’ll settle into your new job here well,’ Campbell smiled reassuringly and gestured for Tanya to start her drink. Needing no more encouraging, Tanya allowed a generous mouthful of the heady, amber liquid to fill her mouth and slip down her throat.

  ‘A pretty girl like you, with your willingness to please, shouldn’t have to struggle too much for work in our line of business. Wouldn’t you say so Miles?’

  ‘Absolutely sir; I’m sure she won’t have too much of a struggle.’

  ‘All you have to do to get on well here is to perform to your best,’ Campbell smiled, took a large gulp from his glass and placing it down on his desk walked across to where Tanya was sitting, a sheaf of papers in hand. ‘This is your contract, it’s all pretty standard, but we do need your signature before we can get started. You should find our payment terms quite generous.’

  Glancing at the document, Tanya saw what she was to be paid per day and needed no more encouragement, she eagerly scrawled her signature on the document.

  ‘Excellent, now I think that we should get you settled in. Stand up Tanya and let me have a proper look at you.’

  Tanya did as she was asked. As Campbell circled her she forced herself to relax and, all too aware that he was physically appraising her and desperate to get the job, she drew in her stomach and pulled back her shoulders to emphasise her cleavage.

  Five and half feet tall, Tanya kne
w that she had the sort of looks that would give most men an instant hard-on and from as soon as she’d fancied it, she had enjoyed no shortage of boyfriends and casual lovers. Keen on racket sports and jogging she kept slim and her muscles were pleasingly firm and toned. She had a slender waist, pert buttocks, high generous breasts and a thick mane of honey coloured hair. She’d quickly learnt that with her looks she could ensure she’d be well spoilt by any man she fancied as long as she gave him a good time in return. She made sure that even if she only slept with a guy once he’d have to buy her dinner in the best of restaurants at the very least and if he wanted a second night with her it would cost him more dearly still. At just nineteen, her mercenary strategy had paid dividends; she had jewellery and expensive clothes in abundance.

  Whilst the man circled her, Tanya forced herself to relax. A naked photo shoot and now some nude film scenes, what difference was there?

  ‘Well Tanya, I have high hopes for you. I think it’s time for Miles to show you around.’

  ‘What part exactly will I be playing? I don’t know anything about the film.’

  ‘Oh, the outline is in your contract, didn’t you read it? I shouldn’t worry too much: basically all you have to do is to be yourself. The plot of the film is that you have been brought to a private school to be properly disciplined.’

  ‘What do you mean, disciplined?’

  ‘The plot is really secondary; the action is what will carry the film. You’ll get the hang of it as you go along,’ Campbell smiled and gestured for the young man to show Tanya from his study.

  ‘Hang on a minute, what do you mean disciplined?’ Repeated Tanya, suddenly a little concerned at the prospect of what might lie ahead.

  ‘What I mean Tanya, is that you’re playing a naughty teenager who has been brought to a strict private college where troublesome young ladies get taught to behave properly.’

  ‘You mean caning and stuff?’ Tanya asked, raising her eyebrows at the thought of being filmed supposedly getting such punishment. There was something rather erotic about imagining this, she realised, but she wasn’t going to let on to this man what she thought.

  ‘Precisely. I trust you don’t have a problem with that? You have now signed your contract agreeing to such conditions.’

  ‘No, I don’t mind... after all, it’s only acting isn’t it?’ Tanya said.

  The man smiled but didn’t answer.

  Tanya followed the young man from the office. That sod Donald, her Godfather must have known what sort of a set up this film company was, she thought. What was now running through her mind also was whether Donald had not only looked at the compromising photos she’d kept hidden in her underwear drawer but if he’d read some of the diary she also kept there.

  The diary she had started after her first sexual encounter and she had wanted to put down her feelings and the excitement she had felt at waiting for the next time she would have sex. Over the years she’d kept it the diary not only charted all her sexual adventures but she recorded in it her fantasies and desires as well. If Donald had read it and told these people about it then they’d know that she had engineered getting herself gang banged by four male students at the university and that she had relished the relentless shafting by the lads and although she’d begged them to let her go, she’d secretly been delighted when they ignored her, held her down and each in turn had fucked her, despite her breathless pleading for them stop.


  Dear Diary Sunday June 5th.

  Quite a day yesterday! After staying the Friday night with Mr Wilmot, I apologised to him for not being able to stay longer but had to meet my sister who was coming to visit and I was obliged to spend the weekend with her. I can’t bring myself to write about him in first name terms as he’s so much older and I feel absolutely nothing for him. Worse still, I suppose, he is a friend’s father. At least he’s divorced; well separated and soon to be divorced. Anyway, Emma has absolutely no idea I’ve been shagging her father and why shouldn’t I? He’s fit enough and has loads of money, which he’s more than willing to spend on me.

  Anyway on Friday he took me out to a smart country house hotel far enough from Oxford for no one to recognise either of us. Of course there was still a chance we’d be spotted but I guess that just added to the excitement of it all. The dining room was all candles and long white table cloths and silver cutlery and whilst we ate, I can’t really remember what we had other than I ordered fresh asparagus in butter to start so that I could delicately lick and suck the ends whilst keeping eye contact with him and thanks to the long table cloth I was able to stroke his groin with my toes without anyone knowing. Needless to say by the time we had finished the meal he was gagging for it and we took our coffee and Cognacs up in our bedroom. A bit too Laura Ashley for me but the bathroom was to die for. Well, since he did give me a lovely necklace and had been so nice I gave him one of my best blowjobs and woke him up early enough in the morning for us to have a shag before breakfast. He certainly can’t say I didn’t spoil him too and he should be very grateful, as he’s older than I’d normally choose.

  Anyway, he drove me back to my digs on the Saturday morning even though I had originally promised to spend two nights with him and he’d booked the hotel bedroom for two nights. Still, he swallowed the story about my sister, (men are so gullible!) and drove me home after I promised I’d see him again next weekend. Of course I’ve no intention assuming something (someone) better comes along, so I’ll just send him a text message on his mobile and keep him in reserve for another weekend. I had to cut short our hotel episode because whilst we were shagging and I was thinking about how varied men’s dicks are, I suddenly remembered that I’d promised to meet Julian on the Saturday evening. He is not my type at all but Susannah has, when pissed, confessed to me that he’s not altogether her type either but he does have an enormous cock and he is seriously fit. Well, as I told you dear diary, a few weeks ago I did get Susannah separated from Julian long enough for me to persuade him to give me a quickie and since then we’ve both been trying to find time for a proper fuck without darling Susannah finding out what we’re up to.

  So this Saturday was our night together and the plan was simple, I would accidentally bump into Julian when he was out with some mates at a bistro and we’d slip off together. So as planned I ran into him and he invited me to join him and his three friends for dinner, which I did. I have to confess that they were all really rather tasty and I got this crazy idea in my head that maybe I could get a shag from all four of them. Well, after a few too many glasses of Chardonnay I guess I’d made it pretty clear what I fancied and we finished our meal and headed back across town to their college. They all shared a four bedroom dormitory apartment and it was easy enough for them to smuggle me in through a window since it was on the ground floor in one of the quadrangles.

  Well, the guys must have half imagined that I was teasing or joking but when after some beers in their little sitting room I asked who wanted to be first, two of them nearly choked on their mouthfuls of lager. I was too drunk to remember who actually suggested it but it was decided that we’d use the sitting room floor and they didn’t need much encouragement to help me out of my clothes.

  Of course what I really fancied was experiencing having all four of them involved at once and to feel as if I was actually being gang banged. I had this fantasy going around in my head of being held down by a group of men whilst each took it in turns to fuck me. The boys were, I quickly realised, going to be far too nice and gentle with me unless I engineered it otherwise so after giving them a chance to get an eyeful of the full Tanya package, I spent some time playing around with each of them, getting them all well and truly worked up. I then told them that I felt too tired and drunk to carry on and wanted to go to sleep. Thankfully they weren’t willing to let me slip off to bed and when I tried someone caught me and dragged me to the floor.

  I made a sho
w of trying to get away but what chance did I have, one slender little girl against four young guys? It was quite intoxicating, I have to confess and the guys worked admirably as a team. Whle Julian held my arms pinned down above my head two of the others each took a hold of one of my ankles and this way three of them were easily able to keep me held down flat on my back whilst the fourth guy fucked me. All I could do was struggle and make a show of protesting. Initially I just begged and pleaded with them to let me go but after the first one had had his turn I thought I’d up the stakes a bit and when the second guy tried to get his cock into my pussy I began to beg them to stop. To my delight, Julian abandoned his hold on my arms with his hands and instead pinned my arms down by sitting over them. This left him his hands free and after forcing my panties into my mouth he clapped one hand across my mouth to keep me quiet. The sensation of being silenced this way whilst one of his mates fucked me and the other two guys held my legs spread was quite enough to make me come. But of course they were by no means finished with me and by the time all four had helped themselves to what was on offer I’d come again and was feeling deliciously exhausted.

  It was, I have to confess, a deeply satisfying experience and as I write this I keep thinking about the feel of having my legs forcibly held spread and the sensation of being gagged. I felt tempted to ask the guys if we could arrange for another session but something more imaginative but I decided against it. On reflection they’re really too nice and now my appetite has been whetted I’d like to taste something a little bit more demanding. Time to stop writing, so until the next entry, that’s all for the moment.


  Her Godfather had driven her to the film company’s base and left her saying he’d call back for her at the end of the day. Now, stuck miles from anywhere, she felt more than a trifle anxious at the thought that she had not only signed herself up for a day’s work with the makers of porn films but that her Godfather might have read her diary and told these people that she actually fantasised about the sort of sexual activities that would make her an ideal subject for some hard core sex. Of course, everything would be all right but in case it wasn’t he should have at least waited for her. The bastard had left her stranded! There was nothing she could do, the house, a former hunting lodge was set miles from anywhere. The last houses that they had passed on the way had been a cluster of cottages beside a bridge that crossed a broad boulder strewn river where they had turned off the main road. Tanya reckoned that they must have then driven up the private estate road leading to the old hunting lodge for maybe ten or fifteen minutes, so that would mean a walk of perhaps eight or ten miles back to the road. In her high heels and wearing no more than her short skirt and T-shirt such a walk was hardly an option, she told herself.


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