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Tanya's Torment

Page 10

by Tessa Valmur

  ‘Don’t be a silly girl now...’

  Miles was standing on the other side of the bed, her left arm was pulled sideways and Tanya gazed despairingly as her other wrist was dealt with in similar fashion.

  Now she was effectively tied to the bed she could do nothing but watch as Miles took his time to discard his clothing and then go to his suitcase from where he produced a roll tape of black tape and scissors. Weakened by the chemical soaked cotton wool inserted in her nostrils Tanya had no energy to put up anything more than a half hearted struggle whilst Miles bound one of her ankles repeatedly with the tape which adhered to itself and then dragging her leg to almost full stretch he bound the tape around one of the bottom posts of the antique bed. Repeating the procedure with her other leg Tanya was left bound spread-eagled and face down on the bed.

  ‘Exciting isn’t it Tanya, knowing that you’re going to get a nice hard anal shafting and however intense it gets, however much you want it to stop, you haven’t got any say in the matter. You see, I know that that’s how you really like it, so as much as you pretend, I have no qualms about seeing those pretty eyes of yours filling up with tears as you shake your head, desperate for it to stop.’


  Tanya shook her head, groaning through the gag in protest as Miles coaxed apart her pert buttocks and speared his shaft into her rear.

  ‘Is that good? Is that deep enough to satisfy you? Bit harder maybe?’


  Tanya shook her head vigorously, gurgling in protest as she felt the man ramming his enormous cock repeatedly back and forth into her aching rear. For a moment there was a merciful respite but it was only so that Miles could untie the knotted silk tie that gagged her and use it to fill her mouth even more completely before he finished the gag once more by repeatedly binding the black tape across her mouth and around her head. Once he’d finished Tanya knew that even if she’d screamed she’d not be heard if someone was walking right past the door. There was something potently arousing about being so helpless, she thought as she felt the man once more grasp her hips and drive his shaft into her aching rear.

  Feeling increasingly weak and drowsy Tanya could do no more than cry into the material that filled her mouth and ruthlessly silenced her. Of course now that the tape effectively sealed her lips, she could only breathe through her nostrils, so with each breath she continued to drug herself. The weaker she felt herself becoming the more urgently she panted for breath and this served simply to make her even more helpless. The anal shafting continued relentlessly and Tanya could do no more than writhe weakly against the restraints Miles had used to control her young body and with each thrust of his enormous cock Tanya could only groan and sigh, tears pricking her eyes as the man took her at his leisure until with a satisfied grunt he came.


  The next couple of days passed in a bit of haze for Tanya. After the cruel anal shafting he subjected her to at the hotel he plied her with champagne, a room service dinner and afterwards a long, hot bath infused with essential oils and eventually Tanya began to forgive him for being so hard on her. Besides, the simple truth was that the experience had been powerfully arousing and she’d enjoyed a heady climax long before Miles had satisfied himself.

  The next day Miles took her to the boutiques of York’s cobbled lanes and bought her more designer clothes than she’d had all year. After lunch in a fashionable restaurant, wearing some of the new clothes she’d been given, Tanya spent the afternoon dozing in Miles’ car whilst he drove them back down to London and to his Docklands penthouse apartment.

  The next day, after a night in Miles’ bed, most of it spent fucking like rabbits, they went to meet the business associate Miles had offered to introduce Tanya to with a view to some work for her. Frederick Sturmberger’s office was in one of Docklands’ newest prestigious office apartment blocks. The German’s business, passed, he explained, down three generations was freight shipping. The walls of the opulently decorated suite of offices showed framed photographs of numerous container cargo ships and Sturmberger explained to Tanya that he now controlled the transport of nearly twenty percent of all South American exports to Europe. Tanya, sensing that this was something the German was clearly incredibly satisfied with, looked duly wide-eyed with admiration. Over lunch in a private dining room Sturmberger wasted no time in explaining to Tanya just what sort of a job offer he was making to her.

  ‘The sea journey for container ships from South America to Europe is very slow and I believe that it is very important to keep good crews: this means contented crews who will not slacken and will do their jobs properly.’

  ‘Of course, absolutely,’ agreed Tanya, between a mouthful of chilli salt deep fried baby squid and a large mouthful of Chablis Grand Cru. Sturmberger glanced at the waitress who was serving them and immediately she drew the bottle of wine from its ice bucket and replenished Tanya’s glass then the German’s.

  Sturmberger was to Tanya’s surprise only in his twenties. He had recently inherited the business from his father. He was very tall, slim and wore black Armani jeans and a black Polo neck sweatshirt under a dark blue double-breasted blazer with large silver buttons each bearing the same crest, an anchor and a dagger that Tanya saw was discreetly everywhere in the office complex from the letterhead paper on the man’s desk to being monogrammed on the damask napkin she had draped over her lap. Sturmberger waited until the waitress had resumed her position standing almost to attention a short distance from the table before he resumed the conversation. Miles, the only other person lunching with them at the polished mahogany round table that would easily have seated a dozen people, was being noticeably quiet whilst Sturmberger spoke.

  ‘A lot of the cargos that I transport are low value bulk commodities but some are very valuable and I have to ensure that they are properly cared for; that means having crews that I can completely trust. Good men deserve good rewards and often the thoughtful measures can be worth a great deal.’

  Sturmberger gestured for the waitress to clear their starter plates. Tanya watched him whilst he carefully dabbed at his mouth after his last mouthful and watched the girls serving them. I bet, thought Tanya, he doesn’t miss a thing. The young German’s gaze was intent, his eyes almost unblinking when he looked at Tanya as he spoke. He had Slavonic good looks, a strong almost stern face and what made him especially striking was the fact that he was completely shaven headed, his eyes were a piercing blue and his right cheek bore a long scar. The moment the waitress had left the room Sturmberger resumed his conversation.

  ‘I have a prize ship, Tanya, that I use to transport my most valuable cargoes. The ship was commissioned to my design and launched only two years ago. The crew had the best of facilities and get the highest rates of pay but I determined to give them even more rewards for their service and as a way of passing the time on such a long journey I have given them some additional entertainment.’

  At this point Miles gave the merest cough to clear his throat and took a sip from his wine glass. Sturmberger pressed on, leaning forwards a little and focusing intently on Tanya as he spoke.

  ‘Men will be men and weeks away for land can deprive them of much; I have had incorporated into the ship a games room for them where they can play with a young girl willing to amuse them throughout the journey. You understand?’

  ‘Yes, I think so...’ Tanya answered.

  ‘Of course I pay the girl very well and she is properly looked after and discreetly guarded but as far as the crew are concerned she is there for their pleasure and amusement. My good friend Miles thinks that such a position would appeal to you.’

  ‘I’m not sure...’

  ‘I can pay you more for eighteen days, the duration of the journey, than that girl serving us just now will earn in a year.’

  ‘That’s quite a lot for a few weeks’ work... what would I have to do?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘Keep twenty-two crewmen amused. You will be their pet to play with; there is a lot of equipment I have provided for them to use on you and you’ll be subjected to whatever pleases them. Of course they are under orders not to physically hurt you more than in a playful way and you will have the appropriate protection from the ship’s captain. You will be paid in full into your bank account on the day the ship sets sail and when the ship reaches South America you can choose either a paid return flight to the United Kingdom or take a second term of employment and make the return journey by ship under the same conditions. I have a very detailed contract of employment for you. We’d both be bound by it once signed. Because you will be at work at sea we can avoid the problem of certain countries’ laws on certain, how shall I describe them? services provided, I think is perhaps one suitable expression.’

  ‘Can I have time to think about your offer please?’

  ‘Of course, you can have until we finish coffee, that should give you at least an hour.’

  Chapter Nine

  ‘And this is the games room, through here.’

  The man gestured for Tanya to go through the door that he had just opened for her. Steeping into the room Tanya caught her breath and behind her she heard the man give an amused laugh.

  ‘Impressive isn’t it?’ the man suggested, now walking past her and into the room. Impressive was not the first adjective that had sprung to Tanya’s mind.

  The room was located in the lowest deck of the enormous ship and long before reaching it Tanya had already become bewildered and disorientated by the numerous floors and rooms that she had been shown. It felt as if the ship must have miles of corridors and they all looked the same and few rooms had signs on them identifying what one would find behind one of the dozens of anonymous steel doors. The main hold of the ship was stacked with sealed containers, literally dozens of them each one the size of an articulated lorry. There were also two other holds used for holding loose materials and these she was told would be filled with either hardwood from the South American rainforests of with coffee beans or rice or some other commodity that also served as ballast for the return journey.

  The room she was now standing in was unlike anything she’d seen anywhere and suddenly the full realisation of what she had embarked upon dawned on her. The room was windowless, the walls metal, painted a pale blue. A dark blue carpet covered the floor of the room, which was about thirty feet by twenty. At the far end of the room was another door and also at the far end was a double mattress covered in black vinyl, which had black leather straps and buckles sewn to each of the four corners. There was a full length couch, whose aluminium legs were bolted onto the floor and again from its corners Tanya could see trailing straps and from its sides dangled, broad leather belts. Above the couch screwed to the low ceiling was a large mirror and dangling from the ceiling not far from the couch were several lengths of chain each ending in collar of broad black leather with stainless steel rimmed eye holes and a stout steel buckle. There was a long green baize covered table which sported numerous lengths of coiled multicoloured nylon rope, several plaited leather riding whips and three large aluminium cases, the contents of which Tanya could only guess at. Opposite the door by which they’d entered there was a dark red vinyl covered and padded cross whose base and top were bolted to the floor and ceiling respectively.

  Tanya made a hesitant circuit of the room. Unable to resist the temptation to discover the contents of the three cases on the table she lifted the lid of one. The collection of gags, masks, shining steel clamps and coils of slender black leather cords were too intimidating and Tanya quickly closed the lid.

  ‘You weren’t meant to look in those,’ the man warned.

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ve no intention of looking in the others,’ Tanya answered petulantly. She looked across to the man who stood leaning in the doorway. Unlike most of the crew who wore jeans and T-shirts this man was dressed in pressed white cotton trousers and a starched, short-sleeved shirt with black epaulettes. Also, unlike most of the crew, who spoke at best only a few words of fractured English with heavy foreign accents, this man spoke fluent English with only a hint of an accent that Tanya guessed to be German.

  Tanya had left England two days earlier and after taking a car ferry as a foot passenger to Ostend she had been collected by a driver and taken to the Arhaus freight shipping harbour where she saw for the first time the ship that she was to work on for the next eighteen days and nights.

  ‘What’s through the other door?’ Tanya asked the man watching her.

  ‘That is your bedroom and your private area. I’ll show you.’

  The man crossed the room and after keying in an access code to a wall mounted security panel the door slid open revealing a simply furnished ship’s cabin complete with bunk bed, a small television, shower cubicle and toilet, a narrow desk, one upright chair and a clothes locker. This room also had a porthole and on closer inspection under the bunk bed Tanya saw there was a small fridge and alongside it her bag that she’d brought which had been taken from her on arrival and which had been stowed for her.

  ‘This is your room, only the ship’s officers have the access code to this room. When you’re not working you’ll be able to rest in here. You will work mostly daylight and evening hours. You can take meals in your room or you can join the junior officers mess table for dinners if you’d like some company. There are four junior officers, two are German but they speak English, one, our Chief Engineer is Norwegian and he also speaks some English and the ship’s Quartermaster who is Indian speaks better English than the other three put together. Have you any questions?’

  ‘Do I get to know the code for the door as well?’


  ‘I somehow guessed that would be the answer,’ answered Tanya.

  ‘We set sail tomorrow at 04.00 hours, all the crew will be working until we are well out into the English Channel. You will not be required to start work until 09.00 hours. That gives you about twelve hours to relax, eat and sleep. There are some videotapes in the locker if you want to watch TV. You’ll not get a picture for watching live TV but there’s satellite sports and entertainments channels in Spanish; most of our crew our South American you see.’

  ‘Could I get something to eat then?’ Tanya asked.

  ‘Sure, I’ll have a meal brought down for you. There are drinks in the fridge, which will be re-stocked for you as often as needed. I have other matters to attend to now, so you will excuse me.’

  Without waiting for a response the man left, the sliding door closing behind him and Tanya found herself alone, staring out of the porthole at the lights from another container ship in a neighbouring berth and wondering if this was really such a good idea as it had seemed when Sturmberger had sold her the idea over Chablis and seafood a week earlier.


  Finishing their dinner with coffee and two glasses from a decanted bottle of Taylor’s 1963 Vintage Port, Sturmberger dismissed the young woman who had waited on them and he and Miles withdrew to the television lounge of Sturmberger’s Mayfair house. Whilst Sturmberger switched on the television and slid a video into the player, Miles retrieved the decanter of port from the dining room and their glasses.

  ‘Take a seat,’ the German gestured to Miles who eased himself into one of the leather Chesterfield armchairs.

  ‘We’ve had a message to say that Tanya is safely on board, so here’s to another profitable trip.’

  ‘Would you like to see one of the films of the last one? Hans has edited it down to three hours and mixed the different camera shots to very good effect,’ said Sturmberger, as the television screen flicked on and with the remote control he switched on to play the video he’d put into the machine.

  Sturmberger had fitted concealed cameras into the fittings of the games room on his newest container ship. Only two of the ship’s officers knew of these
and the rest of the crew were ignorant of the fact that when inside the games room enjoying the girl that Sturmberger had provided for their amusement he was in fact filming all that went on. The resultant films were sold by Sturmberger’s contacts to wealthy buyers around the world. Given the nature of what the films showed, Sturmberger was able to charge a handsome price for each film and as each seaward journey produced enough material for half a dozen films, the returns not only paid the wage of the girl but also turned Sturmberger a very tidy profit. Since most of the wealthy buyers from around the world all spoke English as a second language Sturmberger had decided that it would be best if the girls were English. Then when they were begging and pleading for mercy, there was no need for subtitles. Miles, in exchange for a cut of the profits was providing Sturmberger with a steady stream of suitable girls.

  ‘This is the second film, Miles, using material mostly from days five to ten of the journey. We made four films from this girl. The last of course is the best, as always.’

  On the screen a lithe, tanned girl, naked except for thigh high leather boots and a black thong sequined with diamonds was struggling urgently in the grip of two men who dragged her across to a padded cross. As the girl’s attempts to break free from the men’s grip grew more urgent a third man stepped forwards and the girl was held struggling against the cross by two of the men whilst the third bound each of her wrists in turn against the arms of the cross so that she was soon held, arms outstretched whilst the men then wrapped rope around her waist, pulling it tight and pinning her body against the cross.

  ‘I’ll fast forward it a bit,’ said Sturmberger.

  A moment later and the German pressed the play button once more. The girl was now to be seen writhing frantically against the ropes that bound her, tears coursing down her cheeks, her long hair tousled about her pretty face. Dangling from the erect nipples of her breasts were small, steel alligator clips and from these dangled fine cords hung with weights.


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