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With or Without You (The Dom's of The Cage Book 4)

Page 16

by P Nelson

  Dillon reached out and cupped the back of her neck. He wore a sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Right this second. You have become Mistress Thea again. You understood the way you fucked up and are taking actions to prevent it from happening again. Self-realisation is the first step to acknowledging what’s happening inside you.”

  “You’re not going to feel that way in a minute.” Thea had a hard knot of tension ping ponging through her gut. If Dillon rejected her, it shouldn’t matter. Thea comprehended how much he loved her in his own way. Maybe it wasn’t the way she wanted, but it was the best Dillon could do. “Make love to me. In this shower right now. I want to feel alive.”

  “Kiss me first,” Dillon ordered. It wasn’t an outright refusal, but a play for more time. Thea was willing to give him everything he wanted, not just because she needed to make amends and wanted to feel him inside of her. But because the dominant part of her personality wanted to soothe him. She had used and hurt him, and it was up to her to rectify the situation in any way he wanted. Thea wanted his body all over hers.

  Thea pressed her body into Dillon’s. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and luxuriated in the way her breasts pressed against his wet skin. His hands came up, and he ran them up her back. For once, she didn’t care that he was feeling the ridges and valleys of her scars. As he said earlier in the evening, she had survived and even though everyone reminded her how lucky she had been to be the only known survivor of a serial killer. Thea didn’t feel lucky. Setting aside her need for revenge, she fully concentrated on Dillon. His mouth opened over hers and she thrust her tongue inside. Their tongues moving languidly, rubbing, and swirling together in a dance so sensual it made Delaney’s thighs tighten with need, the burning in her gut changing from worry to lust in an instant.

  Dillon’s cock started to press insistently into her soft belly. He had become hard at their first contact, his dick swelling and growing until she had to make room for it between their bodies. Thea’s pussy had grown wet again with the kiss they shared. Breaking away, Dillon’s expression was one of lust.

  “Tell me you want my cock, Thea,” he commanded. The Dom coming out fully to play.

  “Yes, Dillon I want your cock, and my safe word is red.” She reminded him trying to keep the dryness out of her tone. She obviously hadn’t done a thorough job because he smacked her on the ass. The sting scalded a path straight to her pussy forcing her hips forward.

  “You bastard.” She swore at him with no heat.

  “No swearing.” He smacked her again. “You’ve gotten away with a lot of shit, Thea. No more.” He twisted an arm behind him and shut off the water. In one fluid movement, he picked Thea up in his arms; she rested her hands on his shoulders startled by her new position. Dillon wriggled her around until the head of his cock was below the entrance to her pussy. “If you want my cock, claim it.”

  With their eyes staring into one another’s, Thea reached down and opened the lips of her pussy far enough for Dillon’s cock to enter an inch. Her channel shuddered at the initial contact, and Dillon’s expression hardened. Marvelling at how strong he was to hold her up for so long, she rubbed her hands down his shoulders and forearms a couple of times. He smiled and lowered her down onto his erection. They both shuddered as he held onto her ass and moved her pussy up and down a few times to get the whole of his length inside of her.

  “Is this what you wanted?” The guttural sound of Dillon’s question made her thighs quiver, and she mashed her nipples into his smooth chest. He was Esposito’s complete opposite, rough and masculine, but with a sweet hint of metro-sexual that made her pulse race.

  “Yes, this is everything,” Her simple reply acted like fuel to the fire between them. Dillon’s mouth searched out hers, and they started to kiss one another ravenously. Dillon walked from the shower back into the bedroom where he sat on the end of the bed, still working her thighs up and down, her pussy riding his cock. He edged further up the bed and Thea was able to get her knees into the mattress. She took over the rhythm, riding Dillon’s enormous cock as he reached up to cup her breasts and play with her nipples.

  A glance in the windows they hadn’t bothered to cover with the curtains caught Thea’s breath. She was riding Dillon, one hand on his thigh behind her and the other behind her ass to play with his balls. A feeling of fulfilment and power blistered through Thea. Dillon sat up swiftly, and she unbalanced for a minute, but it was only because he wanted to suck and bite her nipples. The extra sensation along with the way her clit ground against his pelvis was enough to send her over the edge.

  Dillon didn’t wait for her to come again. He placed one hand on her hip and thrust up inside of her with enough force so her knees came off the bed. He shouted so loudly, the tendons in his neck stood on end; all the while, he stared into her eyes. Thea felt satisfaction when his semen entered her body, filling her up. She sighed and started to ride him again, wanting everything from him.

  To his credit, Dillon had Thea on the mattress in the next instant, his mouth on her breast and his hand between her legs. She opened fully for him, feet on the mattress, knees spread as far as they could go. Two fingers entered her pussy and one penetrated her asshole. Dillon fucked her body with precision as Thea rolled around and shook her head, lost in the sensations he was creating. Never stopping his assault on her pussy and anus, Dillon bit her breasts and sucked her nipples so hard Thea would feel the raw nubbins for days. The thought that every time material rasped against her raw skin, she would think of Dillon working her over and forcing another orgasm from her body.

  He only groaned and continued to tease her body until she glimpsed his hard cock out of the corner of her eye. Dillon released her breast with a loud slurp and grabbed onto her hips roughly. The action of her on the bed with him above her should have sent her into a blind panic, but it didn’t. Dillon held onto the base of his cock with one hand and brought her pussy up with his other. She shoved his cock in all the way hard. They both shouted as his dick penetrated her wet folds, her channel clinging onto the hardness.

  “You feel so fucking good, Thea.” Dillon held onto her hips and rammed his cock into her over and over. For a Dom known for his finesse in the dungeon, Dillon was fucking her with wild abandon, and Thea was absorbing it all.

  She reached up to play with her breasts, enjoying the way she winced as she pinched her tender nipples and pressed down on bite marks. “That’s it, beautiful. Your body is fucking mine now. Do you understand?” A thrust punctuated each word. A thrill swept through Thea.

  “Yes, Master.” The words were out before she could even comprehend what they meant. “Fuck me, Master. Make me your slave.” Dillon grunted and pulled both of her legs up over her shoulders. His dick plumbing new depths of her pussy. Thea shrieked in pleasure as her clit rubbed against the hardness of his body. Dillon’s mouth came down hard on Thea’s as she came apart underneath him. She screamed her pleasure, the orgasm racking her entire frame. Her mind went blank for several seconds. Every one of her neurons snapped back to reality as Dillon pulled out of her and fisted his cock a few times before semen shot out the end all over her belly and breasts. The look of possession on his face forced Thea back to a reality. She was powerless to stop Dillon’s act of total ownership.

  He reached a hand out and rubbed the semen into her skin. His expression intent on his task, his gaze flicked up to hers every couple of seconds. No sign of remorse over what he had done to her showed. He had claimed her as a dominant claimed a submissive for the first time, his intentions clear. The semen dry, Dillon lifted her up enough to place her under the covers, his body curled behind her. He fell promptly asleep. Thea thought the caveman inside him must be satisfied with the work he had accomplished.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dillon enjoyed the satisfaction of waking up with Thea in his arms for a full minute. Predawn lit up the sky. The light from the windows would wake her. The curtains still open. She needed her rest. Last night had been rou
gh on them both, but it was Thea who was going to need her strength to get through the next few days. Dillon was tired of playing by her rules. Yes, she had been brutalised, and it was also true some people never came back from the abuse she suffered. He, however, had made them both a promise that Thea would make it out, and if he were going to see that promise through, things had to change.

  She hadn’t woken him with any of her nightmares last night. He doubted she had gone to sleep as soon as he had. His body felt thoroughly satisfied and exhausted from working her over. He exacted every iota of pleasure he could from her flesh before branding her with his cum. The look on her face had told him she understood the action, understood he was taking her as his sub. Rationally, she could call time on his actions, but Dillon didn’t think she would.

  Thea had been working so hard to find her old self again, to be the woman she was that Dillon recognised she hadn’t accepted there was a new submissive side calling for attention. Last night after the scene had gone to shit, Dillon at once recognised the conflicted sub trying to top from the bottom to get what she wanted.

  And he formed his plan. Thankful Thea still rested in his arms and couldn’t witness it, Dillon retracted his arm from underneath her slowly. He slid his body away from hers and replaced the blankets over her. Hopefully, she would sleep for a few more hours with the curtains drawn.

  With a semi-hard cock, Dillon stepped to the floor-to-ceiling windows and admired the stillness of the city. The sky was grey, and it would probably rain before the day was out, but Dillon didn’t care about the weather overmuch. He had a plan to implement. Bringing the curtains together to shut out the dawn, Dillon pulled on a pair of sweatpants out of the walk-in closet and set about his business.

  They had gravitated towards sharing a room after the first night. Thea needed to feel safe and Dillon needed to know she was safe. Now, the closeness of Thea’s body was making it difficult to read her. No, if he couldn’t be honest with himself, there was no way he could be honest with Thea, and she needed the Dom inside of him, not the scared shitless asshole who cried the entire time she was missing.

  Dillon had always felt attracted to her. The night they had spent together during his rehabilitation ignited a spark between them so intense, even her abduction couldn’t blow it out entirely. Unfortunately, one of them normally had enough control to keep them from going over the edge of insanity. This was no longer the case. They had both fucked up last night; Dillon recognised his own mistakes. He needed to take control of this whole crazy thing between them before they hurt one another and couldn’t come back from it.

  An armload of clothing along with some other personal items in tow, Dillon awkwardly swept out into the hallway. He turned away from the living room at the end of the hall and strode farther into the apartment. Choosing the room right next to Thea on the same side of the hallway, he pushed inside and dumped his things on the bed.

  It took half an hour to put everything away and make sure there was no trace of his presence in the other room. After completing his task, Dillon made a carafe of coffee and sat down in front of his laptop and brought up a standard contract. He amended a few things to satisfy his current situation with Thea and wondered what she would think of her altered reality when she woke up. Dillon printed out the new contract and pilfered a rose from an arrangement in the living room. He walked softly down the hall and left both the contract and the rose on the bedside table, shutting the door behind him.

  He may have marked her as his in a primitive way last night, but Thea needed to not only sign the contract but verbally reiterate she’d submit to him. Grabbing a T-shirt, he pulled it over his head while searching around for a clean pair of socks. He was just about to shove his feet into sneakers when Joe’s head peered around the door to his new room. If the other man thought it was odd Dillon had changed residences, he didn’t say anything.

  “Boss is here.” Dillon stared at Joe, wondering which boss he was talking about.

  “Sure thing.” He left the sneakers and followed the other man down the hall, through the living room to the kitchen where Linkin was busy drinking the last of the coffee in the carafe. Dillon shot the other man a questioning look, adrenaline spiking hard in his nervous system. He had to reach out to steady his body, the contact with the cold refrigerator door grounding him to the present.

  “Esposito?” he questioned. Linkin studied Dillon with his usual blank expression.

  “Maybe.” It was the closest thing to a non-definitive answer Dillon had ever heard from the alpha Dom. “Thea’s little stunt last night might have brought the asshole out of his hiding place. I’m still following a few leads. He can’t outsmart me.” The statement would have been super-arrogant coming from anyone else, but Linkin made it sound matter fact. “I’m going to rip his balls from his body and feed them to him one by one.” Dillon didn’t flinch at the bloodthirsty revelation.

  “Don’t let him choke to death.” Dillon wanted his own time with Esposito.

  “I’ll make sure he chews them well before swallowing,” Linkin assured him. Dillon’s own balls ached at the promise, but his mind flew to a more important matter.

  “What’s with the early morning visit?” He reached into cupboard and grabbed more ground coffee. “Not that I don’t enjoy seeing your handsome face first thing, but I don’t usually get the pleasure.”

  “If you want to suck my cock, you’ll have to ask Martin and Delaney first.” Linkin crossed his arms over his beefy chest, his eyes calculating. “You could probably suck my dick, but your cock isn’t getting anywhere near Delaney. She only gets mine and Martin’s dicks.” All said in a deadpan expression. Dillon did love Linkin.

  “No problem. I’ll try to keep it in mind.” Dillon poured water into the back of the machine and listened for the first sounds of percolation.

  “I’m here because I wanted to go over some new ground rules in the wake of recent events.” Linkin continued to lean against the bank of cupboards on one side of the galley kitchen.

  “What recent events?” Dillon’s stomach did a nosedive. He didn’t need Linkin to explain. Thea was going to pay for her little act of disobedience.

  “First, you haven’t checked your emails or phone this morning, but there’s a flood of offers to scene with Mistress Thea,” Linkin reported.

  “Really?” Dillon was having a hard time wrapping his head around this information. “Who’s the dominant?” Even though he was requesting Thea to submit to him, he wasn’t stupid enough to believe it would end up as a permanent arrangement.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Linkin grabbed his coffee cup and the coffee carafe from the machine and poured more brew into it. “Big offers, by the big names. You’ll be flattered. So will Thea.” Dillon didn’t comment on that assessment of Thea’s reaction. She had rejected his career as a porn star over and over; he doubted she’d feel flattered by offers to create her own skin flick.

  “OK, but I don’t see how this matters.” Dillon was keeping an eye on the coffee carafe as well as Linkin. “You could have called.”

  “Yes,” Linkin replied succinctly. “You’re correct.” Linkin waited until Dillon focused entirely on him. “Exactly one hour ago, an emergency meeting was called at the Vancouver Police Department. The Chief of Police, the head of media relations, and the rest of the senior officers who make up the disciplinary board met to discuss the consequences of Thea’s actions.”

  “She made a mistake,” Dillon started. Linkin abruptly abandoned his coffee and his place leaning against the cupboards and strode into the living room. Dillon followed more sedately behind Linkin with Joe bringing up the rear. Linkin picked up the television remote and flicked the channel over to the morning news. Dillon stared at the screen. A video was playing in the square inset on the right-hand corner, a pundit talking away. “Shit.”

  “Thea is facing a trial by media right now.” Linkin’s explanation was succinct. “This is the negative media attention she’d have faced if the Revere
nd hadn’t abducted her on the morning news of her kink life hit the press. I don’t know what game the two of you are playing, but it’s time for you to step up as her Dom and get her through the crisis. Stop being a pussy Dom and get your head in the game.” Joe grunted in agreement. Dillon saw red.

  “First of all, asshole, I’m not a fucking pussy Dom. I may not be the big bad-fucking alpha you, Flynn, Martin, and the rest of you dicks think you are, but I have my own style. That style is not to fucking override everyone around me, either. I coax and punish and pleasure. I nurture with pain and reward with pleasure. I don’t go stomping the shit out of everything around me until I get my fucking way. I like subs eating out of one hand while I spank the submission out of them with the other.” Dillon paused to take a breath.

  Linkin’s eyes narrowed, and Dillon thought he had overstepped his friendship for a second. If Linkin walked out the door right now, he would miss him. But he sure as fuck wasn’t going to have him or anyone else criticize the way he topped subs. No fucking way.

  “I thought the Dom inside of you had curled up and died.” Linkin’s eyes narrowed, his jaw firm. Dillon had no idea if the other man was joking or not.

  “Nope. Dillon’s dominance is alive and well.” Thea sounded from the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Dillon craned his neck around to see she had wrapped her naked body into a silk robe that only went to her knees. She hadn’t showered yet, and Dillon’s cock started to harden with the knowledge she still wore his cum all down her front. Stalking forward, her eyes on Dillon, Thea threw the papers in his face. Dillon’s heart stopped as he did his best to catch them. He fumbled the pages, and he found his attention on the signatures on the last page.

  Thea’s bold signature jumped from the page. She had agreed to all his wishes. The Dom inside of Dillon roared to life. He wanted to beat his fucking chest with his fists and pronounce this glory to the whole world. In deference to their audience, Dillon peered away from the papers. His breath caught as he saw Thea had sunk down into a slave pose. Her hands behind her head, her legs folded underneath her, knees wide apart. If not for the strategic placing of the robe, her pussy and tits would be on display for the other men. Not that either of them cared.


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