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Reckless Bounty (Intergalactic Justice Book 1)

Page 32

by Marly Mathews

  But I knew they were there, his house was so fancy that he’d be stupid not to have surveillance equipment. But why would Fake Tyler look straight at the camera, it was as if he did it deliberately.”

  “Which means that someone had to tell them they were there,” Dylan concluded.

  “Exactly. And what does Rodgers specialize in?” Samantha asked, as everyone groaned for being so stupid.

  “His legitimate firm deals in outfitting security among the privileged,” Johanna said, smacking her hand against her thigh.

  “Fine. Say that Rodgers really is behind the murder. But why did he murder Lady Devlin, and where the hell did he find such a convincing double of Tyler? Cloning is outlawed, remember? That thing in the footage isn’t an Android,” Dylan said matter-of-factly.

  “I don’t know why he wanted to kill her. I don’t know whom he hired to kill her. But I’m going to find out! Then I’m going to rescue Tyler,” Samantha vowed, her brow furrowed in a determined line.

  “Yeah, and you’re going to do all of this in what, twenty-four hours?” Jordan seemed doubtful.

  “You just watch me. I might need your help, so make sure that you keep our communications channel clear,” Samantha instructed, fixing her ponytail. “So guys, who’s up to a healthy dose of good old fashioned ass kicking?” she asked, as they all raised their hands.

  She was going to do it.

  She was going to find a way, and she was going to make everything right. Because she was Samantha Cassidy and it was her job to save the day.


  “Tell me again. Why did Devlin loan us Eleanor?” Samantha asked, as they flew down to the planet. She knew why he’d done it. He was trying to say sorry for all of the hell he’d put her through with Tyler.

  Johanna seemed to be in absolute bliss and Eleanor was being generous by allowing Johanna to have full driving control.

  If he had left Eleanor as a way to butter her up…well it just might work.

  They had left Ross and Dylan behind to continue repairs to The Excalibur. Samantha thought briefly back, to Aggie and felt a twinge of guilt. “Aggie got us through some rough times…” she remarked sighing, as Eleanor sniffed.

  “I was very saddened when my sister died. Even though she was not a Faerie Cruiser, she was still of my kind. Such brutality was not appreciated,” Eleanor remarked sadly.

  “That’s sweet, Eleanor,” Samantha said, biting her tongue to keep herself from saying anything that might hurt the AI’s feelings.

  She needed Eleanor’s full cooperation, in the coming hours. If she hurt the AI well, she’d be screwed.

  “I told Dylan to go and stay with Tyler, once he’s finished the repairs on The Excalibur. And I’m really glad that I did, because Tyler will have someone to keep him company as the time dwindles away, all Dylan has to do is take The Excalibur.

  Our ship has to be ready to go just in case I can’t find the murderer. But that’s only our back up plan, I don’t intend to use it,” Samantha grimly remarked, as they entered New Monaco’s atmosphere.

  “What makes you think we’ll find Rodgers in New Monaco’s seafront area?” Veronica demanded.

  They were heading for the capital city of York.

  “I know what makes that bastard tick. He loves the sea and took great displeasure in my dislike of it. During our unfortunate time together,” Samantha explained, closing her eyes, and briefly reliving that one particular horrible experience from her past.

  “I don’t know why Devlin didn’t just kill Rodgers,” Johanna remarked. “He should have you know. I’m sure he wanted to.”

  “He lets me fight my own battles—killing Rodgers would have been a way to say to me that he didn’t trust me to take care of my own ass.”

  “Sure,” Johanna said. “That makes so much sense.”

  “What happened between you and Rodgers anyway?” Veronica inquired, leaning forward in her seat.

  “Not that it’s any of your freaking business, Big V, but since you’re on this mission with us, I guess you deserve a little bit of info. The sicko was obsessed with me, and kidnapped me until I taught him that no one messes with Samantha Mallory and gets away with it.”

  “Mallory, being your maiden name?” Veronica asked perplexed.

  “Yes,” Samantha answered, as they approached the large city of York.

  “Hope you taught him a lesson or two,” Veronica remarked, looking out the window.

  “I sure did, and I even gave him a small memento of our time together so that he would always remember me.” Samantha fought back a shudder. “Which reminds me of something that I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time. Why the hell are you coming with us on this mission anyway? You don’t have to. After all, you are the mighty, Big V,” Samantha muttered, looking over her shoulder to stare at Veronica.

  “My ship’s been destroyed and my hover car was totaled. At first I didn’t think that I had any choice. But now I’ve decided that if you can’t beat them, you should join them. We kick ass women need to stick together, and we make a formidable force together than we ever made apart, Veronica stated simply, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Thanks, Big V. I know you can’t help yourself. Everybody loves me,” Samantha murmured, rolling her eyes.

  She couldn’t figure the woman out at all, but right now she wasn’t going to piss Veronica off. Or at least she was going to try not to piss Veronica off. Veronica was an asset on the team and she’d be a pivotal player in the next few hours.

  Rodgers wouldn’t see what was coming to him, until it was too late.

  “Johanna, you never answered my earlier question. We were sidetracked, and you cleverly glossed over it.”

  “No, I didn’t. I’m not afraid of answering your question. Devlin said Eleanor was a gift to you. He said you would need it to do what had to be done and that he didn’t want you to think badly of him.”

  “Yes,” Eleanor said, “he told me that you were my new mistress. He loves you more than he loves his toys.”

  “He can’t buy my love, if that’s what he thinks,” Samantha said.

  “He’s not that bad,” Johanna retorted, as Veronica made a rude appreciative hooting noise, which clearly showed that she agreed with Johanna.

  “He’s got one hell of a nice ass, even if his attitude sucks,” Veronica said, as she began polishing her pistols. “He has so much nerve he said right out loud that Ross was stupid. Other than his anal retentiveness, I’d say that he’s a perfect ten. Plus, he’s keeping his mouth shut about your extraordinary talents.

  And before you wonder how I noticed, both Ross and I noticed you pull off that trick. Ross knew your personal force field device was fried. No need to worry, I don’t rat out people like you to those that want to exploit you. In fact, I told him to forget what he saw, and I am going to do the same!”

  Samantha closed her eyes and groaned.

  “Thanks, Veronica.” She looked over her shoulder and gave her a fleeting smile. “Okay, let’s stay focused, ladies! We have to go to the Bay View Hotel, and draw Rodgers out to us. I want him to admit publicly to being the one that killed Lady Devlin!”

  “Now, that does it! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re one crazy broad. Do you honestly think Rodgers, is going to just offer you his confession on a silver platter?” Veronica scoffed, showing off by twirling her silver pistols.

  “Yes,” Samantha answered.

  “Use that brain of yours, Samantha! He’s been trying to kill us ever since we came to New Monaco. I highly doubt he’s going to slip up, by blabbing his guilt to you. And you don’t even know if Rodgers is the one behind the murder,” Johanna pointed out.

  “I know Rodgers has a pivotal role in it, and I’m going to prove it!”

  “Well. Samantha, I’ll be happy to watch you try. But no one’s ever been able to take Rodgers down. Many have tried.

  They’re all indisposed at the moment, and by saying indisposed, I don’t mean that they’re tak
ing a potty break. He kills, with no direction or thought. If you cross him, you’re dead!” Veronica said, making a cutting motion across her throat.

  “I’ve crossed him before and lived to see another day. Now isn’t going to be any different,” Samantha muttered.

  Veronica snorted loudly. “Well, I guess you’ll sort of have the upper hand. If so, then you’ve earned a little bit of admiration from me for having the guts to stand up to him. Rodgers is the kind of person that doesn’t care who he has to kill.”

  “I know,” Samantha gripped the side of the seat. “But he won’t have to worry about killing me because I’m going to get the son of a bitch first,” she promised, as they parked near the Bay View Hotel.

  “Just make sure that he doesn’t take you with him!” Johanna advised. They quickly climbed out of Eleanor and headed toward the hotel.

  The Bay View Hotel was a five star Earth Class hotel. But the similarity in appearance was where the resemblance to anything Earth-like ended. Once they stepped into the Bay View, they would be vulnerable and they had to be prepared for any unlikely scenario.

  They walked into the grand foyer and Veronica sniffed the potpourri filled air, as a man dressed to the nines approached them.

  “Hello, princess,” the man said, circling Veronica. “I’ll take your services for the night. I’ll pay you one thousand New Monaco Platinum Credits an hour,” the man purred.

  Veronica’s face turned a deep shade of red.

  “You should walk away, dude. But you could stick around if you’d like me to wipe the floor with your face, and hell, I’ll do that free of charge.” Veronica smiled wickedly, as Samantha kept herself from busting a gut.

  “What about you, honey? I’ll pay you fifteen hundred,” he said looking straight at Samantha.

  “Isn’t that a little steep for a trip to the hospital?” Samantha asked, giving him a dirty look.

  “I don’t have to go to the hospital, babe,” he murmured, inching closer to her, as she inhaled deeply.

  “But you will once I get through with you!” Samantha said, smiling and forcefully shoving him out of her way.

  “Well, maybe you could have handled that differently,” Veronica suggested. She glanced over at her and her brown eyes twinkled mischievously at Samantha.

  “Oh, get off it, Big V. I know you’re jealous that I was offered more money.”

  “You wish,” Veronica shot back as Johanna sighed heavily.

  “He didn’t even pay any attention to me,” Johanna said, staring down at her herself in consternation. “Am I that hideous?”

  Samantha let out an impatient sigh.

  “No, my dearest sister. But you wear that wedding band like it’s a bloody shield,” Samantha said, as they walked straight past the front desk. “Rodgers will be in the penthouse.” They stepped into the elevator. “Johanna you should’ve stayed back with Eleanor, you never know when we might need to have a quick getaway.”

  “No way is that going to happen. Remember what happened the last time you went up against Rodgers? He’s a sneaky little bastard, I just want to make sure that you’re all right.”

  “Johanna, I think I can handle myself quite fine, please and thank you,” Samantha declared, stepping off the elevator.

  “Thank God, we’re off of that frigging thing,” Veronica breathed, pounding her feet against the floor.

  “Hey Big V, you look a little greenish. If you must be sick, don’t do it on Johanna or me,” Samantha muttered, wincing, as they walked the short distance to the penthouse. “Do you think we should ring the doorbell?” Samantha asked, looking at Johanna and Veronica. “NO?” she concluded, reaching for one of Dylan’s handy dandy little explosive devices from her belt and motioning for them to back away to a safe distance.

  Veronica pulled Johanna back, as Samantha positioned the explosive device. It blew the door in. As the cloud of smoke cleared, they all stepped into the penthouse.

  Samantha was poised and ready, as they entered the massive penthouse. Expensive art collections lined the walls and miniature old fashioned sea-faring ships equipped with sails, were encased in bottles.

  “I think we’ve got the right penthouse.” Samantha nodded her head.

  Johanna stared at her with her mouth hanging open.

  “You blew that door open on a hunch? What were you going to do if you’d made a mistake?”

  “Guess I’d be apologizing profusely right now,” Samantha muttered, edging further into the penthouse. “Doesn’t this seem strange that there isn’t anyone here to welcome us?”

  “Maybe they didn’t know we were coming,” Johanna suggested, as they all whirled at the sound of several footsteps approaching from what they assumed was the bedroom area.

  Six men all wearing black suits marched into the living room. Samantha swallowed the dry lump in her throat as she stared at all of their faces.

  “Anyone feel like we’ve crossed over into freak out territory?” Samantha took a step backward as if to ward off the vibes that the men gave off.

  “Yeah,” Veronica muttered angrily.

  Johanna reached for her phase pistol.

  “This can’t be happening!” Johanna murmured in disbelief.

  The three of them moved closer together.

  “Oh, it’s happening,” Samantha drawled out, as a tight knot wound its way into her stomach. “Would the real murderer please step forward?” she asked sarcastically, as six mirror images of Tyler’s face, stared back at her.

  This wasn’t what she had been expecting.

  Damn Rodgers all to hell.

  This was freaking her out. As soon as she figured out what she should do, she’d be much relieved. But she didn’t have to think for long, since one of the fake Tyler’s had other things on his mind.

  “ATTACK!!!” he ordered, as everything went straight to hell.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Samantha pushed Johanna out of the way.

  Right then, the Tyler clones fired at them. Samantha assumed that they were clones since they looked so much like Tyler and seemed to be human, because one of them had a bloodied lip.

  “Bloody hell! I REALLY hate these parts!” Johanna complained, diving behind a black leather sofa.

  “Oh, stop your belly aching, Johanna. Look on the bright side, there’s only six of them. That means two for each of us!” Samantha quipped off happily.

  “I like those odds,” Veronica piped in, adding her two cents worth.

  “Yeah. Well…I still hate it, even when the odds are good,” Johanna complained, popping her head up and taking out one clone with her eyes half averted.

  “You could have fooled me,” Veronica cried, “You’re one hell of a good shot! You might even be better than Samantha.”

  “Oh, blow it out your ass, Veronica!” Samantha barked, taking out one of the Tyler clones, as another came barreling at her.

  “SAMANTHA!!!” Johanna cried, but the clone was already on top of Samantha.

  Grunting loudly, she kneed him in the groin. He cried out in agony and curled up on the ground.

  “Yep. They’re definitely clones!” Samantha surmised, putting electrical handcuffs on the one she had just kneed.

  By now the others were all out of commission and Veronica was going around handcuffing them.

  “I think we’ll have a much better case in getting Tyler off now, don’t you think?” Samantha asked, as Veronica heaved one to his feet.

  The clone was groggy, but still conscious enough to be questioned. Samantha walked over to him and stared him straight in the eyes, as a shiver ran up and back down her spine.

  “Whom do you work for?” Samantha demanded.

  She narrowed her eyes. She’d do whatever she had to if it meant freeing Tyler. The Tyler clone stared stupidly at her and formed his mouth into a sneer.

  “Speak up, damn it!” Veronica shouted, shaking him slightly.

  “I work for myself…” he hedged, deliberately trying to not answer Samantha’s q

  “Well, by looking at you, I can safely assume that you are a clone of the real Tyler Cassidy. Do you have all of his memories as well?” Samantha ventured, holding her breath, as the Tyler clone breathed in deeply.

  “No,” he answered.

  She still didn’t feel certain. So, she studied his eyes.


  He wasn’t Tyler.

  Thank God.

  “Huh,” was all she could manage to say.

  Relief coiled in her belly. If he had been like Tyler in every way, she didn’t know what she would have done.

  “What Little Miss Mystery Sleuth here wanted to know was who had you made, and why were you employed to kill Lady Devlin?” Johanna demanded, stepping forward.

  “I was not ordered to kill Lady Devlin. T1 was ordered to kill Lady Devlin. I am T4,” he said, as Samantha felt her stomach begin to lurch.



  Why did they have to be named using numbers? God.

  “Kay. I’m going to ask a question I don’t even want to ask, but I have to. How the hell many Tyler clones were made?” Samantha demanded.

  Johanna gasped in horror. They each exchanged an Oh, God look. Samantha would die if there were more Tyler clones running around.

  “Six,” T4 promptly answered.

  Samantha heaved a sigh of relief. Then she narrowed her eyes when T4 made a weird gurgling noise in the back of his throat. His eyes rolled up into the top of his head and white spittle poured out of his mouth.

  “Oh, can we all say yuck!” Samantha complained, stepping away from the clone as he began to convulse.

  “What the hell’s going on?” Veronica inquired, releasing T4. He dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor. Veronica stepped away from him and moved over to join Samantha and Johanna. “Ladies, I really don’t like the look of what he’s doing.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t, Veronica. He’s shutting down. Either someone has a mechanism implanted in him to destroy him or his molecular structure is destabilizing. That’s the number one problem with cloning,” Johanna explained, as the rest of the clones in the room convulsed. “But I’m guessing it’s a setup!” Johanna continued, pointing to a holographic projection of Jarred Rodgers.


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