Tanya's Torment

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Tanya's Torment Page 2

by Tessa Valmur

  The young man led Tanya back down the main corridor to the entrance hall where another man stood waiting, a film camera balanced on his shoulder; its fake fur-covered microphone looking like some fox’s brush. The man, he was young, shaven headed, dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt, grinned at Tanya then drew some headphones over his ears and nodded to the young man accompanying her.

  ‘We just want to shoot some demo pieces of you; ignore him and act as if he’s not even there.’

  ‘So what do I have to do?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘Pretend that you’ve just arrived at this college and that I am showing you around. Just talk, relax, be yourself.’

  The man started to climb the broad flight of stairs and Tanya followed, her mind racing with the prospect that she was already being filmed and more exciting still she guessed that she was being dragged into starring in some seedy sex film. There was something deeply exciting about what she’d let herself in for and the possibility that these people actually knew about the sort of sexual fantasies she harboured gave a deliciously dangerous edge to the prospect of what might lay in store. If she could find out whether they had been given access to her secret diary and they wanted to film something headier than just a naughty schoolgirl getting caned then, Tanya mused, she might have the chance to actually act out some of her fantasies and the bonus would be she’d be getting handsomely paid for it!

  ‘So how old are Tanya?’

  ‘Nineteen,’ Tanya answered as they climbed the stairs. The man with the video camera was following behind them.

  ‘And what subjects interest you the most?’

  ‘Sports really; I like to keep active,’ Tanya exchanged glances with Miles, who smiled approvingly at her impromptu reply. Warming to her task, she then asked,

  ‘So how many students are there here?’

  The young man paused upon reaching the top landing.

  ‘Not very many...’ he smiled enigmatically and gestured for Tanya to follow him.

  ‘And what subjects do you teach?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘Well, the Rutherford specialises in schooling girls who need, what shall we say? A firm hand? Yes, like you, our pupils are all in need of a bit of extra discipline.’

  They had reached a broad door; painted gloss white with a brass door handle and a matching name plate. Tanya glanced at the brass plate, which read “Games Room”. Turning the handle, the man gestured for Tanya to enter.

  The room was large, with tall windows, through which the late morning light flooded the mahogany floored room. There was an array of gym equipment, horseboxes, heavy ropes, exercise mats and benches. Standing at the far end of the room on a raised platform was a man in a tracksuit, a whistle dangling from a red cord around his neck. Four young girls, barefoot and wearing only pants and bras were darting around the room. It took Tanya a moment, as she stood transfixed by the spectacle, to realise that three of the girls were in fact trying to catch the fourth. For a few more moments the girl being chased evaded capture but then she became cornered and when she tried to dart away one of the girls lunged, caught her streaming hair and with a cruel jerk brought her to heel.

  Tanya watched, mesmerised as the pack of three girls fell upon the fourth. Struggling every inch of the way, the unfortunate girl was dragged by the ankles across to where two ropes dangled from the ceiling. Unlike the ropes Tanya had first noticed hanging in the centre of the room, these were slender and ended about six or eight feet above the floor and from their ends dangled what looked at first glance to Tanya like dog collars. The man with the camera had advanced past where Tanya stood transfixed and he was now obviously filming the struggle between the four girls.

  A shiver of excitement ran down Tanya’s back and her pulse quickened as she watched the three girls wrap and buckle fast one leather collar around their victim’s left wrist and then the second around her right. The victim was then held still by two of the girls whilst the third took a thin roll of black electrical tape and pressing the victim’s thumb against her palm she taped it in place wrapping the tape several times over the thumb and around the hand across the knuckles. Cutting the tape with a small pair of scissors she then applied more tape around the girl’s fingers so they were bound together. A moment later and the same procedure had been applied to the victim’s other hand.

  The tethered girl shook herself free from the grip of her assailants and backed nervously away. She saw Tanya and the man stood in the doorway but she didn’t call out, though her pretty eyes were wide with fear. She was a pretty convincing little actress, Tanya thought to herself.

  One of the three girls clapped her hands in amused satisfaction as their victim tested herself against the cuffs around her wrists and the ropes. She could move a few yards in any direction but that was all. The ropes also had sufficient play in them to enable her to reach one hand with the other. Try as she might though with her fingers and thumbs bound with the sticky tape there was no way she could unbuckle the wrist cuffs.

  While she was allowed to come to terms with her predicament the tallest of the other three girls jogged across to a bench on the far wall and picked up a long whip. Glancing at the man supervising for approval, she waited upon his nod before eagerly returning, the evil looking whip in hand, its snake-like length of black, plaited leather trailing behind her.

  Tanya glanced at the man next to her. She felt her cheeks crimson. The girl with the whip placed herself about five yards behind the tethered girl’s back. Tanya could see the tethered girl’s bare legs trembling, her slender arms pulling ineffectually against the ropes. She guessed that the girl was of a similar age to herself and that the other three girls were perhaps a couple of years older at most. The girl with the whip flicked her hand back then her wrist forward a second later, the coil of leather trailing about her feet leapt upwards, blurring, then came a soft ‘crack’ followed instantly by a winded grunt of pain as the tethered girl fell stumbling forwards under the impact of the hard leather across her bare back. Tanya felt a cry of alarm rise in her throat but she quelled it. The blow from the whip had been for real!

  One of the other girls stepped forwards and placed her hand on the victim’s slender waist. The tethered girl looked abjectly at her, her lips trembling, tears pricking her wide fearful eyes but she said nothing. The girl touching her delicately traced the faint red line the whip had left across her back. The bound girl hung her head back, crying plaintively then biting down on her lip to silence herself. The slender fingers trailing her back turned their attention elsewhere, trailing across her ribs and slim waist and then higher until they stroked under her breasts.

  Tanya watched spellbound as the victim’s nipples were subjected to the lightest of touches from the other girl’s long, aquamarine varnished nails. The helpless victim sighed then groaned faintly as the slender nails toyed with first one nipple and then the other until both stood proudly erect.

  ‘Which girl would you rather be, Tanya?’ the man asked in a whisper that was so low it was plainly not intended for the camera.

  Tanya glanced sideways at the man then back at the spectacle before them.

  ‘That bit with the whip; that was for real wasn’t it?’ Tanya demanded.

  The man nodded affirmatively.

  ‘I don’t believe I’m standing here watching this,’ Tanya said, shaking her head in disapproval.

  ‘Oh come on Tanya, what’s your problem; all the girls are enjoying themselves including the one tasting the pain. She gets off on being treated like that. Every girl has her own particular liking...’

  ‘I ... don’t ... think...’ Tanya bit her lip nervously, her mind racing. Did she really want to get into this? Her mind flashed back to when the four college lads had pinned her squirming body still whilst taking turns with her. That had been so good... maybe being punished would feel as potently satisfying.

  ‘Having s
econd thoughts?’ the man asked.

  Tanya shook her head. She wasn’t going to pass on this opportunity and besides, she reminded herself, think of the money. She could at least give this a go, then if she didn’t want to carry on she’d tell them and they’d have to stop.......wouldn’t they?

  ‘Well?’ the man prompted.

  ‘No. I don’t mind trying...’ Tanya answered hesitantly.

  ‘Good girl, in which case, we need to get on with the filming then. I want you to pretend to object to what you’re witnessing and then to try to leave.’

  ‘Then what happens?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘We’ll pretend to forcibly stop you and we’ll do some impromptu filming. Okay?’

  ‘Yeah... sure,’ Tanya nodded, then as the man nodded for her to go ahead she saw the camera was turned back on her and taking this as her cue she announced that she wanted to leave the school immediately.

  ‘You’re here because you deserve to be, don’t forget that,’ cautioned the young man, raising his voice for the benefit of the camera.

  ‘Oh, go to hell!’

  ‘Don’t swear at me young lady, not unless you’re doing it to provoke punishment. Is that what you’d like? A dozen strokes of the cane perhaps across your pert little arse?’

  ‘Piss off! ’ Tanya snarled and turning on her high heels she snatched hold of the door and strode out into the corridor.

  ‘Come back here at once!’

  ‘I’m leaving! If you think you’re going to stop me, just try!’

  She was half way down the stairs when glancing back she saw the man standing at the top of the stairs looking down at her. The cameraman had followed also and was still filming.

  ‘Tanya, come back before you regret your actions.’

  Ignoring the warning Tanya continued down the stairs as fast as her high heels and tight, short skirt allowed.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs she saw the front door just a short distance across the hallway from her. Then came the sound of rushing bare feet hurrying down the stairs after her. Glancing back she saw the three girls, naked except for their briefs and bras rushing down the stairs after her. Tanya ran across the hall and snatched at the front door thinking that unless the girls were quick she could have escaped and then she guessed they’d have to carry on filming outside. As it was though although the handle turned in her grasp the door refused to open. Feigning frustration, she turned to face her pursuers.

  Tanya was dragged by the arms, kicking and screaming away from the front door, across the hall and down a corridor. Two of the girls had a hold on her arms, each pulling viciously in opposite directions until the pain in her shoulders was enough to make her eyes smart. Tanya made a show of kicking out at the girls and promptly the third girl ducked behind her, snatched hold of one of Tanya’s ankles and yanked her off her feet. Dangled now between the three girls like some game trophy Tanya was carried into a room, whose door was marked “Medical Room.”

  ‘There’s no point in struggling you dumb bitch, unless you enjoy it!’ laughed one of the girls.

  ‘So what do you think of the Rutherford, so far?’ laughed one of the other girls.

  ‘Get your hands off me!’ Tanya protested as she was dragged across to a broad, leather couch.

  ‘So, we have a new recruit have we?’

  Tanya glanced sideways to see a woman in a nurse’s uniform sitting at a desk, look up from where she was writing. She smiled and watched as the three girls hauled Tanya onto the couch and then pinned her down on her back.

  ‘She’s struggling rather a lot Miss Black. You couldn’t calm her down a bit for us could you?’

  The young nurse made eye contact with Tanya and gave her an apologetic smile.

  ‘Of course girls, just keep her still for a few moments...’

  Tanya shook her head, writhing urgently against the three pairs of hands that held her down. Two of the girls each had a hold of her wrists and had her arms bent back over her head and pinned down against the soft leather whilst the third girl immobilise Tanya’s writhing legs by grasping her ankles and pulling her legs taut.

  Tanya saw the nurse turn her back to them as she opened the doors of a wall-mounted cabinet. When she turned back to face Tanya, she was dribbling a few droplets from a glass container onto a large strip of cotton wool. Tanya stared in alarm, suddenly wondering whether the container held merely water or really did have some drug in it. From the doorway of the room the man with the camera was still filming and Tanya told herself that was no real cause for alarm, this was after all just acting as the woman dressed as a nurse advanced to in front of her brandishing the pad of cotton wool.

  Though young and pretty, with silvery blonde hair, the woman posing as the nurse looked a thoroughly vicious piece of work. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle with cruel amusement at Tanya’s predicament and as Tanya caught the first whiff of some heady chemical she knew that the cotton wool wadding had in fact been impregnated with more than just water.

  ‘Come on now you silly little girl... you can’t do anything to stop this happening,’ the nurse admonished as Tanya jerked her head back in objection to the cotton wool pad over her face.

  ‘Let me go! No...’

  Tanya twisted her head from side to side in a futile effort to resist.

  The powerful chemical smell wafted up her nostrils, a sudden terror gripping her and she struggled urgently in the determined grip of the three girls. She glimpsed their faces, gleeful, excited... the nurse, smiling triumphantly. There was nothing she could do to stop them and suddenly giddy and faint; she could only sigh in protest now as the wadding was held under her nostrils.

  'Come on now, don't be coy,' the woman laughed softly.

  The smell was invasive and potent. Tanya turned her face upwards gasping for pure air but her nostrils were full of the chemical and a wave of drowsiness came over her.

  'Stubborn little thing aren't you?' scoffed the young woman. ‘ Well you have to learn that here you don’t have any choices in what happens to you. So if I say that you’re going to sleep, then you’re going to sleep...’

  The young nurse placed the pad of cotton wool over Tanya’s nostrils and with her other hand smothered her mouth.

  'It's quite harmless. Just the thing though to make troublesome little girls easier to discipline.'

  Tanya tried twisting her head away but all her strength had evaporated from her body.

  'Feeling sleepy are we?' the woman gave a self satisfied smile, lifting away the pad of cotton wool as Tanya went limp under her hands. All the strength had evaporated from her body. She gazed up helplessly, drowsy... too tired... too tired to do anything to object as her limp, drugged body was lifted easily and turned face down on the couch.

  She felt something being wrapped around one of her wrists and tightened. She sighed, tried to open her eyes, tried to resist but it was too much of an effort. Her arms were drawn above her head and the softness of the restraining hands was replaced now by the supple firmness of broad leather wrist cuffs. A pair of catches was then released and the rear section of the couch was lowered to an angle of ninety degrees, leaving Tanya bent at the waist over the contraption and her feet now just brushing the ground.

  ‘What... are... you... doing... to...me?’ Tanya sighed.

  Her only answer was to feel the softness of the cotton wool pressing once more gently against her nostrils and the warmth of a hand covering her mouth. Made docile by the drug she’d been forced to inhale, Tanya could only sigh in despair as her tormentors proceeded to strip her clothes from her.

  ‘Okay girls, get her skirt and pants off and get those nice legs well spread.’

  Chapter Two

  The leather cuffs tight were tight around her wrists, pinning her arms down above her head.

  'What are you going to do to me?�
� Tanya sighed, pulling weakly with her arms against the restraints that held her face down over the couch while her legs were spread and bound.

  ‘Do with you? My dear Tanya, we’re going to teach you to be a good girl and do what’s asked of you.’

  ‘This isn’t fair... damn it... let me go!’ Tanya jerked her arms hard but the leather around her wrists was tight and the cuffs were clipped to rings at the corners of the couch so however hard she struggled her arms remained held down either side of her face. Just as the girl getting whipped had been for real, Tanya realised that she really was unable to break free from the restraints they’d bound her with. In truth she was secretly thrilled to have been plunged into such a situation as she now found herself in, though she had no intention of letting on to her tormentors that being subjected to such treatment was satisfying some deep, dark craving for such sexual subjugation.

  The couch had been lowered at the rear so that she was now bent across it at the waist with her feet left touching the floor and supporting her weight. Her ankles were bound like her wrists and try as she might she couldn’t pull her legs free from where they’d been spread and secured to the lower corners of the couch. Though they had left her high heels on, her skirt and briefs were gone and she felt acutely vulnerable bent face down over the bench. The three young girls had gone now but the man with the camera was still there, calmly filming her. Her predicament was potently arousing and her mind raced with what might happen next but despite her eagerness she felt compelled to continue her pretence of outrage at being treated in such a fashion.


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