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Page 5

by Deena Remiel

  “It feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked.

  “Y-yes, it does, actually. I think I felt this earlier at school, when you held me. W-what is it?” she asked tentatively.

  “It’s my protective energy connecting with your healing energy. Your powers are awakening. Thank goodness tomorrow’s the last day of school. We have a lot of work to do. Now, let’s go check on Hannah.” He gave her a dashing smile and haltingly let her go.

  She was sleeping peacefully as Michael had promised. But Emma wouldn’t leave the room, nor agree to get some sleep herself. She hunkered down on the loveseat by her bed and watched.

  “I guess I’ll get going now that I know you two are safe,” Michael said as he made his way out of the bedroom.

  “Y-you’re leaving?” She shifted her gaze to the man who had come back to save her and her daughter. Against her cynical nature, she found herself disappointed. She actually wanted this man—no, needed this man to stay. “Thanks for coming back for me. I’m sorry about earlier. I’ve got a bit of a trust issue, which I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. I promise to work on it. But at the moment, I-I’m not even trusting my own mind,” she stammered. “C-c-could you stay, please? I’m not ashamed to say I don’t want to be alone. Even with my eyes open, I can feel the terror creeping back in. Frightening images keep coming in and out of my brain. They won’t stop. I can’t stop them. Oh, God,” she shuddered while trying in vain to pound the terror out of her head with her fists. “I-I need you, Michael, please?”

  “Sure. I can stay as long as you want. Why don’t I sit right down next to you, then? It looks nice and cozy, and I could hold you again, if you’d like.”

  “Yes, I’d like that, thank you.” Relief washed over her, and she watched as he lithely walked back to sit beside her. He quickly grabbed her fisted hands and soothed them open. She gazed into the eyes that continually captivated her, while her own were already brimming with unshed tears. As the drops flooded down her face, he tenderly reached out to catch them.

  “Make it go away, Michael,” she whimpered, and her breath caught. “Can you make the terror go away?”

  “With eyes like yours, looking at me that way, I would make the world go away if you asked.”

  He reached for her, and in one swift motion, cradled her in his arms. She clung to his sheltering body for dear life, and took a slow, shaky breath. He gently rocked her and stroked her hair, and eventually her heart rate slowed down, her breathing steadied, and she relaxed in his arms.

  Emma’s last thought before fading into sleep was that Hannah was safe, she was safe, and Michael’s protection would guard them through the night.


  Agremon eased himself into Hannah’s mind and immediately got slammed by a shield. White-hot sparks flew around him, and he shook his hands from the pain of it. How and when had she become shielded against me? Who would dare to do such a bold and dangerous thing? Are they mad? Don’t they know who they are dealing with? He pushed against the shield, and more white-hot sparks shot in every direction, but it still wouldn’t budge. As he pulled away, he absorbed the pain with a wicked grin, and this time he felt the source of the energy.

  The Protector! So, he’s back. Interesting. What is he doing here? Namirha should be notified immediately. But, he could wait. Agremon had planned to feast off the terror of the little girl before giving her over. If he couldn’t do that with Hannah tonight, then he’d find another soul, and another, until his anger was assuaged. Nobody kept him from doing his job.

  One way or another, terror will reign tonight.

  Chapter Nine

  “All we are saying is give peace a chance. All we are saying is give peace a chance….” Emma’s arm sailed through the air and gave her alarm clock a good whack. Not a very peaceful reaction, but she’d work on that another day. At least she had remembered to change it from that infernal beeping to the radio alarm yesterday morning. Morning? Already? But, it was the last day of school, wasn’t it? Yes!

  She stretched lazily like a cat, but felt like she’d overdone a workout. Every muscle in her body ached. A couple of aspirin would relieve that. Oh, right, she ran out of aspirin yesterday. Yesterday. Images slowly crept back into her mind. A grotesque face, walking on a balmy beach, a crypt, black chiffon, Hannah sleeping. Hannah!

  She turned over in her bed to see an angelic face on the pillow next to hers, and let out a sigh of relief. She was already starting to stir. Her eyes fluttered a few times and then opened sparkling upon her mother.

  “Good morning, sunshine. Happy last day of school,” Emma cheered, albeit groggily.

  “Good morning. Happy last day of school to you, too.” She yawned. “Mama, I think I slept through the night. I don’t remember getting up at all. Did I get up?”

  “No, you didn’t, honey. Isn’t that awesome?”

  “Yeah. Hey, what’s this?” Hannah was fumbling with what looked like a medallion the size of a half-dollar. “Where’d this come from?” There was an etching of the archangel, Michael, on one side, and when she turned it over, there was an inscription written in what looked like an ancient language. “It’s pretty. Did you give this to me? I bet it’s my lucky charm. I bet that’s why I slept through the night.”

  She sure was astute for such a little girl. Suddenly, Emma remembered being held protectively in someone’s arms, of Michael giving her a talisman, too. She reached her hand to her throat. There it was. Hmmm, the picture looked just like Michael.

  Michael. Where did he go?

  “Mama, why are you still in your clothes from yesterday? Did you fall asleep with them on?”

  “I guess I did.”

  “You’re a silly goose.” Hannah reached over and tickled her mother’s belly.

  “Hey, cut that out.” She giggled, tickling her right back. “It’s time to get ready for school, so let’s hop to it.” With that, she gave Hannah’s bottom a tap and sent her on her way.

  Emma quickly got out of bed, ignoring the pain that fired through every muscle and bone in her body. She had to find Michael. What would Hannah think if she found him in their house? As far as she knew, he had left after dinner last night. Emma raced around the house like a lunatic, but he was nowhere to be found. And then she heard a light knocking on the front door.

  She peered through the peephole. There he was, exuding freshness and looking utterly delicious. She, on the other hand, felt like a train wreck. She couldn’t let him see her in this condition! He knocked again, a little louder. But in actuality, he had seen her at her worst. And why should she be concerned about her appearance, anyway? It was only Michael, right? Michael who had saved her ass last night and held her in the most caring way no one had ever done before. She fussed with her hair, pinched her cheeks, and mustered her best smile as she opened the door.

  “I brought some bagels for breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.” Michael stood in the doorway, a toss-up between a sheepish boy and a virile man. It made for an oddly appealing combination.

  “I’m famished actually. And Hannah loves bagels. Come on in.” She stepped aside to let him pass.

  There wasn’t quite enough room, and as he entered, his arm rubbed against hers. There was an immediate rush of energy that coursed through her like a runaway train, and she simply stood there dumbstruck, bagels forgotten, door ajar. This energy feels so good, so invigorating, and comforting at the same time. Michael’s brow furrowed, and he seemed suddenly annoyed, unsettled. He quickly stepped away from her. Just like a man to back off.

  “Hi, Mr. D’Angelo,” Hannah mumbled in her quiet way as she walked into the foyer. “It’s the last day of school.”

  “Oh, well, good morning, sunshine.” A broad smile appeared on his face. “I know, isn’t that great? Sorry about not saying goodbye to you personally last night, but I thought I’d make it up to you with bagels. What do you say? Do you forgive me?”

  “Bagels? You are very forgiven.” Hannah’s demeanor instantly brightened. “I’ll take the
bag to the kitchen for you. Can I get everything ready for breakfast, Mama? I know how. I can make it look like a tea party for our last day of school breakfast. Please?”

  “Sure, sweetie, go ahead. That sounds terrific.”

  As her daughter scampered off to the kitchen, Emma closed the front door and turned toward Michael. “You weren’t there when I woke up this morning. In fact, I woke up in my bed. You left us. Where did you go?”

  Did I really just say that out loud? She couldn’t even look him in the eyes, knowing she sounded like an immature, insecure girlfriend of all things, but she couldn’t help herself. Trusting men was so out of her nature at this point. She felt part jilted lover and part idiot for actually wanting to have awakened in his arms this morning. Lord, but I am so messed up in the head!

  Emma concealed the hurt and confusion with annoyance as Michael took a long moment to respond. “I didn’t think it was wise for Hannah to see us together when she awoke this morning. So, I put you to bed and went home to change clothes.”

  “Oh, I see.” I see I’m a total idiot.

  “I only left here about an hour ago. You’re both wearing the Talismans I gave you. You should have been fine. You were, weren’t you? Agremon didn’t try anything again, did he?” Michael placed his hands on her shoulders, and she shriveled under his clinical, probing gaze as he looked in her eyes.

  “No, no. We were fine. Just as you said we would be.” And now I’m feeling like an even bigger idiot. “Hannah slept through the night, actually. And you’re right. She shouldn’t have seen you, with me, like, you know, the way we were last night. We wouldn’t want to give her the wrong idea about us. Well, I’ve got to get ready or we’ll wind up late for the last day of school. Make yourself at home. I’ll be ready in a jiffy.” She broke free from his hold, but he caught her hand in his as she made her way towards her bedroom.

  “Emma, after school today, we’ll take her to the park. We’ll talk. She’s got to know everything. She can handle it. Knowledge is power. And the two of you have much to learn and master.”

  She nodded, gave him a weak smile while removing her hand from his, and left.


  “Geez,” Michael muttered as he puttered about the study, looking at the picture frames again.

  “We wouldn’t want to give Hannah the wrong idea? There was nothing wrong about the way you felt in my arms last night, lady. Not one bit. And there was nothing wrong with the ideas that came to mind as a result of it, either.” He picked up the picture of Emma and Hannah swinging. “But then again, that disastrous marriage you had going there has left you mighty damaged. You know what, Miss Emma? I think it’s my duty to make the repairs. No matter how long it might take.”

  Chapter Ten

  Emma peeled off her clothes and tossed them furiously in the hamper, all the while chastising herself for her immature display. Michael must surely think she’s the most neurotic, whacked out woman on the planet. “A few hours in a man’s arms and you think you’re something special to him?” She pointed heatedly at her reflection. “You are so not ready for any kind of relationship with this man or any man for that matter. Stick to your fantasies, girlfriend. That’s all you seem good for these days.”

  Convinced she’d find lingering marks from Agremon’s torment, she stepped back and examined her body, naked except for the Talisman. In her nightmare, she remembered wearing a skimpy bathing suit and a barely there chiffon gown. And in her nightmare, creepy crawlies had scampered intrusively all of her body, pinching and scratching as they blazed their wicked trail. But now, there was nothing remarkable to see. It really had been just a dream, and she had come through it without any physical souvenirs.

  She put the Talisman carefully on the counter, ran the shower, and stepped under the water’s soothing warmth. As she soaped up, she wished it could wash away all the terrifying images that kept entering her mind. An image popped into her head of Michael, of all people, standing behind her, stroking and soothing her body. For the briefest of moments, he turned into Agremon. She shook her head vigorously and opened her eyes. Damn! These bouts of terror are wreaking havoc with my mind! She thought it best to cut her shower short. So she quickly dried off, spent a few minutes pondering which pair of shorts to shrug into that went with her gorgeous, new sequined tank top, and proceeded to squeeze the water out of her thick hair. As she began the arduous task of brushing through the tangles, her brush got stuck.

  “Why don’t you let me help you with that?”

  Agremon suddenly appeared right behind her and grabbed the brush, yanking on it with his hand. He pulled so hard, her head snapped back.

  Emma yelped.

  She was now bent over backwards and looking into his face, albeit upside down, with horror. “Ooh, so sorry. I meant to actually rip a good chunk of hair out of your head. You must have very healthy hair. What? Surprised to see me?” He spun her around, getting the brush even more knotted in her hair, and gave her a wicked sneer. “You’re a very bad girl, Emma. You’ve made friends with an old enemy of mine. You shouldn’t have done that. For that, you will have to be punished. But we’ll get to that later. Give your Protector a message for me, would you, precious? Tell him his little trinkets are no match for me. Tell him I’ll be taking what I came here for and there’s nothing he can do about it.” His teeth had pierced his lips and blood was oozing down his chin.

  “I’ll see you rot in hell before you get near Hannah again!” she avowed through gritted teeth.

  “How’d you know where I live? Have you been keeping tabs on me like a jealous girlfriend?”

  He languidly licked her face from chin to temple, gave her hair a final yank, and threw her carelessly against the shower door. “You’re of no consequence to me. I will have your daughter, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ll let that knowledge be your punishment. After all, you do a much better job at punishing yourself. You make my work so easy.”

  With an evil wink, he was gone.


  Michael knew the instant Agremon had shown up, and quickly put a Level Two protection shield around Hannah, giving her the illusion that everything was fine, and nobody could touch her. Then he raced to the bathroom door and found it sealed like the mausoleum door had been. He heard something crash against the shower door and could only hope Emma was okay. He spoke the sacred words, An aimsir láithreach, to release the seal and rushed inside to find her crumpled on the floor in a heap, her hair nested in a frenzy of tangles. A lingering thread of Agremon’s presence remained.

  How the hell had he gotten to her again?

  Emma was shaking uncontrollably, rubbing her cheek raw with her hand. Michael reached her in a flash and tried to loosen the hold terror had on her. He knelt beside her and gently eased her into a sitting position.

  “What happened? I know Agremon was here. I can feel it.” He noticed the brush stuck in her hair, and she wouldn’t stop scraping her cheek with her hand until he grabbed it. She was mumbling something unintelligible. He noticed the Talisman was missing from around her neck. His voice thundered in the cavernous room. “Emma, where’s the Talisman I gave you?”

  “I didn’t th-think I should wear it in the sh-shower, so I took it off and p-put it on the counter by the sink.”

  Michael looked over at the counter to find the Talisman lying exactly where she said it would be.

  “Damn it! You weren’t supposed to take it off, Emma, ever!”

  “D-don’t yell at me. I didn’t know.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Michael’s shoulders rose and fell as he took a breath and a moment to compose himself. He continued in a calmer voice. “I guess my directions weren’t clear. It’s just that, knowing Agremon’s gotten to you again, well, it’s completely unacceptable and driving me crazy. What happened? What did he do? What did he say? Are you hurt anywhere?”

  “No, surprisingly I don’t think I’m hurt, just a little banged up, I guess. But my brush, as you can see, is no
w hopelessly tangled in my hair since he tried to scalp me. But that’s the least of it.” She grabbed his hands and looked earnestly in his eyes. “He knows you’re here, Michael. He’s angry with me for involving you in this. He told me to give you a message, that your trinkets are no match for him, and he’s taking Hannah. And then, and then, he licked my face!”

  She pointed shakily to her cheek. “Don’t you see his blood all over my face? I gotta get it off me, right now! I gotta get it off!” Terror had clearly taken hold again as she pawed at her cheek, nearly drawing blood.

  “Hey, hey, Emma, honey, I’ll help you. Stop rubbing your face, baby. You’re gonna make it bleed. Here, let me take this damp towel and I’ll show you.” Michael gently swiped at her sun-kissed cheeks, and then dabbed at her pixy nose. “There’s no blood on you, look. It was just an illusion Agremon created. Your face is as beautiful as ever. You see?” As he showed her the towel, she nodded and settled down a bit.

  “Can you get this damn brush out of my hair?” She snuffled, frustrated and disappointed that the man who had promised protection had failed to deliver.

  “Sure, hold still so I don’t hurt you.” She felt his fingers gingerly remove her hair strand by strand from the brush. As he freed the last bit of it, he pointed to the Talisman and looked her straight in the eyes. “Now put that necklace on, and never, ever take it off for any reason. Understood?”

  “Understood,” she acquiesced, understanding begrudgingly the power of Agremon and the talisman that would keep him at bay. Michael’s touch had been so delicate, so caring, that Emma’s strong defenses couldn’t hold. And with every tress that was let loose, her distrust and disappointment had shaken free as well. Her concerns over her crazy attraction to him slowly dissolved into thin air. She gradually rose to her feet, walked to the counter, and put the Talisman back around her neck. She looked at him through the mirror.


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