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Megan's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 1)

Page 3

by Pixie Moon

  He hesitates for a long second and then pulls me into a tight embrace. I hold my breath as I wait to see what he’ll do next. Will he demand sex? Fear and desire start up a war in my belly. I don’t understand why I’m so drawn to him.

  When he suddenly releases me I’m shocked by how disappointed I am. What is wrong with me? I should be glad that he doesn’t find me irresistible. The pulse pounding between my legs is definitely not happy to see him leave the bed. Once again, I hope he doesn’t think I’m ugly.

  When he’s standing near the door I get a good look at his cock. It’s dark purple with a red crown. The way its pulsing makes me think that maybe I’m not ugly to him.

  “It’s time to start a new active cycle. After I get dressed we’ll go to the kitchen to get our first meal of the cycle,” he informs me and then leaves the room.

  As he leaves I get a glimpse of something at the base of his large erection. I wonder what the small protuberance is. Moisture slides from my pussy as I recall how thick and nice his erection is. I roll over and am instantly engulfed in his scent. The throbbing between my legs intensifies. I force my nose out of his pillow and crawl from the bed. My insane reaction to him is going to make my day suck.

  “Let’s go, little human,” he says when I enter the living area.

  “My name is Megan Blaker. What’s your name?” The surprised look on his handsome face lets me know he never even though about me having a name. If he keeps me I’ll find out if all dagrinians are socially stunted or if it’s just him.

  “Hilam Braknee. Let’s go eat so I can get back to work, little human,” Hilam states and then takes a step toward the door that leads out of his quarters.

  “No, I have to relieve myself.” At his frustrated look, I add, “If that’s okay.” Hilam Braknee may not be openly cruel but I still need to refrain from pissing him off. There could be a cage on this craft somewhere.

  The thought of not being near him and getting to smell him makes something deep inside me shift painfully. I don’t want to be parted from him.

  Shit. I don’t want to want him. Life is too uncertain to attach yourself to another living being.

  “Ah, yes. Take care of your needs and then we’ll go.” His tone is all business.

  As I scramble into the restroom I’m struck by the realization that Hilam doesn’t seem to know how to relax. My foolish heart aches at the thought of him never having any fun in life.

  Don’t jump to conclusions, a voice whispers through my mind. My inner voice is correct. I’ll keep an eye on him to see if my theory is true. So far I know he has been drawn to me twice and that both times he has controlled himself.

  He has also only talked about getting back to work. Work is so important to him that he doesn’t even think about things like peoples’ names. Once again, my heart hurts at the thought of him never having any fun. Life is too short to be only about business.

  If my assumption is correct, he shouldn’t be able to take much egging. To test my theory, I decide to linger in the bathroom.

  Sure enough, I hear him mumbling something and then he yells, “Are you done? I have things to do.”

  I don’t like the idea of him being all business. As I walk out of the bathroom my stomach sinks when I realize that all dagrinians could be just like him—all business no pleasure. That thought makes me sad. It’s one thing to be socially stunted, those kind of people can still have fun.

  Workaholics are a different breed all together. I have to force myself not to label the dagrinians until I’ve been around more of them and been around Hilam for longer. Maybe this is just a busy time for him.



  ~ Megan ~


  When we leave his rooms my attention is diverted to the spacecraft. To the left is the way to the exit door. We go right.

  A touch of fear settles over my heart. It’s one thing to be in a safe little home environment and quite another to be roaming around in enemy territory.

  I have no idea how many people are on this craft. Worse yet, I don’t know for sure where we are going. Before I can ask, Hilam stops and presses his hand against a panel close to a door.

  I gasp and step closer to my alien. The two dagrinians that are eating look me over and smile. Like my alien, they are handsome, but I really don’t want to be passed around as a sex toy.

  Unaware of my fear, Hilam enters the room and goes straight to an area that has a few strange black devices and several cabinets. Not taking my eyes off the two strangers, I follow my alien. Since I slept with him last night I figure I can call him mine…at least for the moment. When he suddenly stops, I run into his broad back. His scent has my insides melting.

  “You need to be careful, little human. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” Hilam gestures toward the devices. He quickly points them out and gives me a rushed lesson in how to get food. When he ignores the largest device, I ask, “What about that one?”

  “That is a cooking device Kripnor used to use before he settled down and stopped coming on missions. We don’t use it because it takes too long,” he answers in his normally all business voice. Like he’s too busy to explain things and would rather be at work.

  Not wanting to go near the other two males just yet, I ask, “Can you show me how to use it in case I want to cook us something that takes longer?” If I’m to be on this craft for long this could be a good way to pass the time. Laughter from the other two dagrinians in the room makes me wonder if this would be a safe place to spend time.

  To keep Hilam talking I pay close attention as he shows me how it works. My mouth waters at the thought of cooking real food. I’ll have to find out how safe it is to be alone here.

  Now that he’s finished explaining the cooking device, Hilam leads me to a black table right next to the other males. They look me over and then turn to Hilam.

  “Is your little human as tasty as she looks?” the largest male asks.

  Shock has me frozen in place. These males already assume that we’ve had sex. Is the tension between us that palpable?

  Hilam starts and then frowns as he looks at the male. “I’ve been too busy, Klimen. Not all of us are free to play all day.”

  Was that a growl in my alien’s voice? That was hot…except for his rudeness. No people skills at all. Wait. He said he’d been too busy. Does that mean he plans on having sex with me? Excitement and a touch of fear swim around in my belly.

  Klimen raises his hands in a universal sign of surrender and then rests them back onto the metal table. “Don’t get all huffy, Braknee. If you’d relax and enjoy the feminine treasure you were gifted with you just might be clear headed enough to solve your problems quicker.”

  The other male nods and his eyes glaze over. “Yes, pussy can clear your head and put a spring in your step. If she was mine I’d have her ride my cock while we ate.”

  “Rizpa nin. That’s hot, Rylem.” Klimen’s gaze bounds to Hilam. “You should do that. We can watch.”

  A loud whizzing sound comes from a wide band on Klimen’s forearm. The dagrinian scowls at the noisy device as he presses a button. He seems to be reading something. I watch as he pushes away from the table and stands.

  “We’ll have to watch the show later. We are needed in the Mission Room,” Kilmen says in a disgruntled voice.

  I watch with wide eyes as the two males quickly clear their mess and leave. Do dagrinians openly have sex? Once again, excitement and fear swim around in my belly. These guys are very different from any human males I’ve encountered. This is going to take some time to get used to.

  I have to know. “Do dagrinians have sex in front of each other? Do you share? I’m not used to being shared.” Shit. I don’t think I can become a sex toy. Hot or not, I just don’t think I can do it. My breath starts sawing in and out of my lungs as panic claws at my chest. I leap to my feet and take a step toward the door. All six of his fingers clamp around my wrist.

  With a tug to my wrist, he orders, “
Sit, Megan.”

  Since I can’t get free of his grip, I shakily do as told. Tears threaten to spill. I just want to go home.

  “Calm yourself, Megan. Some share, some don’t. Sex is natural. We do it wherever the mood strikes or if we feel like showing a claim on a female. Klimen and Rylem as well as a few others on this ship will have sex anywhere. I personally prefer my resting room for sex most of the time.” Hilam loosens his grip and pats my hand before moving his hand away. “My attraction to you means we will be having sex soon. Prepare yourself because it is going to happen.” He points at my plate. “Eat. I have to get back to work.”

  Augh. He is so rude. If his touch is as tender as it was yesterday then sex with him won’t be all that bad though.

  Won’t be all that bad? You cream your panties every time you get a good whiff of him, my ruthless side points out.

  She’s right. This guy’s smell keeps me simmering all the time. I squeeze my thighs together and focus on my food in hopes of diverting my sex crazed body away from sexual thoughts.

  The yellow fluffy food has blue dots in it. Using something like a flat spoon or mini spatula. I take a bite and smile. It reminds me of spicy eggs. This is much better than the icky green gromlet bars. That food replicator just became my best friend. Once I finish my yellow food I try the blue fruit. It is sweet and juicy. Oh, yeah, this food is way better than the gromlet bars in his cabinet.

  “I’m glad you liked the yomine and the sindot fruit. They are some of the better foods the replicator produces,” he says as he stands and picks up his plate.

  I quickly follow suit. We move over to a machine in the far corner of the room. Hilam opens it and puts our plates in it and then closes the door and presses a button. A clicking sound comes from the device.

  “Is it cleaning the dishes?” If so, this is one handy machine. This place is continuing to look better and better.

  “Yes, we always clean up right after we eat. Let’s go. I need to show you the laundry room since cleaning our clothes is one of your duties. You can wear my shirts for now. That way you don’t have to do laundry everyday.” He takes my hand and leads me out of the dining room.

  I can’t help myself, I roll my eyes. Hilam has no people skills at all. Hell, I lived in the woods most of my life and I have more communication skills than him.

  Maybe he needs you to help him, a soft voice whispers through my mind.

  Oh, hell. Now I feel sorry for him. When he stops at the next door I get another strong and up close whiff of his intoxicating scent. At the pulsing of my clit, I have to admit that I feel more than sorry for the socially stunted alien.

  A previously unknown side of me wants to jump him and ride him hard. My gaze moves to the junction of his pants. I long to see his hard purple shaft again. What a beautiful sight his big cock is. Fuck, his shaft just twitched beneath his trousers. Great, now I have a fresh wave of slickness dampening my thighs. I wish I had more panties. Looks like I’ll be spending a lot of time commando. That does make it easier to have sex though.

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that I might decide to have you in here instead of in my resting chamber.”

  At his words my gaze darts up to his. The pretty blue diamonds are dark and have a hungry look that makes my pussy ache.

  Footfalls break the passionate silence that is blanketing us. I look down the corridor and see a male heading our way.

  Hilam blows out a breath and walks into the laundry room. He quickly points out the device and tells me how to use it. The thing is black, of course. This cleaning device is quite interesting. Like the other cleaner it uses a sonic mist and dry air to clean and dry the laundry in a short amount of time.

  These guys have the best shit. They can stay totally clean in space and well fed too. Damn, this place is better than Earth by a long shot.

  “Once we get back to my living quarters you can gather our clothes and come back here to clean them,” he says in that cool detached voice I’m starting to hate.

  I look toward the door and then back at my alien. “Is it safe to walk around the ship without you? How many people are on this craft?”

  I’m starting to get nervous again. What if there are human eaters onboard. I jump when a masculine voice comes from the doorway. I look over and up to see that he’s the alien that brought me to Hilam. I relax a little. I’m pretty sure this one is not a human eater.

  “There are ten of us and one clocpinian that’s paying for a ride to Hirope. None of my crew will hurt you and the clocpinian is staying in his room most of the time.” He turns and points to a nearby corridor. “Don’t go down there. That is the crew’s living quarters and the cargo hold. The only rooms you need to be in are Hilam’s, the kitchen, and this room.” His assessing eyes look me over. “Do as I say and you’ll be fine.” His gaze shifts to Hilam. “Mate the little human soon, brother. You need to clear work from your mind for a little while each active cycle. She’s just what you need.”

  Humph. This guy is outrageous. I don’t know if I’m going to like him or not.

  Hilam snorts and his face pinches up. “I’ll mate her when I have time. Am I the only person onboard that didn’t know on sight what species she is?”

  Rich laughter comes from Hilam’s brother. “Yes, but don’t worry about it. We see more beings on a regular basis than you. Staying in your lab so much keeps you in the dark on many things.” The male’s gaze moves to me and then back to his brother. “If I didn’t know what she is I would have left her on Barpol. I may not be a badass scientist like you but no threats are ever allowed on my ship. Humans aren’t poisonous and they don’t have deadly fangs.” He holds up his hand. I suck in a hard breath when his purple fingernails turn into vicious looking claws. “Humans don’t even have retractable claws. She can’t do any real damage. I’d have to kill her if she did manage to harm anyone or anything aboard my ship.”

  I swallow hard when his intense gaze swings over to me.

  “You’ll be good, won’t you, human?” Hilam’s brother asks in a dangerous tone.

  “Y…yes.” I take a step closer to Hilam and then look at his brother. “You don’t have to be so mean.” Needing a little help, I look up at Hilam. “Does he?”

  “He’s not being mean. He’s just helping you understand how your new home works. Let’s go.”

  Humph. Both of them are terrible. At my eye roll, Hilam’s brother grins, and then looks at Hilam. “Start using her soon. You can see and learn more when your body is relaxed and happy.” Riflan steps back letting us leave the small laundry room.

  Whoa, these guys really want Hilam to get some. There openness is still shocking to me. But it’s also a bit of a turn on.

  “I have to return to the command post. Let me know if you need help mating her. I can show you a few tips.”

  At Hilam’s growl his brother laughs and heads down the corridor.

  “Don’t listen to Riflan. Nosha, his female, would kill him if he touched another female without her permission.” His face changes to an extremely serious mask. “Do you understand the cleaning device? I don’t have time to come back and show you again so ask me any questions you have right now.”

  My shoulders sag. He really sucks at talking to people. Maybe that’s why the others want him to get some. “I got it. We can go back.” You workaholic bastard.

  Now that I’ve heard several of the others laugh, I know that Hilam is the serious one. A freaking workaholic.



  ~ Megan ~


  As we walk my mind spins with knowledge. Hilam and Riflan are brothers. I wonder if Klimen and Rylem are as well. They do have similar bone structures.

  The second we are back in our rooms Hilam heads to his lab without saying a word. The look on his handsome face is one of pure focus. On the trip here he must have slipped back into work mode. I feel a little sad for him.

  Then again, since he’s trapped on a spacecraft working all the
time that may not be a bad thing. But, since his friends want him to learn to relax I have to wonder if he’s this way even when he’s on his home planet.

  As he sinks deeper into his job I start cleaning up. Once the place is picked up and straightened I gather our clothes and take them in a cloth sack to the laundry room.

  After I start the machine I look down the corridor. Not a being is in sight. I’m a little surprised by how my vocabulary is changing. On Earth, I would never have had a thought like that. Now I full well know other beings exist. I shiver as I think of my last two owners. Some are not so nice and caring.

  The thought of Hilam has my stomach fluttering and my blood beating heavily through my veins. No other male has ever gotten this kind of reaction from me. Not even my one and only boyfriend, Will.

  My heart aches a little at the remembrance of him going out to gather food and never coming back. I looked for him for days. I know he’s probably dead, but I like to think that he fell, hit his head, lost his memory, and was saved by some nice people who have made him a part of their family. Since my parents died of a fever when I was fifteen I can’t make up a happy story for them.

  With effort, I push the past to a dark corner of my mind. This spacecraft is where I am right now so this is where I need to mentally be. I look down the corridor again. Seeing nobody along it, I bravely step out of the laundry room.

  Since I don’t know how long it will take for our clothes to be clean, I decide to go check out that cooking device Hilam was telling me about. This one can make food that sounded a lot like bread as well as anything else you can bake.

  Feeling daring, I sniff through the spices Hilam showed me. Next I look over some things that remind me of flour and powdered things like milk, eggs, and surprise me food items. Deep down I know this could turn into a massive disaster.


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