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Reckless Bounty (Intergalactic Justice Book 1)

Page 23

by Marly Mathews

  “Sure,” he drawled, smiling lopsidedly at her and following it up by sticking his tongue out at her.

  “Okay. Spill it! Which one of you gave him a painkiller?” she demanded, staring accusingly at Ross and Veronica.

  “I did. He was getting on my nerves, it was the only way to shut him the hell up.” Veronica shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’ll shut you the hell up,” Samantha said, maddened at the fact that Veronica had given Dylan something to knock him so completely senseless. “I hope that damn painkiller was Earth certified.” Samantha stared up at the ceiling and tried to come up with a reasonable escape plan.

  “Nope. I’m afraid not. You can’t find those lovely suckers on Earth, I’m sad to say, and Earth authorities wouldn’t touch anything that was on the Intergalactic Black Market,” Veronica said, flashing her a grin. “Though I’ve taken them before, and I’m none the worse for wear.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” Samantha shot back. Biting her lower lip, she considered how large the elevator shaft would be.

  “What’s going on?” Dylan asked, earning a look of pity from Samantha.

  “You’re my little monkey boy, and I’m going to take good care of you.”

  “Really?” he asked. “Kay.”

  Her heart fell again. Her engineer was a blabbering idiot when she needed him the most. She was no genius, so how the hell was she going to figure out how they were going to get out of this little situation?


  Deep calming breaths! She couldn’t allow herself to go to pieces. This wasn’t an ordinary circumstance for Samantha. Normally, she only had to worry about lifting her own ass out of the fire.

  This time, she had to be concerned about Dylan, Veronica, and Ross. If she got Ross out of the elevator first, then maybe Veronica and Dylan would stand a better chance. She thought for a moment, as the elevator jerked once again and the grapplers groaned with the intense weight.

  “I’ve got an idea. I don’t think I have time to use any of my grapplers, though I do have a jet pack, which could probably bring us up to one of the floors. Seeing as no one else has any ideas, I guess we’ll just have to go with mine.” She frowned, and quickly studied Ross’s bulky form.

  How she was going to get him out was something she didn’t really want to think about. Her muscles were already screaming. Where was Devlin when she needed him?

  “Ross, you’re going first. No arguments. You weigh the most, and if you’re out of here, then the strain on the grapplers will be lessened.”

  “Betsy or Dylan should go first. Betsy’s a woman and Dylan’s injured,” Ross protested.

  “Don’t you be getting all macho on me now, Ross,” Veronica huffed, poking him angrily on the chest. “I’ll thank you to remember that I can sure as hell take care of myself. I don’t need you to take care of me, so just get your ass moving, you great big lug.”

  Samantha watched the exchange between the couple and fought down the butterflies that were in her stomach. What if she couldn’t support Ross’s weight? Granted, she was in excellent shape, but she wasn’t all that big of a woman, and well…Ross was massive.

  But if she were really determined would his size make much of a difference? Probably not, she internally answered, nervously flexing her fingers. She would have to use her backup if needed, and hope Ross didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

  “Well, Ross, let’s go,” she said nonchalantly, hiding the jumpiness she felt. “We’ll have to climb up onto the roof of the elevator, then you’ll have to wrap your arms around me, and leave everything else to me. I’m the pro at this.”

  Yeah, and she also could tap dance, but what did that matter?

  Ross nodded his head and gave her a helpful boost. She stood precariously on the top of the elevator swallowing thickly when the grapplers groaned, again. Ross made the elevator rock, as he came up to stand beside her.

  He obediently wrapped his arms around her, and she inhaled deeply, once again noticing the differences in their sizes.

  “Here goes nothing,” she whispered, pressing the activation button on the jet pack.

  She gasped, as they were propelled upwards. She strengthened her hold on Ross and felt him slipping. Her eyes searched for a door. None of them were opened, which meant that she would have to open one of them herself. She was okay with that. She was specialized in knocking down doors, AND making new ones.

  “Hang tight,” she whispered, lifting one arm off of Ross.

  She felt like she was going to break beneath Ross’s burden. But she would survive. She hastily grabbed for her suction grenade. She aimed accurately and then threw it at the door, where it latched on securely. Then as it did its duty, the metal of the door would begin to disintegrate. Within seconds, they’d have an exit, ready and waiting for them.

  “WOO-HOO!!!” she yelled, as the door melted in front of her.

  She lowered Ross onto the floor sighing with relief when she was detached from the bulky man. She rotated her body and gunned for the elevator.

  She was finally mastering the art of flying with a jet pack. Her ponytail flew out behind her and she basked in the adrenaline that pulsed through her. She was going to make it! She shut the jet pack off and lowered herself into the elevator.

  “Who’s next?” she asked, though she really wanted to take Dylan first, she had to seem like she wasn’t playing favourites.

  “Take Dylan,” Veronica said, earning a gasp of surprise from Samantha. “Hey, don’t start thinking I’m a Saint or something. It’s just that he’s heavier than me, and he isn’t thinking straight at the moment if something were to happen while you were gone…”

  “Say no more, Big V. I get it,” Samantha said, reaching for the dazed Dylan. “Come on monkey boy, you’ll have to grab a hold of my hands when I reach down in for you. Big V, can you help him if he needs it?” she asked.

  She climbed up onto the railing of the elevator and lifted herself up onto the roof.

  “Sure thing,” Veronica answered, guiding Dylan.

  He followed the steps that Samantha had taken. Samantha reached down in for him and grasped his wrists, heaving him out of the elevator. Veronica helped things along by pushing upwards on his ass.

  “Wow! I really don’t like heights. Hey, Samantha, you know I don’t like heights. Why’d you take me up here? I liked it better down there,” Dylan muttered, clamping his eyes shut. “When I have to go up and fix things on the ship I swear I shit a brick every time.”

  “You’re never going to take pain medication again while you’re on active duty. That’s a new rule. I’m going to write it down as soon as we get back to The Excalibur.”

  “Okay, Captain Lady,” Dylan mumbled.

  She rolled her eyes. Grabbing his hands, she wrapped them around her waist. Then she wrapped her one arm securely around him.

  “No matter what, you HAVE to hold onto me, Dylan!” she stressed, once again activating the jet pack.

  “Gottcha,” he slurred, blinking his eyes open, and then shutting them again. “Could you make everything a nice purple colour, maybe? That way, I know I’ll live or if you screw up, I’ll blow up…” he rambled.

  “Bloody wonderful,” she muttered, as she ascended toward the opening that Ross was standing in.

  “I think I’m going to throw up,” Dylan muttered.

  “Not on me, you aren’t.”

  She handed Dylan to Ross, who was by now fast asleep. Just then, she turned her head. Her heart stopped. The grapplers made the most wretched noise. In an instant, they made another horrid noise. Then, they finally broke beneath the weight.

  “Shit!!!” she cursed, turning her body toward the elevator.

  She quickly set her jet pack at its highest speed. Cringing, she heard Veronica’s panicked scream. That woman could scream like no other. She sounded like a tortured banshee.

  Purple light streamed in front of her as she called upon her abilities to speed up the jet pack, praying that Ver
onica wouldn’t notice and that the energy flowing from her wouldn’t turn on her.

  I have to get a medal for this!

  She raced toward the opening of the elevator. She sped toward it and sighed with relief, when she noticed Veronica desperately trying to cling to the roof of the elevator.

  Samantha didn’t have much time. She swooped down. Veronica’s eyes met hers. She reached for her hands. They connected, just as the elevator fell out beneath Veronica’s feet.

  They rushed toward Ross and Dylan, and Samantha wanted to pat herself on the back for her mind-blowing skills.

  She raced to where Ross stood, and handed the stunned Veronica over to him. Timing it perfectly, she perched herself on the edge of the opening and shut the jet pack off at that exact moment.

  She smiled triumphantly as she felt the ground beneath her. Her eyes went straight to Dylan. He was still fast asleep, and his face was awfully pale. She moved over and checked Dylan’s pulse, sighing when she discovered that it still beat in a regular pattern.

  At that moment, her comlink crackled to life, and she heard Johanna and Devlin’s frantic voices both at the same time.

  “Slow down!” Samantha ordered. Veronica and Ross were still collecting their composure. “What did you say?” Dread dawned in the pit of her stomach.

  No. This couldn’t be happening. Her day had been bad enough, and now incredibly it was becoming even worse. “Uh, guys,” she said, addressing Veronica and Ross. “The building has been rigged to explode in approximately five minutes.”

  Well, she’d managed to deliver that sounding as if she was reporting the weather. Damn, she was good.

  They gaped at her and she nodded her head in confirmation.

  “Ross, can you grab Dylan, and then we should really be moving our butts!”

  Veronica took the lead with Ross right behind her. Ross slung Dylan over his shoulder. She had to admit, the guy was big, but he did come in handy.

  “Why can’t you just transport us out of here?” Samantha demanded, not needing to address her question. They were both probably worried half to death and she certainly didn’t need to be told her husband had lost consciousness.

  “Too much interference. I’m sorry,” The Red Falcon answered. So, he was there too. Huh. She sighed, hearing true regret in his voice.

  “Okay, where’s my miracle?” she muttered, glancing briefly at the ceiling.

  They reached the nearest stairwell just as the com link frequency faded out of existence. They all ran down the stairs as fast as their legs would carry them. Samantha grabbed onto the railing, when she nearly slipped.

  “Don’t worry about me,” she said, grimacing as pain shot up her leg. “Keep going,” she urged, her pace slowing considerably.

  She stared down at her watch, bit her lip against the pain, and smiled as they reached the last flight.

  Ross pushed open the frozen doors, and Veronica followed. Samantha was just about to reach the doors, when something hit her from behind.


  She whirled around, and struggled with the masked man that wrapped his arms around her. She pushed him down to the floor, and her eyes widened when he produced a glinting knife.

  Wild-eyed, she grabbed onto his wrist and tried to overpower him. Even though he was stronger, she was pissed off and knew that she needed to get out of the building before it blew up.

  She grunted. Pushing backward on his wrist, her heart slammed against her ribcage when the knife narrowly missed stabbing her in the stomach. Then, she twisted his wrist, and having no other choice, plunged the blade into his gut. He groaned. She jumped to her feet.

  She knew that she didn’t have much time, even as she tried heaving the man toward the door. She heard Veronica’s shouted warning and screamed, just as the assailant, pulled on her ankle, nearly pulling her back down to the floor.


  Didn’t he know when to stay down?

  She roundhouse kicked him and then fell out into the street. Pushing herself off of her hands and knees, she bolted into a run just as the bombs inside of the building detonated.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Samantha was thrown face first onto the ground, as fire blew out of the building.

  “Come on,” she heard Veronica saying, as she reached down to tug at her. “We have to get out of here.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know!” She grasped Veronica’s hand. The woman hauled her up.

  Her ears were still ringing, and her eyes stung like a bugger. She didn’t know how she’d survived that. For a moment, she thought she’d been toasted. She released Veronica’s hand as they raced for Aggie. Her balance was still a bit off, but she was still in pretty good condition. Dylan, however, was out of it. Right out of it. If only he’d come around. Then she’d know he’d be okay.

  “Samantha?” A female voice murmured.

  She shook her head. The voice sounded like Johanna, but she couldn’t be sure. She could have sworn it was someone else, but it couldn’t be, not this far away from Earth. Even she wasn’t that talented.

  Aggie was waiting for them, and Samantha quickly ignored the pain in her body. She jumped into the driver’s seat and reached for the steering wheel.

  Veronica sat next to her, and Ross climbed into the back with Dylan. She lifted Aggie up into the air and sped away at their highest velocity as the building began crumbling.

  Heart racing, she gripped the steering wheel as if it meant her life. She could feel Veronica staring at her, and she turned her head sharply when she heard Aggies’s irritated voice blare out at her.

  “Two hover cars are pursuing us,” Aggie announced.

  Samantha’s heart fell. Even though she wore gloves, she could feel her hands beginning to sweat. “The inhabitants are male, their hover cars are B-class. We can outmaneuver them.” Aggie informed Samantha.

  She veered off to the left just as a laser bolt flashed past Veronica’s side.

  “Aggie, do we have weapons?” Samantha asked, diving to avoid another volley of shots.

  “Yes, though only lasers,” Aggie answered, which did nothing to raise Samantha’s spirits.

  “Shields?” Samantha asked, really not wanting to know the answer.

  “Dylan, did not have time to repair my shields,” Aggie answered promptly.

  Resisting the urge to smack her head, she expelled a long drawn out sigh.

  “I’m all out of ammo. I used it all up in the Moonlight Bar,” Veronica piped in, furrowing her brow angrily.

  “And I’m all out of patience. Do you think that you could slide over and fill my place, while I go and take care of those perfect assholes?” Samantha asked.

  Veronica moved toward the driver’s seat, just as she opened her window and climbed out. Clinging to the side of the car, she popped her head back in.

  “Do some fancy flying, and as soon as you’re clear, make your way back to The Excalibur. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, just get Dylan to Johanna. He’s in bad shape.”

  “The day that I worry about you will be the day that I kiss your ass. Besides I think you’re crazy to make yourself a moving target,” Veronica shot back.

  Samantha smiled back at her. “I thought I was the Queen of Danger,” She drawled out.

  “Nah. I’ve reconsidered. Now I think that you’re the Queen of Nut Jobs.”

  “See you in a few.” Samantha grinned.

  She dropped off of the hover car and activated her jet pack. If the little piss ants in the hover cars thought they were going to get the better of her, then they’d be better off jumping off of a bridge.

  She was sore, angry, and tired. And she felt bitchy. Really bitchy. So if they thought that they were any matches for her, then they needed to be taught a lesson in the art of ass kicking.

  They shot wildly at her, but she managed to remain agile enough so they couldn’t hit her. Sometimes being a moving target wasn’t all that bad, after all.

  She decided to focus on the ca
r that seemed to be the most determined to shoot down Aggie.

  Zooming toward it, she dropped underneath it, just in the nick of time. One of the men inside stuck his head out and tried vainly to hit her with his pistol.

  “What’s up, asshole?” she screamed.

  Spotting a grounded news banner, she reached for one of her grapplers from her belt. She shot it toward the news banner, and it coiled around the long post. Then, she shot out the second grappler, and waited as it latched onto the hover car that she targeted.

  She quickly flew out of the way and watched with glee, as the men in the hover cars, realized they were being dragged backward at an unthinkable pace. She flew past them and glanced back to see them careening toward the post. She waved to them, just as they crashed into the news banner.

  One down. One to go!

  She flew toward the last car.

  Aggie had slowed down considerably, and Samantha prayed that Veronica would be able to get them back to The Excalibur before Aggie conked out entirely.

  “Now, round two, time to execute another perfect plan.”

  The traffic in the air was light, so the chances of hurting any innocents were almost non-existent. She seriously doubted that there were any innocents on New Monaco anyway since it was a planet that attracted a variety of criminals from all walks of life. ‘Course, she’d probably end up doing some more damage to Devlin’s lovely world.

  Ah, well, shit happens.

  She glided down to the B-class hover car and waved tauntingly at the men inside. Livid faced, the driver gunned straight toward her. She glanced quickly behind her just to make sure she’d situated herself in the right spot. They weren’t far from the ground now, and she’d have to make sure that she was very careful, or she would become another skid mark on the pavement.

  The street was clear and the men hadn’t realized how low they flew. She hoped that if she kept leading them down this path they’d finally bite and end up crashing their hover car.

  Hearing the familiar sound of weapons being charged to fire at her, she froze. The sight that met her curdled her blood.

  “Holy shit!” she murmured, frantically reaching for a smoke grenade. She said another prayer and threw it behind her.


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